274.-283. Auktion
-> France: Part or Insufficiently Paid Incoming Mail – The Jack Blanc Collection
-> Schweiz
-> Sitz. Helvetia ungez. 'Strubel'
Sitz. Helvetia ungez. 'Strubel'
Catalogue 281: France Part or Insufficiently Paid Incoming Mail – The Jack Blanc Collection
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Losnr. : 7286 Sitz. Helvetia ungez. 'Strubel'
Switzerland 1857 (July 20): Wrapper with complete journal from Lugano to Marseille, bearing Strubel 5 rp. brown, a fresh example with good to huge margins, tied by light LUGANO despatch cds, "PD." in oval and French "SUISSE St. LOUIS" entry (July 22) cds in red alongside. Reverse with Mulhouse transit and Marseille arrival (July 24) cds's. Correctly franked with 5 rp. for printed matter abroad, the '3' décimes is not a postal but a fiscal taxation imposed on foreign journals.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 7287 Sitz. Helvetia ungez. 'Strubel'
Switzerland 1859 (June 13): Entire letter from Chêne to Villefranche, bearing Strubel 15 rp. rose and 20 rp. orange, two fresh examples with good to enormous margins for the 20 rp., touched on two sides for the 15 rp., both tied by clear CHENE despatch cds, PD in circle French "SUISSE LYON" entry cds in red and framed "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT" handstamp alongside. Reverse with Genève and Lyon transit and Villefranche arrival (June 14) cds's. Correctly franked with 35 rp. for a first rate entire from the 1st Swiss rayon to the residual departments, but reweighing gave an eight gram and therefore the second weight rate. Taxed as unpaid with '8' décimes.Ausruf : 75 CHFZuschlag : 75 CHFLosnr. : 7288 Sitz. Helvetia ungez. 'Strubel'
Switzerland: Two covers incl. 1860 cover Genève to Ferney sent in the border rayon but underpaid by 10 rp., therefore taxed as unpaid with '2' decimes, also 1863 envelope from Lausanne to Paris, correctly paid with 40 rp. strubel for the first weight rate, underpaid for the second weight rate and therefore taxed with '8' decimes. Some tear and wear, but an interesting duo.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHF
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