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-> Südamerika - Maritime Postgeschichte 1606-1886 - Die Sammlung Everaldo Santos
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Südamerika - Maritime Postgeschichte 1606-1886 - Die Sammlung Everaldo Santos
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Losnr. : 5127 USA
Inman Line & Messageries Impériales 1863: Cover from Oberlin, Ohio to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil endorsed "via Bordeaux" franked by 1861 3 c. rose and 30 c. orange of fine colour, placed just over the edge of the envelope, tied by circular grid obliterators in black and by "Oberlin / O." despatch (May 1) in black. Circular "N. York Am. Pkt. / Paid" cds in red (May 9), carried on the Inman Line Steamer "Glasgow" to Liverpoool with manuscript '24' cents credit to GB in red ink, thence via Calais with "ETATS-UNIS" entry marking in red (May 24) also tying the 3 c. adhesive. Ligne du Bresil from Bordeaux carried on the Paquebot "Béarn" to Rio with arrival cds (June 18) on reverse. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 94. A delightful cover. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (2001).rnProvenance: Stanley Piller, D. Richardson.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 850,00 CHFLosnr. : 5128 USA
Cunard & RMSP 1863: USA 3 c. pink postal stationery envelope used to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, endorsed "via Southampton", up-rated with 1861/62 12 c. black and 30 c. orange tied by bold strikes of circular "Oberlin / O." datestamps (Sept 11) in black. "N. York Br. Pkt. / Paid" cds in red (Sept 15) and carried on Cunard Steamer "Africa" with 'London / Paid' cds tying the 30 c. adhesive (Sept 26) in red. Manuscript '40' (cents) British credit and thence by RMSP Steamer "Oneida" to Rio. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 94. Envelope with slight trim at left but most attractive and rare.rnProvenance: Collection 'Sevenoaks', Siegel, New York, 15 Nov 2000, lot 5128.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 5221 USA
Cunard & RMSP 1852: Cover from New York to Buenos Aires, Argentina endorsed "p. Steamer via Boston 24th Nov. to Southampton, England 9 Decbr." at lower left, franked by extraordinary matching horizontal pairs and single 1851 3 c. brownish carmine, Type II, at right and 1851 12 c. black at left, just shaved to large margins,all tied by light strikes of circular grid obliterators in black. Carried on the Cunard Line Steamer "Canada" with 'London / Paid' transit cds on obverse (Dec 7) in red and '40' (cents) British credit in manuscript. Thence by RMSP "Severn" to Rio and the "Prince" to Buenos Aires. The earliest recorded United States Mail to South America bearing adhesive Postage Stamps. A wonderful "Double Atlantic Crossing" cover that has graced many of the finest USA classic collections. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1993).rnProvenance: Collections Stanley Piller, Siegel, New York, 25 March 1993, lot 541; Giamporcarlo, Joseph Hackmey; William Gross, Siegel, New York, 29-30 Oct 2019, lot 277.Ausruf : 2.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 7.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 5222 USA
Cunard & Messageries Impériales 1875: Cover from Richmond, VA to Buenos Aires, Argentina endorsed care of Forwarding Agent and "via England", franked by 1873 2 c. brown in a horizontal pair and 12 c. blackish violet (2) tied in black. "New York / 24" circular credit marking in red (April 6) and carried on Cunard "Algeria" with 'London / Paid' cds (April 19). Thence by Paquebot "Rio Grande" from Bordeaux to Buenos Aires with "LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. No. 6" datestamp on reverse (April 20) in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 139. Tiny flap faults but a charming and scarce cover.rnProvenance: Collection Edward S. Knapp.rnAusruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 750,00 CHFLosnr. : 5223 USA
Inman Line & RMSP 1875: Cover from New York via London to Buenos Aires, Argentina endorsed "via England", franked by 1873 1 c. ultramarine, 3 c. green and horizontal pair of 12 c. blackish violet tied by target handstamps in black. "New York / 1.10" circular credit marking in red (July 29) and carried on Inman Line "City of Richmond" with 'London / Paid' arrival in red (Aug 9) and thence by RMSP "Elbe" to Buenos Aires with arrival cds (Sept 7) on reverse. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 139. A most attractive and scarce usage to an unusual destination.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 500,00 CHFLosnr. : 5224 USA
US Line & PSNC 1878: Cover from New York via London to Buenos Aires, Argentina franked by 1873 10 c. brown and horizontal strip of three 15 c. yellow-orange, one with corner fault, tied by segmented cork obliterators in black with reverse showing New York duplex (May 16). 'London / Paid' transit cds (May 29) in red, thence by PSNC Steaamer "Liguria" to Montevideo. Buenos Aires arrival (July 1) on reverse.Ausruf : 100,00 CHFZuschlag : 600,00 CHFLosnr. : 5391 USA
US Line & PSNC 1864: Cover from Cumberland, Md., to Commander of the U.S. Ship "Fredonia" at Callao, Peru endorsed "Care of the US Consul, Panama, New Granada", franked by 1861/62 Black Jack 2 c. and 10 c. green in a horizontal pair cancelled by grid handstamps in blue with "Cumberland / Md." despatch cds at left (April 21). Red '12' British credit handstamp, carried by US Ship to Colon and thence via British P.O, with double arc "PANAMA" cds (May 5) in black and Soutbound on PSNC Steamer to destination (the "Fredonia" was a US store-ship at this time and was later wrecked in the Arica earthquake of 1868). Callao and Lima cds's (May 18). 2 c. with bend and clipped perfs. due to placement but a scarce and attractive cover to an unusual destination. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 228.rnProvenance: Robert Kaufman, 26 Nov 1989, lot 1339.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 5392 USA
US Line & PSNC 1869: Entire letter from San Francisco to Lima, Peru endorsed 'pr. Steamer' franked by 1861/63 5 c. brown and 10 c. green in a horizontal strip of three all tied by segmented cork handstamps in black with "San Francisco Cal. / Paid" despatch cds in magenta (April 17) and "24 Cents" credit handstamp in same ink (1 c. over-payment of rate). British P.O. PANAMA cds (May 1) in black and thence by PSNC Steamer to Callao with Lima arrival cds (May 8) on reverse. File fold at top but a most attractive entire. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 228.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 5393 USA
US Line & PSNC 1872: Cover from New York to Lima, Peru franked by 1870 2 c. red brown horizontal pair, 6 c. carmine and 12 c. dull violet all tied by black obliterators with faint New York despatch cds in black and fine "NEW YORK / 12" credit datestamp in red below (Dec 11). The adhesives further tied on arrival by '2' due marking for local delivery in blue crayon. Reverse with Lima cds and manuscript "Rec'd Dec 31, 72". Faults to the 2 c. pair at base however an unusual make-up of the 22 c. rate. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 228. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1976).Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 400,00 CHF
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