Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


Südamerika - Maritime Postgeschichte 1606-1886 - Die Sammlung Everaldo Santos
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  • Losnr. : 5115 Grossbritannien

    Messageries Impériales 1873: Cover from Accrington to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil endorsed "By Liverpoool Mail", franked by defective 1872/73 6 d. pale chestnut pl. 11 tied by 'Accrington / 5' duplex (April 7). Endorsement ignored, struck with INSUFFICIENTLY / STAMPED and sent via Calais (April 18) and struck in Paris with framed Convention marking "F/20"in blue (Van der Linden fig. 1139). Carried on Paquebot "Said" replacing the "Gambie" which had sunk on its way back to from Brazil. Charged "350" reis due in blue manuscript (believed unique thus) in Rio (May 17) with cds of arrival. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 88. Rare. rnProvenance: J. R. Glassco
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5117 Grossbritannien

    Lamport & Holt (Booth) Line 1873: Entire letter from London to Rio de Janeiro aat double rate endorsed "via Liverpool, pr. Str. Flamsteed", franked by 1867/80 1 s. green pl. 6 (two examples) tied by London / SE9 duplexes (Jan 18). On arrival in Rio (Feb 18) taxed at double rate with manuscript "480" reis due in blue. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 89. A fine entire.
    Ausruf : 120,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5191 Grossbritannien

    RMSP 1866: Registered entire letter from Manchester to Montevideo at double rate endorsed "per Southampton Mail Reg'd", franked by 1858/76 2 d. blue pl. 9 in a horizontal pair, 1865/67 3 d. rose pl. 4 pair, 6 d. lilac pl. 5 single and pair all cancelled by "498" obliterators with oval framed "Registered / Manchester" and London in red (Aug 8 and 9) below. One or two faults to the adhesives but a fine and most unusual registered three colour franking. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 123.rn 
    Ausruf : 900,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 5192 Grossbritannien

    RMSP 1874: Cover from Brighton to Asuncion, Paraguay endorsed "via Southampton", franked by 1867/80 1 s. green pl. 7 in a horizontal pair tied by "Brighton / 132" duplex (Feb 7). Reverse with "Kemp-Town / Brighton" cds (Feb 7). Carried on the "Neva" from Southampton to Buenos Ayres and thence by River Mail up the Parana and Paraguay rivers. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 123. An extraordinarily rare destination - just three stamped pre-UPU Transatlantic mails to Paraguay are recorded.rn 
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5193 Grossbritannien

    RMSP 1855: Printed Matter rate wrapper with Newspaper handstamp in red at left, from Liverpool to Buenos Ayres, Argentina with printed endorsement "pr. Steamer via Southampton", franked by 1855 1 d. red star tied by Liverpool / 466 "Spoon" duplex (June 7). Reverse with London (July 9) datestamp in red. Carried on the last RMSP voyage of the "Great Western" to Rio and thence on the "Camilla" to Buenos Ayres. A scarce usage. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 124.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5194 Grossbritannien

    Messageries Impériales 1867: Cover from Leeds to Buenos Ayres endorsed "p. French Str. via Bordeaux" franked by 1865/67 4 d. vermilion pl. 8 and 1 s. green pl. 4 tied by 'Leeds / 447' duplexes (May 23). Red 'PP' and 'Angleterre / Calais' entry mark in blue on obverse (May 24) and carried by "Estramadure" Paquebot to Rio and thence on the "Aunis" to Buenos Ayres. Manuscript "2/4" tax in blue manuscript for a letter of between 4 and 8 adarmes. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 124. Slight rubbing but a scarce cover by the (4d.) more expensive  route.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 5195 Grossbritannien

    Lamport & Holt (Booth) Line 1866: Refolded cover from Liverpool to Montevideo, Uruguay endorsed "per S.S. Uruguay" and "Consignees", franked by 1865/67 6 d. lilac pl. 5 and 1 s. green pl. 4 tied by Liverpool / 466 duplexes (Oct 10) paying the 1½ ounce rate. No arrival tax charged as a Consignee's letter - mailed with cargo. An unusual usage. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 125.
    Ausruf : 120,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5196 Grossbritannien

    Lamport & Holt (Booth) Line 1878: Entire letter from Manchester to Montevideo, Uruguay endorsed "via Liverpool Str. Archimedes", franked by 1873/80 6 d. grey pl. 16 horizontal pair tied by 'Manchester / 498' duplexes (Sept 12). Reverse with Liverpool cds (Sept 13) and Montevideo arrival (Oct 14). Charged with "10" centavos due marking in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 125. A few wrinkles but an attractive entire.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5197 Grossbritannien

    Lamport & Holt (Booth) Line 1871: Cover from Dublin, Ireland to Buenos Ayres, Argentina endorsed "via Liverpool", franked by 1867/80 6 d. mauve pl. 9 in a horizontal pair tied by 'Dublin / 186' duplexes (Jan 19). Carried on the L&H Line Steamer "Copernicus". Docketing of receipt at left in manuscript "Rec'd 21 February". Manuscript "2/4" in blue crayon for a letter of between 4 and 8 adarmes. A most attractive cover. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 126.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 175,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5243 Grossbritannien

    Messageries Impériales 1870/72: Cover fronts (2) from Manchester to Bogotá, Colombia, earlier example with 1867/80 1 s. green pl. 4 and 2 s. pale blue tied by '498' obliterators and carried by French Ligne A Packet "Floride" with "SANTA MARTA / DEBE" and charged '30' centavos due in blue; 1872 example with single 1867 2 s. blue similarly tied and carried on the "France" with "SANTA MARTA / DEBE" in black and charged '20' centavos due. An attractive pair.
    Ausruf : 120,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5259 Grossbritannien

    Cunard / Brazil Line / RMSP 1861: Front and back of cover from Spain to London with Forwarding Agent manuscript "Forwarded by your most obedt. servt. Geo G Sandeman & Co, London 16 Feb 1861" on reverse who applied 1857 1 d. red star for the Late Fee and paid "1/2½d." in cash, tied by London obliterator and endorsed cover "p. Australasian Packet" confusing Carupano for Cuba. Cover mailed to New York via Brazil Line "Desora" to Havana where treated as paid with oval FRANCO in black and two "Habana" datestamps (March 27) and framed "NE2". Thence via RMSP "Clyde" to British P.O. in ST. THOMAS (April 13) and carried by Steamer "Pajaro del Oceano" to Venezuela with "Correos / La Guaira" cds (April 22) in black and overland to Carupano. A most unusual and appealing cover traversing six different countries. Signed Holcombe.rnProvenance: Collection 'Hogenborg', Köhler (March 2019).
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5349 Grossbritannien

    RMSP / PSNC 1861: Entire letter from London to Cobija, Bolivia endorsed "Via Panama" by handstamp, franked by 1857 1 d. red star as Late Fee and "2/-" paid in  cash, 'London / Paid' cds in red (Oct 1) alongside. Carried on the "Seine" to St. Thomas and thence by the "Solent" to Colon. Double arc PANAMA cds in black (Oct 22). Thence by PSNC vessel "Lima" to Callao and South to Cobija. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 208. An attractive usage to an unusual destination.
    Ausruf : 120,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5350 Grossbritannien

    RMSP / PSNC 1870: Entire letter from London to Cobija, Bolivia endorsed "Via Southampton & Panama", franked by 1867/80 6 d. mauve pl. 9 and 1 s. green pl. 4 tied by London duplexes (Dec 1). Carried on the "Nile" to Colon. Thence by PSNC vessel to Callao and South to Cobija with fine strike of British P.O. "COBIJA" arrival (Jan 8, 1871) in black on obverse. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 208. Small fault to the 6 d. adhesive but an attractive usage to an unusual destination.
    Ausruf : 175,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 175,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5351 Grossbritannien

    PSNC 1874: Entire letter from London to Cobija, Bolivia endorsed "per Liguria via Bordeaux", franked by 18783/80 1 s. green pl. 9 tied by 'Exchange Liverpool / 466' duplex (Sept 10). Carried on the PSNC Steamer "Liguria" direct to Cobija via the Magellan Straits. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 208. An attractive usage to an unusual destination.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5398 Grossbritannien

    RMSP 1875: Cover from Liverpool to Lima endorsed "via Southampton", franked by 1873/80 6 d. grey pl. 14 and 1 s. green pl. 12 tied by 'Exchange Liverpool / 466' duplexes (Dec 1). Carried on the "Moselle" to Colon. Taxed on arrival per PSNC Steamer with 1874 Peru Postage Due 10 c. orange (Scott J3) tied by Lima cds in black. No side flaps but a most attractive and scarce usage. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 232.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5399 Grossbritannien

    1869/87: Printed Circulars (6) all complete and all addressed to Peru; one 1869 example franked by 1858/74 2 d. blue pl. 13. from Liverpool, a further example from the same correspondence franked by a strip of three 1864/79 12 d. reds; together with four further entires, each franked by 1881 1 d. lilac. A scarce group.
    Ausruf : 120,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5400 Grossbritannien

    RMSP / PSNC 1865: Entire letter from Liverpool to Piura, Peru at single rate, endorsed "West India Mail via Southampton" and franked by 1867 2 s. pale blue tied by 'Liverpool / 466' duplex (Nov 1) and unusual "Paid / Liverpool" in red below. Carried on the "La Plata"  from Southampton to Jamaica, thence by the "Tyne" to Colon with PANAMA single ring transit cds (Nov 26) in black. PSNC Steamer to Callao and '10 c.' tax for the remainder of the journey to Piura. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 233. A fresh and very fine entire.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 5401 Grossbritannien

    RMSP / PSNC 1865: Entire letter from Liverpool to Lima, Peru at double rate, endorsed "P. W. India Str. from Southampton" and franked by 1865/67 1 s. green pl. 4 single and strip of three, tied by 'Liverpool / 466' duplexes (June 1). Carried on the RMSP "Tasmanian" to St. Thomas and the "Eider" to Colon. Struck with PANAMA double arc transit (June 24) in black and transhipped to PSNC vessel to Callao. Lima arrival cds on reverse of a slightly soiled but scarce entire. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 233.
    Ausruf : 180,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320,00 CHF
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