Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Alle Lose

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  • Losnr. : 1138 Finnland

    1963/69: Slot Machine Booklet with Post Bus Parcel 100 x 0.50 mark blue on white flourescent paper in twenty vertical strips of five, housed within green covers and stapled at top; fresh and very fine. A scarce Booklet Facit HB12v² = 4'000 Skr.
    Ausruf : 175,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1139 Frankreich

    1856 (Oct 9): Lettersheet from Paris to Québec, Canada, endorsed "voie d'Angleterre", bearing Napoléon imperf. 10 c. bistre, 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, an overall fresh and fine three-colour franking, just the 40 c. slightly oxidised, underpaying the 170 c. rate to Canada. Adhesives tied by bureau 'E' lozenge, Paris despatch cds in black and framed "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT" handstamp in red alongside. Reverse with "PARIS A CALAIS" ambulant, London transit in red and QUEBEC arrival cds in black (Oct 25). The receiver had to pay '1/7½' due noted on front.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1140 Frankreich

    1914: 3 fr. Red Cross Booklet with Semeuse 10 c. + 5 c. carmine in a pane of twenty complete, fresh and very fine. Rare Yvert 147-c1 / Maury 1= € 2'400.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1141 Frankreich

    1921: 5 fr. Booklet with "Aries" Car advertisement on front and reverse with "Banania" advertisement, containing complete pane of twenty Semeuse 25 c. blue with marginal advertising labels intact all round. Exceptional and very attractive Booklet Yvert 140-c10 / Maury 38 = € 1'000.
    Ausruf : 400,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1142 Frankreich

    1922 (Aug 28): Express value envelope within Strasbourg, bearing Orphelins 1st set 50+50 c. Lion de Belfort and 5+5 f. Marseillaise, two fine adhesives, tied by "STRASBOURG BAS-RHIN 18-8 22" cds in black, matching Strasbourg label, framed EXPRES and CHARGÉ handstamps alongside. A scarce commercial usage of the highest Orphelin stamp on cover. Maury = € 2'790.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1143 Frankreich

    1939: 75th anniversary of the Red Cross 90 + 35 c. showing shade variety black & ultramarine instead of black & turqoise, a fine and fresh example with a light gum wrinkle, full og. A special issue which can only be found used on the congress card which took place on April 5, 1939 in Versailles. A normal stamp added for comparison, signed Calves and others Yv = € 17'500 / Maury 422A = € 22'500.
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1144 Frankreich

    1942: Marianne de Dulac, the un-issued set of three values 25 c. green to 2.50 fr. ultramarine in both types, three of the six values as marginal examples in unmounted og. condition (hinge remnants on the selvedge), produced by Harrisons and Sons for the France Libre government of Général de Gaulle. Yv = € 960+ / Maury 701A - 701F = € 930+.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1145 Frankreich

    1974: 80 c. red Type Marianne de Bequet, 20 stamps with some examples only partly printed or not printed, in an un-opended booklet with yellow and orange covers, fine and scarce Yvert: Carnets 1816 C3a = Euro 410.
    Ausruf : 120,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1146 Frankreich

    Ballon monté 1870 (Dec 21): Entire letter 'Gazette des Absents' no. 17 carried on board of balloon no. 49 'La Delivrance A' to Interlaken, Switzerland, franked with Napoléon laureated 30 c. brown, tied by light Étoile '5' obliterator and "PARIS R. DE BONDY" despatch cds in black, boxed PD in red alongside. Reverse with Geneva transit and Interlaken arrival cds's (Dec 29). Appealing and rare cover to the German speaking part of Switzerland, signed Miro. rnProvenance: Collection Gérard Gilbert.
    Ausruf : 200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1147 Frankreich

    1849/1986: Powerful, in the early section used, later predominantly mint collection in two large volumes containing many key items. Beginning with a fine 5Fr. Napoleon, good section of Bordeaux. Later issues with 1925 stamp exhibition unmounted mint, Pexip mounted mint, Banknote very fine used, a good run of the high value airmails. At the back of the book there is a small section of Andorra and Offices abroad. A section of over 100 mainly modern covers rounds up this interesting lot.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.250,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1148 Frankreich

    1849-1998: Valuable collection in 8 preprinted hingeless volumes. The early section is predominately used, and somewhat incomplete. The quality needs careful inspection. Post 1950 the collection is often unmounted mint with only very few gaps and only the odd used stamp. The collection contains both the normal stamps, as well as many miniature sheets and booklets. 
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 380,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1149 Frankreich

    1850/2000: Large lot with several thousand stamps used/unused but mainly in mint condition issued after WW 2, incl. souvenir sheets as PEXIP (2), airmails, postage dues, pre cancels, booklets etc., properly housed in total 12 albums and  the whole arranged in a very large box.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1150 Frankreich

    1900/59c: Lot 300+ unused stamps including 1917 & 1922 Orphelins sets unused, Airmail 1936 50 fr. Burelage unmounted og. (Maury = € 1'700), 1936 Airmail 50 fr. green, the other six values of this set in blocks of four unmounted og, booklet Laboratoires Phena, 1937 Samothrace unmounted og,  type Merson, Sourire de Reims, and Caisse d'amortisement. A fine lot Yvert = € 7'500+.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1151 Frankreich

    1945/2000: Lot several thousand stamps mainly in mint condition (few used ones can be found inbetween), incl. souvenir-sheets, airmails, postage dues etc., mostly in heavy duplication and representing a very high face value, nicely arranged in total 15 stockbooks and in a small box, the whole packed into a large removal box.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1152 Frankreich

    1945/2000: The very important lot with several thousend stamps in mint condition as delivered by the new issues department of the French Post Office, all in quantities, showing single stamps, blocks of four, part sheets, full sheets, souvenir sheets, booklets incl. Red Cross, some items pre 1945 and more, partly housed in glassines, in folders and in small boxes, the whole arranged in a large removal box.
    Ausruf : 2.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1153 Frankreich

    Cognac 1786/1950: Selection 30 cover/postcards to and from Cognac, incl. 1786 Entire letter from CHARENTE to the Martell brothers in Cognac, the sons of the founder Jean Martell of this famous Cognac house, ingoing mail 1849 from Glasgow, 1870 from Liverpool, 1913 from Cairo, outgoing 1859 cover to Chile, on a September 1871 three-colour cover to Paris, 1902 to Libau, Russia, 1903 cover to Sweden, mail despatched by the different Cognac companies such as Hennessy, Bellot, Favraud, but also from German, Italian and Belgium Cognac companies, also postcards and vignettes as well as an 1876 engraving showing the Cognac production.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1154 Frankreich

    1803/05: Lot 28 letters showing on reverse dated circular postmarks in red (20) and in black (8) indicating year, day and month of the French Republican Calendar (1793/1805), incl. some Paris Route postmarks as well as Department handstamps, good condition and housed in one album.
    Ausruf : 100,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1155 Frankreich

    1812/1920c: Lot 110 cover / stationery & picture postcards incl. 1812 fully prepaid entire with "P. 7 P. SEDAN" to Mantova, 1835 official cover with "Bau DE POSTES CHbres DES DEPUTES" handstamp, Napolèon imperforated 20 c. with sheet margin, pair 20 c. Shipmail on cover Marseille to Naples, 40 c. on cover to Mendrision Ticino, 80 c. on triple rate cover, Bordeaux 30 c. on cover to Belgium, Sage advertisement letter card, French picture postcards related to the Russo-Japanese war, 1918 Sankt Ludwig Elsass combination of French stamp and German obliterator, later registered and Airmail covers, and French Levant 1920 Rhodes registered letter to Fiume.
    Ausruf : 200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1156 Frankreich

    1900/50c: Interesting selection 45 French picture postcards with aviation motifs / airmail covers incl. PPC 1905 Grandes Manoeuvres, 1908 Dirigeable 'Patrie', 1908 Concours Auvours Wright brothers, Ballons montés Versailles, Saint Dizier Aviation, Bar le Duc, Daucou Paris - Berlin, Circuit de l'Est, Lyon Croix Rouge, photograph balloon depart 1st Coup Gordon Bennett 1906, 1912 First French Airmail post, also 90 Airmal vignettes such as Rouen, Betheny Aviation, Agadir - Allemagne, and Notre Dame la Riche, cinderellas, in addition Hergé - Tintin and the history of Aviation up to 1914, a book of 69 pages with 62 Tintin prints glued into the book, published in Italian in 1954 by Casterman, Brüssel.

    Ausruf : 600,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1162 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (May 31): Cover bearing 1943 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 3 f. on 20 c. green and Airmail 50 c. brown, a single and a pair, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp, sent to Grangermont nearby Puiseaux, France. Sassone 1+5+PA1 = € 4'550.
    Ausruf : 350,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 350,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1163 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (July 18): Registered envelope bearing 1943 Pittorica di Libia ovpt. "FEZZAN Occupation Française 5 frs." in red on 50 c. black & olive in a vert. pair together with parcel stamps 1 f. on 5 c. brown (pair), 1 f. on 50 c. orange (two vert. pairs) and 1 f. on 1 l. violet (block of five & single on reverse), all tied by SEBHA FEZZAN cds's with corresponding Italian registration label alongside, sent to Yaounde in Cameroun, front and reverse with two postal control handstamps of AEF and Cameroun, transit Douala (Sept. 25) and Yaounde arrival (Sept 28) cds's. Extremely rare stamps with a printrun of 85 examples for the ovpt. 1 l. parcel stamp, with this cover bearing six of these. Signed Alberto and Giulio Bolaffi Sassone 7+13+15+16 = € 90'800.
    Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1164 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (July 10): Envelope bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet (2) and Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown vert. pair, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp, sent within the city. Very rare stamps with small printruns of about 350 examples each, signed Wolf, cert. Calves (2009) Sassone 11+PA3 = € 16'450.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1165 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (June 24): Libia Stationery postcard bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 1 f. on 25 c. blue and Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp, sent within Sebha. Very rare stamps with small printruns of about 350 examples, cert. Sorani (2006) Sassone 11+12+PA3 = € 9'350.
    Ausruf : 700,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1166 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (June 18): Airmail envelope bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 1 f. on 25 c. blue and Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp with "PAR AVION" handstamp alongside, sent to Rive de Gier, France. Very rare stamps with small printruns of about 350 examples, stamps detached for expertization and hinged back, cert. Calves (2009) Sassone 11+12+PA3 = € 9'350.
    Ausruf : 700,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1167 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (June 26): Airmail envelope bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 1 f. on 25 c. blue and Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp, sent to Ubari with UBARI FEZZAN handstamp alongside. Very rare stamps with small printruns of about 350 examples Sassone 11+12+PA3 = € 9'350.
    Ausruf : 700,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1168 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (June 15): Picture postcard depicting Villagio D'Annunzio and bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 1 f. on 25 c. blue and Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp, sent to Ghadames with GHADAMES FEZZAN arrival cds (June 30) alongside. Very rare stamps with small printruns of about 350 examples Sassone 11+12+PA3 = € 9'350.
    Ausruf : 700,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1169 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (June 15): Airmail envelope bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 1 f. on 25 c. blue and Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp with "PAR AVION" handstamp alongside, sent to Zouar in Northern Tchad, reverse with arrival cds. Very rare stamps with small printruns of about 350 examples, signed Bloch and Roumet, cert. Calves (2009) Sassone 11+12+PA3 = € 9'350.
    Ausruf : 700,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1170 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (July 1): Registered envelope bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 1 f. on 25 c. blue (2) and Airmail 50 c. brown, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp with matching Italian "SEBHA FEZZAN (Tripolitania)" registration label alongside, sent to Alger, opened by French censor and closed with censorship strip. Sassone 11+12+PA1 = € 5'800.
    Ausruf : 400,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1171 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (July 18): Envelope bearing 1943 parcel stamps 1 f. on 10 c. blue, an enormous top left marginal pair, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN cds's with corresponding provisional Fezzan datestamp alongside, sent to Zouar in Northern Tchad. Extremely rare stamp with a printrun of only 90 pairs. Signed Wolf, Alberto and Giulio Bolaffi Sassone 14 = € 15'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1172 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (July 10): Italian Airmail stamp 50 c. brown ovpt. "FEZZAN Occupation Française" in an unused sheet of 100 examples, unmounted og., folded horizontally in the middle, some perforation separations. Cert. Raybaudi (2005) Sassone PA1 = € 55'000.
    Ausruf : 3.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1173 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (June 18): Airmail envelope bearing 1943 Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown in a vert. pair, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp with "PAR AVION" and provisional SEBHA registration handstamp alongside, sent to Alger, closed with censorship strip, reverse with distribution handstamp. Very rare stamp with a printrun of 352 examples, signed Calves, cert. Behr (1997) Sassone PA3 = € 11'250.
    Ausruf : 700,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1174 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (Aug 21): Registered Airmail envelope, endorsed via Alger & Cotonou, bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 1 f. on 25 c. blue, 5 f. on 50 c. black & olive and Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown as well as 7,50 on 50 c. rose carmine, tied by Fieldpost "POSTE MILITAIRE No 561" datestamp with "PAR AVION"  and matching Fieldpost registration labels alongside, sent to Abong-Mbang, Cameron. Censored in transit in Cameron, cover closed with censorship strip, reverse with Douala & Yaounde transit as well as Abong-Mbang arrival cds (Oct 15). Very rare stamps with small printruns of about 350 examples. Sassone 7+11+12+PA2+PA3 = € 11'250.
    Ausruf : 700,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1175 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943/51: Lot eight covers with different frankings of the Fezzan & Ghadames as well as the Fezzan issues, used from Ghadames and Sebha, in addition the 1949 Ghadames set on two covers. A fine and interesting selection of these rare covers Sassone = € 59'150.
    Ausruf : 1.400,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1183 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    1880/1970: Collection of French Colonies and related areas, five albums, predominantly part sets and smaller values used/unused, with some better values included, from French Overseas, Lebanon and Syria as well as Northern Africa with Algeria, Tunisia and Sudan.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1184 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    1890/1990c: Collection thousands stamps used/unused from the different colonial areas with postage due and airmail stamps as well as the post-independence issues which represent the majority of the material, no duplication. The collection includes singles, sets and miniature sheets from Cote des Somalis with Guerriers with inverted center, Indochina, Senegal, Togo with post-independence issues only, Niger, Marocco, Mauretania, Cameron, Oubangui-Chari & Central African Republic, French Congo, Gabon, Haute Volta & Burkina Faso, French Guinea, Soudan, Mali, Chad, Dahomey & Benin, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Madagascar & Comores. An extensive selection in 28 albums with a lot of topical content.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1185 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : Essay
    1858 French Cérès Essay: Imperforate Plate Proof in blue on bluish, with the top inscription 'ESSAI 1858' and the value tablet '00', Control Figure '10' on reverse similar to those used for the Paris print 10 lepta, a fine and fresh example.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1186 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : Essay
    1858 French Cérès Essay: Plate Proofs (3) in green, deep blue and bistre, all Imperforate with the top inscription 'ESSAI 1858' and the value tablet '00', no Control Figures on reverse, the bisstre essay with wrinkles due to heavy hinging, a rare group.
    Ausruf : 100,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1187 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : Essay
    1858 French Cérès Essay: Plate Proofs (3) in green, deep blue and bistre, all in Imperforate corner marginal blocks of four with the top inscription 'ESSAI 1858' and the value tablet '00', no Control Figures on reverse, some marginal toning and light creasing, fine and rare.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1188 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : Essay
    1858 French Cérès Essay: Plate Proofs (3) in green, deep blue and bistre, all in Imperforate corner marginal or marginal blocks of four with the top inscription 'ESSAI 1858' and the value tablet '00', no Control Figures on reverse, some marginal toning and light creasing, fine and rare.
    Ausruf : 600,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 950,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1189 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : Proof
    1860/61: Die Proof: Original Die Proof in black on China paper, complete except for the value tablets, thin in the top margin, otherwise fine and rare with just ten examples recorded. Signed Nicolaidès Constantinidis (1933) ES. IV.a.
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1190 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : Proof
    1860/61: Original Die Proof in black on China paper, complete except for the value tablets, mounted on cardboard, some toning at top right and minor surface rubbing, marginal paper damage at lower right, otherwise fine and rare with just ten examples recorded.  Constantinidis (1933) ES. IV.a.rnNote: These 'empty square' Die Proofs were printed by Albert Barre.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1191 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : Essay
    1861 French Cérès Essay without inscription: Imperforate Plate Proofs (2) in red and blue without inscriptions in the top and bottom tablets; no control figures on reverse, fresh and fine.rnNote: Printed in 1861 in an attempt to improve the printing method initially developed during 1858/1859 by Désiré-Albert Barre in Paris and exhibited at the Universal Exhibition in London in 1862. 
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1192 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : P2
    1861: Barre Plate Proof 2 l. yellow-bistre on slightly yellowish paper, thinner than the paper of the issued adhesives, in a block of four with large margins all round, without gum. An attractive and scarce multiple Hellas P 2A / Constantinidis (1933) 2 ES. IVrnProvenance: Collection Zachariadès.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1193 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : P3
    1861: Barre Plate Proof for the 5 l. green on pale greenish paper, the shade more vivid than that of the finally issued stamps, in a horizontal pair, fresh and very fine with large even margins all round. An attractive multiple Hellas P 3A / ​Constantinidis (1933) 3 ES. IV.rnProvenance: Collection Zachariadès.
    Ausruf : 200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1194 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : P4
    1861: Barre Plate Proof  for the 10 l. value in bright yellow-orange on greenish-bluish thin paper, showing variety: without Control Figure '10', clear to large margins all round. An attractive Proof of vivid colour Hellas P 4Ba / Constantinidis (1933) 4 ES. II.2rnProvenance: Collection Zachariadès.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1195 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : P5
    1861: Plate Proof for the 20 l. dark blue with additional print on the reverse in light blue, three large margins and just shaved at left, in an attractive resonant shade Constantinidis (1933) 5 ES. II.6
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1196 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : P6
    1 / 1
    Plate Proof for the 40 l. value, printed in black, a horizontal strip of four, primarily with good to large margins, shaved at lower left, an attractive multiple. Cert. Vlastos Philatelic Center (2010) Constantinidis (1933) 6 ES. I
    Ausruf : 200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1197 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : P56
    Plate Proof for the Paris printing 30 l. brown, corner marginal block of four of excellent appearance, a most attractive multiple with fresh vivid colour Constantinidis (1933) 56 ES. II.1rnProvenance: Collection Zachariadès.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1198 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 1
    1 / 1
    Paris Printing 1861: 1 l. chocolate in an unused block of four, unobtrusive horizontal crease between the stamps, without gum, of rich colour and superb appearance. Rare. Cert. Vlastos Philatelic Center (2003) Hellas 1c = € 9'800.
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.200,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1199 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 4
    Paris printing 1861: 10 l. yellowish-orange on blue in a horizontal pair with close to large margins, of fresh vibrant colour, on 1861 entire letter to Nision tied by '67' numeral of Syros with Syros cds (Dec 30) in black alongside. Reverse with Nision arrival cds (Jan 4, 1862). File fold well away from stamps and postmarks, an attractive and scarce entire Hellas 4a.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1200 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 6+12/IIa
    Outgoing to the Ioninan Islands 1862: Partially prepaid cover from Pilos to Zante, franked with 1861 Paris print 40 l. mauve on blue and Athens fine impression 10 l. orange, of fine vivid colour, good margins but the 10 l. touched, each stamp tied by '26' numeral of Pilos. Despatch cds (April 13) with inverted year slug and Zakyntos arrival cds (Apr 26) in blue alongside. The 50 lepta franking paid the journey to the Zakynthos disembarkation harbour, the receiver had to pay '1' (penny) internal rate which was noted on front in red crayon. Attractive cover from Greece to the Ionian Islands, which were under British rule until 1864 Hellas 6a+12/IIa.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1201 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 7+19+20
    1 / 1
    1861: Paris Print 80 l. carmine, 1862/67 2nd Athens print 10 l. orange on greenish paper and 20 l. bright blue on bluish all with four margins, used on small 1862 entire letter to Venice, tied by dotted '18' numeral with "Tripolis" despatch cds (Oct 8) at right. Red 'Paid' at top and reverse with Athens transit (Oct 13) and 'Venezia' arrival (Nov 1g) in black. A charming and attractive entire. Cert. RPSL (2018).
    Ausruf : 200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1202 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 10/IIa+19+21+22
    1 / 1
    Incoming from France 1861/67: Unpaid entire lettersheet from Marseille to Patras, endorsed "Voie de Pyrée", French Paquebot 'Carmel' cds (Nov 7, 1863) on front, upon arrival charged with '132' lepta in red crayon and franked with overlapped First Athens fine printing 2 l. bistre in combination with Consecutive Athens printings 10 l. yellow-orange, 40 l. light-mauve on blue, and 80 l. rose-carmine touched at top left, otherwise all fine and fresh with good to large margins, tied by Patras cds (Nov 3). Reverse with Athens and Piraeus transit as well as Patras arrival cds's. Stamps partially lifted for inspection, one sideflap missing, an attractive and fine four colour franking. Opinion Holcombe (1996) Hellas 10/IIa+18a+20/Ia+22a.
    Ausruf : 400,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1203 Griechenland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 11/Ib+12/Ib+13/Ia+14/II
    Outgoing to Austria 1861/62: Athens print coarse impression 5 l. green, 10 l. orange and 20 l. deep ultramarine in combination with fine impression 40 l. mauve on blue, all of fresh colour and overall good to large margins (5 l. touched at top), used on 1862 cover from Nafplion to Trieste, tied by '15' numeral of Nauplion, superb despatch cds (Nov 29) and Greek PED (Foreign Paid to Destination) handstamp in black alongside. Reverse with Athens transit cds, Triest arrival cds (Dec 18) and red crayon '3 + 15' (kreuzer) due for Triest and Lloyd equal to 55 lepta + 20 lepta for the Greek inland rate. Horizontal file fold well away from the adhesives, cover refolded at top, an attractive early usage and four colour franking. Hellas 11/Ib+12/Ib+13/Ia+14/IIa.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1204 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 12/II
    Athens Printing 1861: 10 l. orange, an unused example with ample to large margins all round, in a fresh vibrant shade, large part og. A most attractive example of this scarce stamp Hellas 12/IIa = € 480 / Mi = € 650.rnProvenance: Collection Alphonse Rothschild, Phillips, London, Nov 1992, lot 663.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1205 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 12/IIa+20a+21
    Incoming from Austria 1863: Unpaid cover from Vienna to Patras, with Vienna cds of despatch cds (May 28) and handwritten charge of '15 / 15' kreuzer for Austria and Lloyd on obverse; taxed on arrival at 110 lepta in red crayon, franked by overlapped Athens print fine impression 1861/62 10 l. orange together with consecutive Athens printings 20 l. blue and 80 l. rose-carmine, all very fine, all tied by Patras cds's (May 25). Reverse with Triest and Athens transit cds's. Austrian / Lloyd part of the journey 30 kr. equal to 90 lepta, plus 20 lepta Greek inland rate. An attractive three colour franking Hellas 12/IIa+19a+21b.
    Ausruf : 600,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1206 Griechenland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 13/I
    1 / 1
    Mail from Italian States to Greece 1862: Cover from Rome to Athens, Greece franked by 1852 7 b. black on blue in a strip of three tied by grill handstamp in black, with Rome despatch cds (March 9, 62) at right. Upon arrival in Greece taxed at '20' lepta in red crayon with 1861/62 First Athens Printings 20 l. deep blue tied '1' numeral in black. An exceptionally attractive and rare combination entire. Cert. Holcombe (1986).
    Ausruf : 1.200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1207 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 14/I
    1 / 1
    Athens Printing 1861: 40 l. mauve on blue, an unused example of the coarse printing, fresh colour, good to large margins all round, unused without gum. Some thins repaired, nevertheless an attractive example of this very rare stamp. Cert. Scheller (2010) Hellas 14/Ia = € 7'900 for a mint example with gum.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1208 Griechenland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 16+17+18+20+22
    Incoming from France 1865: Unpaid entire letter from Marseille to Athens with French Paquebot 'Phase' cds (Dec 2) on front, upon arrival charged with '188' lepta in red crayon and franked with Consecutive Athens printings 1 l. chocolate-brown, 2 l. yellow-bistre, 5 l. green, 20 l. sky-blue and two singles of 80 l. rose-carmine, all with fresh colours, tied by Athens arrival (Dec 4) cds's. Attractive cover with two disinfection slits away from the stamps, primarily with good to large margins with only the 1 l. & 2 l. touched. An extraordinary five colour franking to cover the postage for 1½ times the single rate. Signed Calves Hellas 15a+16a+17a+19a+22a.
    Ausruf : 600,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1209 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 17a
    Consecutive Athens Printing 1862/67: 2 l. yellow-bistre, block of 30 (10 x 3) with full selvedge from the base of the sheet, a fine multiple in fresh colour with enormous margins at top with portions of adjoining stamps at top, the reverse shows Control mark type I, unmounted og. Lower left stamp damaged, minor wrinkles and tears in the sheet margin as to be expected from a multiple of this size, nevertheless scarce and most desirable Hellas 16a / Mi = € 450+ for unused stamps.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1210 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 17a
    Consecutive Athens Printing 1862/67: 2 l. yellow-bistre in a used block of four, with good to large margins all round, cancelled by Lefkas cds (Feb 5, 1889), a very late and rare usage with the type IV datestamp. Upper left stamp with minor wrinkles mentioned for accuracy, a most attractive multiple Hellas 16a.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1211 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 17a+22a
    Incoming from France 1867 (July 24): Unpaid entire letter from Paris to Athens, part 'Paris R. d'Enghien' despatch cds on front, upon arrival charged with '244' lepta in red crayon, franked with Consecutive Athens printings two singles 2 l. yellow-bistre and three singles of 80 l. rose-carmine, all with fresh colour but wrinkled, tied by Athens arrival (July 20j) cds's. The entire with some aging but an impressive 244 lepta franking paying the postage for twice the single rate of 112 lepta = 224 lepta plus 20 lepta for internal delivery. Hellas 16a+22a.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1212 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 17a+19+21a+22a
    Outgoing to France 1862/67: Fully prepaid cover from Patras to Lyon, bearing Consecutive Athens printings 2 l. yellow-bistre, 10 l. yellow-orange, 40 l. light-mauve on blue, and 80 l. rose-carmine, all fine and fresh with fair to large margins, tied by '9' numeral of Patras with matching despatch cds (April 1, 1864), Greek PED (Foreign Paid to Destination) handstamp in red and French "GRÈCE MARSEILLE A. M. 21 AVRIL 64" entry cds in red alongside. Reverse with Athens transit and Lyon arrival (April 25) cds's. Cover re-folded and stamps partially lifted for inspection, nevertheless an attractive four colour franking Hellas 16a+18a+20/Ia+22a.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1213 Griechenland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 18b+21
    1 / 1
    Incoming from Russia 1871 (Dec 4): Partially prepaid entire letter from Taganrog to Hydra, bearing Russia 1864 Arms 3 kop. black & green perf 12½ in combination with 1865 3 kop. black & green and 5 kop. black & violet perf 14½ as well as 1866 10 kop. brown & blue on horizontally laid paper (Mi 10+13+14+21) tied by Taganrog despatch cds in black. Odessa (Dec 11) and Constantinople transit cds alongside. As the Russian franking paid only the journey to Constantinople, upon arrival in Hydra, the cover was charged with '45' lepta in blue crayon, franked with Consecutive Athens printings 5 l. olive-green and 40 l. mauve on greenish blue, both with fresh colours and good to large margins, tied by Piraeus arrival (Dec 20) cds. Cover with edge wear and vertical filing fold and two disinfection slits away from the stamps. An extremely rare franking combination, full of character and postal history content. Signed Raybaudi & Holcombe. Cert. Mikulski (1989) Hellas 17c+20/Ic.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1214 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 19+22
    Incoming from Great Britain 1869 (Aug 31): Unpaid entire letter from London to Patras, endorsed "via Brindisi & Corfu", despatch cds on front, '20' (centesimi) for Italy noted on top left, upon arrival charged with '90' lepta in blue crayon and franked with Consecutive Athens printings 10 l. red-orange on blue and 80 l. rose-carmine, both with vivid colours and fair to large margins, the 80 l. just shaved at left top, cancelled by Patras arrival (Sept 27) cds's. Reverse with Brindisi and Kerkyra transit cds's. An attractive cover. Hellas 18e+22a.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1215 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 19+22a
    Incoming from France 1868: Unpaid entire letter to Athens with Paris despatch cds (Oct 8), upon arrival charged with '90 LEP' due marking in black (van der Linden fig. 3338) and franked with Consecutive Athens printings 10 l. red-orange on blue and 80 l. rose-carmine, both with vivid colours and fair to large margins, the 80 l. just shaved at top, cancelled by Athens arrival (Oct 3j) cds. Reverse with Marseille transit cds. A most attractive cover. Hellas 18e+22a.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1216 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 19a
    Incoming from Austrian Levant Offices 1865: Partially prepaid cover from Chios to Syros, bearing Austrian Italy 1864 Arms 10 s. blue perf. 9½ tied by "SCIO-CESME 5 / 1" despatch cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 560) in black. Charged upon arrival with '20' lepta in blue crayon, franked by Consecutive Athens printing 1862/67 10 l. orange in a horizontal pair with vibrant colour and fair to large margins, tied by Syros arrival cds (Jan 1). All stamps fresh and fine, cover with file fold away from the adhesives, an appealing and interesting item. Signed Calves Hellas 18b.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1217 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 20
    1 / 1
    1862/67: Consecutive Athens printings 20 l. dark grey blue on bluish, fresh colour and primarily good margins, just shaved at the SE corner, unused but regummed, a very rare stamp in unused condition. Opinion Holcombe (1991) Hellas 19d = € 1'750.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1218 Griechenland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 20a
    1862/67: Unpaid Lettersheet sent within Patras, taxed with '20' l. in red crayon bearing Consecutive Athens printing 20 l. blue, a fine and fresh example with good to large margins, in a deep shade, tied by '9' numeral of Patras with rare FRANCO handstamp in blue alongside, reverse struck with clear Patras information cds (Nov. 20, 1867). Hellas 19a.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1219 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 22a+25+27+28
    1 / 1
    Incoming Mail from Great Britain 1862/69: Cover sent unpaid from Manchester to Patras, Greece, endorsed 'via Marseilles' struck with Manchester despatch cds (Sept 9, 1869), via Trieste with '35' blue kreuzer credit handstamp (van der Linden fig. 3187) and thence via Kerkyra to Patras. Franked on arrival with 1862/67 consecutive Athens printing 80 l. rose-carmine touched at base, 1868/69 cleaned plates 5 l. green, 20 l. blue and 40 l. grey-mauve on blued, tied by superb strikes of  'Patras' datestamps (Sept 10, julian). Reverse with London transit in red, Aachen transit in blue, Triest oval and Kerkyra transit datestamps. '145' (lepta) in red crayon on front - rate of 145 lepta under Greek / Austrian Convention of 1867. Cover fragile with edge wear but an attractive and scarce four colour cover. Cert. Tseriotis (2001) Hellas 22a+25a+27a+28a
    Ausruf : 600,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1220 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 22a+24+26
    Outgoing Mail to Great Britain 1862/69: Fully prepaid Cover from Piraeus to London, endorsed 'via Trieste' bearing 1862/67 consecutive Athens printing 80 l. rose-carmine in combination with 1868/69 cleaned plates 2 l. dull grey-bistre touched on two sides and 10 l. orange, tied by light '2' numeral of Piraeus with matching despatch cds (July 10, 1872) and framed PD alongside. Reverse with London arrival cds in red (July 31). 92 lepta rate in force from September 1870. Lightest file fold well away from the franking, nevertheless an appealing three colour usage. Hellas 22a+24b+26a
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1221 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 24+26+29a
    Outgoing to Great Britain 1873: Prepaid entire letter from Syros to Manchester endorsed "Via Marseilles", bearing Cleaned plates printing 2 l. dull grey-bistre, 10 l. red-orange and 80 l. rose-carmine, three fresh singles with good margins all round, tied by Syra cds's (Dec 8j). French framed PD alongside, reverse with Manchester arrival cds (Dec 26g). Stamps with archival fold, some edge wear to cover, an interesting cover sent under the Greek / GB Convention of January 1870 Hellas 24b+26a+29a.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1222 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 25
    1 / 1
    Cleaned Plates Printing 1868/69: 5 l. green in a top sheet marginal vertical strip of four, used on 1870 cover to Syros tied by Thyra cds's (March 4) in black. A delightful mutliple in a bright shade with overall good to large margins, two stamps touched at right. Reverse with arrival cds (March 6). A rare stamp, an exceptional multiple usage to prepay the single inland rate. Cert. Sismondo (2000) Hellas 25a.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1223 Griechenland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 26+27+28
    Incoming from Austria 1870: Underpaid cover from Vienna to Zante, bearing Austria 1867 5 kr. red tied by Wien cds, "AFF. INSUFF." handstamp alongside, on arrival charged '70' lepta in blue crayon and franked with Cleaned plates printing 1868/69 10 l. red-orange, 20 l. blue and 40 l. grey-mauve on blue, three singles with fresh colour and overall good to large margins but 10 l. value damaged at base, all tied by Zakynthos cds (March 7). Unfranked letter at 85 lepta minus 5 kreuzer = 15 lepta , charged 70 lepta to pay. Sadly some biro markings on front panel but in spite of its imperfections a most unusual and rare mixed country four colour franking Hellas 26a+27a+28a.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1224 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 26
    Incoming from Austrian Levant Offices 1869 (Oct 25): Partially prepaid cover from Candia to Syra, bearing Austrian Levant 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, tied by CANDIA despatch cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 542) in brownish black with "P.P." in the same colour alongside. Upon arrival charged with '20' lepta in blue crayon. Cleaned plates printing 1868/69 10 l. red-orange in a touched pair applied and tied by Syros arrival cds (Oct 15, 1869). The cover with light vertical file fold well away from the stamps, nevertheless an interesting and appealing combination cover Hellas 26a.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1225 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 27
    Cleaned Plates Printing 1868/69: 20 l. blue, an used example with good to huge margins, just shaved at right showing variety: "Control Figures Double", cancelled by '16' numeral in black. A rare stamp Hellas 27NoI = € 1'100.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1226 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 28
    Cleaned Plates Printing 1868/69: 40 l. grey-mauve on blue, a used example with touched to large margins all round, from position 127 showing variety: "Control Figure '20' corrected to 40", of fresh colour, cancelled by an indistinct cds. A very rare stamp Hellas 28aNf = € 2'300.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1227 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 36a var
    1871/72: 20 l. sky-blue on bluish, a used example with good to enormous margins all round, showing variety: "Control Figure Double", of fine fresh colour, neatly cancelled by '56' numeral of Chalkis. A rare stamp Hellas 35aNoI = € 1'100.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1228 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 39
    1871/76: Lettersheet from Aegion to Patras, bearing Meshed paper printing 5 l. yellow-green in a horizontal strip of four, shaved at left, otherwise a fine and fresh multiple with good to enormous margins including parts of four neighbouring stamps, tied by Aegion despatch cds (July 14, 1874), reverse struck with Patras arrival cds of the same day. An unusual multiple usage to prepay the single inland rate. Hellas 39b.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1229 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 40 var
    Meshed Paper Printings 1871/76: 10 l. red-orange in a used horizontal pair, good to large margins, just touched at top left, reverse showing variety: "Control Figure '10' Double" on both stamps (Coundoros 52.7b), a fine multiple in a vibrant deep shade, cancelled by well struck '77' numeral of Thera in blue. A rare stamp in a multiple Hellas 40bNo = € 1'640+.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1230 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 44
    Outgoing Mail to Italy 1876: Fully prepaid double rate Envelope from Athens to Livorno, endorsed 'via Brindisi', bearing 1876 New Values - Paris printing 60 l. deep green on green, touched at right, tied by fair Athens cds (April 9, 1877), framed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI" handstamp alongside. Reverse with Brindisi transit cds (Feb 7) and Livorno arrival cds (April 26). Horizontal file fold, a very rare usage of the 60 lepta adhesive to pay the double UPU rate. Hellas 44a = € 2'200.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1231 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 47b
    Cream paper Printing with Control Figures 1875/80: 1 l. deep red-brown in a top right corner marginal block of 42 (7 x 6), positions 4-10/52-60, fine and fresh with good to large margins all round, horizontal fold between 4th and 5th row and vertical fold between 2nd and 3rd column, still an impressive multiple, fine unmounted og. Hellas 47c = € 1'380+ / Mi = € 2'520+ for unused stamps.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1232 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 49a
    Outgoing to Austria 1875: Printed matter entire from Patras to Trieste endorsed 'via Brindisi', franked by Cream paper printing with Control Figure 1875/80 5 l. yellow-green on white, a single example with fresh colour tied by Patras despatch cds (Dec 14). Stamp just touched at right, but a very rare and attractive printed matter usage Hellas 49a.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1233 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 55b
    Cream paper Printing without Control Figures 1880/86: 5 l. deep green in unused block of eight (4 x 2) with good to large margins, from positions 2-5 / 12-15 showing varieties: "Line at top left" on pos. 14 (Hellas 5F16) and "Broken Circle" on pos. 15 (Hellas 5F8), typical tiny wrinkles and two marginal nicks not touching the framelines, but of fine appearance, unmounted og. A most attractive and scarce multiple Hellas 55d, 55dPA5F8, 55dPAdF16.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1234 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 55
    Outgoing Mail to Italy 1880-86: Printed matter cover from Piraeus to Messina, bearing 1880-86 Cream paper printing without control figures 5 l. emerald-green, touched at left, tied by clear Piraeus despatch cds (Jan 17, 1887). Reverse with Brindisi transit and Messina arrival (Feb 2, 1887) cds's. A fine and fresh international printed matter usage. Hellas 55a.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1235 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 56
    Cream paper Printing without Control Figures 1880/86: 10 l. red (yellow colour omitted), a fine used example with vibrant colour and large margins all round, cancelled by an indistinct cds in black. A very desirable and appealing example of this rare stamp Hellas 56f = € 8'800.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1236 Griechenland

    1839/72: Lot four covers and a waybill incl. 1839 Syra to Trieste, 1859 Canea via Syros to Marseille, 1872 Kerkyra with 40 l. to Constantinople , further via Odessa to Taganrog, taxed with 30 kop., in addition Greek PO in Egypt, 1865 cover from Alexandria to Syra prepaid at double rate of 80 lepta.
    Ausruf : 600,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1237 Ungarn

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 1+10
    1871: Lithographed 2 Kr. orange used as printed matter rate on entire from Szekely-Udvarhely to Vienna and engraved 5 Kr. red on entire from Karlovac to Belgrad, average condition for daily mail.
    Ausruf : 100,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1238 Ungarn

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 4+10
    1 / 1
    1871: Registered Cover from Krizevac to Zakany, bearing Lithographed 10 kr. blue (Type VIII) in mixed franking with Engraved 5 kr. red, good colour and perforations, tied centrally by "KRIZEVAC 14 / 9 71" (Gudlin 100 points) and "PREPORUCENO / Recommandirt" handstamp alongside. Reverse with Zakany arrival cds of the next day. Cover with filing crease away from the adhesives and some aging, nevertheless a rare mixed issue franking. Cert. Orban (1990).
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1239 Ungarn

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 6
    1871: Lithographed 25 kr. violet or dark-violet, a group of six stamps and two pieces, all cancelled by clear money transfer datestamps from post offices in nowadays Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slavonia. In addition an unusual usage to pay the postage fee, cancelled by a Nyireghaza framed datestamp Mi = € 4'400.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1240 Ungarn

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 40/Ib
    1 / 1
    1867: Entire letter from Fiume to Bordeaux, bearing coarse whiskers 25 Kr. grey violet, in fresh colour and with good perforation, tied by "FIUME 5/11 P.M." cds with "P.D." and French entry cds (Nov. 8, 1870), both in red alongside. Reverse with Triest transit and arrival cds's (Nov. 11, 70). A fine and rare usage of a single 25 kr. definitive to pay the single rate to France. Cert. Glatz (2015) Ferchenbauer = € 1'900.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1241 Ungarn

    1871/1999: Important collection several thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition, starting with some lithographs and engraved stamps King Franz Joseph. 'Turul' bird selection, commemorative issues with full sets and surcharges. souvenir sheets, postage dues and plenty of colourful topics, in good condition and neatly arranged in five albums.
    Ausruf : 200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1242 Island

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 111,120
    1 / 1
    1924/25: Frederik VIII, values of 50 a. lilac red and 1 k. yellow of the 1912 design, ovpt. with 'Kr. 10' in black, two fine and fresh examples, well embossed. Mi = € 1'500 / Facit 122,123 = SEK 14'500.
    Ausruf : 200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1243 Island

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 111,119,120
    1 / 1
    1924/25: Frederik VIII, values of 25 a. orange, 50 a. lilac red and 1 k. yellow of the 1912 design, ovpt. with'2 / kronur' and 'Kr. 10' in black, respectively, three fine and fresh examples, well embossed. Cert. Raybaudi Mi = € 1'900 / Facit 121-123 = SEK 18'500.
    Ausruf : 300,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1244 Island

    1939/46: 2 kr. Booklet with blue cover, complete with panes of five 5 a. Cod, pane of five 10 a. Herring and five 25 a. Cod (Facit 242, 245, 248), fresh and very fine. Superb and scarce Facit H5 = 18'000 Skr.
    Ausruf : 400,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1245 Italien

    1555/1609: Two letters perfumed on arrival by sea in Venice, incl. 1555 entire letter from Lesina (Dalmatia) to the Venetian Judiciary, together with 1609 letter from Mayor the Noble Alvise Baldi in Albona Istria to Venetia, both disinfected with herbal essence in the Casilla della Sanita near St. Mark Square.
    Ausruf : 200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1246 Italien

    1617/1715: Health Authority and Quarantine Stations: Entire letter dated June 12, 1617 to the  'Deputati all Sanità della Città Salo" sent by  Lucrezio Bernardi "Presidente del magnifico Collegio Sanità di V(enezia) / Salò" with attached photocopy  of transcription by Dott.ssa Loretta Piccinini, further two official letters (1714/15) to Verona, with one from the 'Lazzaretto' of Ossenigo and another within Verona, taxed by 5 soldi with interesting content: ....waiting for the quarantaine of "8 mules and the luggage fo His Royal Highness the Duke of Tuscany".
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1247 Italien

    1640 (May 18): Francesco Erizzo (1566 – 1646) the 98th Doge of Venice (1631-1646), Large and intact vellum document with calligraphic title: FRANCISCUS ERIZZO DEI GRA DUX VENETIAR with 21 text lines, dated MDCXXXX, May 18 and two line archive note dated  '24 Augusti 1640' and complete lead seal attached. to Family Selvatico. Francesco Erizzo, born into a patrician family from Istria, was elected as Doge of Venice in the midst of the Italian plague of 1629–1631, which killed one third of the population of Venice, including Erizzo's predecessor Nicolò Contarini.
    Ausruf : 400,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1248 Italien

    1653: Doge Francesco Comano or Corner, the 101. Doge of Venice ( in duty only 17.5. - 5.6.1656), vellum manuscript addressed to Michele Morosini e Girolamo Grimani, Podesta e Capitaneo of Verona, an iteresting item joined by Bolaffi certificat with full explanation.
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 1249 Italien

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    1704 (April 18): Entire letter from Venice to Lille struck with very fine DE LYON handstamp (type 43 x 17 mm) in black and taxed by 16 Patars with receiver archive mark on reverse: "1704 7/maggio,Venetia / risp.ta a 26 luglio". A fine and scarce handstamp in this size with only two examples recorded. Ex colls. Jacques and Vollmeier, James v.d. Linden No.: 950 Ln1n/ in Lenain not listed. Cert. James van der Linden (1995)

    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000,00 CHF
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