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Losnr. : 1 USA
1845 (Nov 4): Entire letter from Providence, Rhode Island to Naples, endorsed 'per Great Western', struck on arrival in Liverpool with fine strike of oval illustrated FORWARDED BY / HARNDEN & Co. / No. 20 WATER ST. / LIVERPOOL handstamp in black. Readdressed on to Naples with notation "Paid to Calais 5d." in manuscript, with VIA DI / UNINGA applied in Milan in transit. An unusual entire, misdescribed as illustrated in Edition D'Or XLV on page 85; sold together with 1853 entire with GB 1841 1 d. red-brown to London with oval illustrated LONDON, NEW YORK / FORWARDED BY / EDWARDS & SANFORD & Co. / LIVERPOOL cachet, the letter concerning shipments on the 'Baltic' Steamer.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 2 USA
Losnr. : 3 USA
Depreciated Currency 1863 (Nov 14): Entire letter from Montevideo to New York via Bordeaux, with octagonal URUGUAY / SAINTONGE French Paquebot datestamp (Nov 15) in black (Salles fig. 1031) and transferred in Rio to the 'Guienne' to Bordeaux, with manuscript '27' credit to France. Charged on arrival in New York with Depreciated Currency "N. YORK AM. PKT. 30 / U.S. NOTES 44" datestamp in black (Dec 31). Scarce and fine double Atlantic crossing entire.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 4 USA
Depreciated Currency 1866 (Dec 30): Entire letter from Montevideo to New York via Southampton, with "40 / CENTS" rate deleted by London "22" numeral obliterator in black; altered to "24 / CENTS" British credit, charged on arrival in New York with Depreciated Currency "N. YORK AM. PKT. 45 / U.S. NOTES 59" datestamp in black (Feb 21, 1867). Scarce and fine double Atlantic crossing entire.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 5 USA
Losnr. : 6 USA
Losnr. : 7 USA
1847/1970: Important old time collection with several hundred stamps used/unused, starting with few small items Confederate States, USA 1847 with 5 c. red- brown and 10 c. black (2) used, Presidents with values to 90 c, later issues up tp $ 5.-, issue of 1869 with colour shades and various cancellations, full set 1893 Columbian Exposition unused, full set Omaha Exposition with duplicates, airmails with Zeppelin set on three individual pieces, 65 c. and $ 1.30 also on cover/card, parcel stamps, special delivery stamps, Newspaper stamps, officials with full sets and duplicates and more, mainly in good condition and the classic part of fresh appearance, housed in one album.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 16.000 CHFLosnr. : 8 USA
1851/1965: Lot with several thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. some better values from the beginning, 1893 Columbus and Omaha high values, airmails incl full Zeppelin set, various cancellations, full sets, blocks of four, souvenir sheets, coil stamps, precancels as well as plenty of duplicates, in good to mixed condition and housed in four albums and stockbooks, on album pages and loose on stockcards, the whole arranged in a box.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 9 USA
1930/80: Important lot with some thousand airmail envelopes, cards and airmail stationery items, incl. first and special flights, various frankings, special cachets, pilot's signatures, small selection space envelopes after 1960, few labels and stickers and more, mainly in good condition and housed in two small boxes and loose, the whole arranged in a large removal box.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 11 USA
U.S. - Consular Mail in the Levant 1833/1972: Group of 9 consular letters or envelopes, starting with 1833 letter from the Dragoman of the U.S. - Mission in Constantinople to the Dept. of State in Washington struck with Semlin sanitary h.s. on reverse, 1882 headed envelope 'United States Legation Constantinople locally used to Rear Admiral James W. Nicholson, the Commander of the US Fleet to protect American Citizens and the Consulate during the Anglo - Egyptian War, further four envelopes from the US Consulate in Sivas (Turkey) to Boston, of which two franked with Turkish adhesives, headed envelope 'American Consulate / Sanitary Report' to THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY' in Washington D.C. franked with French adhesives and tied by CONSTANTINOPLE-GALATA POSTE FRANÇAISE 23-9-13" as well as two rare 1972 envelopes from the U.S. Consulate in Algeria used after the Algerian Government declared the consulate to be in a forbidden military zone. Fine and rare assembly.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 12 USA
Losnr. : 13 USA
1853/93c.: Collection of Western Express postal stationery (16 items) with 3 c. red envelope (Scott U9) with "Wells Frago" Paid imprint used to San Francisco with fine oval "Express / Sockton" cachet in blue, 1884/86 2 c. brown env. (U278) with Wells Fargo imprint used with oval Seattle datestamp in red and oval framed "107 / Messenger" cachet in violet at left, 2 c. red env. (U232) used in 1884 with Wells Fargo Locomotive imprint cancelled by oval "113 / Messenger" in red with "Wait for Money from Phoenix" in manuscript on reverse and S. F. arrival (Sept 4); 1870 3 c. green Wells Fargo / J. W. Mackall, Druggist envelope (U82) cancelled by oval "Lakeport" datestamp in blue, 3 c. green env. (U82) with fine 'Elko & Mountaiun Cuty / Pony Express' imprint unused, 3 c. rose env. (U59) with scrolled "Bamber & Co.'s Express, Oakland" imprint used from San Francisco, 3 c. red env. (U10) with Freeman & Co's Express imprint used from San Francisco to Sacremento cancelled in blue; 3 c. pink env. (U59) with Greenhood & Newbauer imprint used from Weaverville, Cal; and one or two unused examples. A charming collection.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 14 USA
1924/77: US-Airmail two frame Exhibit collection, 78 covers showing officel postal flights, Contract Air Mail CAM up to Concorde FF JFK-London (1977), starting with 1918 (May 15) first day usage of 24 c. carmine rose & blue 'Jenny' cancelled "AIR MAIL SERVICE - WASH. N.Y. / MAY 15 - 1918 - FIRST TRIP" in black, further 1924 (July 1) letter franked with compl. 1923 airpost set from Puerto Rico via NY to Vienna, Lindbergh airmail FDC (June 18, 1927), 1934 First Non Stop flight San Francisco - Hawaii, Catapultflights Steamer 'Bremen 2.8.1929" to Denmark and Steamer 'Europa' 28.8.32" to Switzerland, 1929 Zeppelin 'Round the World flight' and 1933 'Chicago flight' Friedrichshafen to Miami as well as various Inaugural or Experimental flights as 1931 first Pacific Coast Experimental flight shore to ship by SS City of Los Angels. A fine collection for further expansion.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHF
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