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Losnr. : 4100 USA
Taylor 5 c. blue on covers (20), with group with excellent array of New Orleans fancy cork cancellations to Mulhouse/Alsace, cover to Peru with 5 c., 2 c. vermilion and 10 c. brown, cover to "U.S.S. Gettysburg" care of R.F. Stevens in London with red cachet, covers (2) to Antioch in Syria with single frankings, further covers to Brazil, Denmark, Egypt, Cape of Good Hope and Norway; also a 10 cent rate cover to Madeira. Generally fine, a good lot.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 4101 Griechenland
Paris printing 60 lepta deep green on greenish, heavy printing on oily paper, a fine four margined example used on cover to Messina via Brindisi neatly tied by Kerkyra (Corfu) cds's. Reverse with Brindisi cds (Jan 11, 1877) and Messina arrival cds. An extremely rare stamp on letter Mi = EUR 3'500.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4102 Griechenland
Paris printing 60 lepta deep green on greenish, a fine four margined example used on envelope (May 22) to Vienna via Triest (early usage of this adhesive), neatly tied by Athens cds. Reverse with oval Triest transit and 'Josefstadt / Wien' arrival (10/6) on reverse. An extremely rare stamp on letter, with very few examples recorded-this being one of the finest. Cert. Holcombe (1987) Mi = EUR 3'500.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 4103 Griechenland
Paris printing 30 lepta brown on cream paper, a fine four margined example used on July 1876 cover from Syra to Marseille, tied by Syra cds in black. Marseille entry marking in red at left. A fine and attractive usage, a scarce stamp on letter. Signed Holcombe Mi = EUR 600.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 4104 Griechenland
Losnr. : 4105 Griechenland
Paris and Athens printings of the UPU values, the 30 lepta brown and 60 lepta deep green; with Paris print Proofs of 30 l. in pale brown, brown and very deep blackish brown (Holcombe opinion), 60 l. Proof in issued colour; Paris printing 30 l. mint (1) and used (6, one being earliest recorded use May 6), 60 l. used with early date (May 13); Athens printing study of 30 l. used (58 and three covers), 60 l. mint in a very deep shade and used (8); 1882 30 l. ultramarine on cover to London etc. A fine lot.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 4106 Ägypten (Königreich)
Lithographed Essays by Penasson for proposed UPU Issue 1876: Imperforate Essays for the 60 para value (2) printed in red & green and in brown & blue (Nile Post E67 and E68 = $ 1'200) and perforated Essays for 60 pa. value (4) in red & green (Nile Post E66 = $ 600), differing design in red & green (E68 = $ 600) further design printed in orange & green and in greenish bistre & blue (E69 = $ 1'200). Note that the rate of 60 para was the UPU designated rate of 1½ piastres. An exceptional group of these rare Essays, only a few of which avoided a fire at Penasson's print works. Signed Todd AIEP.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 4107 Dt. Reich
1878: Lot drei Probedrucke der Postkarten 10 Pf. karmin, anlässlich der Versuche zur ersten Ausgabe der Weltpostkarten mit vollständig geprägtem Wertstempel, dreizeiligem abweichenden Vordruck in Schwarz, in ungebr. Erhaltung, dazu gebr. Postkarte von Strassburg (19/11.78) nach Marseille.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 4108 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1879 (Feb 8): Postal Notice from the Berne Office of the UPU headed "Annexe A La Circulaire Du Bureau International" and dated below, with "Colour Chart" for both the size of future definitive adhesive stamps and their colour uniformity: 5 Centimes in green, 10 centimes and 25 centimes in blue. This Annexe was enacted almost universally thereafter-for example Great Britain 1879-80 values were thus: ½ d. green, 1 d. red and 2½ d. blue; Belgium 1883/84 5 c. green, 10 c. rose and 25 c. blue; Denmark 1884 5 ö. green, 10 ö. red, 25 ö. blue etc. A marvellous item, replete with printed letter from Berne to the London GPO detailing the countries who felt the measure inopportune (France & Colonies, Russia), those that desired to do it but without current facilities (Argentina, Netherlands and Switzerland) and the 20 countries who had agreed the measure. Edge wear to the document but rare and important piece of philatelic history.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 16.000 CHFLosnr. : 4109 Ägypten (Königreich)
Egypt. De La Rue issue imperforates on watermarked paper, 5 pa., 10 pa., 29 pa. 1 pi., 2 pi. stained, and 5 pi. all marginal from base of sheet, scarce 1881 10 pa. claret with Plate No. 1 in margin and 1884 1 pi. ultramarine in a mint marginal block of four; some with gum faults and imperfections but a scarce group.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 4110 Barbados
Barbados. 1882: Appendix sheet ex the De La Rue archives, with "Proposed Scheme of Colours / Colours Settled by the International Postal Convention" in manuscript, bearing un-denominated Barbados 1882 ½ d. dull green, 1 d. rose, 2½ d. ultramarine, 4 d. grey and 6 d. grey-brown (annotated "same colour as English 6 d. Postage Stamp") all overprinted "SPECIMEN" in black. A wonderful Exhibition piece of the highest rarity.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 13.500 CHFLosnr. : 4111 Belgien
Belgium. 1883: De La Rue archive appendix sheet with imperforate Essays and adopted designs for 1883 issue, imperforate with 10 c. rose, 20 c. in olive green, grey, cobalt-blue, emerald, aniline scarlet, orange and chocolate brown, 50 c. value in violet-blue and 1 fr. in bright purple and a cut-down sample label in pale brown; all annotated in manuscript for values sometimes differing to those denominated on the Essays. A wonderful item in immaculate fresh condition of great rarity.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 12.500 CHFLosnr. : 4112 Bulgarien
Bulgaria. 1879: First issue: 5 c., 10 c., 25 c. and 50 c. fresh and fine mint example with large part og. (most signed Brun) with the rare 50 c. being of excellent colour; also the full set of five values fine used, 1881 set of six values mint and used, majority fresh and fine Mi = EUR 4'000+. Note: Bulgaria joined the UPU on July 1, 1879.Ausruf : 320 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 4113 Bulgarien
1882 (Sept 25): Cover at registered rate to Austria franked by 1879 25 c. black & lilac in a horizontal pair tied by star in circle handstamp with bilingual "Widdin" cds below. Registered handstamp in blue alongside and reverse with Vienna and Semil (10/10) cds in black. Minor edge wear to envelope of no importance, a rare and most appealing cover. Cert. Mikulski (1983).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 4114 Bulgarien
1880 (March 31): Entire letter from Sistov to Budapest franked by single 1879 25 c. black & lilac tied by cyrillic "Sistov" cds in blue with repeated strike at base of cover; reverse with Rustchuk transit and Budapest arrival cds (signed Holcombe, cert. A. Diena 1987). Also a front of cover with same adhesive cancelled by cyrillic Rustchuk cds (Sept 1879), an early usage.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 4115 Bulgarien
1881 (July 20): Mourning envelope sent registered to Vienna franked by 1879 50 c. black & bright blue neatly tied by bilingual "Sofia" cds in black. Registered cachet at left and reverse with Vienna arrival cds. Some edge wear and minor flap tear of no significance, a very scarce stamp on letter. Note: UPU rate-Postage 25 cents + 25 cents registration.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4116 Bulgarien
1880 (June 10): Cloth envelope sent registered to Vienna franked by single 1879 1 fr. black on red neatly tied by "Pleven" cyrillic cds in blue. Registration handstamp at left and reverse with Widdin cds and Vienna arrival cds. File fold well away from the adhesive and some minor edge wear to envelope but a rare single franking. Note: Triple rate of postage 3 x 25 cents + registration 25 cents.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 4117 Bulgarien
1894 (May 28): 10 c. rose red postal stationery card used to Brünn from the Librarian to the King of Bulgaria, the card perforated "P.L." at right on 'stamp' area and cancelled "PALAIS - SOFIA" in black. Brünn arrival cds at left. Reverse with handstamped marking of the Librarian. A most unusual card.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 4118 Hongkong
Losnr. : 4119 USA
United States of America. 1879: Liberty Head, the Trial Colour Proof collection of Postal Stationery Cards with "Universal Postal Union" at top, Essays of the 2 c. value printed in un-issued colours of green, rose-red (5 differing shades), in black (with pen crosses through design), dull blue and bright blue, brick-red (with mss. "Essay" in pen); dull purple and bright purple etc. Several with "Essay" in manuscript ink , a rare and very fine lot. Provenance: Collection Brazer.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 4120 USA
1879: Liberty Head, Postal Stationery Cards with "Universal Postal Union" at top, Essay of the 2 c. value in rose-red, further example in green and four cards as issued in blue; two with "Specimen" overprint in violet with handstamp in two differing sizes, another with "William B. Jones" overprint and "Sample-International Postal Card, Made in Holyoke, Mass. in 1881" and a fourth with two "Specimen" overprints in black. Rare group.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4121 British Guyana
British Guyana. 1879: De La Rue Colour Trials for the Postal Stationery UPU 3 c. card, fresh mint examples in green, red-brown, violet-brown, blue, lilac and scarlet, fine and rare group; the eventually selected colour for the card being carmine-rose. A very rare and attractive group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 4122 Philippinen
Philippines. 1879: 2 cént de peso on 25 m. green and 8 cént de peso on 100 m. carmine, the two types of each value, fine, large part og. set Scott = $ 580+. Note: Whilst Spain was an original signatory of the UPU and thus the Philippines were included under their aegis, as an Independent nation the Philippines were only admitted to the UPU on Jan 1, 1922.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 170 CHFLosnr. : 4123 Philippinen
1879: "Convenio Universal de Correos" 2 cént de peso on 25 m. green and 8 cént de peso on 100 m. carmine, the two types of each value, fine, large part og. set, Signed Bloch and the variety "Coreoros" for "Correos" on the first 8 c. on 100 m., fresh mint Scott = $ 730+. Note: One of the earliest philatelic references to the UPU - the overprint referring to the General Postal Treaty.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 4124 Salvador
Salvador. 1879: Coat of Arms issue collection with mint sets, 1 c. green blocks (4) of twenty five showing "V" for "A" errors and used on cover etc., 2 c. rose in a block of fifteen mint, 5 c. blue pair on large piece with 1 c.; 20 c. used block of four on piece, fine cancellation study on complete sets, a fresh and generally fine lot.Ausruf : 320 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 4125 Peru
Peru. 1880/81: Collection on leaves of "Union Postale Universal" overprints, with set of six mint, 1 c. green with inverted and double opt. varieties, 2 c. rose optd. in black (rare) and inverted opt. variety mint; 50 c. green (9) incl. varieties; 1 sol rose (9) incl. varieties; 1883 triangular overprint with cover to France franked by 1 c. (2) and 10 c. (2); 1883 horseshoe overprint with four Plate Proofs on India paper; 1894 Bermudez overprint with covers (3, all registered-AR frankings); an exceptional collection (stamps 113 / covers 10). Note: Peru joined the UPU on April 1, 1879.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 4126 Grenada
Grenada. 1881: Essay by Perkins, Bacon & Co. for the first postal stationery card, using a modification of the Ridgeway portrait submitted with 1879 tender for Great Britain adhesives (an example in rose-red included with this lot); the card being printed in brown with wording "Union Postale Universelle" at top, the colour being utilised eventually for the issued 1½ d. postal stationery card. Unique item in marvellous fresh condition. Provenance: Collection Worthington.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 4127 Guatemala
Guatemala. 1881 (July): Provisional Surcharge Issue, the superb collection on leaves with plating work, varieties, multiples, with 1 c. on ¼ r. (58) incl. a block of six and "ecntavo" variety (2, one in a horizontal pair), 5 c. on ½ r. plate I (67 examples) incl. a partial reconstruction, an unused block of 16 plated, the double surcharge variety unused and a single on defective Mathews cover to London; Plate II (39) with block of eight; "ecntavos" error (3, each in a pair, one showing watermark); also a horizontal strip of three from Plate III; 10 c. on 1 r. (42) with "ecntavos" error (2), 20 c. on 2 r. (6) etc. A marvellous collection containing items illustrated in the Goodman handbook. Note: The previous Spanish based currency had to be changed to the decimal system as Guatemala joined the UPU on August 1, 1881.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 4128 Guatemala
1881 (Nov): Die Proofs (6) by American Banknote Co., Frame Only Proofs on sunken cards for 1 c. in black, 2 c. in brown, 5 c. in red-brown (two-in differing shades of red-brown), 10 c. in grey-black and 20 c. in yellow-orange; fresh and fine, numbered C17-C21 by ABN. A fine and scarce group. Note: Proofs for the new issue in decimal currency for UPU membership. Provenance: Collection Miguel Ricoy, Zurich, November 1986.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 4129 Guatemala
Losnr. : 4130 Guatemala
Losnr. : 4131 Guatemala
1881: 2 c. yellow-brown & green, the unique block of ten from top of sheet, centre inverted, showing imprint and frame number (Plate 2), two examples with un-important staining, but fresh and fine with large part original gum. Illustrated on the dust jacket of Goodman "Guatemala 1" handbook. A magnificent and extremely rare block SG 22a/Scott = $ 4'000+. Provenance: Collection Clarence Hennan, Basel, March 1975. Provenance: Collection Miguel Ricoy, Zurich, November 1987.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 18.000 CHFLosnr. : 4132 Guatemala
1881: Quetzal 5 c. orange-red & green, a superb used example with centre inverted variety, cancelled by barred obliterator in black. Couple of slightly nibbed perfs. at left of no importance as just 20 examples are recorded thus. A very rare stamp Scott = $ 1'300.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 4133 Guatemala
Losnr. : 4134 Guatemala
1881: Quetzal 1 c. in mint block of six, 2 c. brown & green, mint imprint block of 20 from top of sheet and a block of ten, 5 c. and 10 c. in blocks of ten, 20 c. yellow & green, mint imprint block of twenty from base of sheet, a stunning cancellation collection on the Quetzal issue (154 stamps), the provisional surcharge issue of 1881 in mint blocks of four and a few later covers (4).Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 4135 Mexiko
Mexico. 1881/83: Juarez issue with set mint with some multiples (1, 2, 10, 25 and 50 c. values) and four single 100 c. black; covers with 10 c. blue to France and UK, 5 c. single franking to Hamburg, 36 c. rate cover to Italy; later issues with covers including an 1891 registration receipt form, a fine and interesting lot.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 4136 Liberia
Losnr. : 4137 Mexiko
Losnr. : 4138 Thailand
Losnr. : 4139 Thailand
1887/91: Die Proof by De La Rue, undenominated, showing King Chulalongkorn design for 1887 without value tablets and with upper corners un-filled, in black on glazed white card with "Before Hardening" at right and handstamped "2.MAR.91" in blue at left. A rare and appealing Proof.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 4140 Thailand
1887: The collection on leaves with set of eight stuck down on piece from "The Postal Organisation of Siam", with further mint sets (3), mint blocks of 2 a., 3 a. and 4 a.; used (74 stamps) with four complete sets and a splendid block of 21 of the 24 a. purple & blue cancelled in Bangkok Gi = £ 540+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 4141 Thailand
Katalognummer : 33/36 var1892 (Nov): 4 atts on 12 a. purple & blue, the album page with mint and used varieties including a mint block of four with Siamese surcharge double, pairs with antique "a" and "t" varieties, scarce English surcharge double variety mint and used etc. A fine and scarce group (24 items).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 4142 Thailand
1885 (July 1): The superb collection of the rare 4 a. on 1 a. UPU postal stationery cards with a mint study of the types and varieties of print utilised, with mint (17 cards from differing settings of the overprint), used examples with one cancelled by "Bangkok / Paid" cds and another by "Wang Bang Pa-In" native cds, further example up-rated with provisional 1889 1 a. on 3 a. green & blue cancelled by Swiss type Bangkok cds. A fine and appealing collection.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 4143 Thailand
1885 (July): Provisional "4 Atts." on 1 a. red on yellow postal stationery card, further surcharged "Carte Universelle / Post Card." in black, smaller overprint type, variety "Overprint Inverted", slight ironed out crease and minor spotting but a fair to fine unused example of this very rare card.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 4144 Thailand
Losnr. : 4145 Falkland
Falkland Islands. 1891: Government Notice, 203 x 165 mm, authorising the provisional surcharges on 1st January 1891, the illustrative diagram square un-printed (unlike the example in Bunt collection) to show how the stamps were to be cut, bearing both halves of the ½ d. on 1 d. claret at lower left; the Notice has been signed by Fred Sheddon Sanguinetti at lower right in his role as Acting Postmaster. Folded as all these Notices are, this example not being folded near the two adhesives. An exceedingly rare sheet with just three recorded. Note: The example in the Bunt collection was missing one bisected stamp, the example in the Ayre collection had full copies of the stamps un-bisected and cancelled by the "F1" obliterator. Provenance: Collection E. A St. Helier Tweney, Cecil Martin (1955), Dr. F. E. Baker and "Stanley" (March 1998).Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 10.000 CHFLosnr. : 4146 Falkland
1891 (Feb 19): Envelope to London, addressee's name cut away, franked by ½ d. on diagonal half of 1 d. brownish claret together with a block of four ½ d. on 1 d. brownish claret all cancelled by several strikes of "F1" obliterator in black, Falkland Islands cds at base of envelope with London (April 13) arrival cds in red on reverse. An extremely rare piece Gi = £ 2'300 off cover. Provenance: Collection "Stanley", London, March 1998.Ausruf : 320 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 4147 Dt. Neuguinea
Deutsche Kolonien: Deutsch-Neu-Guinea. Berner Ausgabe für den Weltpostverein 3 - 50 Pfg, postfr. kompl. Serie vom oberen Bogenrand, 25 Pfg. mit ganz leichten Anhaftungen, sonst in eiwandfreier Erhaltung, sign. Bothe BPP Mi = EUR 5'000.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 4148 Dt. Kamerun
Losnr. : 4149 Dominica
Dominica. 1903/07: Pictorial set of ten values complete to 5 s. black & brown overprinted "Specimen" in black, applied on receipt from the UPU to ledger sheet and all tied by circular "Postes et Telegraphs / Collection de Berne / Madagascar" cachets in red. Fine and unique usage.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 4150 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands. 1904: Complete definitive set of 9 values from ½ d. to 5 s. green & blue, all overprinted "SPECIMEN" applied on large page and cancelled by red "Postes Et Telegraphs / Collection De Berne / Madagascar" circular cachets on receipt from the U.P.U. in Berne, rare and unique.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 4151 Äthiopien
Ethiopia. Admission to the UPU 1908 (Nov 1): The set of seven values overprinted on 1895 issue, all hinged to brown card paper and handstamped "SPECIMEN" in black, and the three sets of this provisional issue all on album page handstamped on their receipt from the UPU with large circular "Postes Et Telegraphs / Collection De Berne / Madagascar" in red. Exceptional and rare, the latter item being unique.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 4152 Belgien
Belgium. 1872/77: Covers (9) showing pre and post-UPU rates within Europe, franked by 1869 issue; with 1872 cover to Bilbao, Spain franked by 40 c. carmine; 1873 entire to Stockholm with 10 c. and 30 c. with cover showing "Wfr. 1½" in red; Jan 2, 1876 cover to Paris at 30 c. rate; July 1875 cover to Paris at 30 c. rate; rates to GB etc.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 4153 Gibraltar
Gibraltar. 1891 (April 6): 5 cs. green postal stationery card used to Stuttgart, up-rated with diagonally bisected 10 c. carmine tied by "Tangier-A26" duplex in black. Gibraltar transit alongside (7/4) and arrival cds at left. A scarce usage. Cert. RPS (1976).Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 4154 Grossbritannien
Great Britain. 1875/81: Covers/cards (14) showing pre and post-UPU rates, with 1875 covers to France and Portugal at 4 d., 3 d. and 2½ d. rates, 1875 cover with Bantam ½ d. and 2 d. blue used from Malta to Naples; 1875 entire to El Salvador; 1881 cover to Buenos Aires franked by pair of 4 d. grey pl. 17 etc.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 4155 Türkei
Turkey. 1877/1885: Covers/cards (10) with 1876-1880 Transatlantic covers franked with 1876 50 pa. blue & yellow; 1883 cover with 1876 10 pa. block of four mailed via Egypt to Genoa; 1879 Austrian Levant entire from Constantinople to Braila via Varna; 1885 Eastern Roumelia 20 pa. rate cover; 1876 1¼ pre frankings to Marseille etc.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4156 Bermuda
Losnr. : 4157 Ceylon
Ceylon. 1895: 10 c. on 2 c. lilac postal stationery card, a registered 1895 usage to Germany up-rated with 1885 5 c. on 8 c. lilac and 1888-90 2 c. on 4 c. rose tied by "A" obliterators with "Colombo / Registered" datestamp alongside (Dec 17). A scarce and attractive usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 4158 Ägypten (Königreich)
Egypt. 1878 (Feb 23): Great Britain 1¼ d. brown postal stationery card, fine used to Marlborough/UK cancelled by "BO2" obliterator with fine strike of "SUEZ" cds below in black. Minor edge stain at right but believed to be the sole known usage-note the card was insufficiently prepaid via the Brindisi route and thus travelled via Southampton. Provenance: Collection R. Kirk (1987).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 4159 Ägypten (Königreich)
1877 (March 16): Cover from Siut to New York with 1872 10 pa. mauve in a horizontal pair and 1874/75 1 pi. red tied by "Poste Khedevie Egiziane / Siut" cds's. Reverse with Alexandria transit and obverse with London red transit cds. An attractive mixed issue franking and Transatlantic usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 4160 Ägypten (Königreich)
1875 (Nov 7): Cover to North Carolina/USA via London franked by 1874/75 20 pa. grey and 11 pi. red tied by Cairo datestamps and by London transit cds. Red New York/Paid All arrival cds also on front of an appealing Transatlantic usage. Provenance: Collection Scott Gallagher.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 4161 Ägypten (Königreich)
1876: Covers (2) with cover from Cairo to Bournemouth, UK and another to Malta, each franked by 1874/75 20 pa. grey-blue and 1 pi. rose, the cover to Malta with Port Said transit cds on reverse. Minor imperfections but an attractive pair, stamped covers to Malta of this period being surprisingly uncommon.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 4162 Kolumbien
Colombia. 1881 (July 1): First Day Cover to Paris franked by manuscript cancelled 1881 5 c. blue with large margins all round, French Paquebot "Aspinwall / Paq. Fr. A. No. 2" datestamp in black alongside and Paris arrival cds (July 25) in blue. An attractive and scarce usage. Cert. Rendon (1990). Note: Mailed on the very day, July 1, 1881 that this stamp was issued and the day that Colombia was admitted into membership of the UPU.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 9.000 CHFLosnr. : 4163 Kolumbien
1881/83: First 2 c. carmine postal stationery card for UPU (three examples), with a fine 1882 used example to Germany cancelled by "Bogota" despatch in black and red cds at left, Barranquilla cds in black, Colon cds in blue and London transit (Jan 13, 1883) in red. A fine and colourful usage; two further examples used on the same day (!) with each struck by octagonal French Paquebot "Colombia / Lig. A, Paq. Fr. No.1" (Aug 3, 1882) well struck in red (Salles 1419). A generally fine trio.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 4164 Kolumbien
1881 (Aug 23): Registered cover to Paris franked on front with 1881 5 c. blue, good margins, minor age stain in top margin; and, on reverse, registration 10 c. violet, cut round, both tied by "Union Postal Nacional / Barranquilla" datestamps in violet. French Paquebot "Savanilla / Paq. Fr. D. No. 3" alongside in black (Aug 24) and Paris arrivals (Sept 16). Cover sensibly opened for Exhibit display. A rare and fine usage.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 4165 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 4166 Kolumbien
1884 (Aug 23): Attractive printed cover from Ocana to Berlin via Barranquilla (Aug 23), franked by four margined 1881 10 c. violet cancelled by oval "Ocana" handstamp in blue; French Paquebot "Savanilla / Paq. Fr. D. No. 3" alongside in black. A delightful usage.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 4167 Kolumbien
1883/84: Covers (2) bearing 1881/83 10 c. violet, with registered 1882 opened for display cover to Paris franked by single fine example in a bright shade tied by Barranquilla cds which also ties "Recomendada" label, reverse with rare 1870 registration 5 c. black also tied in violet and mailed by French Paquebot with "Savanilla / Paq. Fr. D. No. 2" in red; also an 1884 cover with single franking of 10 c. violet tied by oval "Medellin" in black and mailed to Seebeck in New York.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 4168 Kolumbien
1886 (June): Registered cover to Hamburg endorsed "19 grammos", franked by 1881 20 c. black and perforated 1883 10 c. red on yellow UPU registration stamp tied by oval "Medellin" despatch (and the 10 c. by "Registered / Plymouth" transit datestamp); reverse with Hamburg arrival cds (July 12). An attractive and scarce cover.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4169 Costa Rica
Costa Rica. 1883/89: Small group with 1884 2 c. stationery cards up-rated with 1883 1 c. green used to Paris (with fine "Aspinwall / Paq. Fr. A. No. 2") and New York; fine 1885 cover to Paris franked by 1883 10 c. orange tied by "Liberia" oval in violet, 1889 pair of 10 c. orange used to New York, 1883 set of five used, 1883 Official set mint (Scott O8/O11) and two 'Guanacaste' overprinted 10 c. each signed.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 4170 Dominikanische Rep.
Dominican Republic. Parisot Issue 1891: Covers (5) all sent registered to Parisot in New York or Ritter in Paris, all bear four Parisot overprinted adhesives overprinted either on the 1879 perforated issue, 1880 issue or 1881 networked issue. A few covers with slight staining but a rare and generally fine assembly.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 4.800 CHFLosnr. : 4171 Dominikanische Rep.
Parisot Issue 1891: The selection of overprinted postal stationery, all sent registered to Parisot in New York or to Ritter in Paris, with 10 c. rose overprinted envelope for 30 c., value on blue; 10 c. rose envelope optd. 40 c. on white stock (2); 10 c. envelope optd. 50 c. on blued; 15 c. yellow envelope on blued optd. 60 c.; 15 c. yellow envelope optd. 70 c. on white (4, two differing sizes); 15 c. envelope optd. 80 c. on white; 15 c. envelope optd. 90 c. on white (3); 5 c. blue envelope optd. 1 peso on white and 2 c. red envelope optd. 1 peso on blue stock. A remarkable collection from this rare correspondence. Note: These overprints were accepted, even though technically un-authorised by the Dominican Republic Post Office.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 4172 Guatemala
Guatemala. 1881 (Aug 20): Cover, somewhat tired and with minor corrner fault at upper left, used to Bristol franked by provisional surcharge 5 c. on ½ r. yellow green, slight stain, cancelled by blue fancy handstamp (Goodman CF46) with octagonal "Correos-Guatemala" datestamp in violet at left. Reverse with Bristol arrival cds (Sept 27). An extremely rare issue on letter. Cert. Calves (1976) and Friedl (1976). Note: From August 1 until October 8, 1881 the Foreign Letter rate was 5 cents.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 4173 Guatemala
1881: 2 c. brown & green, 5 c. orange-red & green, 10 c. grey-violet & green and 20 c. yellow & green all tied to registered cover to care of Adams Express Co. (later Amex) in Springfield, USA tied by "Guatemala / 2 / CA" in violet (Goodman CN2). A rare philatelic franking of the issue. Provenance: Collection Clarence Hennan, Basel, March 1975.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 4174 Guatemala
1882 (Oct 7): Matthews cover to London franked by 1881 5 c. orange-red & green (2) tied by target cancellation with "Correos / Zacapa" cds alongside, both in violet. Endorsed at upper left "a ultima hora" and reverse showing Guatemala City and London cds's. A scarce and fine cover.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 4175 Guatemala
1882 (Oct 7): Matthews cover to London franked by 1881 5 c. orange-red & green vertical pair tied by "Correos / Livingston" cds in violet. Reverse showing New Orleans and New York transits alongside London red arrival cds (Oct 10). Minor ageing to perfs. but a scarce cover. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 4176 Guatemala
1881: Covers (3) with single usage of 5 c. orange-red & green on cover to Retalhuleu (signed Holcombe), single 10 c. grey-violet & green on defective cover to USA cancelled by star handstamp in black, and 5 c. pair and single 10 c. used on cover to Mississippi from Livinston cancelled by violet barred obliterators, the latter ex Ricoy collection.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 4177 Guatemala
1881 (Nov 14): Cover to Paris franked by 1881 5 c. orange-red & green and 10 c. grey-violet and green (2), all tied by fancy blue handstamps (Goodman CF 175) with octagonal "Correos / Guatemala" datestamp below in violet. Reverse with Paris arrival cds (Dec 13). Slight file fold away from adhesives and envelope with minor trim at top, but a rare and attractive cover. Signed Holccombe.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 4178 Guatemala
1883 (Sept 20): Cover to Hamburg franked by 1881 10 c. grey-violet & green single and pair, tied by circular target handstamp and by 'cross' fancy handstamps in violet (Goodman CF 202). "Correos / Quetzaltenango" datestamp at left in same ink, reverse with octagonal Guatemala datestamp (Sept 24), red London cds and Hamburg arrival (Oct 29). Minor imperfections but a rare high franking cover. Provenance: Collection Frigstad.Ausruf : 360 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 4179 Honduras
Honduras. 1878; Morazan issue ½ r. black, horizontal pair, usual slight ageing, on cover to Paris cancelled by intaglio star cancel in crimson, oval "Tegucigalpa" datestamp at left (Feb 1) and Paris arrival cds in blue. A scarce issue on letter. Note: Honduras joined the UPU on April 1, 1879.Ausruf : 260 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 4180 Honduras
1884 & 1886: Covers (2) bearing 1878 Morazan issue 1 r. green, earlier cover used to USA and cancelled in violet at Tegucigalpa, 1886 cover used to Paris and cancelled in violet at Puerto Cortes, Latter cover signed Calves. Minor faults to envelopes but a rare pair.Ausruf : 320 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 4181 Hongkong
Hong Kong. 1878 (Aug 6): Cover to USA franked by 1865 12 c. pale blue tied by "B62" obliterator, Hong Kong cds at left in black and "San Francisco / Paid All" cds in red adjacent (Sept 2). Reverse with New Bedford arrival cds (Sept 9). A fresh and fine cover. Note: First UPU rate of 12 cents, valid from April 1, 1877 until April 1, 1879.Ausruf : 260 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 4182 Hongkong
1879 (Sept 24): Cover from Hong to London franked by single 1864 8 c. pale dull orange tied in black, Hong Kong cds alongside (code B). Reverse withLondon arrival cds in red (Nov 5). Note: Second UPU rate of 8 cents. Valid from April 1, 1879 until February 18, 1880.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4183 Hongkong
1899 (April 8): 4 c. grey postal stationery card, fine used example to Germany with additional 1891 10 c. purple on red tied solely by octagonal French Paquebot "Ligne N / Paq. Fr. No. 4" datestamp. Itzehoe arrival cds (7/5) also on front of an attractive and scarce card.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 4184 Macau
Macao. 1897 (June 26): 30 r. green postal stationery card, a fine used example to Smyrne, Turkey cancelled by "Macau" cds with fair strike of rare "CUSTOMS / LAPPA" datestamp at left in black; with Colombo (July 13), Suez and Alexandria cds's also on front of a scarce card.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 4185 Malaysia
Malaysia. Sarawak 1892 (May 12): "Two Cents" on 3 c. blue Straits Settlements postal stationery card, a fine used example to Paris cancelled by bold "SARAWAK" cds in black with 'stamp' cancelled in transit by "Singapore" cds (May 14). Red "Modane A Paris" transit also on front. The card with minor creases and the address has been slightly re-written but the message on the reverse is splendid - the writer explaining that "the stamps with 1 cent surcharge cannot be sent this Mail as the stock of them is so low..." . A rare usage.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 4186 Marokko
Losnr. : 4187 Mexiko
Mexico. 1881/83: UPU Formula cards (3), with October 1881 usage bearing Juarez 1 c. brown & 2 c. violet used to Hamburg; 1883 usage to Marburg franked by 1882 2 c. greyish slate and 1882/83 numeral issue 3 c. rose ex Guanajuato; and numeral issue 3 c. + 2 c. stationery card, slight address fault, used to Paris.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 4188 Mexiko
1882: Covers (3) to Paris and to Hamburg, each franked by single Juarez 12 c. brown; one cancelled in blue-green arriving in Paris on August 15 1882, the other cover from Guaymas dated April 1883 with adhesive cancelled by oval cachet in violet; third cover dated August 1882 with similar franking and used to Panama. Minor cover imperfections but a scarce trio.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 4189 Mexiko
1883: Cover to Italy sent registered franked by Juarez issue 18 c. orange-brown pair cancelled by "R" in circle cachets, circular "Union Postal / Mexico" datestamp at lower left; New York transit registered label adjacent. A fine cover and unusual cover.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 4190 Mexiko
Losnr. : 4191 New South Wales
Losnr. : 4192 Nicaragua
Nicaragua. 1882 (May 1): Collection with American Banknote Co. imperforate Proofs on India Paper, the set of seven in issued colours; the issued set of seven in mint blocks of four, cancellation study on the issue (33 stamps), covers with 10 c. usage from Masaya, pair of 10 c. on cover from Jinoteca and rare 20 c. single franking from Granada to London. Note: Nicaragua joined the UPU on May 1, 1882; this issue being timed to celebrate their admission.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 4193 Nicaragua
1887 (Nov 10): Double rate cover to New York franked by vertical pair of 1882 10 c. dull violet tied by bold "Corinto / Nicaragua" cds and "Corinto" in circle in bright violet. Reverse with New York / Paid All duplex of arrival (Dec 7). A scarce issue on letter and a fresh and fine cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 4194 Nicaragua
1888 (May 9): 2 c. brown first postal stationery card, a fine used example to Germany up-rated with 1882 1 c. green and 2 c. carmine tied by bold "Corinto" cds in violet. Mailed via San Francisco (June 1), with Bayreuth arrival (June 20) below. Rare stamps on cover, a delightful usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 4195 Peru
Peru. 1886 (Feb 27): Slightly aged cover to USA at double rate of 22 centavos, franked by scarce combination of 1884 10 c. slate, 1883 triangular opt. 1 c. orange, 1883 triangle & horseshoe 2 c. vermilion (3) and April 1884 'Correos Lima' 5 c. blue all tied by Lima cds's in black. Reverse with New York Paid duplex (March 24) and, on arrival in Louisville, redirected to St. Louis. A splendid four colour franking.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 4196 Peru
1880 (March 24): Pacific War cover to Hamburg franked by UPU/Peru overprinted 1880 2 c. rose with blue overprint and pair of 5 c. ultramarine tied by "Lima / Principal" datestamps in black, reverse with unusual sender's label and Hamburg arrivals (April 29). Scarce and most attractive usage, overpaid 1 centavo.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4197 Peru
1881 (July 8): Pacific War cover to Paris franked by UPU/Lima overprinted 1881 1 c. green and pair of 5 c. ultramarine tied by "Lima / Principal" datestamps in black. Calais entry marking on front (July 12) and Paris arrival cds on reverse of a fine and scarce cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4198 Peru
1890 (May 20): Registered cover to England franked by 1881 1 c. green optd 'UPU/Lima', 1886 2 c. green pair, 10 c. slate and scarce usage of 50 c. red all tied by "Mollendo" ovals in black. Registered label at lower left and London (June 23) transit on front. Reverse with Lima oval datestamp of transit and Colchester arrival cds. Cover opened for display, but a scarce and attractive usage: the 50 c. is rare on letter. Cert. Holcombe (1996).Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 4199 Peru
1881 (May 7): Cover from Arequipa to Paris franked by Jan 1881 UPU/Lima optd 2 c. rose and pair of 5 c. ultramarine, with "Cancelada" blue overprint and manuscript "10 c." tying the 2 c. adhesive; mailed via Arica (May 12) and thence by French Paquebot with fine octagonal "PANAMA-UNION / PAQ. F.A.No.1" in black. Reverse with Paris arrival (June 27) cds in blue. A scarce and attractive cover.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHF
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