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Losnr. : 1599 Griechenland
1861: The used collection of Large Hermes Heads in two large volumes, beautifully mounted and displayed by denomination throughout with Pairs Print 1 lepta deep brown in a deep shade used (4) and the famous Burrus cover (lot 1327) with horizontal strip of five and strip of three 5 l. green; Paris 2 l. mint (2) and used (6), Paris 5 l. used (6) and cover with 20 l. and 40 l. ex Constantinople; Paris 10 l. used (3) and a wonderful cover with two examples ex Thera in Jan 1862, Paris 20 l. used (6) and a superb 1861 cover, Paris 40 l. used (5) and 80 l. (6); Nov 1861 1st Athens printings 1 l. in chocolate shade (7), 2 l. with a strip of five, 5 l. in provisional shade (6) and outstanding strip of four on cover ex Tripolis (Burrus lot 1379), later prints (10), 10 l. used (10, incl. a cover and pairs), 20 l. (4), 40 l. (3) and 80 l.; 1862/67 2nd Athens with large range from all adhesives incl. blocks, strips and covers with 1868 cover with 5 l. strip of four, three colour frankings (3), and four colour franking to Trieste; 10 l. strip of four and a cover with strip of four, covers with pairs (4); 40 l. strip of four and used on cover with 20 l. and 80 l. to Switzerland, 1870/75 issues with strips of four, three colour frankings on letters, 40 l. salmon (5), 1872/75 transparent paper with multiples and covers, 1876 Paris prints and Athens print 60 l. strip of three, 1880 20 l. carmine used block of four etc., the collection with cancellation interest throughout, covers (40), numerous multiples, additionally Small Heads with range from both printings, 1896 and 1906 Olympic sets used, 1901 and 1902 sets mint, 1911 engraved 10 d. mint etc. A magnificent collection in outstanding condition with viewing a philatelic pleasure.Ausruf : 35.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1600 Griechenland
1861/1988: Fine collection used/unused in two albums with many better sets and values, incl. Large Hermes Heads, 1906 10th Anniversary of Olympic Games, 1930's and 1940's commemorative- and airmail issues unused as 1940 National Youth Organization, further better occupation issues of Epirus, Albania, Creta, Icaria, Lemnos, Samos and Thrace as well as some Bulgaria Mi = EUR 14'400.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 1601 Griechenland
1916: "ET" overprints on 50 lepta lilac-grey in an unmounted block of 65 stamps, and 1 drachma ultramarine in an unmounted og. block of sixty from base of sheet, Rare and fine multiples Mi = EUR 5'925.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1602 Griechenland
1859/1908: Small group of covers cards (9), incl. 1859 entire letter from Corfu to Santa Maura with scarce "Posta Pagata" in green, covers with 1864 and 1867 Austrian Levant 10 s. used from Scio and Candia taxed with 20 lepta, and 1878 and 1882 covers bearing 10 lepta orange pairs used from Lamia or Naphlion. Interesting lot.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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