1914/20: Official 1 d. carmine-red punctured 'OS', a fine mint block of eight from base of sheet with "CA" monogram and position 60 (lower right stamp) showing variety "RA" of "Australia" joined, delightful multiple, large part or unmounted og BW 71(4)bb/jz = $ 500+.
1914/21: Official 1 d. pale terracotta (brick) red, punctured 'OS', a fine mint example of fresh colour, superb large part og. Cert. Bovic (2007) BW 71Qbb = $ 750.
1914/21: Official 1 d. scarlet, mint example centred to to right, variety punctured 'SO' for 'OS' (inverted), one or two minor wrinkles and part og., but a rare stamp. Cert. Sydney Phil. Research Service (2009) BW 71(I)bb = $ 1'500.
1915/28: Official 3 d. yellow-olive, Die IIB, punctured 'OS', a fine mint interpanneau marginal pair with "T. S. Harrison" imprint at base, minor gum bend otherwise fresh and fine, unmounted og BW 14Abz = $ 1'000+.
1915/28: Official 9 d. violet, Die IIB, punctured 'OS', a fine mint interpanneau marginal block of four with "John Ash" imprint at base, fresh and fine, unmounted og BW 28Abz = $ 750+.
1916/20: Rough paper, Official 1 d. deep red, puntured 'OS', a fine mint horizontal pair showing Die II at left and Die I on right se-tenant, fresh and very fine, unmounted og BW 72bb/fa = $ 1'000.
1918/20: Official ½ d. green, punctured 'OS', fresh mint example showing variety "Thin 1 in Fraction at Right", minor horizontal bend, unmounted og. Cert. Bovic (2007) BW 65E(5)ba = $ 1'000.
1923/24: Official set of three punctured 'OS', fresh mint withn 6 d. chestnut, 2 s. maroon and rare £ 1 grey, large part og. Cert. Bozic (2008) for the £ 1 value Gi = £ 1'200+.