Brit. Post in Marokko
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Losnr. : 486 Brit. Post in Marokko
Gibraltar used in Morocco 1886/98: Victorian issues with 1886 4 d. used in Casablanca, 1889/96 10 cs., 20 cs. and 50 cs. all used on piece in Mogador, 1889/96 20 cs. used in Saffi, 1 p. bistre superb used in Tangier, 5 p. slate-grey used in Tangier on piece, 5 cs. and 10 cs. used in Tetuan etc. (10 items) Gi Z8+Z82+Z83+Z85+Z89+Z113+Z132+Z136+Z149+Z152+Z153+Z154 = £ 1'200+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 487 Brit. Post in Marokko
1914/31: George V, wmk. Simple Cypher, ½ d- green, 1 d. scarlet, 2 d. orange (Die I), 1 s. bistre-brown and Waterlow Seahorse 2 s. 6 d. sepia-brown, each fine unused and all overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Samuel type GB26), somewhat heavily mounted with part og., a rare group, all emanate from the private record book of a former Inland Revenue Official. Three certs BPA (2002).rnProvenance: Grosvenor, London, 16 April 2002, lot 1547.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 488 Brit. Post in Marokko
1914/31: De La Rue Seahorse 2 s. 6 d. yellow-brown, an unused vertical pair, marginal from right of sheet, lower stamp showing variety "Overprint Double", fresh and fine, browned large part og. with the variety unmounted og. Rare. Cert. BPA (1958) Gi = £ 1'650+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 489 Brit. Post in Marokko
1914: De La Rue Seahorse 2 s. 6 d. yellow-brown, a fine used example showing variety "Overprint Double", lightly cancelled by 'British Post Office' cds in black leaving the variety clear. Rare. Cert. BPA (1984) Gi = £ 1'400.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 490 Brit. Post in Marokko
Spanish Currency 1907/12: 15 cs. on 1½ d. pale dull slate purple & green, an unused pair with slight rubbing, left hand stamp showing variety "1" of "15" missing in overprint, with part of "M" of MOROCCO and "A" of AGENCIES also partially missing above, fine large part og. The variety occurred on the first vertical row of one sheet, thus only 20 examples can exist. An extremely rare and attractive pair. Cert. BPA (2019) Gi = £ 7'000.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 491 Brit. Post in Marokko
1935 (May 8): Silver Jubilee 10 c. on 1 d. scarlet, a magnificent unused block of nine, central stamp variety "CENTIMES for CENTIMOS", fresh and very fine, unmounted og. A rarity. Cert. BPA (2019) Gi = £ 1'700+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 492 Brit. Post in Marokko
Tangier International Zone 1927 (April 29): ½ d. green, wmk. Block Cypher, eight examples affixed to the sheetlet bearing Essays of the TANGIER surcharge, with "Specimen No. 1" through "No. 4" showing four different sizes of the overprint (the final choice made and issued was in favour of overprint No. 3, Gibbons type 26), each stamp also overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Samuel type GB23). Unusually the Types 3 and 4 are overprinted on vertical pairs of the ½ d. The sheet handstamped at base with circular 'STAMPING DEPARTMENT / PRINTING BRANCH' and dated '20 JAN. 1927' in violet, together with a letter on 'Administracion Internacional de la Zona de Tánger' headed paper addressed to the Director of the 'Poste Anglaise' in Tangier dated November 8, 1926 stating that it is the wish of the Propaganda and Tourist Department that the British stamps are surcharged 'Tanger' for use in the local Post Offices. One of the adhesives with corner fault but this is of no great significance as this item shows the genesis of the "Tangier" overprint, an extraordinary item and unique.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 493 Brit. Post in Marokko
Tangier 1948 (April 26): Royal Silver Wedding 2½ d. ultramarine, an unused vertical pair, marginal from top of sheet, centred to top, variety "Overprint Omitted", with stamp below showing TANGIER overprint alongside Crown at upper left, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Upper stamp with small ink mark on one perf. at right but one of just six possible examples. A great rarity of George VI philately. Cert. BPA (2019) Gi = £ 9'000.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 494 Brit. Post in Marokko
1898/1926: Lot stamps unused / unmounted og. and covers incl. Overprinted by De La Rue 1898 5 cs. green postal stationery card Proof, with manuscript at left "R78/98" and initialled for registration and date, further manuscript in centre "App'd" (Approved) and dated "4/10/98" in ink, the sole stationery Proof known from the De La Rue archives; Overprinted by De La Rue 1899: 5 c. to 1 p. values, the complete set of eight, all overprinted SPECIMEN in black; Overprinted by De La Rue 1899 1 p. black & carmine, wmk. Crown CA, an unused block of eight (4 x 2), marginal from left of the sheet, with position 45 (third stamp top row), showing "Broad top to M" variety; 1903/05 10 c. dull purple on red, wmk. Crown CA, an unused block of six (3 x 2) from upper right corner of Plate 1 sheet, all with variety "Watermark Inverted"; 1903/05 50 cs. purple & violet, wmk. Crown CA, an unused block of six from upper right of sheet, Plate 1, fifth stamp, position 17 showing variety "Hyphen between n and c" reading "Agen-cies", og. with lower four stamps unmounted og.; 1903/05 50 c. purple & violet, wmk. Crown CA, a used example on OHMS 1905 registered cover to Paris tied by neat REGISTERED / TANGIER oval datestamp in black (Sept 6), oval 'R' at base and arrivals on reverse; 1903/05 1 p. black & carmine, wmk. Crown CA, an unused block of twelve (3 x 4) from the upper right corner of Plate 1, position 17 showing "Hyphen between n and c" reading "Agen-cies", fresh and very fine, lower pair very fine og. upper block of four unmounted og.; 1903/05 2 p. black & blue, wmk. Crown CA, an unused block of twelve (6 x 2), marginal from left of sheet and with interpanneau margin at right, third stamp position 45, showing "Broad top to M" variety, unmounted og.; 1914 Waterlow Seahorse 2 s. 6 d. sepia-brown, unused example in a deep shade, showing the Major re-entry on position 5 (Row 2, stamp 1), large part og.; 1925/36 ½ d. green, wmk. Block Cypher, an unused Control D25 strip of three, variety "Wmk. Inverted", large part og.; 1914/26: Waterlow Seahorse 6 p. on 5 s. pale rose-carmine, an unused block of four from the top left corner of the sheet of 40 subjects; Spanish Currency 1914/26 part set of seven values excluding the later issued 40 c. on 4 d., lower three values all overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Samuel type GB26); the other four values optd. SPECIMEN in black (Samuel type GB23), large part og.; and French Currency 1917/24 part set of seven values (excluding the later issued 50 c. on 5 d. and 75 c. on 9 d.), all overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Samuel type GB26); hinge remnants on large part og. Six certs.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 495 Brit. Post in Marokko
1898/1948: Collection, predominantly unused with 1898 5 cs. to 40 cs. values in pairs or blocks and singles to 2 p. all with 'Ʌ' for 'A' varieties, eight values in pairs with 'Broad top to M' varieties, 1903/05 set of seven unused and with 'Specimen' overprints, 1905/06 set of seven unused and used, together with unused pairs with listed varieties, 1907/13 set of ten to 2 s. 6 d. unused and 4 d. green & brown in an unused block of 48, 4 d. orange-red in a block of 24, 'Specimen' set of two, George V 1914/31 set of twelve unused (incl. all four Seahorses); De La Rue 2 s. 6 d. in an unused block of four, 1925/36 set of seven unused and 1 s. optd. 'Specimen', 1935/37 1 s. and 2 s. 6 d. optd. 'Specimen', 1949 set unused, French Currency with 1924 3 fr. on 2 s. 6 d. with re-entry (Gi 200a = £ 500) unused with cert. and a positional block of four, Seahorse set of two optd. 'Specimen' and a further 6 fr. on 5 s. strip of three with 'Specimen' opt., Tangier incl. 1949 and 1950 sets unused etc. A delightful lot in fine quality (314 items).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 496 Brit. Post in Marokko
1949/51: Page from the Presentation Booklet prepared by the GPO for the Brussels 1952 UPU Congress, with values in sterling from the 1949 and 1951 definitive sets from ½ d. - 5 s. (17 stamps), each stamp hinged to page and overprinted SPECIMEN in black. Discussed in Marcus Samuel & Dr. Alan Huggins 'Specimen Stamps & Postal Stationery' in Section J. Exceptionally attractive and of great rarity.rnrnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 497 Brit. Post in Marokko
1948/51: Page from the Presentation Booklet prepared by the GPO for the Brussels 1952 UPU Congress, with values in Spanish currency, the definitive values (6) from 5 cs. - 70 cs., and the 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two values, all overprinted SPECIMEN in black. Discussed in Marcus Samuel & Dr. Alan Huggins 'Specimen Stamps & Postal Stationery' in Section J. Exceptionally attractive and of great rarity. Cert. BPA (1994) for the £ 1 value.rnrnAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 498 Brit. Post in Marokko
1948: Page from the Presentation Booklet prepared by the GPO for the Brussels 1952 UPU Congress, with values in Spanish currency, the Olympic Games set of four values, each stamp hinged to page and overprinted SPECIMEN in black. Discussed in Marcus Samuel & Dr. Alan Huggins 'Specimen Stamps & Postal Stationery' in Section J. Exceptionally attractive and of great rarity.rnrnAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 499 Brit. Post in Marokko
Tangier 1948/49: Two Pages from the Presentation Booklet prepared by the GPO for the Brussels 1952 UPU Congress, with values in Spanish currency, the definitive values (6) from 5 cs. - 70 cs., and the 1948 Royal Silver Wedding set of two values, second page with 1949 UPU set of four, all overprinted SPECIMEN in black. Discussed in Marcus Samuel & Dr. Alan Huggins 'Specimen Stamps & Postal Stationery' in Section J. Exceptionally attractive and of great rarity. Cert. BPA (1994) for the £ 1 value.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 500 Brit. Post in Marokko
Tangier 1948/51: Two Pages from the Presentation Booklet prepared by the GPO for the Brussels 1952 UPU Congress, with values in sterling currency, the definitive values (15) from ½ d. - 1 s., and the second page with the three high values fron 2 s. 6 d. - 10 s., all overprinted SPECIMEN in black. Discussed in Marcus Samuel & Dr. Alan Huggins 'Specimen Stamps & Postal Stationery' in Section J. Exceptionally attractive and of great rarity.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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