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Die Sammlung BESANCON (Teil 2)
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Losnr. : 6302 Transvaal
Typographed by M.J.Viljoen, Pretoria 1870 (May 10): 1 d. rose-red to carmine-red (shades) on thick hard paper, imperforate, unused examples (13, one with cert. BPA) including two horizontal and one vertical pair and a single used example; 1 s. yellow-green (shades) unused (5) incl. an under-inked example from base of sheet and used examples (4); 1 s. yellow-green with fine roulette used (cert. BPA), July 1870 printing on medium paper with fine roulette, 1 d. carmine (shades) unused examples (7), 6 d. ultramarine unused (4) and used (4, one with PO of POSTZEGEL missing, 1 s. deep green unused (2). The majority are choice examples from this most discerning collector (38 items) Gi = £ 5'500+.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 6303 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P. Borrius in Potchefstroom 1870 (Sept): 1 d. black on stout paper, roulette 15½-16, a complete pane of 40 subjects in a deep shade, small part of sheet margin missing above positions 1-3, fresh and fine, hinged as a precautionary measure, large part or unmounted og., handstamped 'Buhl & Co. London' in margin. A scarce and attractive multiple Gi = £ 1'200+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 6304 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P. Borrius in Potchefstroom 1870 (Sept): 6 d. dull blue on stout paper, roulette 15½-16, an unused horizontal pair, sheet marginal at base, left pane positions 35-36, of fresh colour and fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 280+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Major Harold Criddle, Robson Lowe, London, 25 Feb 1992, lot 83.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6305 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P.Borrius, Potchefstroom 1870 (Sept): 1 d black on stout paper, imperforate, unused examples (4) two being marginal examples, and July 1871 fine roulette 6 d. blackish blue or dull blue unused (13) including a fine horizontal pair from upper left of sheet (pos. 1-2), two further pairs and a vertical strip of three marginal from base of sheet (pos 22/30/38); together with four used examples, one on small piece. A scarce and generally fine group (16 items), some of the 6 d. values on slightly yellowish paper which Yardley thought merited a separate listing Gi = £ 2'750+.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 6306 Transvaal
Typographed by Adolph Otto, Gustrow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1871 (July): 3 d. pale reddish-lilac, the imperforate Essay for the 3 d. value without the dot on the Eagle's left leg, a fine unused vertical tête-bêche pair with clear to huge margins all round, fresh and very fine, large part og. Rare and most unusual, possibly the most mis-aligned of the few tête-bêche Essays extant Gi = £ 3'250.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 6307 Transvaal
Typographed by Adolph Otto, Gustrow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1871 (July): 3 d. pale reddish lilac, the selection of unused examples (7) including a single example with BPA cert., two further singles and a block of four, 3 d. deep lilac (3) unused in this bright shade, one example being a 'wet printing' in an unusual blotchy shade, unused or large part og. A fine and scarce groiup Gi = £ 950+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6308 Transvaal
Typographed by Adolph Otto, Gustrow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1871 (July): 3 d. pale reddish-lilac, clear impression on thin paper, an unused example on vertically laid paper, in a pale grey-lilac shade, corner crease, but this is the 'SG listing' example, of fine appearance, unused without gum. Extremely rare - sold with a normal unused large part og. example of the 3 d. pale reddish-lilac on wove paper. Cert. BPA (1994) Gi = listed but unpriced.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 6309 Transvaal
Losnr. : 6310 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P.Borrius, Potchefstroom 1872/74: 1 d., 6 d. and 1 s. values, all on thin transparent paper, fine roulette 15½-16, the study with 1 d. bright carmine (shades) unused (5) including an unused example with RPSL cert. (ex Hutson), a fine horizontal pair with gum and two further used examples; 6 d. ultramarine with an unused example and used examples (8) incl. one with inking flaw at top and another used with OFS cancellation; 1 s. green unused (3) including a sheet marginal vertical pair and used examples (5). A generally and interesting group (22 items) Gi = £ 3'200+.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 6311 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P. Borrius at Potchefstroom 1872 (Dec): 1 d. carmine on thin opaque paper, clear printing, rouletted 15½-16, an unused block of four, marginal from top of sheet, fresh and fine but for two minor age spots in margin and on large part og. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 400.rnrnProvenance: Spink, London, 29 March 2004, lot 1067.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 6312 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P. Borrius at Potchefstroom 1872 (Dec): 6 d. ultramarine on thin opaque paper, clear printing, rouletted 15½-16, a used example in a rich shade, used on 1874 cover addressed to a Miss Susan van Ryneveldt at Deep River, Mill River, Long Kloop, Cape Colony; tied by circular target obliterator in black with PRETORIA / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFIKA datestamp below (March 21). Reverse with Griqualand transit of oval framed DU TOIT'S PAN (March 26), BEAUFORT (March 31) and BLANCO (April 5) arrival in black. The envelope, unlisted in the Jorgensen census, with part flap missing and sensibly repaired at top, nevertheless extremely scarce.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6313 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P. Borrius at Potchefstroom 1872 (Dec): 1 s. yellow-green on thin opaque paper, clear printing, rouletted 15½-16, a horizontal pair, marginal from base of sheet, used on 1873 cover to Kroonstad, Orange Free State, tied by circular target obliterator in blue-black. PRETORIA / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA cds at left (March 29) and reverse with 'Potchefstroom' transit cds of the following day (figure 30 is inverted and reversed). The cover mailed at rate of 2 shillings would pay for a letter of 1½ to 2 ounces, or the sender paid a Late Fee which charge was double the amount of the postal rate. The late Dr. Alan Drysdall's alternative explanation is that the letter was a double rate letter (1 shilling) for which the Orange Free State fee (1s.) has also been charged. The cover, #24 on the Jorgensen census, with tears and aging and small stains, nevertheless of great rarity being the sole recorded usage of two 1 s. Borrius adhesives on letter. Cert. PFSA (1959).rnrnProvenance: Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1112.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 6314 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P.Borrius, Potchefstroom 1872/74: 1 d. very deep carmine-red, in an intense shade on very thick dense paper, an unused example imperforate at top and at right, fine rouletted at left and at base, with smooth large part og. which has penetrated and hardened the paper. Certificate BPA (1984) states "is genuine and probably of Proof status" but this describer and, more importantly Lars Jorgensen AIEP, believe this to be an issued stamp. Exceptional Gi = £ 650+.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6315 Transvaal
Typographed by J.P.Borrius, Potchefstroom 1872/74: 1 d. reddish pink to carmine-red, the Dec 1872 clear printings on thin opaque paper, with used examples (5), 6 d. ultramarine unused with large part og. and used (6), 1 s. green in a top sheet marginal vertical pair and used (3); 1873/74 printings on thickish wove paper with 1 d. rose used (3), 6 d. milky blue unused and used (3), and two used examples on thick dense paper; generally fine, a scarce selection (25 items) Gi = £ 2'000+.rnrnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 6316 Transvaal
Postal Stationery printed by Davis & Son, Pietermaritzburg 1872: 6 d. blue postal stationery envelope, 143 x 76 mm., with circular embossed network on flap, a used example with SUPERB in watermark, mailed from Pretoria to Stanterton, Rustenburg, cancelled by circular numeral "1" of Pretoria with PRETORIA / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA datestamp (Sept 2, 1876) and Rustenburg arrival (Sept 4) alongside. Cover #104 in the Jorgensen census. Rare. Cert. BPA (1996).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6317 Transvaal
Typographed by P. Davis & Son, Pietermaritzburg 1874 (Sept): 1 d. pale brick red & 6 d. deep blue (shades), perforated 12½, the collection on album page with 1 d. on thin transparent paper unused and used (2), 6 d. deep blue used (3); on thicker more opaque paper 1 d. pale red unused and used (4, two are marginal) and 6 d. deep blue used (4). A generally fine and scarce group Gi = £ 1'450+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 6318 Transvaal
Typographed by Adolf Otto in Gustrow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1874 (Oct): 6 d. bright ultramarine on thin smooth paper, clear printing, fine roulette, two unused examples in differing shades, both with large part og., and two used examples: one marginal from base of sheet the other cancelled by bold "15" numeral obliterator of Nylstrom in black Gi = £ 220+.Ausruf : 80 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 6319 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1875 (April 29): 1 d. orange-red, 3 d. lilac and 6 d. blue (shades) on very thin soft opaque paper, imperforate, an unused and used selection with 1 d. orange-red used (6), 1 d. orange-red pin-perforated and cancelled in manuscript (27.4.1876); 3 d. lilac unused and used; 6 d. blue or milky blue unused (3, incl. corner marginal example from left pane, position 33) and used examples (10) incl. one cancelled solely by registration cachet (rare). Generally fine, a scarce group Gi = £ 1'800+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6320 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F.Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1875/77: 1 d. brownish-red on very thin, hard transparent pelure paper, privately pin-perforated example used with "14" numeral obliterator of Pilgrim's Rest. Rare and very fine for this Gi = £ 450.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 6321 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1875/76: 3 d. lilac on very thin hard transparent (pelure) paper, imperforate, an unused block of four in a dull grey-lilac shade, large margins all round and irregular at right, fresh and very fine, large part og. A rare and most appealing multiple Gi = £ 320+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 6322 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1875/76: 6 d. milky blue on very thin transparent paper, imperforate, an unused block of four, marginal from top of sheet, positions 3-4 / 11-12 on the right pane, minor aging and creasing, unused without gum. A rare multiple Gi = £ 320+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 6323 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1875/76: 6 d. pale blue on very thin hard transparent (pelure) paper, an unused example, left pane position 34, of excellent colour and centering, variety "pin-perforated", fresh and fine with large part og. Rare - unpriced unused by Stanley Gibbons. Cert. BPA (1997) Gi = £ 425 used.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 6324 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F.Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1875/77: Thin, soft opaque (semi-transparent) paper, fine roulette 1 d. orange-red used, 3 d. lilac used , 6 d. blue (shades) unused (2) and used (2), Wide Roulette 6½ with scarce 3 d. lilac used, 6 d. bright blue used, 1875/76 issue Imperforate on thin hard pelure paper with 1 d. red (shades) unused and used (5, one is privately pin-perforated), 3 d. lilac unused (3) incl. a horizontal pair (ex Maria de la Quellerie) and used (2), 6 d. blue (shades) unused (4) and used (19, incl. a block of four and a sheet marginal vertical pair), Fine Roulette 1 d. red unused and used (2), 6 d. blue used (3), Wide Roulette 1 d. unused and used and 6 d. deep blue used. A remarkable and scarce group (46 items) Gi = £ 6'750+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 6325 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1876: 6 d. bright blue on stout hard surfaced paper, an unused block of four in a vibrant shade on slightly toned paper, left pane positions 4-5 / 12-13, ample to large margins all round, tiny scissor cut in margin only at right, fresh and very fine with large part og. A rare and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 560+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 6326 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1876: 6 d. pale blue on stout hard surfaced paper, imperforate, an unused block of six, close to large margins all round, left pane positions 4-5-6 / 12-13-14, with position 6 showing the major plate flaw PhSTZEGEL at top, closed tear at base of centre stamp, large even margins all round, large part og. A scarce and attractive multiple Gi = £ 840+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, New York, 24-26 Feb 1958, lot 882.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 6327 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1875/76: 6 d. deep blue on stout hard surfaced paper, imperforate, a used example on 1876 cover to Johnstone, Scotland tied by circular numeral "1" and by corresponding PRETORIA / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA datestamp in black. Cape 1864/77 4 d. blue and 6 d. lilac applied for onward transmission and tied by numeral "1" with 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds at left (Jan 3, 1877). Reverse with Johnstone cds of receipt (Feb 2) in black. Cover #110 on the Jorgensen census, with insignificant crease away from the adhesives, a charming and attractive combination usage.rnrnProvenance: Robson Lowe, London (Jonkers sale), 22 July 1986, lot 570.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6328 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1876: 1 d. bright red on stout hard surfaced paper, wide roulette 6½, left pane position 7 (cut in third left spear), a fine unused example of excellent centering, part og. A very rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1968) Gi = £ 750.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6329 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1876/77: 6 d. deep blue on coarse soft white paper, imperforate, a superb diagonally bisected example used on circa 1878 cover from Marabas Stad to Tweefontein, tied by circular "16" numeral obliterator in black. MARABAS STAD / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA despatch datestamp (March 19, probably 1878 when the domestic rate was 3 d., the year slug is erroneous) at left. Jorgensen census #90. A superb and most attractive usage. Cert. RPSL (1960).rnrnProvenance: Collection David Crocker, Robson Lowe, London, 5 Nov 1980, lot 1155.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6330 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F.Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1875/77: Stout hard-surfaced paper, Imperforate, with 1 d. bright-red unused (4 incl. a pair), used (6), 6 d. bright blue (shades) with unused examples (6, one with BPA cert.) and used (16) incl. one with "Z.AF REPUBLIK" Plate Flaw, Fine Roulette 6 d. blue (shades) with used examples (5, one with RPSV cert.); Wide Roulette 1 d. bright red used. Another generally very fine selection (37 items) Gi = £ 2'000+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6331 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F.Celliers on behalf of the Stamp Commission, Pretoria 1876/77: Coarse soft white paper, Imperforate, with 1 d. brick-red used (3) in differing shades and impressions, 6 d. deep blue used (2) and 6 d. milky blue cancelled "14" numeral at Pilgrim's Rest, Fine Roulette 1 d. brick-red used, 6 d. deep blue used (2) and rare Wide Roulette 1 d. brick-red fine used. A scarce group (10 items) Gi = £ 3'000+.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 6332 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers, overprinted Type 4 in red 1877 (April): 3 d. lilac on very thin soft opaque (semi pelure) paper, imperforate, an unused example optd. in red, ample to large margins all round, fresh and fine, without gum. A very rare stamp Gi = £ 1'700.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 6333 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers, overprinted Type 4 in red 1877 (April): Celliers 6 d. milky blue on coarse soft white paper, imperforate, an unused example optd. Type 4 in red, just clear to large margins all round, without gum. A very rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1979) Gi = £ 2'250.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 6334 Transvaal
Losnr. : 6335 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers, overprinted Type 4 in red 1877 (April): Celliers 1 s. yellow-green on coarse soft white paper, imperforate, a used example optd. Type 4 in red, large margins all round, neatly cancelled by circular numeral obliterators in black. A fine and scarce stamp Gi = £ 275.rnrnProvenance: Collection David Crocker, Robson Lowe, London, 5 Nov 1980, lot 1180.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6336 Transvaal
Overprinted Type 5 in red: Celliers 1 s. yellow-green on coarse soft white paper, imperforate, showing widely spaced overprint in red, large margins on three sides, the top margin evened out by some added paper, cancelled by two strikes of a mute four-ring canceller in black. A scarce stamp, cert. Jorgensen (2019) Gi = £ 1'700.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6337 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers, overprinted Type 5 in red 1877 (April): Celliers 1 s. yellow-green on coarse soft white paper, imperforate, a used example optd. with wide setting Type 5 in red, right pane position 11, large margins all round, cancelled by circular target obliterator in black. A fine example of an extremely scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (1978) Gi = £ 1'700.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 6338 Transvaal
"V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (June): Celliers 1 d. orange-red on thin hard transparent pelure paper, imperforate, optd. Type 4 in black, an unused example with large margins all round and of rich colour, slight natural corner bend, large part og. A scarce stamp Gi = £ 375.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 6339 Transvaal
Losnr. : 6340 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers, overprinted Type 4 in black 1877 (June): Celliers 1 d. orange-red on thin hard transparent (pelure) paper, imperforate, optd. Type 4 in black, a used block of four of fine colour and ample to large margins all round, from left pane positions 31-32 / 39-40, lightly cancelled by target obliterators in black. One stamp with pinhole but a most attractive multiple Gi = £ 720+.rnrnProvenance: Collection David Crocker, Robson Lowe, London, 5 Nov 1980, lot 1187.rn Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1184.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 6341 Transvaal
"V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (June): Celliers 1 d. bright red on stout hard surfaced paper, imperforate, optd. Type 4 in black, an unused example with large margins all round and of delicate colour, variety "Overprint Inverted", unused, hinge remnants, without gum. A very scarce stamp Gi = £ 650.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 6342 Transvaal
"V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (June): Celliers 1 d. bright red on stout hard surfaced paper, imperforate, optd. wide Type 5 in black, an unused example with large margins all round and of slightly blotchy colour, unused, without gum. A very scarce stamp indeed Gi = £ 850.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 6343 Transvaal
Typographed by J.F. Celliers, overprinted Type 4 in black 1877 (June): Celliers 1 d. orange-red on stout hard surfaced paper, rouletted 15½-16, optd. Type 4 in black, an unused block of four, of good colour, some minor creasing as usual, large part og. A scarce multiple. Cert. RPSL (1970) Gi = £ 1'000+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 6344 Transvaal
"V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (April/June): Celliers 3 d. lilac on pelure, imperforate used (2), 6 d. milky blue imperf. on coarse soft paper used (2), June 1877 1 d. orange-red used, 1 d. bright red on stout hard surfaced paper, imperforate, optd. Type 4 in black, unused examples (12) and used examples (3), Fine Roulette 1 d. bright red single and horizontal pair used, Wide Roulette 1 d. bright red used (2), both particularly fine for this rare stamp. A good lot (23 items) items Gi = £ 2'500+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 6345 Transvaal
Overprinted Type 5 in black: Celliers 1 d. brick-red on coarse soft white paper, imperforate, showing widely spaced overprint in black, fair to large margins all round, tears and closed cut in diff. parts, cancelled by three-ring numeral canceller '1' of Pretoria in black. A scarce stamp, especially in used condition, still collectable in this state, cert. Jorgensen (2019) Gi = not listed in used condition.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6346 Transvaal
1877 (May): New Printings on coarse soft white paper, 1 d. brick-red, imperforate, optd. Type 4 in black, the complete right pane of 40 subjects, position 7 showing TRANSVAAL with raised 'L' in overprint, typically blotchy print interspersed with drier clearer prints, large even margins all round, one or two minor thins due to the paper manufacture and not faults. A magnificent and rare multiple for the connoisseur Gi = £ 1'600++.rnrnProvenance: Ex Charles Nissen stock.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 6347 Transvaal
1877 (May): New Printings on coarse soft white paper, 6 d. dull blue, imperforate, optd. Type 4 in black, just touched to large margins all round, used on 1877 combination cover from Potchefstroom to C.F. Adams, Stamp Importer of Cincinatti, USA, tied by circular obliterator with POTCHEFSTROOM / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA despatch cds at left and Cape of Good Hope 1865/76 4 d. blue (2) tied by 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' datestamp (Sept 10) with repeated strike at left. Red "2½d." credit handstamp and 'London / Paid' cds (Oct 5) on front and reverse with 'New York / Paid All' (Oct 16) and Cincinatti arrival. A few small imperfections commensurate with the journey and slightly trimmed at right but attractive and very rare. Cover #15 in the Jorgensen census, the earliest recorded stamped Transatlantic cover from the Transvaal.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6348 Transvaal
1877 (May): New Printings on coarse soft white paper, 6 d. deep bright blue, optd. Type 4 in black, variety "pin-perforated", a fine used example of good colour and centering cancelled by circular "11" numeral obliterator of Utrecht. Rare. Cert. RPSL (1949) Gi = £ 700.rnrnProvenance: Collection David Crocker, Robson Lowe, 5 Nov 1980, lot 1216.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 6349 Transvaal
Overprinted Type 5 in black: Celliers 1 s. yellow-green on coarse soft white paper, imperforate, showing widely spaced overprint in black, good to large margins on three sides, just tuched at base, minute tear at 'A' of 'Z.AFR.', cancelled by three-ring numeral obliterator '1' of Pretoria in black. Stamps of that period had been torn along a rule leading to the uneven margins seen in this example, a scarce stamp, cert. Jorgensen (2019) Gi = £ 1'700.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6350 Transvaal
1877 (May): New Printings on coarse soft white paper, 1 s. yellow-green, imperforate, optd. Type 4 in black, an unused block of eight (4 x 2) from the right pane positions 21-24 / 29-32, large even margins all round, one tiny brown spot on third stamp mentioned for full accuracy, of fresh colour and superb large part og. A splendid and very rare multiple Gi = £ 1'600+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1206.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 6351 Transvaal
"V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (June): New Printings on coarse soft white paper, imperforate, the superb study collection with 1 d. brick-red unused (14) incl. two horizontal pairs and a block of four, 3 d. lilac unused (2), one (ex Ernest Hunt) with large part og. and a used example, 6 d. dull blue used (12), 1 s. green unused (2) and used (4), also an un-certified example with Inverted Overprint but thinned. A fine and scarce selection (32 items) Gi = £ 2'200+.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6352 Transvaal
1877 (May): New Printings on coarse soft white paper, 1 s. yellow-green, optd. Type 4 in black, rouletted 15½-16, an unused example with large margins all round from base of sheet, variety "Overprint Inverted", fresh colour and very fine, unused without gum. Rare Gi = £ 1'600.rnrnProvenance: Collection Baron Philippe Ferrary de la Renotière, Druout, Paris Sale 8, 7-9 Nov 1923, lot 340.rn Collection Maurice Burrus, Robson Lowe, London 10-11 March 1964, lot 490.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 6353 Transvaal
1877 (May): New Printings on coarse soft white paper, 6 d. dull blue, optd. Type 4 in black, wide roulette 6½, a used example with large sheet margin at left, right pane position 33 and thus from the corner of the pane, some thinning but of good appearance, lightly cancelled in black. A rare and elusive stamp. Cert. BPA (1995) Gi = £ 1'500.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6354 Transvaal
"V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (June): New Printings on coarse soft white paper, Fine Roulette, 1 d. brick-red unused and used (3), 3 d. lilac used (3, one is an outstanding example), 6 d. dull blue used (3) and 1 s. yellow-green, a superb used example probably marginal from base of sheet. A fine 'set' (11 items) and Wide Roulettes 1 d. brick-red used (ex Ernest Hunt collection), uncertified 6 d. blue used and 1 s. yellow-green used (2) Gi = £ 1'600+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6355 Transvaal
1877 (Aug 31): New printings on rose paper, 6 d. blue on rose, imperforate, variety "Overprint Type 4 Omitted", a fine appearing used example of this rare stamp, closed tear at top, from the right pane position 33, lightly cancelled leaving the variety very clear. An exceptionally rare stamp - no examples in the Caspary, Burrus or Crocker collections Gi = £ 2'500.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1226.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 6356 Transvaal
1877 (Aug 31): New printings on rose paper, 6 d. blue on rose, fine roulette 15½-16, optd. Type 4 upright, a used example, from right pane position 19, on 1877 combination cover from Pretoria to Stockport, Cheshire, tied by circular 21" numeral obliterator in black with PRETORIA / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA despatch cds below (Sept 21). Cape 1865/76 6 d. lilac tied by numeral "1" barred obliterator with corresponding 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds adjacent (Oct 8). Carried on the 'Edinburgh Castle' with reverse showing CAPE PACKET / PLYMOUTH cds (Nov 2) and Stockport arrival. Cover #16 in the Jorgenesen census, superb and rare.rnrnProvenance: Robson Lowe, London (Jonkers sale), 22 July 1986, lot 580.rn Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1229.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 6357 Transvaal
"V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Aug 31): 6 d. blue on rose paper, Imperforate, used examples with Type 4 overprint inverted (5) one with the Plate Flaw TE missing in POSTZEGEL cancelled at Heidelberg with "9" numeral, 6 d. blue on rose, fine roulette, used examples with overprint upright (3) and inverted (1); generally fine, a scarce selection (9 items) Gi = £ 665.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 170 CHFLosnr. : 6358 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Sept 28): New Printings on blued paper, 1 d. red on blued, imperforate, with variety "Overprinted Transvral" error, right pane position 11, a fresh and fine example with good to large margins all round, of excellent colour, cancelled by unidentifiable three ring numeral obliteartor. Cert. Jorgensen (2019) Gi = £ 2'500Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6359 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1878 (April 15): New Printings on orange paper, 1 d. red on orange, imperforate, optd. Type 6, an unused vertical pair (Right pane, pos 10 /18) with variety lower stamp with italic "V. R. / Transvaal" (Type 7), large margins all round, of good colour and large part og. Scarce and attractive pair Gi = £ 275.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6360 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1878 (April 15): New Printings on orange paper, 1 d. red on orange, imperforate, an unused "Cross Pane Interpanneau" block of four, left hand stamps from left pane, positions 32/40 optd. Type 6 and right hand stamps from right pane positions 25/33 optd. italic "V .R. / Transvaal" Type 7 with 11 mm. margin between. Vertically creased in margin as to be expected between the panes, fresh and fine, large part og. A rare and fine mutliple Gi = £ 525+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, New York, 24-26 Feb 1958, lot 926.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 6361 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1878 (April 15): New Printings on orange paper, 1 d. red on orange, imperforate, optd. Type 6 and Type 7, the famous Setting IV unused block of twenty-four (8 x 3) from top of the right pane, positions 1-8 / 9-16 / 17-24, with the multiple showing upright Type 6 overprint of pos. 1-13 and Type 7 italic overprint on pos. 14-24; position 9 with pinhole and some creasing and closed tears but of excellent imposing appearance with large part og. or unmounted og. Manuscript notation on reverse '10/25/07 Peckitt', and purchased from the famous London dealer. A very rare multiple. Cert. Peter Holcombe (1998) who states "probably unique".rnrnNote: Illustrated in "Postage Stamps of the British Colonies in Africa, Part III" (SG Ltd.,1906) on page 151. William Henry Peckitt was a famous dealer in London, handling the Mauritius cover bearing two 'Post Office' 1 d. examples twice, in 1898 and 1905. He sold his business to Stanley Gibbons in 1913.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1237.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 6362 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Oct 24): New Printings on buff paper, 3 d. mauve on buff, imperforate, optd. italic Type 7, an unused vertical pair, marginal from base of sheet, left pane, positions 30/38, of good colour with lower stamp a somewhat dry print, large margins all round, lower stamp with unobtrusive crease, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 400.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 6363 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1878 (April 15): New Printings on buff paper, 3 d. mauve on buff, imperforate, optd. Type 6, an unused block of four, lower stamps with variety italic "V. R. / Transvaal" opt. Type 7, positions 23-24 / 31-32, one small indentation into margin at base short of the design, vertical bend on left pair otherwise fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 800+.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6364 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Oct 24): New Printings on buff paper, 3 d. lilac on buff, imperforate, optd. Type 6, a used example with large margins all round on 1878 cover from Pretoria via Upsal to Marabas Stad, Zoutpansberg cancelled by circular numeral "1" obliterator in black. Faint PRETORIA / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA cds in black on front, and manuscript notation of answer "21/8" at top. The rate was reduced to 3 d. internally on June 1, 1878. Cover #56 in the Jorgensen census. Minor stain and corner of envelope missing at lower right otherwise a fine and very scarce cover.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6365 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1879 (April 18): New Printings on green paper, 3 d. mauve on green, imperforate, optd. italic Type 7, a fine used example with large margins all round, variety "Printed on Both Sides", neatly cancelled by circular "23" numeral obliterator in black of Emigratie. Rare and fine. Cert. BPA (1995) Gi = £ 1'200.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 6366 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1879 (April 18): New Printings on green paper, 3 d. mauve on green, imperforate, optd. Type 6, an unused horizontal pair with large margins all round, variety right hand stamp with italic "V. R. / Transvaal" overprint Type 7, fresh and fine, large part og. A rare multiple, ex Cramer Gi = £ 850.rnrnProvenance: Collection David Crocker, Robson Lowe, London, 5 Nov 1980, lot 1294a.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 6367 Transvaal
"V.R.Transvaal" New Printings on green paper 1877 (Nov): 6 d. blue on green, imperforate, in an unused horizontal pair, opt. Type 6, good margins all round, large part og. (ex collection Alan Drysdall), and 6 d. deep blue on green in a matching horizontal pair, large margins all round, fine og. Choice and scarce multiples Gi = £ 620+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 6368 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Nov 27): New Printings on blue paper, 6 d. blue on blued, imperforate, optd. Type 6, a used example, with variety "Overprint Omitted", large margins all round, lightly cancelled by circular numeral "1" obliterator of Pretoria leaving the variety clear. Stained at base but rare. Cert. BPA (1985) Gi = £ 2'500.rnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6369 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Nov 27): New Printings on green paper, 6 d. blue on green, imperforate, optd. Type 6, a used example, with variety "Overprint Inverted" (actually an inverted cliché with overprint upright, right pane, position 25), large margins all round, lightly cancelled by circular numeral obliterator leaving the variety clear. Thinned and with corner crease but rare Gi = £ 1'400.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1247.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 6370 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Nov 27): New Printings on blue paper, 6 d. blue on green, imperforate, optd. Type 6, a used example with large margins all round, tied to 1878 combination cover from Linokana to Hertford, England by circular "31" numeral obliterator in black (Linokana had no datestamp at this date). MARICO / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA cds in black (April 23) and Cape of Good Hope 1865/76 1 d. carmine pair and strip of four all tied by 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' datestamps (May 3) in black. Carried on the 'Balmoral Castle' with Hertford arrival (May 30) on reverse. Cover #42 in the Jorgensen census. Closed tear at left and slight staining but a scarce cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, Londom, 1 March 2006, lot 1274.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 6371 Transvaal
"V.R.Transvaal" Printings on coloured papers 1877/79: The collection on leaves with imperforates optd. Type 6, 1 d. red on blue used (7), 1 d. red on orange unused (7) including a horizontal strip of three and two optd. Type 7 (italic V.R.) unused and used, 3 d. mauve on buff used (6) incl. a horizontal pair where surface paper has left the 'R' of 'V.R.' missing on the right hand stamp, 3 d. mauve on buff optd. Type 7 (italic V.R.) used (4) with numeral obliterators 23, 24 and 26; 3 d. mauve on green Optd. type 7 unused and used (3), 6 d. blue on green used (5), 6 d. deep blue on green used (2), 6 d. blue on blue unused and used (2) one with opt. Type 7. A generally fine and scarce assembly (37 items) Gi = £ 1'800+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6372 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Nov 27): New Printings on blue paper, 6 d. blue on blued, imperforate, optd. Type 6, a used example, with variety "Overprint Inverted" (actually an inverted cliché with overprint upright, right pane, position 25), large margins all round, lightly cancelled by circular numeral "1" obliterator of Pretoria leaving the variety clear. Slight thinning otherwise very fine and rare Gi = £ 1'400.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1250.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 6373 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1878 (March 20): New Printings on blue paper, 6 d. blue on blued, imperforate, optd. Type 6, an unused block of four from Setting X, right pane positions 9-10 / 17-18, showing variety lower pair with italic "V. R. / Transvaal" opt. Type 7, large even margins all round, horizontal crease in margin only, fresh appearance, without gum. Scarce positional multiple Gi = £ 1'300+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 6374 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1878 (March 20): New Printings on blue paper, 6 d. blue on blued, imperforate, optd. Type 6, an unused complete pane of 40 subjects from Setting X, with the tête-bêche in position 25 and showing stamps from positions 14-40 with italic "V. R. / Transvaal" opt. Type 7, Setting III variety "Missing stop after R" in overprint on position 8; large even margins all round, horizontal crease across third row and vertical crease through fifth column, minor thins but of fresh spectacular appearance, large part or unmounted og. An extraordinarily attractive and immensely rare sheet. Signed Bühler Gi = £ 25'000+. rnrnNote: There were 4 sheets known to Curle & Basden ('Transvaal Postage Stamps', RPSL, 1940). One is housed in the collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, another was owned by J. H. Curle and this is housed in the Afrikaner Museum in Pretoria, the third sheet belonged to both Hutson and then Major Harold Criddle (Robson Lowe, 25 Feb 1992, lot 271) and this sheet, formerly in the Arthur Hind collection, Harmers, London 11-14 June 1934, lot 826.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 15.000 CHFLosnr. : 6375 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Nov 27): New Printings on blue paper, 6 d. blue on blued, imperforate, optd. italic Type 7, a used example with large margins all round (right pane, position 24, the 'Bald Eagle' variety) on 1878 combination cover from Pretoria to Lee, Kent, cancelled by circular numeral "1" obliterator in black. Faint PRETORIA / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA cds in black (July 15) on front and Cape 1865/76 6 d. lilac tied by numeral "1" in bars with 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds (July 26). Carried on the 'Dunrobin Castle' with London arrival cds in red (Aug 21) on reverse. Cover #51 in the Jorgensen census. A fine and very scarce cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection David Crocker, Robson Lowe, London, 5 Nov 1980, lot 1264.rn Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1277.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6376 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Nov 27): New Printings on blue paper, 6 d. blue on blued, imperforate, optd. italic Type 7, a used example with large margins all round on 1878 combination cover from Pretoria to Conway, Mass., USA tied by circular "1" numeral obliterator in black with faint PRETORIA despatch cds (mss. docketing May 11). Cape of Good Hope 1871/76 ½ d. grey-black (7) and 4 d. blue tied by 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds's (May 23). Red "2½d." credit marking on front and 'London / Paid' cds (June 24) of transit. Reverse with New York / Paid All transit (July 2). Cover #45 in the Jorgensen census. Slight opening faults at left but a rare Transatlantic usage.rnrnProvenance: Collection Scott Gallagher.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 6377 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Sept 28): New Printings on blued paper, 1 d. red on blue, rouletted 15½-16, optd. Type 6, a superb unused block of sixteeen (4 x 4), marginal from base of the pane, positions 12-15 / 20-23 / 28-31 / 36-39; with position 30 showing variety 'No Stop' after "R" in V. R.", minor imperfections not affecting the delightful appearance, fine large part or unmounted og. A rare and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 2'400+.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 6378 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1877 (Dec 6): New Printings on orange paper, 1 d. red on orange, rouletted 15½-16, Optd. Type 6, a used example from the right pane, position 4, showing variety "Overprint Double", close to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at right, lightly cancelled by "1" numeral obliterator of Pretoria leaving variety cleear. Exceptional and rare, only catalogued by SG on the imperforate issue (£ 3'750 unused). Cert. BPA (1975) Gi = unlisted.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 6379 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1878 (March 20): New Printings on green paper, 6 d. blue on greenish, rouletted 15½-16, a fine large margined example used on 1877 combination cover to Lee, Kent, tied by "1" numeral obliterator with Cape 6 d. mauve tied by 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds (Jan 4, 1878) also tying the Transvaal 6 d. PRETORIA / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA despatch cds at left (Christmas Day with 'DE' in date slug reversed). Cover #29 in the Jorgensen census, erroneously placing stamp as imperforate. Flap missing and small opening imperfection at top but a scarce and most attractive cover.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6380 Transvaal
Overprinted "V.R. / Transvaal" 1878 (April 15): New Printings on orange paper, 1 d. red on orange, rouletted 6¼, opt. Type 6, a fine unused vertical pair with variety, lower stamp Overprint italic Type 7, of fresh colour, precautionary hinge on reverse on large part og. Extremely rare and unlisted as such by SG, probably unique. Cert. BPA (1974).rnrnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 10-11 March 1964, lot 498.rn Collection David Crocker, RL, London 5 Nov 1980, lot 1296.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 4.400 CHFLosnr. : 6381 Transvaal
"V.R.Transvaal" Printings on coloured papers 1877/79: The collection on leaves with Fine Roulettes 15½-16, optd. Type 6 in black, 1 d. red on blue unused (4) and used, 1 d. red on orange unused (3) and optd. Type 7 with italic V.R. unused, 3 d. mauve on buff unused and used (3), 3 d. mauve on green with optd. Type 7 with italic V.R. used, 6 d. blue on green unused (3) two are marginal examples and used (3), 6 d. blue on blue with opt. Type 7 used (2), Wide Roulettes 1 d. red on orange used, 3 d. mauve on buff used, 6 d. blue on blue used on piece with Cape 6 d. lilac, two further examples (2) both opt. Type 7 with italic V.R. used. A fine lot (27 items) Gi = £ 3'200+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 6382 Transvaal
1878: Bradbury Wilkinson composite Essay for the (successful) tender, Essay for the 6 d. value, imperforate on paper with frame hand-painted in blue and ultramarine showing TRANSVAAL POSTAGE and SIX PENCE and two figures of value picked out in Chinese white and further mounted on card for display. The head plate by Bourne was adopted in 1878 by both the Transvaal and the Falkland Islands. Whilst winning the Transvaal contract, the Queen's head was accepted but the frame was to be changed. A rare and most appealing Essay.rnrnProvenance: Ritchie Bodily, May 1951.rn Collection Major Harold Criddle, RL, London, 23 Feb 1992, lot 311.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 6383 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: ½ d. vermilion, a used block of four of excellent appearance, lightly cancelled by circular "15" numeral obliterators of Nylstroom in black. One stamp with diagonal crease but a rare multiple of this scarce stamp Gi = £ 380+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6384 Transvaal
1878: Bradbury, Wilkinson Plate Proof for the 1 d. value, imperforate, printed in black on thick white card paper, right half of sheet positions 27-28 / 37-38 on the original sheet of 60 subjects, fresh and very fine. The left half of this Proof sheet is still intact, thus there are but 60 examples of this Proof available in pairs or blocks, originally 'cut up' by Robson Lowe in the 1960's. Rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 6385 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 3 d. claret, a horizontal strip of four, marginal from top of sheet, used with diagonally bisected example on 1882 cover to the 'Mission to the Heathen' in Berlin, tied by circular "12" numeral obliterators in black with "2½d." credit marking in red at right. Reverse with MIDDELBURG despatch cds (Jan 19), Pretoria transit (Jan 20), 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds (Jan 31) and Berlin arrival cds (Feb 25). Cover #7 in the Jorgensen census. Correctly rated at 1/1½d., a charming and rare franking.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 6386 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 3 d. claret, a diagonally bisected example with three 4 d. sage-green, one with corner fault, used on 1882 cover to the 'Mission to the Heathen' in Berlin, tied by 'Middelburg / Transvaal' datestamps in black with "2½d." credit marking in red at right. Reverse with Pretoria transit (Jan 6), 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds (Jan 18) and Berlin arrival cds (Feb 17). Cover #5 in the Jorgensen census. Carried on the 'Dunrobin Castle' and correctly rated at 1/1½d., a scarce franking.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1310.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 6387 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 3 d. dull rose (2) and 4 d. sage-green (vertical marginal pair), used on 1882 cover from Pretoria to Paris, France tied by "1" numeral obliterator with 'Pretoria / Transvaal' cds below (Oct 23) and "2½d." credit mark in red. Reverse with London transit cds (Nov 20) and Paris arrival cds. Cover #13 in the Jorgensen census. Overpaid ½d., a scarce franking to an unusual destination.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 6388 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 4 d. sage-green (lower marginal example) and 6 d. olive-black, used on 1881 cover originally mailed as an Officer's Letter to Ireland with manuscript endorsement "No Stamps Available" at top, the adhesives applied at Standerton by the messenger who carried the letter, and tied by STANDERTON / TRANSVAAL cds (June 27) in black. Reverse with Durban transit cds (July 2) and 'H&K Packet' cds (Aug 4). Cover #130 in the Jorgensen census. A superb and most unusual cover.rnrnNote: The cover is with full contents and written between 17 and 25 June 1881 by Captain Charles Frederick Cobbe Beresford of the Royal Engineers en route from Potchefstroom to Newcastle. Begun at Loop Spruit on the 17th he states "We are (on) the first stage of our march back from Potchefstroom, bag and baggage. The whole thing is the most ignominious farce... The fort and trenches the English held outside the town were very interesting, they made a capital defence and one of the most active was the lady wife of one of the Officers - they were surrounded on all sides by Boer trenches and under fire night and day and reduced to one bag of mealies when they gave in to the villain Cronje who never told them peace was (already) made...". He goes on to report of hunting buck and the appalling treatment of the bullocks used to pull the wagons.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1309 (contrary to Spink's description, not ex the David Crocker collection).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6389 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 6 d. olive-black, a single example used on 1880 cover to Clifton, Bristol tied by "9" numeral obliterator of Heidelburg with faint despatch cds at left. Underpaid 6d. for the single rate via the Cape, it appears the sender, Sub Lieutenant Pennefather who had been serving in Zululand and in Natal the previous year, believed the Transvaal rate (1 shilling) to be the same as that of Natal (6d.). The letter was accepted without further charges, with 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds of transit (Jan 27, 1880) on front and Bristol arrivals (Feb 20) on reverse. Cover #33 in the Jorgensen census. Scarce and attractive cover, sold together with an article by Dr. Alan Drysdall form the Transvaal Philatelist.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6390 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 6 d. olive-black, single example used on 1879 Soldier's Letter to Ironbridge, Shropshire, endorsed "From No. 19/200 Corporal J.J. Bailey, H.M. 80th Regiment" (Staffordshire Volunteers) and countersigned by Commanding Officer at lower left; the adhesive tied by "11" numeral in black applied in Utrecht (as attributed by Dr. Drysdall). Reverse with Durban transit cds (Nov 14) and Ironbridge arrival (Dec 28). The cover (from a correspondence of 8 letters, most of which were franked by Natal adhesives from Zululand, ex Robson collection) with a few small opening tears but very scarce: it is unclear why Corporal Bailey chose a 6d. adhesive when a 1d. would have sufficed. rnrnNote: The 80th fought at the British defeats at both Isandhlwana and Itombi River.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6391 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 6 d. black-brown of the 2nd printing, two examples used on 1883 cover to the USA, tied by circular '1' numeral obliterator with corresponding PRETORIA / TRANSVAAL cds alongside (MA .. / 83), reverse with London transit in red and indistinct USA arrival datestamps. The cover is franked at the ½ oz. rate and the postage payable to the UK post office was 2½ d. However, the cover was marked in red '2' and '5' which indicate a double letter and a 5 d share of the postage for the UK. Minor cover imperfections but a scarce and attractive cover, an interesting postal history item. Cert. Jorgensen (2019).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 6392 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 6 d. olive-black, a diagonally bisected example used on 1882 cover to Tweefontein, Waterburg, tied by bold "16" numeral obliterator of Marabas Stad, with fine MARABAS STAD / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA despatch cds at left (Nov 10). Cover #16 in the Jorgensen census. Some small stains but a fresh and fine usage.rnrnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 10-11 March 1964, lot 534.rn Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, Londoin, 1 March 2006, lot 1311.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 6393 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 6 d. olive-black, used example on 1880 combination cover to Limerick, Ireland tied by "13" numeral obliterator with corresponding LYDENBURG / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA cds below (March 30) in black. Cape of Good Hope 6 d. mauve (Gi. 25) applied for onward tranmission and tied by 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds (April 3) in black. Carried on the Union Line Steamer 'Durban' with Limerick arrival (May 5) also on obverse. Cover #47 in the Jorgensen census. An attractive cover.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6394 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 1 s. green, a single example stuck on to small card, overprinted CANCELLED in black (Samuel type D7) and thus probably from the De La Rue, rather than the Bradbury Wilkinson, archive. Rare and believed unique.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 6395 Transvaal
Recess by Bradbury Wilkinson, perf. 14, 14½ 1878/80: 1 s. green, a diagonally bisected used example on 1881 cover from Potchefstroom to Cape Town endorsed 'Confidential' (Emil Burmester correspondence), paying the correct rate and tied by POTCHEFSTROOM / TRANSVAAL cds (Sept 14) in black. Reverse with 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' arrival cds (Oct 1). Some staining but scarce - bisection was tolerated if not encouraged by the Post Office. Cert. RPSL (1971).rnrnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 6396 Transvaal
1878/80: The Bradbury Wilkinson set of seven values, ½ d. - 2 s., unused examples each overprinted SPECIMEN in black with the 1 d. showing the SPECIMEN handstamp doubled. This is the sole recorded set with a Specimen handstamp, Marcus Samuel recording this set in an Official collection of De La Rue stamps in 1882. Whilst De La Rue's tender was unsuccessful, it appears that DLR kept a sample of the Bradbury set in their records, handstamping same in black (De La Rue type D8). One of the few instances where a SPECIMEN handstamp was applied by one firm on stamps printed by another. Illustrated in "Specimen Stamps of the Crown Colonies" by Marcus Samuel on Plate 10 and discussed on page 238. Unique.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1291.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 6397 Transvaal
Losnr. : 6398 Transvaal
Losnr. : 6399 Transvaal
Losnr. : 6400 Transvaal
"1 Penny" Surcharges 1879 (April 22): 1 d. on 6 d. olive-black, a horizontal strip of three Surcharge Type 15 in red, positions 45-46-47, with first stamp showing the Yardley "Broken 'Y' in PENNY" flaw on position 45 (once per sheet of 60), hinged for protection and third stamp with black mark at top, large part og. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 600+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Alan Drysdall, Spink, London, 1 March 2006, lot 1316.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 6401 Transvaal
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