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Losnr. : 5446 Honduras
1809: Cover from Honduras to Philadelphia with sender's endorsement at top 'Honduras, 28 July 1809, Charles Craig for Marcus Belisle', with obverse showing 'BOSTON-MS.' entry marking (Oct) and SHIP in red. Rated '22' (cents) due to pay in manuscript (2 c. Ship's Captain, 20 c. internal). Small patch over opening area but a rare and early cover: one of very few maritime covers from this period.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 5447 Honduras
1821 (Aug 5): Entire letter from Chacalapa (near Rivas, Nicaragua) to Tegucigalpa with fine oval VIEXO handstamp (El Viejo, Nicaragua) in brownish-black (Harris fig. 81) and very fine straight line OLANCHITO handstamp also in brown (Harris fig. 61). Internally docketed as received (Sept 15) and replied (Sept 24). A fine and rare entire.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 5448 Honduras
1825 (Feb 22): Entire letter from Cadiz extraordinarily addressed to a 'Manuel del Valle, Habana, Guatemala', on arrival in the latter town readdressed to S. Salvador with handstruck "4" (reales) on obverse and flap displaying fine strike of italic "OMOA" transit in black (Harris fig. 74) with '6 rs.' charge alongside. A rare and most unusual entire.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 5449 Honduras
Losnr. : 5450 Honduras
1857 (Nov 26): Cover and contents from 'Camp Naranja, Honduras' to Miss Godown in Easton, Pa, USA with the letter stating that it will be transmitted by Pacific Steamer, identifying it as the tenth letter (but marked 'No.8' on front) speculating that two had been lost when the Steamship 'George Law' was sunk (Sept 12, 1857 in a hurricane off North Carolina). Struck on arrival with 'Steamship / 20' double rate handstamp with '20' in manuscript at left. Rare.rnrnNote: In another letter from the Godown correspondence (dated Jan 17, 1858) the writer states 'Our work extends from a point called 'Naranja' (about 4 miles from the Summit) to the town of Caridad'.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 5451 Honduras
1878: Morazán 1 r. green on obverse of 1882 registered cover to Nova Scotia, Canada franked additionally on reverse with ½ r. black and 1 r. green in a horizontal pair, all tied by circular barred obliterators in black. Obverse bears two fine strikes of framed "REJIST/ H. No. 66" handstamps with rgeistered docket number in manuscript alongside "Administracion de Correos / Tegucigalpa" datestamp (Sept 23). Reverse with 'St. John N.S. / Canada' arrival cds (Oct 21). The earliest recorded registered cover of Honduras, a charming and extremely rare cover.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 5452 Honduras
1890: Arms 25 c. rose-red, single example used on 1890 registered cover to London cancelled by negative 'star' in circle with oval 'Tegucigalpa' despatch datestamp at left in violet. New Orleans (May 6) and New York registration label of transit also on front, alongside 'Registered / London' arrival in red (may 18). A scarce cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 5453 Honduras
1891: Bográn issue 1 c. deep blue (2), 2 c. yellow-brown (2), 5 c. blue-green (2) and single 10 c. vermilion used on registered 1891 cover to Paris, all cancelled by negative circular 'star' handstampüs in blue. Oval 'Republica de Honduras' registration cachet on front in violet, New Orleans transit (Nov 12) and New York registration label alongside. Reverse with New York (Nov 13) and Paris (Nov 23) datestamps. Some wear but a scarce franking.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 5454 Honduras
1892: Columbus 5 c. yellow-green (7 examples) used on registered/AR cover to New York all cancelled by target handstamps in violet and by oval Registration cachet of Tegucigalpa with despatch cds on reverse (Oct 8). Reverse with New Orleans transit (Nov 1) in red and struck with two line RECEIVED AT NEW YORK P.O. / (REG. DIV.) IN BAD CONDITION with 'Officially Sealed' brown perforated label over flap and obverse with pink "Request Examination on / Delivery, Obtain Envelope / if Irregularity is Reported". Addressee's name deleted but a rare cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 5455 Honduras
1892: Columbus 10 c. blue green and 75 c. lake used on 1892 registered/AR cover to Bienne, Switzerland tied by 'A.R.' handstamps and by 'Tegucigalpa' despatch cds (Nov 19) in red. Oval registration cachet at base and New York Exchange registration label, reverse with New Orleans and New York transit (Dec 17) datestamps and Bienne arrival (Dec 26). A scarce usage with the 75 c. value being rare on letter and an attractive franking.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 5456 Honduras
1893: Cabanas 1 c. green, a fine horizontal strip of six and reverse with strip of four, used on 1894 cover to Mexico City tied by 'star' cancels in red with oval framed 'Correos de Honduras / San Pedro Sula' on obverse in red at left (Jan 5). Reverse with Puerto Cortez transit (Jan 8) in violet and Mexico arrival cds and 'Lista' datestamp (Jan 20). A scarce and attractive usage that would open well for Exhibit display.rnAusruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 5457 Honduras
1893: Cabanas 10 c. orange-brown and very rare 1 peso deep magenta in a vertcal strip of three used on part registered linen package front to New York, tied by 'Honduras' barred obliterators with 'San Juancito' manuscript filled registration label at left. Seebeck high values on commercial letter are all but unobtainable - this piece representing a 31 times letter rate + registration. A very rare franking.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 5458 Honduras
1893: Cabanas 20 c. orange, 25 c. deep blue and 1 peso deep magenta used on 10 c. brown postal stationery envelope, H&G B14, all tied by 'Honduras' obliterator in violet with oval 'Puerto Cortes' despatch at left (March 20, 1895). Overlapping 'Puerto Cortes' and New York Exchange registration labels on obverse alongside 'Turks Islands' arrival cds in black. Reverse with New Orleans and New York (March 29) transits. Scarce cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 5459 Honduras
Losnr. : 5460 Honduras
Losnr. : 5461 Honduras
Losnr. : 5462 Honduras
1903: Guardiola 1 c. yellow-green overprinted PERMI in red (Permitase = Allowed) and 2 c. carmine rose (no opt.) tied to 1904 postcard of Tegucigalpa used from Amapala to Germany by 'Honduras' barred obliterator in black. The overprinted stamps are scarce on cover or card.rnAusruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 5463 Honduras
1925 (April 29): T. C. Pounds Provisional Airmail 25 c. on 1919 1 c. brown and 25 c. on 1919 2 c. red, no wmk. perf. 11½, each overprinted "AERO / CORREO / 25 / CENTAVOS" in black, prepared for the first Honduras flight due on May 1st. Fresh and fine unused examples of each, large part og. Extremely rare - just two unused examples of each stamp are recorded. Signed Kessler and Sanabria. Cert. Moorhouse (2011) Sanabria = $ 13'000.rnrnNote: The original airmail rate was fixed at 25 centavos per gram. There was no time to prepare a permanent issue and T. C. Pounds (owner of the one aeroplane in Honduras at the time) asked a local printer, Karl Snow to overprint the issue on previous definitives. Snow prepared his overprint (in a forme of 12) for the 1919 Morazan statue issue but the remainders of this proved to be too few and the format of the overprint, as shown here, would not fit the 1915 horizontal format 'Bridge' and 'Theatre' issues where there were stamps still available from Post Office stocks. The issue was therefore utilised and the above stamps are recorded used and the 25 c. on 1 c. chocolate is known on letter. The two stamps above are, therefore some of the rarest airmail unused stamps ever issued.rnrnAusruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 28.000 CHFLosnr. : 5464 Honduras
1898: Locomotive 2 c. orange on buff postal stationery card, H&G 29, used with 1898 1 c. brown adhesive to Weimar, Germany; wirth card and stamp overprinted PERMITASE (Allowed) in violet. "Amapala" despatch cds at left (Oct 7, 1898) in violet and thence via New York with transit and arrival (Oct 31) at left. Scarce and fine.rnrnAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 5465 Honduras
1857: Provisional Postage Due, cover with complete contents from "Las Pedras, Honduras, Oct 8, 1857" to Easton, PA, USA, carried overland to the Port of Omoa where mailed on the Dutch Schooner 'Cleopatra' to New York. Struck on arrival with "NEW-YORK / SHIP / NOV 14 / 5 Cts." datestamp and underpaid. Taxed on arrival in Easton with "5" Postage Due in manuscript applied on the Selvedge of the 1851/57 issue. A remarkable cover, both from emanation and the method of charge. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (2003).rnrnNote: Written by John M. Goodman, who was part of a group surveying the route for a proposed Railroad to cross Honduras from the Atlantic to the Pacific. He arrived in Honduras in Sept 1857 and left in March 1858.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 5466 Honduras
1896: Arias 3 c. brown on blue-grey error postal stationery card, H&G 26 var, a used example to Vevey, Switzerland cancelled by barred 'Honduras' obliterator with scarce SAT. BARBARA circular datestamp at left (Dec 8, 1897). Vevey arrival cds adjacent with New York transit on reverse. Extremely rare.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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