Alle Lose
Losnr. : 986 Kroatien
1944 (March 15): Sebenico Issue 'N.D./Hrvatska 3.50' on Italy 10 c. brown, 20 c. carmine, 15 c. green, 30 c. brown and 50 c. violet, all in fresh unused blocks of four, unmounted og. Scarce: oly 4'500 sets possible. Signed A. Diena, Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP Sassone = € 1'600.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 987 Kroatien
1944 (March 15): Sebenico Issue 'N.D./Hrvatska 3.50' on Italy 10 c. brown, 15 c. green, 30 c. brown and 50 c. violet, all used on 1944 local registered express cover tied by 'Sibenik' datestamps (April 3) in black; registration and Express labels neatly tied at left. Slight corner bend to envelope well away from the adhesives, a scarce usage on letter. Cert. Tubinovic (1978) Sassone = € 520 off cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 988 Kroatien
1943/44: Local Issue for Split/Spalato, the compl. set of 17 values ovpt. 'N.D.Hrvatska' (Independent Croatia) with definitves (19), airmails (2), Express (2) and postage Dues (3), all in superb mint condition unmounted og, a scarce set. Cert. Zrinjscak (2012) Sassone = € 3'200.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 989 Tschechoslowakei
1659/1694: Lot five receipts, undersigned at Karlštejn castle nearby Prague incl. a 1659 receipt given by Matouš Ferdinand Sobek z Bílenberka (1618-1675), the first bishop of the newly formed diocese of Hradci Králové - Königgrätz under the rule of Emperor Leopold I, and four receipts signed in 1694, all five showing three or four paper seals.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 990 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Prisoner of War in Russia 1915/17: Selection 43 formular postcards for POWs, Russian and Austrian ones, despatched by Czech and Slowak POWs from different camps from all over Russia incl. rarer ones such as Sukhum Georgia, Tashkent or Akmolinsk, each card with a detailed write up.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 991 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1919/20: Cover from Siberia to Teplitz bei Neumarkt, franked by Irkutsk issue 25 kop. carmine (2) and 50 kop. green (2), tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE / 5" handstamp, rare "CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / RADIO-TELEHGRAFNI ROTA" handstamp in violet alongside. Signed Gilbert.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 992 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Czech formular postcard from Vladivostok to Praha, dated March 22, 1920, franked by Irkutsk issue 25 kop. carmine (2), 50 kop. green and 1 rub. brown (2), tied by illisible handstamp. Signed Franek.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 993 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1919/20: Cover from Vladivostok to Praha, franked on reverse by Irkutsk issue 25 kop. carmine, 50 kop. green and 1 rub. brown, perf. 11½, tied by "Polni Posta cesko-slovakskych vojsk" handstamp in violet. Signed Gilbert.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 994 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Czech propaganda picture postcard from Vladivostok to Hrabova nearby Moravska Ostrava, franked with Irkutsk issue 25 kop. carmine perf. 13¾ in mixed franking with Russian Imperial Arms definitives 25 kop. and 50 kop., tied by "VLADIVOSTOK 4.7.20" cds's, Russian censorship handstamp alongside.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 995 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Cover to Praha, franked by Irkutsk issue compl. set of 25 kop. carmine, 50 kop. green and 1 rub. brown as well as Lion issue 1 rub. blue & red, tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE" handstamp, one line cyrillic "Dojstvuyuscaya Chesko-Slovakaya Armiya" in black and "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO / PRESIDENT GRANT / XXXV" handstamp in violet alongside. The 'President Grant' was the vessel which run on August 28, 1920 the 35th and final travel to bring the last troups and the post office back to Europe. Signed Franek.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 996 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Stationery postcard 5 on 6 c. of Ceylon with add. franking of Lion issue type II, written in Colombo on April 4, 1920 and sent to Brno, tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE" handstamp. An item posted on the way back home from Vladivostok via Hong Kong, Singapore, Colombo, Aden and Port Said to Trieste, maybe a unique combination franking. Signed Kwasnicka.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 997 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Japanese picture postcard of Nagasaki with Lion issue, written on March 26 (1920) and sent to Nove Mesto, forwarded to Smecna, tied by Japanese Postage Due handstamp, "CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO / Polni Posta clz 9" handstamp on label alongside, tied by an illisible datestamp. Upon arrival in Czechoslovakia a Postage Due stamp was added, but annulled by red crayon, in addition in Smecna a "Postovni a telegrafni urad / SMECNO" handstamp in violet was added.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 998 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Cover to Pardubice, franked by Lion issue 1 rub. blue & red, tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE" handstamp, one line cyrillic "Dojstvuyuscaya Chesko-Slovakaya Armiya" in violet alongside, reverse with arrival "PARDUBICE 1 C.S.R. 20 VII.20.VII" cds.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 999 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Czech formular postcard, written in Verkhneudinsk, today Ulan-Ude in Siberian Burjatia on March 15, 1920 and sent to Lobech nearby Melnik, franked with strip of three Russian Imperial Arms definitives 50 kop. violet & green, tied by "POLNI POSTA CESKOSLOVENSKYCH VOJSKO" handstamp, add. handstamp of the third division alongside. Signed Kwasnicka.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1000 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Cover from Achinsk nearby Krasnoyarsk to New York, franked with Russian Imperial Arms definitives 15 kop. imperf. and 20 koop, single and pair perf., tied by "ACHINSK 10.4. .." cds's with "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE / 3" handstamp alongside. American censorship strip and Russian Vladivostok censorship handstamp.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1001 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1918/20: Lot hundreds primarily unused stamps incl. Hradshin and soldier stamps imperf. and perf. issued in 1919 in Irkutsk with multiples, marginal and corner marginal examples, Lion essay in both types with small and large sarbre-handle, also with '1920' imprint and ovpts. of the new value, some with inverted ovpt.. Mi = € 11'300+ following the consignor.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 1002 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1918/20: Selection 57 essays, proofs and colour varieties from the first overprint issue on Russian Imperial definitives, made in Chelyabinsk in 1918, Hradshin and soldier stamps issued in 1919 in Irkutsk with unissued essays, Lion essay in both types with small and large sarbre-handle incl. three sheetlets. A fine and interesting group, some signed Gilbert or Karasek.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1003 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Lot eleven covers and 29 picture postcards incl. set usages of the Irkutsk issue and Lion issue showing a large variety of Fieldpost handstamps of the Legion, picture postcards primarily from the time in Vladivostok, newspaper cutouts and photographs.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 1004 Tschechoslowakei
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1918/20: Selection 39 cover and cards incl. usages (13) of the Irkutsk and Lion issues with a large variety of Fieldpost handstamps as well as cards without Legion stamps, in addition 1919 cover from Prague Nebraska and 1920 from Brno to the Czechoslovak Legion, 1913 picture postcard from Irkutsk to Lifland, and Legion blanko stationery postcard.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 1005 Dänemark
1853: Thiele printing, 4 rbs. black-brown, Plate II, a good used example in a strong shade, large margins on three sides (touched at top left), tied to letter sheet of registered letter by '157' numeral of Kaltenkirchen in Holstein (Facit = SEK 5’000 as a single stamp) in black with framed landpost “L.P. No. 4” handstamp alongside, sent to Bordesholm nearby Kiel. Registration fee 8 rbs. noted by red crayon, a fine and fresh cover with combined prepayment of postage and registration fee from the Danish period of Holstein. Signed Jakubek and Möller; cert. JKE (1993) and Nielsen (2017) Facit 2/III/a.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1006 Grönland
1937: Pakke-Porto 10 oere to 1 Kr., complete set of four values, all unused mint and each value in a mint block of four, vertical pair and single stamp, incl. 10 oere marginal corner block of four and 70 oere in horizontal pairs of upper left and lower right corner of sheet. Rare set in multiples Mi. = € 1'190.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1007 Färoeer
Losnr. : 1116 Polen
1936: LZ 129 Hindenburg, Lot zwei R-Briefe ab Rybnik, dabei Auflieferung zur 1. Nordamerikafahrt von "Rybnik 2.V.36" via "Waszawa 3.V.36" und " Frankfurt (main) Bahnpostamt 19 5.5.36" nach "New York 9.5.1936", dazu zu spät aufgelieferter Brief von "Rybnik 27.III.36" zur ersten Südamerikafahrt via "Berlin-Bentschen Bahnpost 1.4.36" und weiter mit Lufthansa, bezw. Katapult Südatlantik nach Argentinien mit rücks. AStp. "Carcaranas 6.Abr.36". Obwohl als Drucksache für Zeppelin mitgegeben, schliesst der rücks. Bahnpoststp. eine Zeppelinbeförderung aus, da der Zeppelin bereits am 31. März gestartet war. Vertragsstaatenpost ab Polen ist aber generell selten Mi. 9+12 = € 1'150 für Zeppelinbeförderung.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1143 Finnland
1856: Coat of Arms 10 kop. red-carmine on wove paper, a fine large margined example cancelled by pen cross and large circle "HELSINGFORS 16.9.58" in black. Very fine and scarce. Signed Senf. Opinion Ferchenbauer (1998). Cert. Schwenson (2018) Mi 2x = € 1'000/Facit = 7'000 skr.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1144 Finnland
1860: Postal stationery envelope Coat of Arms 5 kop. blue on invalidated 10 kop. rose, additional franking of ten examples 1866 Coat of Arms with Serpentine Roulette II 8 penni (strip of three, three pairs and a single adhesive, overall good quality, three stamps with perforation irregularities), all adhesives tied by small circle "WILLMANSTRAND 4/7 1868" cds's to cover to Diessbach, Canton Bern, with "AUS RUSSLAND über BÜR XI EDK.BRG / FRANCO 8 7 68" cds's in red alongside reverse with HEIDELBERG - BASEL T.P.O. and BASEL - OLTEN T.P.O. as well as Diessbach arrival cds's (10 JUL). Single rate cover to Switzerland, opened for display on three sides, the 72 p. rate is overpaid by 8 p., the postal stationery envelope was not taken into account for usages sent abroad, an attractive item. Cert. Nykvist (2003) Facit 6v1C2, SEK 26'000+ for a 72 p. rate cover to Switzerland.rnrnProvenance: Collection Silvain Wyler.
Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1145 Finnland
1866/74: Rouletted 5 p. brown-lilac, an exceptional used example in a deep shade, tied to 1873 Printed Matter entire letter to Kristinestad by WIBORG datestamp (April 12) datestamp struck in blue. Repeated strike at base of entire, some tape stains largely on reverse of a rare and most appealing franking. Cert. Sorani (1988).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1146 Finnland
1904: Registered cover, opened for exhibit display, franked by Russia 1 kop. orange - an extraordinary 70 examples - sent from Wiborg to Montevideo, Uruguay at six times rate (60 kopeks) + registration (10 kopeks), all cancelled by Wiborg bilingual cds's (April 19) with Montevideo registration label applied on arrival.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1147 Finnland
1856: Covers (3) with 1856 10 k. rose-carmine used on 1859 entire letter from Wibörg to Sordavala but margins touched Mi = € 3'000, 1866 5 p. brown lilac on laid paper, two horizontal pairs of exceptional rouletting and colour, used on 1870 cover front to Lovisa tied by 'Helsingfors' datestamps (29/1) in black with framed 'Ank' marking of the following day at left, a most attractive usage, Cert Ossa (1992) Mi = € 1'200 off cover; together with 1870 entire letter from Tavastehus to Helsinki with fine 20 p. blue on blued.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1149 Frankreich
1831: Entire letter from Versailles to Dublin, struck with two line 'PORT PAYÉ - 60 / B.eau de M.on. du ROI' concessionary handstamp in red, over struck by PORT PAYÉ in black. Rated '2/1d.' in error on arrival and rate changed with Large Crown Inspector's marking to '2/3d.' due. Reverse with London cds (March 17) and Dublin arrival in red (March 19).Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1150 Frankreich
1855 & 1856: Entire letters (2) from the Crimea (Kamiesch) to Marseille via Constantinople, the earlier entire with framed MER NOIRE in black sent unpaid and charged '10' décimes handstruck in black with faults, the 1856 entire at double rate with framed MER NOIRE in black and charged '20' décimes due handstruck on arrival.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1151 Frankreich
Armée du Rhin / Haut Rhin 1794/96: The collection of entires (9), with 1794 expenses claim with ARMÉE DU HAUT RHIN in black, 1795 entires from Mussbach or Landau each with ARMÉE DU BAS RHIN in black, 1796 entire with ARMÉE DU RHIN / 1re. DIVISION in black, 1796 similar entire from 8th Division and undated entire from 4th Division; 1799 entire from Mayence with DON. C / ARM DE MAYENCE in blue, 1800 entire ewith ETAT MAJOR GEN.L. / DE L'ARMÉE DU RHIN in black; 1808 entire from Hannover with 'No. 24 / ARM. DU RHIN' in redAusruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1152 Frankreich
1794/1816.: The collection on leaves (34 items) mostly of Napoleonic Franchise Markings and many with elaborate Revolutionary letter-heads, incl. 1794 entire signed by Carnot (architect of the First War of the Coalition) and Prieur (who created the decimal system), 1794 cover with 'Armée Des / Pirénees Orientales', 1795 entire with italic 'Gl. de l'armée des Alpes', 1797 letter to Victor Hugo's father, 1799 entire signed by General Michaud with 'Armée d'Angleterre' marking sent from Rennes, 1800 entire from the Commander of the Vaucluse, 1801 entire signed Mortier (Duc of Treviso) with two line cachet in red, 1811 entire from Laibach (Ljubljana) with red 'Provinces d'Illyrie' handstamp, Franchise markings for Generals, Paymasters, Police, Powders & Mines etc.rnAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1153 Frankreich
1795/1831: The varied selection of mostly Napoleonic Military mail (16) with 1792 entire from Chambéry with ARMÉE DU MIDI in black, 1793 entire with ARMÉE DES ARDENNES in red (signed Pothion), 1795 entire with ARM. D. PIR. ORIEN in black, entire with 1re. DIV / ARMÉE DE LA MOSELLE in black, 1795 cover to Lille with BAU. GAL / ARM. DU NORD in red; 1795 entires with ARMÉE DES CÔTES and ARMÉE DES CTES DE BREST in black; 1799 entire from Basel with BAU GAL / ARM. DU DANUBE in black; 1809 entire with No. 18 / ARM D'ALLEMAGNE in red, 1813 entire from Löbenburg with 'No. 39 / Grand Armée' in black; 1831 two entires from same correspondence with ARMÉE DU NORD from Bureau A and B. Condition varies but many fine.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1154 Frankreich
1796/1811c.: The collection on leaves and loose with 1796/1800 covers/entires (15) with ARM D'ITALIE handstamps of 1re. Dvision (two different), 6th Division, 12th Division from Pontelagoscuro, 1807 'No. 1 / ARM D'ITALIE' from Milano and 1813 example from Vicenza, 'No. 5' from Bovolenta in 1805, 1801 entire with fine 'No. 3 / ARM D'ITALIE' ex Genova etc.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1155 Frankreich
Grand Armée 1805/13: Covers/entire letters (14) with GRAND ARMÉE handstamps incl. 1807 entire from Warsaw with 'No. 1' in red, 1807 entire from Konigsberg with 'No.3' in red, 1808 entire from Cassel with 'No. 4' in red, 1805 and 1807 entires from Hochstadt or Cöln with 'No. 5' in black (2) and in red; 1805 entire from Stuttgart with 'No. 7' in black, 1808 entire from Berlin with 'No. 9.' in black, 1806 entire with 'No. 15' in blue, 1808 entire from Furstenfelden with 'No. 16' in red, entire from Trachenburg with 'No. 19' in red, covers with 'No. 29' and 'No. 44' in red, 1807 entire from Magdebourg with 'No. 50' in black; generally fair to very fine, a fine and interesting collectionAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1156 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1157 Frankreich
Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.Losnr. : 1158 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1159 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1160 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1161 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1162 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1163 Frankreich
1849: 1 fr. brown-carmine, a superb used example with large even margins all round on 1850 entire letter to Verdun, neatly tied by grill with BAR-LE-DUC despatch datestamp at left (May 8). Reverse with Verdun Sur Meuse arrival cds (May 9). A fine and most attractive entire. Signed Von der Weid; cert. Von der Weid & Marchand (1987) Maury = € 1'850.rnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1164 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1165 Frankreich
1852: Présidence 25 c. blue in a horizontal pair, fresh and fine with good to huge margins, tied by 'Grille sans fin' to envelope to Moutier, Savoy with framed PD and "Bau CENTRAL PARIS 21 DEC 52", both in red alongside. An attractive example of the 50 c. letter rate to Sardinia from a well known correspondence. Signed Roumet. Cert. von der Weid (2011) Maury = € 4'000 for this destination.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1166 Frankreich
1853: 10 c. bistre brown, 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, all with large margins all round, used on 1856 cover from Reims to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia paying the 1 fr. 50 centime rate, tied by dotted '2462' petit chiffres with despatch cds of Reims below (Nov 5) and framed PP in red. London transit cds in red on front (Nov 7) and reverse (opens well for display) showing SHIP LETTER / SYDNEY datestamp (Jan 10, 1857) in black with '1d.' accountancy in red on front. A splendid and most attractive four colour franking to a very rare destination. Cert. Von der Weid (2004). rnProvenance: Collection Sylvain Wyler.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 1167 Frankreich
1856: Entire letter from Le Havre to Valparaiso Chile, franked with Napolèon imperf. 10 c. bistre, 40 c. orange (def. at base) and pair of 80 c. red, overall very fresh and fine examples, tied by light numeral cancellation with framed PP in red and BUREAU MARITIME LE HAVRE (15 FEVR. 56) alongside, endorsed "Par Steamer des Antilles "La Plata" with Southampton transit cds (FE 16) and "FOREIGN PAID", both in blue on reverse and obverse, respectively. An appealing item showing the 210 c. rate to the Pacific coast of South America with a British vessel via Panama.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1168 Frankreich
1862: Empire 20 c. blue and 80 c. deep carmine, used on 1863 entire letter from Marseeille to Constantinople tied by Anchor lozenge of dots in black, circular Paquebout CARMEL datestamp (Nov 7) alongside (Salles fig. 764). Black 'PD' below and reverse with French P.O. in Constantinople arrival cds. Signed Sorani.Ausruf : 125 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1169 Frankreich
1867: Laureated 30 c. brown (3) and 80 c. rose (5) all used on back and front of small envelope sent registered from Paris to Marseille tied by Paris Stars with CHARGÉ on front and reverse with rate box in red, initially undelivered with manuscript 'Absent'. An unusual and attractive franking.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1170 Frankreich
1867: Laureated 430 c. orange used on 1871 entire letter from Marseille, disinfected with two chisel slits, mailed to Genova, tied by FRANCIA / VIA DI MARE handstamp in black (Salles fig. 659) with repeated strike at right. Reverse with Genova arrival (Aug 28) in black. File fold well away from the adheisve, a scarce entire. Signed Sorani.Ausruf : 125 CHFZuschlag : 125 CHFLosnr. : 1171 Frankreich
Ballon Monté 1870 (Nov 14): Gazette Des Absents No. 7, a complete example franked by 1863/67 laureated 40 c. orange tied by bold Paris Star 8 with 'Paris /R. D'Antin' cds adjacent (Nov 14, 4th levée), probably carried by the Ballon "Jean Bart No. 2". Reverse with Carcasonne cds (Nov 26) and mailed on to Constantinople, already franked and prepaid for this destination, with French P.O. 'Constantinople / Turquie' cds on reverse (Dec 10). A rare and fine entire. Signed Fayolle Maury = € 8'000.rnAusruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 1172 Frankreich
Boules des Moulins 1871: Entire letter from Granville to Paris "par Moulins Allier" with a defective but extremely unusual franking for the 1 franc rate with 1865 Laureated 40 c. orange and Bordeaux pair of 30 c. brown tied by '1706' gros chiffres with Granville despatch cds (Jan 1) and 'Granville à Paris' cds (Jan 1) on reverse (this dated '70' in error. Tatty but rare.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 1173 Frankreich
1869/76: Napoleon 5 fr. grey-lilac, lot two selected copies of fine appearance, both showing near perfect perforations, one cancelled by Constantinople gros chiffres '5083' and the other struck by cds "Chambon s. Vogeize - 7 OCT 76 - Creuse" Yvert = € 2'200.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 1174 Frankreich
Ballon Monté 1870 (Nov 14): Gazette Des Absents No. 28, a complete example franked by 1871/75 Cérès 40 c. orange tied by bold Paris Star 1 with 'Paris / Pl. de la Bourse' cds adjacent (Jan 17, 6th levée), to Constantinople, probably carried by the Ballon "La Poste de Paris", with framed red 'PD' at base. Reverse with Marseille cds (Jan 29) of transit. A rare and fine entire. Signed Raybaudi Maury = € 8'000.rnProvenance: Robineau, Feb 1974.rnAusruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 1175 Frankreich
1871: Siège 40 c. orange used with Cérès 1871/75 80 c. rose horizontal pair on 1873 entire letter endorsed VOIE DE BORDEAUX / ET MAGELLAN tied in black with PARIS / GA. L.F. DU SUD-OUEST despatch at left (Aug 22) and framed PP in red. Bordeaux transit cds on reverse and struck on arrival with '25' (centavos) due marking in red. A fine and attractive entire.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1176 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1177 Frankreich
1872: 5 c. green and 25 c. blue (strip of three), tied by dotted numeral mark "6307" of Bordeaux to entire letter sent to Poti Black Sea Russia with Bordeaux (May 7, 1875) despatch cds and framed 'PD' handstamp in red alongside, on front and reverse a plethora of French and five diff. Russian TPO cds's, Tiflis transit and Poti arrival (May 13) cds's.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1178 Frankreich
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue in a fine strip of four, used on 1875 entire letter from Marseille to Port Louis, Mauritius; all tied by '2240' gros chiffres with Marseille cds of despatch (Nov 21) at left. Reverse with 'Mauritius' arrival (Dec 19) cds in blue. Fresh and very fine, a delightful entire to a scarce destination.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1179 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1180 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1181 Frankreich
1900: Merson, complete set of three values 40 c. red & blue to 1 f. burgundy & olive in complete sheet panes of 25 stamps, some perf. separation, gum defects, and marginal hinges, but overall fine and fresh unmounted og multiples Yvert = € 16'875+.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1182 Frankreich
1900/25: Merson 1 fr. burgundy & olive and 3 fr. violet & blue, each in two sheet panes of 25 or 20 stamps, respectively, in addition 45 c. green & blue in sheet pane of 25 stamps, some perf. separation and marginal hinges, but fine and fresh unmounted og multiples. Yvert = € 11'200+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1183 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1184 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1185 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1186 Frankreich
Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.Losnr. : 1187 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1188 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1189 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1190 Frankreich
1929/38: Group of six crash covers with the official wreck mail cachets, including two envelopes of which one registered, from the 1929 flight Paris to Indochina crashed at Bondy (Feb. 19), registered cover to Hanoi crashed at Syrte Tripolitania showing single line h.s. COURRIER ACCIDENTE in black, official envelope from the French Postal Administration to Prague, bearing official h.s. 'COURRIER ACCIDENTE AU BRESIL LE 3 NOVEMBRE 1935' used for wreck mail crashed at Aracaju Brazil as well as 1938 envelope of the crashed flight Marseille - Tunis (Feb. 9) showing 'ACCIDENT D'AVION Correspondances recueillies en Mer NE PAS TAXES' in black. A fine and scarce group Nierinck: 290219+291214+351103+380209.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1191 Frankreich
1849/1970: Collection several hundred used stamps incl. some better items from the early years, War Orfan sets, Caisse d'Amortissement, Sourire de Reims, Atlantic crerossing 1936, PEXIP souvenir sheet, Marianne de Gandon up to 100 Fr., airmails with all the better items incl. 50 Fr. green and Burelage, postage dues, duplicats and some minor values French Colonies, good to mixed condition and housed in two albums and two stockbooks.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1192 Frankreich
1849/1907: Interesting old-time Collection, hundreds primarily used stamps in overall fine condition incl. 1849 Cérès 15 c. green and 1 fr. carmine, 1852 Présidence 10 c. bistre, 1853 Napoleon imperf. 1 fr. carmine, 1869 5 fr. grey, Bordeaux compl. set, type Sage, in addition postage due 1871 60 c. bistre unused and 1881 compl. set up to 5 fr., a fine selection.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 1193 Frankreich
1880/1960: Small dealer's stock with a few thousand stamps mainly in mint condition, incl. full sets, some better single values, airmails, precancels, postage dues etc. partly heavy duplication, in addition some other stamps and non postal labels, in good condition and housed in three stockbooks.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1194 Frankreich
1849/1966: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, first issues incl. 15 c. green (cert. Pfenninger 1958) and 1 Fr. carmine, both values Présidence, 1 Fr. lake Napoléon of 1853 (cert. PF 1962), other good values signed by Pfenninger, two copies 5 Fr. Napoléon with Laurel Wreath, Bordeaux issue with some nice copies, early postage-dues, war orphan sets, caisse d'amortissement, airmails incl. full set 1936 up to 50 Fr., burelage 50 Fr. and others. PEXIP-sheet 1937 (stuck down), later issues with plenty of commemorative sets etc., in addition a collection of French Andorra incl. a compl. first set unused up to 20 Fr., mainly in good condition and housed in one Schaubek album.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 1195 Frankreich
1849/1960: Lot some Hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, mainly better values and full sets as classic values from No. 1, War Orphans, Caisse d'amortissement, Sourire de Reims, Samothrace, souvenir sheets as Strasbourg, Paris 1925 and PEXIP, military stamps, booklets incl. Red Cross, Airmails incl. No. 1+2, 50 fr. Burelage (three examples), four examples 1936 100th Ocean Crossing, Alsace-Lorraine and much more, nicely arranged in one stockbook, careful inspection is recommended.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.800 CHFLosnr. : 1196 Frankreich
1849/2010: Interesting Collection in primarily unused/unmounted og condition, virtually complete with regard to the main catalogue numbers incl. Cérès 1849 10 c. bistre, 15 c. green, 1 Fr. carmine and 20 c. blue unissued as fresh reprints, 1852 Présidence 10 c. bistre used, 1853 Napoléon imperf. 1 fr. carmine cancelled by Grands points carrés, Napoleon perf. and lauré up to 80 c. rose, 1869 5 fr. grey cancelled Gros chiffres '3066', 1871 non-issued '10' on 10 c. bistre, very good centered, signed A. Brun, 1871 5 c. green on blue, Bordeaux compl. set, Siège and Cérès of 1871, Sage N sous B 2 c. green and N sous U 75 c. rose, both signed Calves, Mouchon all four sets, Orphelins all three sets, 1923 Congrès de Bordeaux, 1925 Souvenir sheet Paris exposition, 1927 Airmail, 1927 Souvenir sheet Strasbourg, 1929 Exposition Le Havre, 1936 Airplane over Paris compl. set and Burelage, 1937 PEXIP souvenir sheet, and 1948 Marianne de Dulac unissued. An enormous and attractive collection continued in unmounted og condition until 2010 in eight albums.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 8.000 CHFLosnr. : 1197 Frankreich
1849/1959: Important collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, the classic part showing a wide range of colour shades and various cancellations incl. such from post offices abroad, the semi modern section with plenty of better and high values as war orphans, caisse d'amortissement, booklet sourire de Reims, Merson types, Samothrace in blocs of four with coin-daté, Airmails with blocks of four, souvenir sheets as Paris exhibition 1925, Strasbourg 1927, PEXIP 1937, furthermore plenty of full sets, blocks of four, some varieties, partly some duplication, the collection also contains many cards and covers showing better frankings or special cancellations for different events etc. at the end a small section of Alsace Lorraine, mounted for exhibition purposes and arranged in two Ferrari-albums calculated from the former owner 1992 with CHF 50'000++.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 10.000 CHFLosnr. : 1198 Frankreich
1985/95: The extraordinary collection of Imperforate French Commemorative issues, an enormous collection with many hundreds of sheets, safely protected and uncreased in albums from Sept 1985 'Dubuffet' issue through to 1996 'Descartes' issue, mostly in complete sheets of 25 subjects with a full listing by Maury numbers with exact quantities and current catalogue value; fresh and fine unmounted og. throughout. A fine opportunity for a thriving wholesaler as thematics abound and the stamps can still be used for Postage- the total catalogue value is € 1'514'595.Ausruf : 60.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1199 Frankreich
1913: Two letters, written from Rochefort, each signed at base by Pierre LOTI (1850-1923), French Naval Officer and writer of 'Madame Chrysanthème', a novel of Japanese manners that is a precursor to Madame Butterfly and Miss Saigon, Le Roman d'un enfant (The Story of a Child), a somewhat fictionalized recollection of Loti's childhood that would greatly influence Marcel Proust; Ramuntcho (1897), The Last Days of Peking (1902); in later years he was a fervent pro-Ottoman supporter during the Balkan Wars.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1200 Frankreich
1822/75: Covers (14) to a variety of destinations in Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, with 1852 10 c., 40 c. and 80 c. on entire to Naples, range of 60 c. frankings to Austria and 80 c. rates to Italy, an unusual 1872 30 c. rate used in Paris. Condition varies but most fine.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1201 Frankreich
Ballon Monté 1870: Entire letters (4) with Laureated 20 c. tied by '2488' gros chiffres with Montmartre cds (Oct 6, 1870) to entire to Le Mans (Oct 18), Cérès 20 c. blue tied Paris Star '2' (Dec 21) on entire to Neuvy Le Roi (Dec 25), entire carried on the 'Newton' with Laureated 20 c. blue, fault, tied Paris Star (Dec 31) to Montpellier, another entire from Gare de Limoges dated Oct 8, 1870 addressed to Paris (entrée tentative), together with three unused Gazette Des Absents (Nos. 7, 8 and 31).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1202 Frankreich
1748/1978c.: Selection of covers (165+), with 1748 entire from Constantinople mailed via Vienna, struck with D'AUTRICHE and thence via Basel to Marseille, 1842 entire from Basse-Terre, 1848 entire from Cayenne, 1860 cover with 1852 20 c. and 80 c. tied by Anchor lozenge carried on the "Carmel" at double rate, 1863 cover with 1862 10 c. and 40 c. carried on the "Euphrate", 1909/10 cards (2) to Mopéa via Chinde, Nyasaland; WWII with interesting Censored correspondence to Dublin etc., together with a fine range of Military usages in Constantinople and the Levant. Generally fine, with much of interest to the diligent viewer.rnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1206 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1207 Div. Franz. Kolonien
1904: Allegory 25 c. black on rosy paper bearing red surcharge 'Chine', cancelled "Tientsin-China - 14 AOUT 04 - Poste française', as single franking on small envelope with content addressed to Fresne-St. Mames/F, blue cachet militaire 'Reg. d'Infanterie de la Marine" as well as rare L1 black 'Voie Siberie', arrival postmark on reverse.Ausruf : 75 CHFZuschlag : 75 CHFLosnr. : 1208 Div. Franz. Kolonien
French Offices in China 1904: Indo-Chine group definitives 1 c. black and 4 c. lilac-brown ovpt. CHINE in mixed franking with 15 c. grey and 25 c. blue ovpt. YUNNANSEN, tied by "YUNNAN-FOU-CHINE 5 SEPT 05" with framed 'R' alongside on registered cover to Tonkin, reverse with Laokay, Hanoi and Sept-Pagodes transit cds (22 SEPT 05).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1209 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Losnr. : 1210 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Cote d'Ivoire 1904: Registered cover of the 'Cabinet du Lt Gouverneur' in Bingerville to Paris franked with 1892 25 c. black on rose and 1904 ovpt. definitives 0,05 on 30 c. and 0,10 on 75 c., each tied by "BINGERVILLE 22 AVRIL 04 COTE D'IVOIRE" cds in blue with octagonal 'R' registration handstamp aside, octagonal Loango Bordeaux shipmail TPO cds on font, reverse with Paris arrival cds (25 5 04).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1218 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Losnr. : 1224 Frankreich
1862: Empire 40 c. orange, a used horizontal pair on 1864 cover from Smyrna to Livorno, tied by Anchor lozenge of dots with Paquebot AMERIQUE datestamp (Salles fig. 753) at left in black. Framed 'Piroscafi / Postali / Francesi' also in black and arrival cds (Dec 2) on reverse. File folds well away from the adhesives but scarce. Signed Sorani.Ausruf : 80 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1226 Frankreich
1869: Entire letter from Smyrna to Syros, Greece franked by France 1863/67 laureated 40 c. orange tied by dotted '5098' gros chiffres in black with "Smyrne / Turquie" despatch cds alongside (July 28). Handstruck "45 LEP" charge marking in black at right and the amount due collected with Greece 1862/67 consecutive printing 5 l. green and 40 l. rosy mauve on blued tied by "Syros / 67" cds in black. The entire with some creasing but scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1227 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange overlapping 1870 Bordeaux 10 c. bistre, Report II, imperforate, in two vertical pairs, margins large to touched, used on 1872 entire letter from Smyrna to Marseille tied by dotted '5098' gros chiffres in black with "Smyrne / Turquie" despatch cds at right (Jan 5). Small cartridge 'Paquebots / De La / Mediterranee' in red above and framed PD in red. Reverse with Marseille arrival cds (Jan 12). A fine and very unusual franking.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1228 Frankreich
1875: Stampless entire letter from Dardanelli to Genova, Italy struck on despatch with fine LES DARDANELLES / TURQUIE datestamp in black (Jan 27) with large "90" due marking adjacent. Taxed on arrival with Italy 1870 Postage Due 40 c. and 50 c. tied by "Genova" cds (Feb 5) in black. The addressee's name partially erased but a scarce and not unattractive entire.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1248 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Nouvelle-Calédonie 1876 (March 27): Stampless cover from Nouméa to Bordeaux showing provisional cash payment handstamp "P.D. / AFFRANCH EN NUMERAIRE FAUTE DE TIMBRES COLONIAUX / Sce POSTES Nelles CALED", additional framed PD, Noumea cds and French entry cds (24 MAI 76) alongside, reverse with Paris - Bordeaux TPO and Bordeaux arrival cds's (24 MAI).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1250 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Losnr. : 1251 Frankreich
Réunion 1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, horizontal pair with large to imperceptibly touched margins in a rich shade, used on 1852 double weight second sheet of entire letter from Paris endorsed 'voie de Suez' to a Police Lieutenant at St. Paul, Réunion. Carried by British Packet tied by 'grille sans fin' with Paris despatch cds (Nov 17) below and framed 'PD' in red at left. The letter was prepaid as far as Alexandria at the correct double rate of 2 francs, thence travelled overland via Suez to Calcutta and then by P&O Steamer via Galle (Ceylon) and Port Louis (Mauritius) to Réunion. Rare framed '2 F. 20' tax marking struck in black. Reverse with two strikes of 'St. Denis / Ile Bourbon' cds (Jan 10, 1853) in black and faint 'St. Paul / Ile Bourbon' datestamp struck in red on the same day. A magnificent and unique cover - to date no other covers are recorded with a first issue double rate taxed franking to Réunion. Cert. Von der Weid (1999).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 111 (May 1999), lot 2599.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 1253 Frankreich
Rouad (Ile) 1916: Provisional ILE ROUAD surcharge in black on 5 c. green, 10 c. rose and 25 c. blue, tied to Military Flag card by "Ile Rouad / Postes Francaises" datestamps (23/4) in black. Addressee's name (a Lieutenant) deleted in ink but an extremely scarce issue on card or cover. Signed A. Diena, Sorani Maury = € 760 off cover.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1254 Div. Franz. Kolonien
French Colonies, lots & collections, French North Africa 1821/1977: Selection of covers/cards (40+) with Algeria incl. 1839 entire from Oran with "Purifié / Toulon" oval, 1841 entire to Genova via Nice with "Alger / Algerie" cds, Nov 1844 cover sent unpaid with "Bone / Algerie" cds to France charged 25 décimes, 1845 entire to Wurttemberg charged '46' kreuzer; Morocco with small registered 1905 correspondence from Fez to Constantinople, 1943 cover to Ireland with "Exempt from Censorship" in violet, Tunisia with 1821 disinfected entire from Tunis to Marseille, 1864 entire with superb pearled "Tunis" cds.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1255 Div. Franz. Kolonien
French Occupation of German Togo and Kamerun 1915/24: Group four covers incl. 1915 Dahomey stamps used in Anecho Togo with German cds's and registration label, 1917 'CAMEROUN / Occupation Française' ovpt stamps used in Duala Cameroun with German registration label, 1921/24 Togo occupation issue used in Lomé and Anech, respectively, all sent registered to Europe.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1256 Div. Franz. Kolonien
1890/1960: Collection total 380 mainly fine used stamps starting with Forerunners (stamps from France used abroad), furthermore better single items and some full sets covering French Colonies and possessions in the Western Hemisphere as Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, the lot also includes ten covers incl. multicolour frankings and airmails, housed in a Ferrari album.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1257 Div. Franz. Kolonien
1890/1960: Collection total 240 mainly fine used stamps covering French Colonies and Post Offices in Asia, including China with offices in Canton, Mong-Tse, Packhoi, Tchong-King and Yunnan-Fou, furthermore Indo-China and a selection of French India as well as six covers, three of them addressed to Switzerland, housed in a Ferrari album.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHF