227.-233. Auktion
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-> Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Kap der Guten Hoffnung
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Losnr. : 6201 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Losnr. : 6202 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1902/03: Edward VII, the part set of seven values with ½ d., 1 d., 3 d., 4 d., 6 d., 1 s. and 5 s., each overprinted by italic “Specimen” in violet (Samuel type SA1), fresh and fine, some spots on gum, large part og. Exceedingly scarce: no stamps from this issue were sent to the UPU thus only receiving country Specimens exist.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Frankland, 2005.rnAusruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6203 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1884: De La Rue Die Proofs for the 'The Stamp Act 1884' Fiscal issue: 35 different Die Proofs in black on glazed white paper, all cut-down to frames and inset in card, first page in five horizontal rows of four Proofs with values ranging from ½ d. through to 12/6 d., second page with three horizontal rows of five Proofs with values from 15 s. - £ 30; some negligible aging of no importance, an astonishing and very rare set, ex the De La Rue archives.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 6204 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1885/1893: Covers (2) both to London, earlier example franked by Cape 1884/90 6 d. reddish purple and 1864 Stamp Act 5 s. lilac each cancelled by 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds's (Dec 1, 1885) and 1893 cover with faulty Fiscal 'Stamp Duty' 4 d. lilac tied by Compass datestamp of Cape Town in black with superb impression of CAPE TOWN squared circle datestamp adjacent. An unusual pair.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 6205 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Triple Country Combination Cover 1871 (May 4): Transvaal 1870 rouletted 6 d. ultramarine (Gi. 5) tied by concentric circular handstamp to 1871 cover from Potchefstroom addressed to Miss E. H. Echalaz, Appleby Rectory, Atherstone (Lincs), England; endorsed ‘By Mail Steamer via Cape Town and Bloemfontein / 4-19-71’ with POTCHEFSTROOM / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA datestamp of despatch below (April 19). Orange Free State 1868/94 6 d. rose (Gi. 4) applied for transit costs through the OFS and tied by eight barred obliterator in black. Cape of Good Hope 4 d. blue (four examples, one with small fault at base) alongside tied by Cape Town numeral ‘1’ obliterators in black and by ‘Cape Town / Cape Colony’ circular datestamp (May 4) which also ties the OFS 6 d. Reverse with ‘Atherstone’ cds (June 8) and ‘Appleby Magna’ cds of receipt (June 9). A few minor imperfections due to journey (over 1’300 kms. inland prior to the steamer’s journey) but a remarkable and important cover of great aesthetic appeal: the eighth earliest stamped Transvaal classic cover and second earliest recorded (Jorgenson Census) Triple Combination cover.rnAusruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 15.000 CHFLosnr. : 6206 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Combination Cover 1878 (April): Transvaal November 1877 rouletted 'V.R. / Transvaal' on 6 d. blue on green (Gi. 126), a fine example tied by '43' circular numeral obliterator to 1878 cover from Upsal to Berlin in combination with Cape 1871/76 ½ d. grey-black, 1 d. carmine-red and 1864/77 6 d. bright violet tied by 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' datestamps in black (May 3) and by '2½d.' split rate handstamp in red. 'London / Paid' cds on front (May 29) and reverse with Berlin arrival cds (May 31). Small piece of flap cut away. British Occupaation period cover #39 in the Jorgenson census. A charming and very rare cover.rnrnProvenance: 'Rectangular Issues', Spink, Sept 2007, lot 145.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 6207 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Combination Cover 1880 (March 2): Transvaal 1878 6 d. olive-black (Gi. 137), cancelled by "13" concerntric ring obliterator in black used on 1880 cover from Lydenburg to Limerick, Ireland; with LYDENBURG / Z.A.R. / ZUID AFRIKA datestamp of despatch at left (March 2) in combination with Cape 1871/76 1 d. carmine-red vertical pair and 4 d. blue tied in transit by 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds (March 6). Carried on the Union line "Pretoria" with Limericak arrival cds (April 7) on reverse. Cover #44 in Jorgenson census. A fine and most attractive cover.rnrnProvenance: 'Rectangular Issues', Spink, Sept 2007, lot 118.rnrnNote: The sender was Surgeon Espine Charles Ward, who had been with the 94th Regeiment since they were sent to Zululand following the defeat at Isandhlwana. Garrisoned at Lyndenburg, in November 1880 they were ordered to Pretoria, and ambushed on the way at Bronkhorstspruit. Wounded in the engagement, Ward was left by the Boers in charge of the wounded of both sides.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 6208 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1893: Hope 1 d. rose-red used on 1900 Wreck Cover from Deelfontein to Stoke, England carried on the 'RMS Mexican' and struck with two line RECOVERED FROM / WRECK OF MEXICAN handstamp in red. Reverse with Stoke on Trent arrival (April 28); together wirth a matching cover carried by the 'RMS Mexican' franked by five 1884/90 ½ d. grey-black (5) used from Cape Town to Funchal, Madeira.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 6209 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Griqualand West 1864/77: Cape 1 s. green used on 1874 cover (Birdseye correspondence) from De Beers to London endorsed 'per Royal Mail Steamer' tied by 'leaf' obliterators in black with DE BEERS N.R. circular datestamp alongside (Oct) in black. 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' transit cds (Oct 10) in black and 'London / Paid' arrival datestamp (Nov 20) in red all on obverse. A most attractive and rare usage.rnrnProvenance: 'Rectangular Issues', Spink, Sept 2007, lot 107.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 6210 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
Griqualand West 1864/77: Cape 6 d. deep lilac used with 1871/76 1 d. carmine-red (6 examples) on 1873 cover to Dunfermline, Scotland tied by 'leaf' obliterators with fine oval framed DIAMOND FIELDS despatch datestamp in black (Jan 23). 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds of transit on obverse and Dunfermline arrival cds (March 17) on reverse. Minor imperfections but a charming and very scarce cover.rnrnProvenance: 'Rectangular Issues', Spink, Sept 2007, lot 108.rnrnAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6211 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1853/64: Collection with 1853 1 d. used (2) and a block of four used, 4 d. blue on blued used and a single on cover, 1855/63 1 d. rose used (2), 4 d. used (9) including huge margined single example and another cancelled by circular datestamp together with two attractive used pairs, 6 d. rose-lilac unused and a parallelogram pair used, 1859 1 s. deep dark green used; 1863/64 1 d. carmine unused (2) and used (4); 4 d. blue used (2) incl. one on piece; 6 d. bright mauve unused (4) incl. a pair; also a range of reprints of the 6 d. value in black, blue, green and orange and the 1 s. value in blue, deep green and orange. A most interesting lot (36 items).rnAusruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 6212 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1871/76: The collection on leaves with ½ d. grey-black in unused blocks of four (4), ½ d. with watermark inverted unused and used; 1 d. carmine in unused blocks of four (5) and a block of six, used example with watermark inverted variety and a pair on surfaced paper optd. CANCELLED; 4 d. blue with unused blocks of four (2) and a magnificent (ex Dale-Lichtenstein) block of 15 unused together with a single unused and used example with inverted watermark variety, also a delightful used block of 16 cancelled at Constantia; 5 s. orange with an unused block of four with trimmed perfs. at base and a lovely used block and an imperf. example optd. CANCELLED in black. A delightful collection Gi = £ 11'000+.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 6213 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1884/90: The collection on leaves with ½ d. grey-black unused (33) incl. Plate '2' Control blocks of six (2) and an interpanneau block of eight; 1 d. carmine (shades) unused (26) in blocks of four (4) and a block of six with '7' Plate number in margin, used examples from Klipheuvel and a pair with superb circular Mailbag negative seal; 2 d. bistre unused (5) incl. a Plate 2 strip of three and a cover bearing seven examples; 4 d. blue with unused (38) incl. Plate 2 and 3 Control blocks of four (4) and a magnificent block of 20, 6 d. purple (shades) with unused (45) with Plate 2 Control blocks of four (3), blocks of four (4) and a block of eight; 1 s. green unused (16) incl. blocks of four (3) and used (2) together with a rare wmk. inverted horizontal pair used; 5 s. orange unused (12) incl. a strip of three, two blocks of four and two used blocks of four. A delightful collection Gi = £ 8'800+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 6214 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1893/98: Collection with Hope ½ d. green unused (15) in Control strips of three (2) and two blocks of four; Hope 1 d. camine unused (19) incl. three blocks of four; Hope 3 d. magenta unused (13) in three blocks of four; 1893/98 set of eight to 5 s. unused and the 1 s. yellow-ochre in a Plate 2 block of six unused; the whole with some interesting covers. Generally fine, a good lot Gi = £ 750+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHF
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