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Losnr. : 1559 Indien
1855: 8 a. carmine on blued used with 1856/64 2 a. dull pink and 4 a. black on white paper on 1860 cover and part back from Calcutta to Liverpool endorsed 'per Steamer Bengal via Marseilles' tied by sender's cachets and 'B/1' octagonal handstamps in black. Framed INDIA PAID in red on front and reverse with Calcutta despatch (Nov 25) in red and Liverpool arrival (Dec 28). An attractive item.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 130 CHFLosnr. : 1560 Indien
1865: 8 p. mauve and 1868 8 a. pale rose, Die II, fault at base, used on small 1869 envelope from Umballa to Ireland endorsed 'via Marseilles' tied by grid obliterators in black. Framed INDIA / PAID in red at left and reverse with Umballa, Bombay (Nov 27) and Midleton arrival cds's (Dec 20 and 21). Readdressed with manuscript 'Try Bantry' with Bantry cds (Dec 22) and manuscript '1d.' charge.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1561 Indien
1865: 1 a. brown and 2 a. orange used on 1880 cover, with complete contents, mailed to USA cancelled with fine strikes of scarce circular barred "T" obliterators in black. Reverse with TPO datestamp, Bombay and 'Sea / Post Office / B' cds (Feb 28), carried on the 'Venetia' to Suez. Brindisi transit cds also on reverse of a scarce cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1562 Indien
1906: India ¼ a. brown on buff postal stationery card mailed from Srinigar to a 'Fraulein Schroeder, The Mission, Leh, Thibet' cancelled by 'Kashmir' cds (Nov 18) with bold (and scarce) LEH / KASHMIR arrival cds (Nov 23) alongside both struck in black. Interesting message on reverse "your luggage has reached Srinigar so perhaps you might get it before the road is closed by snow. You will have a long quiet time for study during the winter...". Corner bend to card but very scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1563 Indien
1911 (Feb. 18): 2 p. grey, ½ a. green, 2 a. 6 p. ultramarine, 4 a. olive and 3 p. grey all tied by two bold strikes of FIRST AERIAL POST / 1911 / U.P. EXHIBITION ALLAHABAD cachets in red. Reverse with registered label (443) and Allahabad cds (Feb 18) and Bombay cds of receipt. Envelope with some imperfections, but unusual franking and scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1564 Indien
Losnr. : 1565 Indien
China Expeditionary Force 1905: Postcard of Tianenmen Bridge, Peking addressed to Tientsin franked on viewside with 1900 CEF ½ a. blue-green tied by "F.P.O. No. 1" datestamp in black (Nov 15) based at Peking addressed to a Lance Corporal in Tientsin with "F.P.O. No. 4" arrival cds on reverse. A fine and scarce usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1566 Indien
China Expeditionary Force 1906: Postcard of Peking addressed to the Military Hospital in Gosport, UK franked on reverse with 1905 CEF 1 a. carmine tied by "F.P.O. No. 1" datestamp in black (May 18) based at Peking, with BASE OFFICE / B cds adjacent of the same day.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1567 Indien
China Expeditionary Force 1908: Postcard of Shanhaikwan addressed to Jersey, Channel Islands endorsed 'via Siberia' franked on viewside with 1905 CEF 1 a. carmine tied by "BASE OFFICE / B" datestamp in black (Aug 13) based at Shanghai, with BASE OFFICE / B cds adjacent of the same day.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1568 Indien
Persian Gulf 1898: Cover from Linga to Cairo franked on reverse with India ½ a. blue-green tied by LINGA squared circle datestamp (Aug 24), underpaid with circular "T" mark alongside framed LINGA handstamp in black, deleted in manuscript with further mss. '20 Cts.' in blue crayon applied on board P&O Steamer with 'Sea Post Office / C' cds on reverse (Sept 3) and Suez and Cairo (Sept 13) cds's alongside. A rare and most interesting coverAusruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1569 Indien
Losnr. : 1571 Indien
French Indian Settlements 1862: Cover from Avignon to Pondichery, French Indian Settlements, mailed from Avignon (Feb 15) via Suez with France 1853 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange tied by petit chiffres with PD in red alongside. Reverse with Marseille transit (Feb 17). Readdressed from Pondichery to Trichinopoly on arrival with PONDICHERY cds in red (March 19) and franked by 1856 ½ a. blue tied by "C / 111" obliterator in black - the Postmaster also considering the French adhesives insufficiently cancelled and thus tied again with "C / 111" obliterators. Acid ink in address but with full Trichinopoly arrival (March 21) on reverse in red. Rare. Signed Calves.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1572 Indien
French Indian Settlements 1865: 1 a. deep brown and 2 a. orange used on 1879 entire letter from Pondichery to Port Louis, Mauritius tied by PONDICHERY - 6 / M-20 duplex in black (June 24). Reverse with Bombay cds, 'Sea / Post Office / C' datestamp (June 27) and carried on the 'Mongolia' to Aden, with eventual 'Mauritius' cds (July 27) in blue of arrival.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1573 Indien
French Indian Settlements 1881: Cover from Devalah to London franked by India 1865 1 a. brown pair and 1873 ½ a. blue (5 examples) all tied by four bold strikes of "3 / M-19 / 2" rectangular obliterators in black, with manuscript date of sending alongside. Reverse with DEVALAH despatch cds (Jan 1, 1882), Bombay transit (Jan 5) and London arrival cds in black. Small imperfections but rare - very few covers are known from Devalah and this must surely be one of the most spectacular usages.
Info: Mis-described!
Dewala is in what is now Pakistan in the Dera Ismail Khan area. Dewala is in what is now Pakistan in the Dera Ismail Khan area.
Start remains the same
Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 1574 Indien
French Indian Settlements 1865: 2 a. orange in a horizontal strip of four used on 1867 entire letter from Pondichery to Mauritius endorsed 'via Galle per Steamer', tied by PONDICHERY / 111 duplexes in black (Feb 11). Curved INDIA PAID in red and reverse with Madras datestamp and Mauritius arrival cds (March 2), charged with "6d. / TO PAY" in blue on obverse. A few small thin paper imperfections to entire but an attractive usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1575 Indien
Ingoing Mail 1852/54: France 80 c. deep carmine (Yvert 17), used example with touched to large margins on three sides, tied to 1857 cover from Paris to Lahore, India (now Pakistan) tied by lozenge of dots with despatch cds at left (June 27) with framed P.P. alongside in red. Further tied in transit by framed 'BOMBAY / Bearing' handstamp in black (July 20) with '4 annas' charge. Reverse with Lahore cds of receipt in red (Aug 5).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1576 Indien
1885/1903: Small group (5 covers/cards) all carried on the Bombay-Aden Sea Post Office with 1885 cover to London bearing India ½ a. blue, 1 a. plum and 3 a. vermilion tied by barred "B" obliterataor with 'Aden Cant.' datestamp (March 5) on reverse carried on the 'Tasmania'; 1898 ¼ a. stationery card up-rated with strip of three 3 p. rose to Harrow, 1903 cover to Italy with ½ a. green and pair of 1 a. carmine tied by circular 'B' obliterators, 1903 cover to USA franked by India 1 a. carmine (5) used to Chicago, 1904 postcard to Bakewell with 1 a. carmine and 2 a. violet; all with 'Sea Post Office' datestamps.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1577 Indien
1911/60: Collection on leaves and loose with both genuine and forgeries mixed, some useful material noted incl. Tibet ½ tr. yellow in unused marginal examples and an irregular strip of four, 2/3 tr. blue in a used strip of three, 4 tr. green on genuine covers (2); Jammu & Kashmir with fair collection on leaves incl. India comination usage, Poonch range on leaves, further range of States on printed album leaves and loose etc., a good 'winter evening' lot.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHF
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