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Losnr. : 3101 Frankreich
1863/70: Laureated 40 c. orange used on 1869 entire letter from Alexandria to Munster, France tied by superb strike of 5080 gros chiffres with 'Alexandrie / Egypte' cds alongside (Feb 13). Framed PD in black and carried on P&O Paquebot 'Delta' to Marseille with circular 'Paq. Angl. / Amb. Mars.' entry marking (Feb 19) in red. Reverse with Colmar, Mulhouse and Munster cds's (Feb 20).Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3102 Frankreich
1863/70: 20 c. blue with 'à la corne' variety and 40 c. orange, used on 1870 single rate entire letter to Athens, tied by 4475 gros chiffres leaving the variety clear, with Mareuil-S-Ay despatch cds (May 12) at left. Framed PD in red adjacent and carried via Messina on the Ligne U Paquebot 'Tage' with Athens arrival cds (May 7, julian) on reverse. Fresh and fine entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3105 Frankreich
1862: 80 c. carmine used on 1865 single rate entire letter endorsed 'voie d'Angleterre' from Marseille to Jacmel, Haiti tied by 2240 gros chiffres with Marseille cds (June 15) and framed P.P. at left in black. Mailed via London (June 16) and thence on Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. 'Shannon' to St. Thomas and from there on the 'Tyne' to Jacmel (Aug 2). A fine and attractive entire to an unusual destination.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3106 Frankreich
1862: 80 c. carmine horizontal pair used on 1873 double rate entire letter endorsed 'via Southampton' from Le Havre to Port Au Prince, Haiti tied by 1769 gros chiffres with Havre cds (March 15) and framed P.P. in red. Mailed via London (March 17) and thence on Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. 'Elbe' to St. Thomas. A fine and attractive entire to an unusual destination.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 3107 Frankreich
1862: 40 c. orange, single example used on 1868 entire letter from Paris to a Captain Graham in Darjeeling, India tied by mute Paris Star with despatch cds below (March 17). Framed PD and P.P. in red on front and carried on P&O Steamer 'Nyanza' to Alexandria and thence from Suez by the 'Columbian' to Bombay. Reverse with Marseille cds, Bombay cds and two 'Travelling P.O.' datestamps in black. An extremely rare entire - the 40 centime rate being the concessionary Military rate - half the normal 80 centimes.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 3108 Frankreich
1868 & 1869: Covers (2) to India, with earlier cover franked by laureated 20 c. blue (4) for single rate from Bordeaux to Tellichery, India all tied by 532 gros chiffres with Bordeaux cds (Aug 15) at left. Erroneously struck with AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT in red and then deleted by P.P. and PD handstamps in red, carried by 'Tanais' of Ligne X to Alexandria and the P&O 'Baroda' from Suez; matched with 1869 double rate cover to Calcutta franked by 1863/70 20 c. blue (6) and single 40 c. tied by 2656 gros chiffres of Nice (Feb 5). Faults but an attractive pair.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 3112 Frankreich
Mail to Italy 1863/68: Covers (3) with 1863 cover bearing 1862 40 c. tied by 'petit points' lozenge used to Catania via Messina, 1865 cover to Genoa franked by 1862 oxidised 40 c. pair tied by VIA / DI MARE / (E) in red (rare) and charged 60 decimi on arrival and 1868 cover to Palermo franked at double rate with 1863/70 laureated 80 c. rose from Marseille per 'Tannais'.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3113 Frankreich
1863/70: 10 c. bistre, Type II, and 20 c. blue, Type I in a horizontal pair, used on 1870 single rate entire letter from Marseille to Civitavecchia, cancelled by two strikes of FRANCIA / VIA DI MARE handstamps in black (Salles fig. 659), with P.D. below and manuscript '10' decimi due. Reverse with Genova and Livorno Centrale (July 26) cds's. Minor aging but an attractive and scarce entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 3115 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange and 1871/75 Cérès 80 c. pale carmine (2) used on 1874 double rate entire letter from Lyon to Yokohama, Japan tied by 6316 gros chiffres, with despatch cds (Aug 4) alongside. Two strikes of framed PD in red on front and reverse with French P.O. YOKOHAMA / JAPON datestamp (Sept 15) of receipt. A charming and scarce entire.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3116 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange pair used with 1871/75 30 c. brown on cover front to Badonviller, France in combination with Japan 1876 Koban 2 sen olive-brown cancelled in black. French adhesives tied by YOKOHAMA / BAU. FRANCAIS datestamps (Feb 19) in black with information strike at lower left. Carried by British Ships (for correct rate of 1 franc 10 centimes) with corresponding circular 'Paq. Ang. V. Brind. / A Mod.9 (April 6) in red (Salles 1895) also on front. Overall soiling but a remarkable and rare item.rnrnNote: P&O Line Steamer 'Malacca' to Hong Kong (Feb 27), 'Zambesi' to Galle (March 15), 'Australian' via Aden to Suez, 'Venetia' from Alexandria to Brindisi (April 5).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 3117 Frankreich
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, a block of four (fourth stamp with major retouch in top frame line), used on 1873 single rate cover from Paris to Yedo, Japan (Lebon correspondence), all tied by Paris Star '20' with despatch cds at left (March 28) and framed P.P. in red. Carried on the 'Iraouaddy' of Ligne N to Hong Kong, transhipped to the 'Volga' for journey to destination. Reverse with flap missing and small internal repair but complete YOKOHAMA / BAU. FRANCAIS cds of receipt (May 15). Scarce cover.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3118 Frankreich
1863/70: Laureated 20 c. blue pair used on 1868 entire letter from Algiers to Malta endorsed 'voie de Tunis' tied by 5018 gros chiffres with 'BAT. A. VAP. / ALGER-BÔNE' cds alongside (Oct 4). Struck initially with framed PD in red but erased in manuscript and instead framed AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT applied. Charged '4' (pence) in manuscript due upon receipt. Backstamped 'Bougie / Algerie' (Oct 4), Marseille (Oct 10) and Malta (Oct 16). An interesting and fine entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 3119 Martinique
Martinique 1867 & 1869: Covers (2), to and from Martinique, earlier cover with 1862 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange tied by 2508 gros chiffres of Nancy (Jan 28, 1867) mailed to an Officer on board the 'Jean-Bart' at Fort de France at single rate, carried by the RMSP Co. Steamer 'Douro', and 1869 stampless entire to Havre struck with 'Martinique / St. Pierre' cds (Jan 8) carried on Ligne A Paquebot 'Lafayette' with superb LIGNE-A / PAQ. FR. No. 3 datestamp (Salles fig. 1401) in black (Jan 10) on reverse. An attractive pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3120 Frankreich
1853: 20 c. blue and 80 c. carmine, touched to large margins, used on 1855 single rate cover from Bordeaux to Port Louis, Mauritius (addressed to the Captain of the 'Juliette'), tied by 441 petit chiffres with Bordeaux despatch cds (April 7) at left. Framed P.P. in red and endorsed at top 'via Marseille & Suez'. Carried on Egyptian Line Steamer 'Egyptus' to Alexandria and thence via Suez and Galle to Mauritius. Reverse with fine strike of oval framed PACKET LETTER / MAURITIUS in red of receipt (June 12) and charged '1/6d.' in red crayon on front. Cert. Eichele (1999).Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3122 Frankreich
1853: 20 c. blue, a fine four margined example, used from Mexico on 1862 cover to Strasbourg, tied by fine 'CEM A' dotted lozenge in black with 'Corps Exp. Mexique / Bau. A' datestamp at right (Sept 6). Framed PD in red on front and carried on the 'Louisiane' via St. Nazaire at the 20 centime Military Concession rate by French Ship. Reverse with small flap fault and arrival cds's (Oct 20). Scarce and very fine cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3123 Frankreich
1862: 10 c. bistre (unusually optd. with 'Controle T.P.' in blue) used with 20 c. blue (2) on 1863 cover to Colonel Gambier of the 2nd Regiment of Zouaves with the Corps Expeditionaire in Mexico, tied by 3171 gros chiffres with 'Rochefort-S-Mer' cds of despatch at left (July 31) and framed red PD, paying the 50 centime Military Concession rate via English Ship. Slight internal repair to envelope at top but an attractive and unusual usage with the Control handstamp.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 3124 Frankreich
1863/70: Laureated 80 c. carmine, five examples, all used on 1869 quadruple rate cover from Paris to Vera Cruz, Mexico tied by Paris Star '5' on despatch (Oct 30). Mailed via London (Nov 1) and carried on the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Steamer 'Seine' to St. Thomas and thence on the 'Eider' to Vera Cruz, where struck with '7' (reales) due marking in black for local delivery. Trivial imperfections but a scarce and most appealing franking. Signed Goebel.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 3125 Frankreich
1863/70: Laureated 20 c. blue, two horizontal pairs, used on 1869 entire letter to Vera Cruz, Mexico tied by Paris Star '15' in black (Feb 15). Framed P.P. in red below and carried on Ligne B Steamer 'Panama' with circular LIGNE-B / PAQ. FR. No. 3 datestamp (Salles fig. 1431) on reverse in black (Feb 17). Also an 1868 slightly tropicalised entire at same rate, franked by single laureated 80 c. used from Bordeaux (March 14) and also carried on the 'Panama'. An attractive pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3126 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange and 1871/75 Cérès 30 c. brown horizontal pair, used on 1873 single rate cover from Paris to Zacatecas, Mexico tied by Paris Star '25' with Gare du Nord despatch cds (July 1) and framed P.P. in red at left. Mailed via London (July 2) and thence via Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Steamer 'Eider' to Vera Cruz. Handstruck '2' (reales) in black on front for internal delivery. Reverse with Vera Cruz transit cds (July 28) in black.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3127 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange and 1871/75 Cérès 80 c. rose vertical pair, used on 1875 double rate cover from Paris to Mexico City tied by Paris Star '22' with 'Paris / R. Taibout' cds at left (March 19). Framed P.P. in red and private 'Voie de St. Nazaire' in blue at left. Reverse with circular LIGNE-B / PAQ. FR. No. 1 datestamp (March 20) in black (Salles fig. 1431) and carried on the 'Ville de St. Nazaire' arriving at Vera Cruz on April 18 where charged with handstruck '25 cs.' for internal delivery. A few imperfections but scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3128 Frankreich
1871/75: Cérès 10 c. brown on rose, small figures and 30 c. brown vertical pair, used on 1874 cover at single rate to Noumea, New Caledonia tied by 1611 gros chiffres with 'Gaillac-Du-Tarn' cds of despatch (Oct 11) and framed PD in red at right. Carried on the Ligne V Steamer 'Peluse' to Alexandria and transhipped to the P&O Steamer 'Surat' at Suez to Galle and thence on the 'Bangalore' to Singapore. Addressed to a Captain Albigot, commander of the Frigate 'Française La Virgine' with arrival cds of Noumea on reverse (Dec 24). The 10 c. adhesive applied over edge of envelope and a few minor imperfections but an appealing cover to a scarce destination. Cert. Eichele (2001).Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 3129 Frankreich
1862: 80 c. carmine, three examples used on 1863 triple rate cover from Negrepelisse to Lagos, Nigeria all tied by 2617 gros chiffres with 'Negrepelisse' despatch cds alongside (Sept 19) and framed P.P. in red. 'London / Paid' transit cds in red on front (Sept 21) and handstruck '1d.' in red for local credit on arrival. The cover with full and long contents, is addressed to Leopold Fournier, Naval ensign on board the 'L'Etoile' at Lagos. Fournier was to rise to Lieutenant on board the 'Galissonnière' by 1875. A fine and extremely interesting entire to a remarkably scarce destination.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 3130 Frankreich
1862: 20 c. blue, dramatically off centre example, used with pair of 40 c. orange on 1867 single rate cover from Bordeaux to the Captain of the Naval ship 'Le Bisson' in Panama; tied by 532 gros chiffres with Bordeaux despatch cds (Feb 15) at left. Mailed via London (Feb 18) and Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. ship 'Seine' to St. Thomas and thence on 'Tamar' to Colon. British Post Office PANAMA cds of arrival on front (March 14) in black. Some minor imperfections but an attractive cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 3131 Frankreich
1853; 40 c. orange and 80 c. pale rose-carmine, four margined examples, used on 1862 single rate entire letter from Le Havre to Lima, Peru, tied by 1495 petit chiffres with 'Bureau Maritime / Havre' cds in red (Oct 15) and framed P.P. in red alongside. Endorsed per Royal Mail Steam Packet Co 'Tasmanian' at top and reverse with London and Southampton cds's. Carried to St. Thomas where transhipped to the 'Solent' to Colon and thence via PSNC Steamer to destination. A fresh and very fine entire.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3132 Frankreich
1863/70: Laureated 20 c. blue and 80 c. rose used on 1868 single rate cover from Paris to Lima endorsed 'per Southampton & Panama', neatly tied by dotted 'BP2' lozenge with corresponding 'Bordeaux A Paris' cds adjacent (June 15). Initially struck with PD in black but erased in manuscript and correctly struck with P.P. in red. Carried on the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co 'Douro' to St. Thomas and thence to Colon. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (July 18) in black. Small imperfections but an interesting cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3133 Frankreich
1862: Empire 80 c. rose-carmine, slight tear at top, used on 1863 single rate entire letter from Marseille to Manila, Philippines tied by 2240 gros chiffres with Marseille cds (Oct 27) below and framed P.P. alongside. Endorsed 'via Suez' and carried on the P&O 'Mooltan' from Suez to Hong Kong and thereafter by Private Ship to Manila where charged with '2' (reales) handstamp in black for local delivery. Backstamped in Manila (Dec 18) in black. Usual slight tropicalisation and weak folds but a scarce destination.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 3134 Frankreich
1863/70: 20 c. blue and 30 c. brown used on 1867 single rate cover from Paris to Saint Pierre, Réunion tied by Paris Star '29' with Rue Pacal cds at left (June 7) and framed PD in red. Carried on the Ligne V Steamer 'Moeris' to Alexandria and thence, from Suez on the Ligne T Steamer 'Erymanthe' to destination.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 3136 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange, 1871/75 Cérès 10 c. brown on rose and 80 c. carmine, used on 1876 cover from Bordeaux to Santa Ana, Salvador endorsed 'par St. Nazaire & Panama' all tied by Bordeaux despatch cds's (April 5) in black. Reverse with circular LIGNE A / PAQ. FR. No. 2 datestamp (April 7) in black (Salles 1401/2, with fleuron) and carried on the Steamer 'Lafayette'. Manuscript on front '4 rs.' (reales) due for local delivery. An attractive cover to an unusual destination.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 3137 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Sénégal 1859/65: Eagle 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange used on 1865 entire letter at single rate to Bordeaux tied by SNG dotted lozenge in blue with ST. LOUIS cds in blue (July 29) alongside and framed PD in red. Carried on the 'Estramadure' of the Brazilian Line with arrival (Aug 18) on reverse; also a stampless 1864 entire letter to Nantes on British Packet with ST. LOUIS despatch cds and handstruck '8' décimes charge mark both in blue. A fine pair.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3138 Frankreich
1853: 40 c. orange, a fine four margined example used on 1861 single rate entire letter from Marseille to Barcelona, tied by fine strike of ESTRANGERO / BARCELONA handstamp on arrival (Salles fig. 611) with handstruck '3' (cuartos) due marking in black alongside. Reverse with Barcelona arrival cds (March 21) in black.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3139 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange, a fine example used on 1874 single rate cover from Marseille to Barcelona, cancelled on arrival with circular 'Admon de Cambio / Barcelona / 0 09' (nine centimos de peseta) struck in black (Salles fig. 616) with reverse showing Barcelona arrival cds (Feb 21). File fold well away from adhesive, a fine cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3140 Frankreich
1863: 20 c. blue (2) and 40 c. orange (2) used on 1867 double rate cover from Beirut, Lebanon to Glarus, Switzerland tied by 5082 gros chiffres with 'Beyrouth / Syrie' datestamp alongside (Oct 2). Carried on the Steamer 'Eridan' to Alexandria, thence via P&O Steamer 'Bangalore' via Malta to Marseille (Oct 12) with 'Paq. Ang. / Marseille' entry marking in red (Salles fig. 744). Reverse with 'Geneve-Sion' cds, Lausanne cds and Glarus arrival cds (Oct 14). Some minor aging but an attractive and scarce cover. Cert. Eichele (1999).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3141 Frankreich
1853: 10 c. bistre and single 40 c. orange, touched margins, used on underpaid 1860 cover to Paris tied by 3766 petit chiffres with dotted ALEXADRETTE / SYRIE datestamp below (July 23). Framed PD in black at right erased in manuscript with 'Affranchisement Insuffisant' above and taxed '15' décimes due to pay in manuscript. Carried on the 'Indus' from Alexandria to Marseille. Reverse with 'Beyrouth / Syrie' cds (July 31) and Paris arrival (Aug 15). An unusual cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3142 Frankreich
1853: 10 c. bistre (2) and single 40 c. orange, margins just shaved to large, used on 1860 single rate cover from Beirut, Lebanon to Hurst Green, England tied by light strikes of 3706 petit chiffres with BEYROUTH / SYRIE datestamp adjacent (Aug 20). Framed PD in black and carried on the Steamer 'Phase' of the Egyptian Line via Marseille. 'London / Paid' cds in red on front, the reverse with 'Robertsbridge' and Hurst Green cds's (Aug 31). Cert. Eichele (1999).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3143 Frankreich
1863: 10 c. bistre, couple of blunt perfs., and 40 c. orange used on 1865 single rate entire letter from Beirut, Lebanon to Marseille tied by 5082 gros chiffres witth 'Beyrouth / Syrie' datestamp (July 18) alongside. Framed PD in black and 'Paquebots / de la / Mediterranee' in red on front, carried by Syrian Line 'Mensale' to Alexandria and thence on the Egyptian Line Steamer 'Nil' to Marseille (July 20). A fine entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3144 Frankreich
1863: 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange used on 1867 single rate cover from Aleppo via Forwarding Agents 'Belfante, Catoni & Levante' in Alexandrette (blue FAC cachet on reverse) to Zurich, Switzerland, tied by 5079 gros chiffres of Alexandrette in transit with dotted datestamp (Aug 10) below. Framed 'Paquebots / de la / Mediterranee' in red on front and carried by Steamer 'Moeris' to Marseille (Aug 25). Reverse with 'Beyrouth / Syrie' transit cds (Aug 12), 'Geneve-Sion' cds (Aug 26) and arrival. A fine cover. Cert. Eichele (1999).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3145 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange used with 1871/75 Cérès 5 c. green (2) and small figures 10 c. brown on rose (3) on 1874 cover from Beirut, Lebanon to Marseille paying the single rate, all six adhesives tied by 5082 gros chiffres with 'Beyrouth / Syrie' cds below (June 2). Framed PD and 'Paquebots / de la / Mediterranee' in red on front, carried on the Steamer 'Said' with Marseille (June 18) arrival on reverse. A most unusual and attractive three colour franking.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 3146 Frankreich
1862: Empire 80 c. carmine used on 1866 single rate entire letter from Paris to Port of Spain, Trinidad, tied by Paris Star '26' with Gare du Nord despatch cds (Feb 15) alongside. Framed P.D. in red and London transit cds (Feb 16). Carried on the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. 'Tasmanian' from Southampton to St. Thomas. Reverse with double arc 'Trinidad' arrival cds in black (April 8).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3147 Frankreich
1871/75: 5 c. green, 15 c. bistre and 80 c. carmine used on 1874 single rate entire letter from Bordeaux to Trinidad all tied by 532 gros chiffres of Bordeaux (Nov 28). Endorsed 'Voie de Southampton pr. W. I. Str.' and carried by RMSP Co. 'Tage' to St. Thomas, then by the 'Mersey' to St. Lucia, again transhippied and carried by the 'Tyne' to Trinidad with double arc cds of receipt (Dec 27). File fold through the 80 c. adhesive but an attractive entire to a scarce destination. Cert. Bakker (1998).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3148 Frankreich
1862: Empire 40 c. orange used on 1867 single rate cover from Tunis to Paris tied by fine strike of 5107 gros chiffres in black. Tunis despatch cds in black (Nov 9), framed PD in red and scarce TUNIS-PAR-BÔNE / ALGERIE cds in red at left (Nov 10). Reverse with Paris arrival cds (Nov 16). A scarce cover. Signed Jamet.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3149 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange, 1871/75 Cérès 30 c. brown and pair of 25 c. blue used on 1874 double rate entire letter from Marseille to Tunis, tied by 2240 gros chiffres and by Marseille cds (July 14). Framed PD in black below and reverse with dotted Tunis arrival cds (July 19). A couple of blunted perfs. but a charming and scarce entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3150 Frankreich
1863/70: Laureated 80 c. rose used on 1872 single rate entire letter from Constantinople to Clermont-Ferrand, tied by dotted Anchor lozenge in blue with octagonal CONSTANTINOPLE / P. FR. U. No. 1 datestamp (July 10) in blue alongside (Salles fig. 883) and framed PD. Carried on the Steamer 'Eridan' with Marseille cds (July 17) and Clermont Ferrand arrivals (July 19) on reverse. Entire with internal repair at top but attractive.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 3151 Frankreich
1869: Covers (2) from Marseille to Constantinople, with earlier entire at single rate bearing laureated 1863/70 20 c. blue pair tied by dotted Anchor lozenge with LIGNE U / PAQ. FR. No. 1 datestamp (Salles fig. 881) alongside (Feb 20) carried on the Paquebot 'Niemen', matched with an 1869 double rate entire letter franked by laureated 20 c. blue (4) similarly tied with faint LIGNE U datestamp below, carried on the Paquebot 'Illissas' to Constantinople. Minor faults but an attractive pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3152 Frankreich
1853: 10 c. bistre, 20 c. deep blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine (4, including a strip of three), all used on 1856 triple rate cover from Paris to New York; tied by dotted 'D' lozenges in black with Paris cds of despatch (Sept 11) and framed red P.P. at left. Carried by Cunard Line Steamer 'America' from Liverpool with fine circular BR. PACKET / BOSTON arrival at left (Sept 26) and handstruck '10' cents due. Fault to the 40 c. adhesive and some creasing but a remarkable four colour franking for the 3 franc 90 centime rate.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 3153 Frankreich
1853: 80 c. carmine, three margined example used on 1860 cover from Bordeaux to New Orleans, USA at single rate, tied by 441 petit chiffres with Bordeaux cds at left (June 13). Carried via Liverpool on the Cunard Line Steamer 'Europa' with framed 'Br. / Service' and 'Boston / June 28 / Paid / 15' in red on front. File folds but an attractive usage.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3154 Frankreich
1862: 80 c. carmine used on 1864 mourning envelope to Union occupied New Orleans, USA tied by 2602 gros chiffres with 'Nantes' despatch cds alongside (March 23). Underpaid and struck with framed AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT in red as found to be above 7½ grams. Carried on the Allan Line Steamer 'Hibernian' from Liverpool with framed 'Br. Service' in red and superb strike of very scarce 'PORTLAND AM. PKT. 30 / OR U.S. NOTES 48' Depeciated Currency datestamp (April 4) in black. Flap missing on reverse but scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 3155 Frankreich
1863/70: Laureated 80 c. rose-carmine used on 1868 single rate entire letter from Le Havre to New York, tied by 1769 gros chiffres with Le Havre cds at left (Sept 28). Endorsed for and carried on the North German Lloyd Steamer 'Deutschland' with 'New York / Paid All' arrival in red (Oct 10) and '3' (cents) local charge. A fine entire.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 3156 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange, 1871/75 Cérès 10 c. brown on rose and 80 c. carmine, used on 1874 cover from Bordeaux to New Orleans tied by 532 gros chiffres with Bordeaux cds alongside (March 23). Mailed via London and Liverpool and carried on the Cunard Line Steamer 'Abyssinia' with front showing '2 / Cents' due marking and 'New York / Paid All' in red on reverse of an attractive cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 3157 Frankreich
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue horizontal pair, one short perf., used on 1873 cover, with complete contents, mailed from Bordeaux to USA tied by 532 gros chiffres with Bordeaux despatch cds (July 9) alongside. Endorsed 'via Havre' but this notation deleted in manuscript with reverse marked 'Affr. Obligatoire' in same ink and mailed via Liverpool instead on the Cunard Steamer 'Calabria'. Struck with "*/FR/2F' in blue in Paris (Van der Linden fig. 1262) and with transit of 'New York / 31 U.S. Notes' (July 29) in black. Charged with '26 / Cents' handstamp in black in New York and, on arrival in 'Taunton / Mass.' with framed MISSENT and '31' (cents) due in manuscript.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3158 Frankreich
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, block of four, used on 1875 double rate cover endorsed 'via Le Havre' from Montpellier to New York, tied by 2502 gros chiffres with Montpellier despatch cds alongside (Sept 8) and red framed PD. Carried on Ligne H Steamer 'Pereire' with reverse showing Paris transit (Sept 9) in blue and 'New York / Paid All' in red (Sept 23). Minor imperfections but an attractive and unusual usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 3159 Frankreich
1871/75: Cérès 30 c. brown and Type Sage 1876/78 25 c. ultramarine pair, used on 1876 double rate cover to New York tied by 'Montpellier' datestamps (Nov 22) in black. Mailed via Le Havre on Ligne H Steamer 'France' with 'New York / Paid All' cds (Dec 7) struck in black on reverse. File fold but an attractive mixed issue cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3160 Frankreich
1852: Présidence 25 c. blue pair used with 1853 1 fr. carmine, margins large to touched on each, used on 1854 single rate cover to Montevideo, Uruguay tied by 'grille sans fin' with Paris cds above (Jan 6) and two strikes of framed PD in red and mailed via Southampton via British Packet; also a stampless unpaid 1857 entire letter from Montevideo with green oval despatch datestamp, via London with 'GB / 1F 60c.' in black to Bordeaux where charged '8' décimes due. A scarce pair Yvert 18 = € 12'000 on cover.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3161 Frankreich
1862: 80 c. rose in a horizontal strip of three, used on 1867 triple rate cover from Paris to Caracas, carried by the 'Louisiane' with circular LIGNE-A / PAQ. FR. No. 2 datestamp (Dec 8) on reverse in brown (Salles fig. 1401), transhipped at Fort de France with circular LIGNE L / PAQ. FR. No. 1 datestamp (Dec 24) in black alongside (Salles fig. 1617) to La Guayra. A fine and scarce cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3163 Frankreich
1870: Siège 40 c. orange and 1871/75 30 c. brown horizontal pair used on 1875 single rate entire letter from Nantes to Carupano, Venezuela via St. Nazaire, tied by 2602 gros chiffres with Nantes cds (Aug 17) at left. Framed P.P. in red and reverse with octagonal LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 4 datestamp (Aug 20) in black (Salles fig. 1432) and carried on the 'Ville de St. Nazaire' to Fort de France and thence to La Guayra. A fresh and fine entire.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3164 Frankreich
1871/75: 10 c. brown on rose in a horizontal pair and a single 80 c. carmine, used on 1876 single rate entire letter endorsed 'via Southampton' from Paris to Caracas, Venezuela tied by 'Place de la Bourse' datestamps (June 15). Carried by Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. 'Don' to St. Thomas, thence via Vera Cruz to La Guayra. Ironed file fold but an attractive cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3165 Frankreich
Ballon Monté 1870 (Sept. 27): Les Etats Unis - Entire lettersheet franked with Napoleon III 20 c. blue tied by Paris star '17' and 'Paris R. du PONT NEUF 27. SEPT. 70' alongside to "Boulogne s. Mer 3. Oct. 70" with arrival mark on reverse Yvert 3 = Euro 900.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 3166 Frankreich
1870 (Nov 8): Ballon Monté No. 38 'Le Franklin', entire letter to Nice with 1863/67 laureated 20 c. blue tied by '2793' gros chiffres with corresponding 'Paris / Passy-Les-Paris' cds at left, reverse with 'Lyon a Avignon' TPO (Dec 8) and Nice arrival cds (Dec 9). Fresh and fine entire.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 3167 Frankreich
1870 (Nov 8): Ballon Monté No. 28 'Le Daguerre', entire letter to Geneva, Switzerland franked by 1863/67 laureated 30 c. brown tied by Paris Star with 'Paris / Rue Lazare' despatch cds (Nov 8) alongside, framed PD in red at left. Reverse with 'Geneve' arrival cds (Nov 29). A fine and attractive entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 3168 Frankreich
Losnr. : 3169 Frankreich
Ballon Monté 1871 (Jan 16): Gazette Des Absents No. 27 franked by 1867 20 c. blue tied by Paris Star with 'Paris / 60' cds adjacent (Jan 16) in black, flown from Paris on Ballon 'Le Poste de Paris' (No. 62). Reverse with transit cds and Trouville arrival cds (Jan 28). File fold but scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 3170 Frankreich
Airmail stamps 1928: Ile de France 10 f. on 1.50 f. blue together with Semeuse 50 c. red, tied by octagonal "NEW YORK AU HAVRE 23 - 8 / 28" datestamp to piece (Airmail stamp detached for inspection) with "AOUT-SEPTEMBRE 1928 / PREMIERE LIAISON POSTALE AERIENNE TRANSATLANTIQUE PAR HYDRAVION LANCE PAR CATAPULTE DE L'"ILE-DE-FRANCE" / PILOTE: LIEUTNANT DE VAISSEAU" handstamp alongside. Cert. B. Behr (1986) Cérès = € 11'000.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 3171 Frankreich
Airmail covers 1908 (Jan. 13): Grand Prix d'Aviation, Letter of Aéroclub de France signed by Capt. Ferber and confirming Henri Farman's record flight with a Voisin biplane on a circuit of 1 km, winning the 50,000 franc Grand Prix d'Aviation offered by Henri Deutsch de la Meurthe, (lettersheet illustrated in Saulgrain on p. 56) together with five photographs and nine picture postcards. Fine and rare assembly.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 3172 Frankreich
Losnr. : 3173 Frankreich
1909 (Aug. 22/29): Grande Semaine d'Aviation de la Champagne à Reims, collection 70 picture postcards used/unused with some signed by the pilots, two official programs with one signed by Louis Paulhan. Fine and rare documentary with cards of Compte de Lambert, Eugène Lefebre, Louis Paulhan, E. Baonau-Varilla, Léon Delagrange, Alfred Leblanc and Roger Sommer.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3174 Frankreich
Losnr. : 3175 Frankreich
1909: Crossing the Channel - Fine collection starting with twelve picture postcards of Hubert Latham's first attempt and ongoing with 35 different picture postcards celebrating Louis Bleriots successful flight over the channel, incl. autographs, original photographs and other ephemera, all nicely mounted on album pages, viewing recommended.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 3176 Frankreich
Air Meetings 1909: Collection on album pages 70 picture postcards with some signed by Paulham, Sommer and many more, further programs and other interesting Ephemera of diff. Air Meetings in France, incl. 1909 Arcachon, Argentan, Autun, Belfort, Pont-Levoy, Bouy, Nancy, Dunkerque, Pau, Paris Port - Avion, Issy les Moulineaux, Tournai, Anvers, Art s. Meurthe, Boulogne sur Mer und Cherbourg.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 3177 Frankreich
Air Meetings 1910: Fine collection on album pages with 320 picture postcards showing diff. aircrafts and pilots of various French Air Meetings, including some signed by pilots, starting with Angers - Saumur (June 3 - 6), Bordeaux, Caen, Cambrai, Chalon s. Saône, Dijon, Côte d'Or, Etampes, Lyon, Maillebois, Marseilles, Mortagne, Mulhouse, Nancy, Nantes, Nice, Niort, Pau, Paris, Poitiers, Port Avion (Savigny sur Orge), Quimper, Second Air Week in Reims (26), Rennes, Rochefort, Rodez, Rouen with better advertising cards (6), Saint Brieuc, Saint Die, Saint Omer, Saint Palais s. Mer, Trouville - Deauville, Tergner - Vouel, Toulouse, Tours, Vesoul, Vichy, Viry, Vitry-le-François and ending with a small collection 'Le Circuit de l'Est' (Aug. 7/10). All together with many attractive programs and other Ephemera completing this attractive offer.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 3178 Frankreich
1910: Group of 50 unused vignettes and five picture postcards, incl. Paris 'Deuxième Exposition Internationale de Locomotion Aérienne' (15 Oct./2. Nov) with one used on card, further meetings in Nantes with unused bloc of four, Troyes with 26 vignettes of tiff. types, Caen (27 Jul/ 2 Aug.) blocs of four and type III used on card, Reims (14/15 Aug.) loose and on card as well as 'Manoeuvre de Picardie with two vignettes and cards. A scarce selection.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 3179 Frankreich
1908/1914: LIGUE NATIONALE AERIENNE - Group of eleven vignettes used/unused, three picture postcards and one membership card, incl. scarce 1909 advertising card illustrated in Saulgrain on p. 6 showing two diff. vignettes 6 (Saulgrain 75-18), AERONAUTIQUE-CLUB of France two pairs unused as well as 'LE TRIOMPHE timbres officiells de l'aviation'. A fine group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 3180 Frankreich
Air Meetings 1911/15: Fine collection on album pages with 550 picture postcards showing diff. aircrafts and pilots of various French Air Meetings, including some signed by the pilots, starting with Conquest of Puy de Dome (March 7), European Circuit (18.6/7.7), First connection Paris - Madrid and Paris - Rome as well as other air shows from Angers to Yssingau before 1915. All together with attractive programs and other Ephemera completing this attractive offer.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 3181 Frankreich
1915/60: Three volume collection of French special and first Flights, 400 covers or cards with special cancellations of the diff. flights, some with vignettes, including two scarce items showing cachets of special service UNION AERIENNE (1915), CFRNA service (Prague) - Strassbourg - Paris (1920), two cards from Paris (BUC) to London and Bruxelles, 1922 Meeting in Rouen, Bourges Vierzon, La Baule, 1923 Rouen - Evreux, Paris Exposition 1930 with aérogramme and special flight cover Deauville - Paris, first flight Paris - Hanoi (Nov. 32) and many more together with commemorative items of various air meetings. A fine assembly.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 3182 Frankreich
Losnr. : 3183 Frankreich
1900/1908: Fine collection with documents, picture postcards and adverts relating to the developpment of aircrafts in France, including Vincennes Expositions Universelle 1900, Berk 1904, Premier Salon de l'Aéronautique Paris 1908, Toulouse 1908, first flight from City to City Bouy to Reims 30. Oct. 1908 with 30 picture postcards including two signed by Henri Farman.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 3184 Frankreich
1911/14: Remainder of Vignettes collection on album pages, incl. 1911 Chambery Meeting (2), LORIENT vignette used on card (defective), Meeting in VESOUL two cards, 3rd Salon de la Locomotion in Paris, Paris - Madrid Raid with two loose vignettes and on used souvenir card, Paris - Rome Raid 1911 with single vignettes of diff. types, Meeting in ANGERS 1912, AUTUN 1913 unused multiples perf. / imperf., scarce vignettes of CHAMBÉRY Meeting October 1913 two different Saulgrain 73-140 A+B = RR.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 3185 Frankreich
1849/2009c.: Postal History, the huge accumulation (many hundreds) with Cérès 20 c. black on covers (3), cover with 1853 20 c. marginal strip of four, 1870 'Boule de Moulins' entire letter to Paris (80 c. stamp affixed but does not belong), Bordeaux issue on covers, fine range of Algerian usages incl. covers (2) with 'Alger / Bat. A. Vap' datestamps and 'Philippeville / Bat. A. Vap' datestamps (4), 1871 Newspaper franked by 1871/75 Cérès 2 c., a vast quantity of postcards, Fiscal stamps and documents, Military usages with many WWI items, Paquebots, Pneumatic Post, Postage Due, Stationery, Telegrams, TPO's and some useful foreign covers.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 3186 Frankreich
Algeria 1906 (April 7): Pigeon Mail AFLOU - DJELFA, Flimsy paper handstamped 'GOUVERNEMENT GENERAL DE L'ALGERIE DIRECTION DES AFFAIRES Indigènes' in blue, backstamped 'AFLOU ORAN 7 AVRIL 06', fine and very scarce item of the first trial. The first attempt was not successfull as the pigeons had to be held in Djelfa due bad weather. See article by O. Eliashar/Israel, published in the Airpost Journal volume 60, No. 10 July 1989. Interesting documentation (photocopies) attached Saulgrain 1906-1.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 3187 Frankreich
Losnr. : 3188 Frankreich
Algeria 1912 (22 - 27 March): Biskra -Touggourt & Return Flight by Lafargue and Reimbert, original photo carte endorsed "atterisage de le Chott à Touggourt" in manuscript and signed by Lafargue, fine and scarce, illustrated in Saulgrain on p. 13 Saulgrain 1912-15.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3189 Frankreich
Algeria 1912/55: Collection 40 airmail covers/cards of diff. flights, incl. 1912 Airweek of Algiers, 1913 flight Biskra - Touzeur (Tunis), 1935 envelope (toned at bottom) from Adrar/Oran (May 13) dispatched to the flight from Belgium Congo to Bruxelles (only four items known) as well as many other interesting first flight items on album pages Saulgrain 1935-214.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 3190 Frankreich
French Morocco 1911 (Sept. 13/20): First Experimantal Flight Casablanca - Rabat - Meknes - Fez by Sappeur Henri Brégi and the journaliste René Libaut, fine group of four picture postcards and one envelope showing different cachets, incl. picture postcard signed by Brégi, picture postcard showing fine strike of special cachet of 'Petit Journal' with inserted date (Sept. 19) in manuscript as well as envelope from Casablanca (Sept. 13) with Rabat arrival cds. of same day on reverse, illustrated in Saulgrain handbook on p. 184.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3191 Div. Franz. Kolonien
1919/60: Collection 135 airmail covers/cards on album pages showing French External Aereal Service, incl. mail from Cameroon (2), Congo (5), Ivory Coast (5), Somali Coast (8), Dahomey (2), Guinea (3), Mali (3), Gabon (2), Madagscar (6), Niger (1), Senegal (14), Tchad (1), Reunion (3), French Levant (3), Syria (3), Lebanon (5), Indochina (8), Oceania (9), French Antilles (6) as well as French Morocco (20) and Tunisia (28). A fine assembly.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 3192 Frankreich
The 'Pierre Saulgrain' collection of French aviators and flight pioneers in fourteen volumes, sorted in alphabetical order from Acquaviva Paul to Zipfel Armand, incl. many original signatures or autographs on documents or postcards, manuscripts and typoscripts together with many hundreds picture postcards of which many are pilot signed. Over 580 diff. pioneers listed and besides the well known pilots, there are also many less known aviators. A true encyclopedia and a 'Who's Who' of French aviation, mounted up on a total of 698 album pages just to show the size of this true lifetime collection. Complete list of contents available with this outstanding collection. Careful viewing recommended.Ausruf : 30.000 CHFZuschlag : 34.000 CHFLosnr. : 3192A Frankreich
1849/1960: Collection in an album with better sets and values used/unused, incl. classic with 1849 1 Fr. carmin, Présidence issue and Napoleon with some duplicates, 1869 5 Fr. grey, 1917/18 Orphelins unused as well as the later issues from 1930 onwards, further some covers/cards in the back of the book.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 3193 Frankreich
1849/1977: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. some better values as Napoléon 5 Fr. grey, full sets, airmails, postage dues and duplicats, the classic part in mixed condition, later issues good to fine, housed in two albums and in one stockbook.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 3194 Frankreich
1849/82: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in the modern part in mint condition, some better classic stamps, full sets, airmails, UNESCO issues, PEXIP souvenir sheet, some postage dues etc., the classic part is in mixed and the rest in good condition, housed in two Schaubek albums.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 3195 Frankreich
1848/1950: Interesting Collection hundreds of used stamps in overall good to very good condition incl. 1849 15 c. green, 40 c. orange, 1 f. carmine, 1852 Presidence 10 c., 1853 1 f. carmine, 1869 Napoleon 5 f. gris (3), Bordeaux, type Sage N/B & N/U, 1917 Orphelins, 1923 Bordeaux congress, 1927 Airmail salon, 1928 Ile de France 10 f. on 90c., 1936 Vue de Paris & Burelage, 1937 PEXIP souvenir sheet, in addition postage due 1871 40 c. blue & 60 c. bistre, as well as 1881 2 f. & 5 f. black. Three certs. Cérès = € 24'000+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 3196 Frankreich
1849/1957: Collection with 1849/50 Cérès 10 c., 15 c., 40 c. all with four margins used, superb 1 fr. carmine lightly used, remainder of classic period complete incl. very fine 1867 5 fr. grey, Bordeaux issue complete, Type Sage, Blanc / Merson issues complete, 1922 Orphelins set complete, thereafter with few gaps through to 1957 unused or used. Also a small collection of Luxembourg from 1852. Condition varies but generally fine.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 3197 Frankreich
1849/1979c.: Large accumulation with 1849 20 c. black (5), 1867 80 c. lauré in a used strip of five included in a large range of used classic period, 1927 cover with Strasbourg strip containing 5 fr. and 10 fr. on cover, range of Postage Due usages, Louvre sets (2) on cards, 1936 50 fr. 'Burelage' airmail used, 1937 Pexip sheet used, and an interesting selection of 350+ covers/cards with many addressed to Switzerland.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 3198 Frankreich
1849/1980: Fine used collection with some hundred stamps, incl. a few classic pieces but mainly small values taken from the daily mail, good condition and mounted by hinge in one album owner's cat. = appr. € 2'000.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 3199 Frankreich
1853/2000: Lot some hundred mostly used stamps in heavy duplication as Napoléon 40 c. orange of 1853, Cérès 25 c. blue, Sage Type and others, in addition plenty of cards, covers and postal stationery items covering the region of the Charente, some topics as 'Journée du Timbre', railway cancellations etc., housed in various albums and stockbooks as well as loose on album pages, the whole arranged in a Banana box.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3200 Frankreich
1853/2000: Collection with some hundred stamps used/unused or mainly in mint condition, plenty of valid postage after 1960, incl. full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets and booklets, housed in four albums.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 3201 Frankreich
1862/1876c.: The specialised and voluminous collection of Paris Star Cancellations from Bureaux 1-39, together with District Offices covers with Letters A-M in lozenges, Suburban Offices with gros chiffres, unpaid covers etc. A splendid 'old-time' lot with many pieces and over 280 covers. Viewing is necessary and recommended, an excellent study.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3202 Frankreich
1862/1945: Mixed lot with one cover of 1862 to Saigon, various parcel stamps incl. locals for Paris, British Intelligence forgeries of 1944 and a selection of military postal stationery cards of WW 1, good condition and housed in a small stockbook and in one album.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 3203 Frankreich
1900/1945: Collection some hundred stamps unused or mainly in mint condition, incl. some better values as Orphelins, airmails and souvenir sheets, housed in two LINDNER albums.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 3204 Frankreich
1900/80: Collection some hundred stamps unused or in mint conditon, incl. single pieces as well as blocs of four, inbetween some better values and plenty of full sets, in addition some used material as well as stamps from other European countries, nicely mounted on album pages by first hinge, in an album.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3205 Frankreich
1920/60: Small selection few hundred stamps used/unused or in mint conditon, incl. booklet panes and compl. booklets, full sets, blocks of four etc., nicely arranged in a stockbook owner's cat. = € 2'270.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3206 Frankreich
Katalognummer : 232-234+14801928/64: Full set 'Caisse d'amortissement' of 1928 in horizontal mint pairs and mint sheet of the 'Philatec'-exposition in Paris 1964 MI = € 440.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3207 Frankreich
1930/60: Lot some hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. plenty of blocs of four, partly 'coins datés', part sheets, airmails, surcharged values, arranged on album pages with description.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 3208 Frankreich
1945/93: Modern mint collection with some hundred stamps covering the period after WW 2, incl. full sets, airmails, officials, postage dues, souvenir sheets and some booklets, housed in two Leuchtturm albums.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHF
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