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Losnr. : 1566 Israel
Ottoman Posts 1875/1914: Collection with Turkey 1 pi. irregular perf. 5-12 cancelled by superb boxed JAFFA in black (Coles & Walker 135), thereafter with fine run of Jaffa cancellations on piece or cover/cards, 1892 1 pi. grey used on cover to the USA with Jaffa cds, Printed Matter cover with Turkey 10 pa. green tied 'Jaffa / 2' datestamp (fig. 142), 1909 stampless cover with 'Jaffa / 1' and '2' datestamps (fig. 143), 20 pa. card with 'Jaffa / 5' octagonal datestamp (fig. 145), 1913 cover with 1 pi. tied by 'Jaffa / 8' cds in blue (fig. 144), stampless cover with fine 'Ramle' circular seal handstamp (fig. 166), Telegram with nine 1 pi. used in Beersheba, further pieces used in Bir ul Mezar (fig. 24), Djemal Pasa Tepesi (fig. 33), Hafir (fig 130) and Katya (fig. 37) etc. Generally fine, a most interesting collection (58 items).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 1567 Israel
Zionist Congress 1911/31: Small group with 1911 Postcard of Theodor Herzl for Basel Congress, 1921 Czechoslovakia card ex Karlsbad with special cachet, 1927 Postcard of Theodor Herzl for Basel Congress and rare visitor's Press Ticket in yellow for the 15th Congress, 1929 Official card for 16th Congress, 1931 Official cards (2) for 17th Congress and rare visitor's Press Ticket in blue, and KKL issued stamps, Local Post issues unused and two Booklets. A scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1572 Israel
Local Issues 1948: Jewish State stamp, 5 m. blue, handstamped in violet, a horizontal used pair, hinged together for protection, with variety 'value omitted' on each stamp, used after the detection of the error with '-5-' handstamped in black on each and cancelled by 'Rehevot' datestamp (May 17, 1948) in black. Exceptionally rare (Bale 29c variety = unlisted).Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1573 Israel
Losnr. : 1574 Israel
Nahariya 1948: Covers (2), one from Tel Aviv with Palestine 10 m. grey tied by Tel Aviv datestamp (May 5) with Nahariya local 10 m. yellow tied on arrival in black (Bale 120 = $ 400), and a philatelic usage of Nahariya 11 m. black on red (Bale 121) tied to cover by datestamp in blue.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1575 Israel
Rishon Le Zion 1948: Official cover carried free of charges with Rishon-Le-Zion local 40 m. blue with value clipped out at top, tied by bilingual 'Rishon Le Zion' datestamp (25 April 1948) in black. Minor aging but rare - just 50 covers are recorded as being used by the local Council Bale 122d = $ 500.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1576 Israel
Safed 1948: 10 m. black on blue, issued during the siege, a fine unused example, slight bend, with sheet margin at left and another fine example used on unaddressed cover cancelled by Safed datestamp in red (May 6). Philatelic but nevertheless very scarce, just 2'200 stamps issued Bale 124 = $ 500+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1577 Israel
Interim Period / Local Issues 1948: The extensive and valuable collection with issued stamps, covers (160) and cancellations from Afikim to Zikhron Ya'aqov, issues with Haifa and Tel Aviv overprints, incl. cover with Chaim Weizmann 10 m. pair used as Postage Dues, Valley of Jezrael 5 m. brown with value omitted unused, Negev Pipeline issue with values omitted (3, the 50 m. being un-catalogued), Jewish State stamp 5 m. blue with value omitted in unused pair, 10 m. brown and 50 m. blue with value omitted unused, 'Parachutist's strip of seven on cover, Jerusalem 1st Issue (Minhelet Ha'am) with Trial Strikes of the Overprint for all three values for both issues (signed Tsachor), Beersheva illegal Private Post (May 1949), Jerusalem cancellations under siege, French Coinsular Post 20 m. brown & claret unused (signed Brun), Rishon Le Zion 40 m. blue imperf. and used on cover, Mandate 5 m. tied by Safad cds in red on cover (May 10, 1948) and another in violet, Nahariya 10 m. and 20 m. Proof sheetlets on pink or yellow paper, 10 m. blue with missing 'S' in 'Mils' variety in sheetlet, 20 m. red rouletted tête-bêche sheetlet of eight with misplaced rouletting variety (rare), 10 m. blue and 20 m. red in tête-bêche sheetlets of eight unused (Bale 116a, 117a) etc. A magnificent collection with viewing a pleasure for the specialist.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 1578 Israel
Emergency Taxi Post 1948: Covers (2), one from Tel Aviv to Haifa with Taxi enumerator slip on front, the second cover with Jewish Community Tax 5 m. blue label (Kofer Hayishuv) tied by framed bilingual SENT THROUGH THE ATID TAXI handstamp in violet with enumerator slip (March 14) on reverse with further strike of the cachet. Scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1579 Israel
Losnr. : 1580 Israel
Losnr. : 1581 Israel
Losnr. : 1582 Israel
1948: 3 m. orange, perf 10 x 11, a corner example with tab, variety imperforate at right, mounted on tab only (Bale FCV 92), cert. Muentz, 5 m. green, perf. 11, in an unused block of four variety imperforate vertically at right, unm. og (Bale FCV 19) and 10 m. magenta, perf. 10 x 11, vertically imperforate between, superb og., hinged on left stamp only (Bale FCV 23), 15 m. scarlet in a horizontal strip of three vertically imperforate between twice, wrinkle on gum but unm. og. (Bale FCV 25), 20 m. blue, perf. 11 vertically imperforate between marginal from top of sheet unm. og. (Bale FCV 26), 50 m. brown, perf. 11 in a pair from left of sheet vertically imperforate between, wrinkled unm. og. (Bale FCV 28). A very scarce and attractive group (Bale = $ 1'640).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1583 Israel
1948: First Coins, 10 m. magenta, Plate 1, perf. 11 on thick white paper, a mint block of six from upper right corner of the sheet, Control 24272 with star to right and slug in green on Position 10, blunted perforations at base and slight wrinkle bends on the gum due to the block being stored in cellophane in a bank vault for 50 years, fine unmounted og. A great rarity of the Doar Ivri issue.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 1584 Israel
Losnr. : 1585 Israel
Losnr. : 1586 Israel
1948: Registered cover locally used within Haifa, mailed unfranked and taxed with Doar Ivri 5 m. green and 15 m. scarlet in a horizontal strip of three, variety imperforate between vertically twice (Bale FCV 25 = $ 400 unused), all with handstamped 'T' markings and tied by 'Haifa' cds's (31.5.48) in black. Somewhat contrived but rare.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 1587 Israel
Losnr. : 1588 Israel
1948: First Coins set, three high values of 250 m., 500 m., and 1000 m., fresh mint with full tabs (and full selvedge on the 1000 m.), very fine, full unmounted og. All values pencil signed, certs. Bolaffi (1968) & Sorani (2017) Michel 7A/9A = € 12'000/Gi = £ 12'000.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 1589 Israel
Losnr. : 1590 Israel
Losnr. : 1591 Israel
Losnr. : 1592 Israel
1949: Covers (2) each from USA to Jerusalem, one franked at 3 c. the other at 5 c., each underpaid. First cover addressed to the Knesseth with 1948 Postage Due 20 m. blue on yellow on reverse; second cover compulsorily registered on arrival and taxed with 1948 Postage Due 50 m. brown on yellow. Minor faults but a very rare pair of covers.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1593 Israel
1948/59: Collection on album pages with 240 stamps in mainly mint condition, incl. some better values and partly with full Tab, one souvenir sheet and some Postage Dues, few values also in blocks of four owner's cat = Mi appr. € 4'200.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1594 Israel
1948/2000c.: The splendid collection, with 1948 'Yehuda' Essay for 15 m. value in black on glazed paper by O. Wallish, perforated 'Eretz Israel' Essays by Wallish for 5 m. in three colours and imperf. pair of 5 m. in pale blue, 'Doar Ivri' Proofs imperf. in black for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 50 m., Proofs in colour (10 different, incl. pairs and blocks), 1948 Doar Ivri set of nine unused and used with tabs, set of nine Imperforate (high values, cert. Diena), tabless FDC, low values tabbed FDC's (2), perforation varieties of the issue including multiples, tab errors on covers, 1948 Postage Due sets unused (2) and used, provisional 'T' handstamped covers, 1948 New Year tabbed set unused (2) and used, tabbed set on FDC, unused and used sets in gutter pairs, 1949 Jerusalem tabbed 250 pr. FDC, unused and used 250 pr., Lion Essays set of four, National Flag issue with Plate Block on FDC, 1949 Miniature Sheet unused, used and FDC, Insignia set of three unused and used with tabs, 1951 Official set of four on tabbed FDC, thereafter with same treatment throughout: mint, used, FDC's, varieties (gutter pairs etc.), large array of International Reply Coupons, Postal Stationery cards and Airletters, together with the 'Holy Land Philatelist' from Volume One onwards and 'Der Israel Philatelist' from inception onwards. A voluminous lot but a largely complete collection of enormous catalogue value in generally superb condition. Viewing is a pleasure and the whole is neatly packed in four Banana boxes.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 9.500 CHF
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