Frankreich Sammlung 'Besançon' (Teil II)
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Losnr. : 3201 Frankreich
Losnr. : 3202 Frankreich
Colonies Générales 1878/80: Type Sage, 10 c. black on lavender, Type II, imperforate block of four with full sheet margin at top, of fresh colour with creasing in margin only, fresh and fine, large part og. Yvert = € 650.
Type Sage 10 c. noir sur lilas en bloc de quatre neuf avec gomme et grand coin de feuille (plis dans le bord de feuille).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3203 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Losnr. : 3204 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Losnr. : 3205 Frankreich
1848/53: The extraordinary collection of Essays and Proofs, with first page showing an unaccepted imperforate Essay for the Cérès 1849 issue prepared by Bertrand Francois Andrieu, a circular design in black & brown on card (ex collection Durrieu, Roumet, Oct, 1972), thereafter with further large imperforate designs (2) by Andrieu featuring Minerva in vignette; 1849 'blanket / cloth' Cérès Proofs in shades of blue on thin paper (mostly for 15 c. value) but including a set of the 1849 issue imperforate on yellow paper, Proofs for 20 c. and 25 c. in blue on 'Chine' paper, the 1849 values printed in a variety of colours with 20 c. in orange (14) incl. a block, 'Decoupage' Proofs for the 20 c incl. a block of four, 20 c. in blue (21) with a marginal tête-bêche block of nine and in shades of brown (37) with a block of six showing the tête-bêche variety, 20 c. in carmine (5) with a block, 20 c. in black (73) on various paper with blocks and a tête-bêche strip of three and in a block of 12, 1 fr. in blue in a block of four and a beautiful 1 fr. in 'Greek' colour of 40 lepta; 40 c. with Proof block of 20 from base of sheet showing theretouched '4' in '40' on positions 146 and 147; 40 c. in bistre (6), in rose-red (10) and a range on coloured papers, Cérès 25 c. in blue (different shades / papers), 1850 10 c. in brown, blue and in red (23), 15 c. in green, blue and 'Decoupage' (27), Jean Alphonse Pichot Essays in red (5) for five different values, so-called 'Cayenne' image reversed Proofs in orange, yellow, brown, green and black with multiples. Thereafter with 1853/60 issue Proofs including many multiples in a variety of colours with 1 c. blocks (13), 10 c. in blocks of 4, 10, 15 or 20 in black on white, green or buff / chamois paper, 20 c. Proofs on various papers or card in various colours (165) incl. multiples, 25 c. value on various papers in astonishing quantity in an array of colours (419), 1863/71 Proofs for 30 c. in grey, blue and violet (8), 80 c. value in assorted colours (53). An extraordinary collection with many ex collection Berck of Paris (887 items).Ausruf : 20.000 CHFZuschlag : 55.000 CHFLosnr. : 3206 Frankreich
1849/50: Type Cérès, magnificent collection on leaves with 10 c. bistre (17) including two fine unused examples, one of them marginal, an unused block of four without gum, five examples and a pair with different cancellation, three covers with single or pair frankings, 15 c. green (7) three used examples and Réimpression de Granet block of four, 20 c. black (59) incl. an essay, two unused and a used block of four, and nine covers incl. one from January 1849, 25 c. blue (27) incl. Réimpression de Granet as a single example and a block of four, 40 c. orange (9) incl. two pairs and three covers with pairs, and 1 fr. carmine. Fresh and generally very fine, an appealing lot (120 items), two certs. A. Diena. Yvert = € 52'000+.Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 11.000 CHFLosnr. : 3207 Frankreich
1852: Présidence, fine collection on leaves with 10 c. bistre (8) with two used examples, two used pairs, one Réimpression de Granet and one cover as well as 25 c. blue (11) including two used pairs, one Réimpression de Granet and one cover with a pair. Fresh and generally fine, a good lot (19 items). Yvert = € 7'800+.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 3208 Frankreich
1853/60: Empire, fine collection on leaves with 1 c. olive (31) incl. two used blocks of four in different shades, an unused block of four and of six and two covers with a single and a double franking, 5 c. green (9) incl. an unused stamp, an unused block of four, and a Printed Matter entire with a combined franking of 5 c. pale green and the rare deep green, 10 c. bistre (13) incl. two unused examples and a cover with a block of four, 20 c. blue (42) incl. a used strip of five 'bleu noir' on piece, three covers with marginal examples, two covers with piquage Susse, three with blocks or strips of four, 40 c. orange (60) incl. an unused example and a study with large cancellation interest, 80 c. rose (19) incl. unused example, a used block of nine and an entire with the 80 c. in the vermillion shade, and 1 fr. carmine (2) including a réimpression. Fresh and generally fine, a good lot (176 items). Yvert = € 34'000+.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 3209 Frankreich
1862: Empire dentelé, fine collection on leaves with 1 c. olive (10) incl. an unused example in the gold-brown 'modoré' shade, an unused block of four, and two covers, one with a strip of five, 5 c. green (51) incl. an unused block of four, six covers including one with a block of four, one with a strip of four and two with strips of five, 10 c. bistre (2), both unused, one without gum, 20 c. blue (81) incl. a selection of plate flaws and retouches, marginal and sheet corner marginal examples as well as perforation error examples on cover, 40 c. orange (11) incl. an unused example and three covers incl. a corner marginal example and a cover from the French Post Office in Cairo, 80 c. rose (8) incl. an unused example and a used block of six. Fresh and generally fine, a very good lot (163 items). Yvert = € 13'000+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 3210 Frankreich
1863/71: Empire Lauré, fine collection on leaves with 1 c. olive (42) incl. three unused blocks of four and a block of 20, 2 c. red-brown (10) incl. five examples on cover, 4 c. grey (5) incl. an unused block of four, 10 c. bistre (18), incl. an unused example, an unused block of six, and a mixed franking with 10 c. dentelé, 20 c. blue (26) incl. an unused example, an unused block of four, a selection of plate flaws such as 'tache sur le nez' and 'corne sur le nez', this variety also on covers (2), 30 c. brown (10) incl. an unused example, 40 c. orange (5) incl. an unused example, 80 c. rose (11) with four unused examples and a strip of four tied by blue 'Ancre' cancellation to cover from Montevideo to Savona, and 1867 5 fr. violet-grey (3). Fresh and generally fine, a very good lot (130 items) Yvert = € 22'000+.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 3211 Frankreich
1870/71: Siège, fine collection on leaves with 5 c. pale green on blued paper (9) incl. two covers with a pair and a strip of five respectively, 10 c. bistre (5), incl. two covers, one from September 1871, 20 c. blue (19) incl. four unused examples, six covers incl. a mixed franking with Napoleon lauré 20 c. blue and two covers from September 1871, as well as 40 c. orange (12) incl. two unused examples, '4 retouché', a single example and one on cover, four other covers with levée exceptionelle to Florence, and mixed frankings with Napoleon lauré 30 c. and 80 c., respectively. Fresh and generally fine, a good lot (45 items) Yvert = € 8'000+.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 3212 Frankreich
1870/71: Bordeaux Issue, the collection on leaves with 1 c. olive (15) incl. ten unused examples and an unused block of four, 2 c. brown (9) incl. six unused examples, 4 c. grey (8) incl. unused Report I (def), five unused Report II, and one used Report I, 5 c. green (21) incl. three blocks of four and two covers with mixed franking with Siège issue, 10 c. bistre (16), incl. five unused examples, two percé en ligne, 20 c. blue (36) incl. five unused examples, one percé en ligne, seven covers, one dated September 1871, 30 c. brown (4) incl. an unused example and a cover with mixed franking Siège 10 c., 40 c. orange (10) incl. one unused example and a used block of four, 80 c. rose (5) incl. two unused examples. Fresh and generally fine, a very good lot (124 items) Yvert = € 48'000+.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 3213 Frankreich
1871/75: Cérès with large figures, fine collection on leaves with 1 c. olive (25) incl. an unused block of four, 4 c. grey (17) incl. an unused strip of three, 5 c. green (13) incl. a block of four, 10 c. brown on rose (4), incl. an unused example, 30 c. brown (3) incl. an unused example, 80 c. rose (15) incl. an unused example, a used block of six and two value letters, Cérès with small figures 15 c. bistre (21) incl. six unused examples, an unused block of six, and three covers incl. a mixed franking with Napoleon lauré 10 c. bistre, and 20 c. blue (28) incl. an unused pair of type II, blocks of four of type I and type III, respectively, and eleven covers incl. triple and quadruple rates and a value declared letter. Fresh and generally fine, a very good lot (126 items). Yvert = € 29'000+.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 3214 Frankreich
Type I. 1876/77: Group with 1 c. green single and unused block of four, 2 c. green unused (2), 4 c. green unused block of four (2), 5 c. green unused, 10 c. green unused, 20 c. lilac-brown unused, 30 c. yellow-brown unused, 40 c. red on straw unused, 75 c. rose unused and 1 fr. olive unused; also a used selection (full set) with 2 c. on Newspaper piece, 4 c. in used block of four etc. (31 items), two certs. E. Diena, Oliva.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 3215 Frankreich
Type II. 1876/85: Range with 5 c. green unused (3), 15 c. grey unused, 25 c. ultramarine unused, 25 c. blue unused, 30 c. yellow-brown unused (2, differing shades), 1 fr. olive unused; also a used range with cancellation interest incl. Shanghai etc. and four mixed issue franking covers (63 items).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 3216 Frankreich
Type II. 1877/80: Collection on leaves with 1 c. in unused block of 25 and twelve unused examples, 2 c. red-brown unused (31) incl. multiples, scarce 3 c. yellow-bistre unused (2), 3 c. grey unused (63) incl. multiples, 4 c. lilac-brown unused (73) with multiples incl. double pane of fifty, 10 c. black on lilac unused (13) incl. block of four, 15 c. blue unused (12) incl. a marginal block of four, 25 c. black on red unused (3), 25 c. bistre unused (3), 35 c. violet on yellow unused (2), 40 c. orange unused (9) incl. two blocks of four, 5 fr. violet on lilac unused (7) incl. a marginal block of four; together with the used selection with further multiples and cancellation interest. A fine and attractive collection (163 items).Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 3217 Frankreich
Type II and Type I. 1884/1900: Collection on leaves with 20 c. brick on red unused (12) incl. fine marginal strip of five, 25 c. black on rose unused (9) incl. a block of six, 50 c. rose unused (3), 75 c. violet on yellow unused (8) incl. a block of six, 1892 15 c. blue unused (6), 1898/1900 Type I with 5 c. yellow-green unused (11) incl. a block, 10 c. black on lilac unused (8) incl. a block, 50 c. rose unused (6) incl. two blocks of four and 2 fr. bistre on azure unused (7) incl. two blocks of four, Type II 5 c. yellow green unused (58) incl. a block and two complete panes of 25 (1898 printing); also used examples with cancellation interest. Fresh and generally fine, a good lot (89 items).Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 3218 Frankreich
1900/24: Type Blanc. Collection on leaves with superb selection of multiples throughout, study of the differing papers on all values from 1 c. to 5 c. and small varieties noted incl. radically mis-perforated 5 c. yellow-green in a marginal block of four; 1 c. 2 c. and 3 c. values imperforate, 1 c. interpanneau pair optd. SPECIMEN, 2 c. overprinted SPECIMEN with single and a block of four and 5 c. similarly overprinted, a fine and appealing collection (128 items).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 3219 Frankreich
1900/01: Mouchon (all three Types) and Merson collection on leaves, with Mouchon Type I 10 c. unused (6), 20 c. lilac-brown unused (16) including two blocks of four, 25 c. blue unused (12) incl. two blocks of four, 30 c. violet unused (24) incl. blocks of four (2) and ten, Mouchon Type II with 10 c. unused (5), 15 c. unused (13), 25 c. unused (9) incl. a block of four, Mouchon Type III with complete set unused and another missing the 15 c. but with a block of the 20 c., fine Merson values with scarce 2 fr. violet & yellow unused (3) etc. A generally fine collection (86 items).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 3220 Frankreich
1903/24: Semeuse lignée and fond plein (all types), mint collection on leaves with 10 c. rose (48) incl. marginal imperforate example and two blocks with part or full offset, 15 c. green-grey (64) incl. four examples with offset, an imperforate example and a cover with a block of nine imperforate examples, 20 c. brown-lilac (26) incl. imperforate example, 25 c. blue (43) incl. imperforate example and one example and a block of four with offset, 30 c. lilac (26) incl. six blocks of four, Semeuse fond plein with small-lettered design 10 c. red (24) with one essay and six blocks of four, Semeuse with large-lettered design with five essays, 5 c. green (70) incl. booklet sheet and displaced perforation, 10 c. red (50) incl. a strip of five with incomplete impression of the rightmost stamp and a block of four in the rare 'écarlate' shade, 20 c. brown-red (10) with two blocks of four and an imperforate pair on cover, 25 c. blue (73) with eight marginal blocks of four and a block with full offset, and 30 c. orange (4) in a block of four, in addition 1924/26 10 c. green (3), marginal examples from booklets with 'PHENA' and 'MINERALINE' advertisement, and Valenciennes War Stamp 10 c. vermillion on cover. Fresh and generally fine, a good lot (437 items).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 3221 Frankreich
1914/1955: Mint Collection, a complete run from War Charity overprints, with 1917/18 War Orphans 1st issue complete (5 fr. + 5 fr. blue signed A. Diena), 1918 'Infirmerie', Sower 50 c. blue (6, shades), 1922 War Orphans 2nd issue, Pasteur set complete, 1923 Philatelic Congress 1 fr. (signed), 1924/32 Sower sets complete with some fine duplication and multiples incl. 1923 Sower 50 c. blue optd. ANNULÉ in a block of four, 1925 60 c. violet and 80 c. red in blocks of four optd. SPECIMEN, Merson 3 fr., 10 fr. and 20 fr., 1925 Paris Exhibition 5 fr. carmine Miniature Sheet unmounted og., 1927 War Orphans 3rd issue, 1927 Strasbourg triptych and Miniature Sheet unmounted og. (and fine used), 1929 Le Havre Exhibition 2 fr., 1929/31 Pont du Gard 20 fr. perf. 13, perf. 13½ (2) and perf. 11; 1936 Airmail 10 fr. green (2), 1936 South Atlantic 10 fr. green, 1936 50 fr. Burelé mint (and a used example), 1937 Pexip Sheet, generally very fresh and fine throughout, one cert. E. Diena.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 7.000 CHFLosnr. : 3222 Frankreich
1859/1946: Fine collection on leaves with Postage Due incl. 1871/78 30 c. black in an unused block of four, 60 c. bistre unused, 60 c. dark blue and blue with 'SPECIMEN' overprint (2), Type Duval 1881/92 60 c. & 1 fr. black unused and 2 c. - 60 c. with 'SPECIMEN' overprint, 1884 1 fr. and 5 fr. marron unused (4 of each, one of them with 'SPECIMEN' overprint), in addition préoblitéres, telegraph stamps and franchise militaire. Fresh and fine lot, one cert. E. Diena (1988). Yvert = € 21'000+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 3223 Div. Franz. Kolonien
1859/81: General Issues, fine collection on leaves with Aigle 1859/65, incl. 1 c. olive in a block of six used and 10 c. bistre in a strip of three with one stamp turned aside, Napoleon 1871/72 incl. 5 c. green in a used pair and a strip of three, 30 c. in an unsed block of four, 80 c. rose in a used pair, a strip of three on cover, a strip of four, and a strip of five, Siège 1871 40 c. orange in an unused block of four, Cérès 1872/75 10 c. bistre unused in a block of four, 30 c. brown in a corner marginal block of four with 'Controle / TP' handstamp, Sage and Alphée Dubois sets, in addition postage due and two covers with French definitives used in Shanghai and Zanzibar. Fresh and fine lot. Yvert = € 30'000+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 7.000 CHF
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