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Losnr. : 863 Monaco
1872: Cérès 5 c. green, 30 c. brown and three 80 c. carmine, all used on registered insured cover from Monaco to Tarbes endorsed 'Valeur Mille Francs' at top tied by scarce '2387' gros chiffres, with straight line CHARGÉ in red and MONACO despatch cds (Oct 4) all on front. Reverse with rate box in red, Marseille cds and Tarbes arrival cds. Minor perforation imperfections otherwise a most attractive and scarce usage.
Rate: 25 centimes postage, Registration 50 centimes, Insurance of 20 c. per 100 francs = 2 fr. 75 c.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 864 Monaco
1885: Charles III definitives, compl. set 1 c. brown olive to 5 fr. carmine, fine perf. and mint, most examples with gum. Most signed A. Diena or Fulpius. Mi = € 7'000 / Maury 2010 = € 7'735.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 865 Monaco
1891/94: 5 fr. carmine on greenish, used example on registered 1897 cover to Nuremberg, tied by 'Monte-Carlo / Pt. de Monaco' datestamp (March 4) in black. Repeated information strike at left and framed 'R' all in black. Reverse with Nuernberg arrival cds (March 6).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 866 Monaco
1885/2006: Interesting Collection hundreds primarily unused sets and singles with many better issues such as 1885 Charles III definitives 1 fr. used and 5 fr, unused, signed Brun, 1919 Widows issue compl. up to 5 fr. red, signed Raybaudi, 1920 Princess Charlotte 5 + 5 fr. red, later commemorative issues such as 1933 buildings, 1947 Anniversary souvernir sheet on blueish paper, 1949 UPU imperf., 1964 EUROPA set of two in a special miniature sheet, and 1971 'ALBERT DÜRER', in addition postage due. Six certs.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 867 Monaco
1885/1901: Cover selection (14 items) with first issue 1885 25 c. green used on 1890 cover to Leipzig, second issue frankings with 1893 single 25 c. green on cover to USA, 1897 cover sent registered with 25 c. green (6 examples) to Germany and a cover (sent on same day) with 10 c. bistre on yellow (6) and single 40 c.; up-rated postal stationery usages (6) with one registered from La Condamine; an attractive and scarce group.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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