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Losnr. : 1533 Peru
1809: Registered cover to Santiago to Chile with eight '#' surrounding cover to denote registration, struck with fine straight line FRANCA (Guinovart & Tizon 17 = RRR) and two line CERTIFICACION / A LIMA in red (Guinovart & Tizon 19 = RRR). Internally docketed as received inside. Some peripheral aging but scarce and attractive dated usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1534 Peru
Losnr. : 1535 Peru
1883: American Bank Note Co. archive Proofs for the first Peru postal and reply stationery card, with the original rough ink drawings for proposed 4 cent card on lined paper endorsed on reverse 'Modelo no. 1', and the reply card (endorsed 'Modelo no. 2') with annotations of 'respuesta pagada' etc., together with a fabulous sunken Die Proof for 4 c. value in black with further printing above for 3 c. or 5 c. possibilities and below in figures above Arms dated in manuscript "Mch 16/80" in red crayon and at left with numberrs required for the Peruvian Post Office: 200'000 'fives', 300'000 'fours' and 200'000 'threes'. Unique and splendid Proofs.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 1536 Peru
Losnr. : 1537 Peru
Losnr. : 1538 Peru
1884: 4 c. + 4 c. black optd. in blue postal stationery cards, H&G 11, a very scarce used example mailed from Lima (Jan 11, 1884) to Valparaiso (Jan 22) and then returned back (to Paul Ascher). The card was issued on January 9, written on January 11. Exceptional usage and without doubt the earliest recorded use of this card. Rare.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1539 Peru
1884: 5 c. + 5 c. black postal stationery reply cards, a fresh mint example, each with 'Peru / Sun / Correos' imprint at top struck in brown (issued with pink imprint). Exceptional condition for this exceedingly rare error, unrecorded in Higgins & Gage, reported by Munk (page 10). As H&G 12a var.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1540 Peru
1884: 4 c. black optd. in red/pink postal stationery card, H&G 8, a very scarce used example to Stafford, Smith in Brighton, England cancelled by 'Lima / Principal' cds (March 27). Tiny closed nick in card at right but rare - believed to be the second earliest recorded usage of this card.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1541 Peru
1883/84: Collection of the elusive first two issues of postal stationery cards, H&G 1/12 inclusive, with fine unused examples of each card and a few used items incl. 1884 3 c. black on white and green (H&G 7) used (illustrated in Moll on page 11), 1884 4 c. card (H&G 11) used from Chiclayo to Germany etc. A fine and scarce group (17 items).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1542 Peru
1886: Postal Stationery envelopes collection (H&G B6/B10) all with blue oval 'Correos del Peru / Emision Habilitado', with 2 c. blue on buff unused, 5 c. green unused (2, one on laid paper), 10 c. red unused (4, one in reduced size format) and used (12, some up-rated), 20 c. violet unused (3) and two up-rated used examples to Germany and USA and rare 50 c. carmine envelope up-rated with three adhesives and sent registered to Germany.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1543 Peru
1884: The collection of postal stationery cards (H&G 13/15), with 1 c. in yellow on 5 c. card unused (2) and rare example used in 1886 from Chiclayo, 2 c. in blue on 5 c. black cards unused (8, showing different types) and used (5), incl. up-rated example from Lima, scarce example used from 'Yauli', 2 c. + 2 c. in blue on 5 c. black reply cards unused (3) and up-rated used example.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1544 Peru
1884: The collection of cards further imprinted with figures at right, H&G 16/21, with 23 unused examples and 19 used, however with little duplication due to different stock cards, colour varieties of the newly added figures of value, mis-cut examples and an up-rated usage with 1 c. adhesive. A remarkable group in fine quality.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1545 Peru
1885/86: Collection of stationery cards, H&G 22/23, with issue of 1884 further overprinted, 30 examples with unused (10) and used (20, six are up-rated with adhesives), with varieties noted incl. one unused example with '3' printed double on H&G 22, further examples on different stock, cancellation interest etc. A fresh and generally fine group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1546 Peru
Losnr. : 1547 Peru
Losnr. : 1548 Peru
1896: 3 c. vermilion postal stationery letter-cards (H&G A1) with unused (2) and used examples (6) incl. one with porinted Hotel advertisement on reverse and an up-rated example, also 1930 Leguia 10 c. red letterd-card unused and used.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1549 Peru
1896/97: 1 c. in red on 5 c. black postal stationery cards with unused example and used examples (6) from Iquitos, up-rated example from Lima to USA with printed back and two further examples with cartoon illustrated backs (rare), 2 c. in blue on 5 c. in black on white card unused (4, small differences) and three unused examples. H&G 26/27.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1550 Peru
1896/1901: Postal Stationery group (25 items) with Pizarro 1896 envelopes (H&G B11/B14) with 5 c. blue unused (3) and in violet used (2) also scarce 1901 used examples with smaller lettering, including up-rated registered example to Valparaiso with 'Unclaimed' label, 10 c. yellow unused (3) and used (3, one ex Sullana is illustrated in Moll), 20 c. orange unused (2) and rare example used; also 'Capoc' postal stationery wrappers.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1551 Peru
1898: Post Office cards (H&G 28/30), with 1 c. in red on 5 c. black unused (4) and used (2, one up-rated), 2 c. blue on 5 c. black unused (6) and used (4) incl. one to Paris and returned to sender, 2 c. + 2 c. on 5 c. reply cards unused (5, slight opt. differences) and used up-rated example to Austria.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1552 Peru
1898: Postal Stationery cards, H&G 31/32, with colours changed, 1 c. green on 5 c. black unused (3) and used (7) of which one is up-rated and two appear to be used on first day of issue (Jan 1, 1898); 2 c. orange on 5 c. black cards unused (3) and used (4).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1553 Peru
1898: Postal Stationery cards (H&G 33/36), the collection of 24 cards unused and used, showing different colour stock, up-rated usages, with 3 c. red unused (3), and used (4 - one with stamp rewmoved but showing rare view in brown oin reverse mailed from Callao), 4 c. black unused and used (6), 3 c. + 3 c. red reply cards unused (4) and up-rated used example to Amsterdam, 4 c. + 4 c. cards unused (3) and used (2).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1554 Peru
1899/1901: Postal Stationery cards with '1900' and New Year message on reverse, H&G 45/48, with 1 c. blue unused and 2 c. red-lilac used (rare), 1901 Romana issue 1 c. unused (2) and 2 c. unused (3) and two scarce used examples.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1555 Peru
1899/1902: Postal Stationery wrappers with 1902 Local issue for Lima in green on buff stock unused and used (H&G E7), rare 1902 Romana 5 c. blue stationery envelope (H&G B15) unused, 1901 3 c. red letter-cards unused (2, different shades to Romana's vignette (H&G A3, 3a) and scarce 1899 3 c. letter-card with albino embossing used (H&G A2). Some with pen. A scarce group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1556 Peru
1902: Postal Stationery cards, the selection (H&G 53, 55, 55a, 56), with 1 c. in blue on 3 c. black unused (2) and used (3, two are up-rated), 2 c. red on 3 c. black unused (2) and used (4) together with two further examples with 'Post Office' in both black and in red with internal usage and another up-rated to Berlin.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1557 Peru
Losnr. : 1558 Peru
1913: Postal Stationery selection, H&G 61/63, the scarce embossed UPU cards with 1 c. black used, 2 c. black unused (2, on different stock one is without embossing at left) and two used examples, one to Lima and another up-rated example to Senf in Germany, 4 c. black unused and a rare used example to Munich.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1559 Peru
1914/1919: Commemorative cards (H&G 64, 65), with 4 c. red card showing Callao Harbour in colour on back unused (1) and rare used examples (2), together with delightful 1919 2 c. patriotic card with printed 'Woodrow Wilson' address over Peru Flag, fine unused but for small nick at base (see Moll page 67). A very rare group of seldom seen cards.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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