Ansicht sortieren :
Losnr. : 1232 Palästina
1847: Embossed 1 s. green, Die 2, just touched at base and some usual splitting due to sharp embossing, used with 1854 1 d. red, Die I, perf. 16 on 1854 entire letter endorsed 'via Belgium' to a Mrs. Gobat in Jerusalem, tied by '667' numeral obliterators with corresponding 'Rye' datestamp of despatch (Aug 2) on reverse in blue. Oval 'P' in red on front and 'Aus England per Aachen / Franco' datestamp in red. Reverse with Triest transit cds. An attractive entire and an extremely rare destination for this period and the earliest letter recorded with adhesive stamps from Britain to Palestine routed 'via Belguim and Triest'! Cert. Karl Louis (2016).
Note: The addressee, Mrs. Gobat was the wife of Dr. Samuel Gobat a Swiss Lutheran who became an Anglican Missionary in Ethiopia in 1830-32 and 1835-36, At this date he was the second Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem opening a diocesan school (1847) and an orphanage on Mount Zion. The letter is very prescient in its views 'I look however upon this present humbling of the Tsar (Crimean War) only a prelude to still greater power hereafter when the Russian power shall be joined by all Germanic nations and become the ultimate oppressor of the Jews in Palestine...'Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 1233 Palästina
1892: Turkey 20 pa. claret postal stationery card used on 23 May 1896 to Bristol, UK cancelled by superb strike of oval NABLUS handstamp (Coles & Walker fig. 71) in black. Interesting message dated from 'Nablus via Jaffa' on reverse 'During a few months of last year everything stopped at the Post Office here but this year the Freeman come to us safely and we are so grateful to you...'. Some minor repaired edge wear but a fine usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1234 Palästina
1892: Turkey 20 pa. claret, rounded corner perf., used on postcard to Torino, Italy tied by neat strike of circular JAFFA SOUK POSTA SUBESI handstamp (Coles & Walker fig. 146, Jaffa Market) in black, with transits alongside of Port Said (Dec 29) and Alexandria. Scarce and attractive usage. Signed Sorani.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1235 Palästina
1892: Turkey 10 pa. green, a fine block of ten used on reverse of 1900 registered cover at 2 piastre rate to Czernowitz, Austria cancelled by two neat strikes of JERUSALEM bilingual datestamps (Dec 25, Christmas Day) in black and JAFFA transit cds adjacent (Coles & Walker figs. 5+138). Obverse of cover with fine 'Jerusalem / Palestin' registration cachet and Czernowitz arrival (Jan 14, 1901). A fine and scarce cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1236 Palästina
1897: Stampless Official cover from Ramlew to Jaffa struck with exceptional strikes of circular all arabic RAMLEH circular negative handstamp in blue (Coles & Walker fig. 165 = 25 pts), rectangular 'Official correspondence' handstamp in blue and sender's court seal in violet. Reverse of slightly trimmed envelope with further strike of sender's seal and annotated 1897 in manuscript. A remarkable and extremely rare cover, just four strikes of the RAMLEH handstamp are recorded.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1237 Palästina
1901: Turkey 5 pa. violet, a fine used block of eight on reverse of 1905 cover to Vienna paying the 1 piastre rate, tied by four strikes of bilingual BETHLEHEM datestamps (May 29) in black (Coles & Walker fig. 114) and by Vienna arrival cds (June 12) in black. An unusual make-up of the single rate.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1238 Palästina
Losnr. : 1239 Palästina
Losnr. : 1240 Palästina
1915: Turkey 20 pa. red used on 20 pa. red postal stationery envelope to Basel, Switzerland tied by bold (JÉRUSALEM) / QUART ISRAELITE datestamp (15/10) struck in black (Coles & Walker fig. 26). Superb strike with Ottoman Censor and Feldkirch Control handstamp in violet adjacent and reverse with 'Beyrouth / 13' cds (23/10) and Basel arrival cds (20/XI).Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 1241 Palästina
1915: Turkey 20 pa. rose optd. Star & Crecent used with February 1917 10 pa. violet (paying the War Tax surcharge) on 1917 postcard to Haifa each cancelled by extremely rare AKKRA -1 all arabic datestamp (Coles & Walker fig. 44 = 20 pts) in black, with 'Caiffa' arrival cds (Aug 25) alongside. A very rare cancellation with just a handful of covers recorded. Signed Nakri.
Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1242 Palästina
Travelling Post Offices 1898/1911: Small group of covers/cards (5) with 1898 card franked by 1892 Turkey 20 pa. and delightful 1906 cover with 1905 Turkey 5 pa. each tied 'Bur. Amb. Jaffa-Jerusalem' cds's, 1907 card with 1905 Turkey 10 pa. green with fine strike of same cancellation in red (rare) and 1911 card with Turkey 20 pa. tied by 'Jaffa-Jerusalem / 2' datestamp in black struck on arrival in Canada with oval 'Dead Letter Office' and 'Returned for / Better Direction' cachets in violet.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1243 Palästina
Revenues 1884: Vertical pair of Telegram Receipts, each franked by Turkish fiscal 10 pa. claret on ochre, each tied by a fine strike of circular JERUSALEM POST OFFICE 1870 (Kuds Posta Subesi 1287) in bright blue ink (Coles & Walker fig. 20 = 15 pts) of the Telegraph Branch Office, one with further strike on reverse. An excfeptional and rare usage. Signed Nakri.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1244 Palästina
Losnr. : 1245 Palästina
1897/1914: Small collection of covers/cards (14) with 1897 colour postcard from 'Howard's Hotel' used with 20 pa. claret from JAFFA, 1898 20 pa. stationery card used from SAFED, 1908 card with 20 pa. tied by superb JÉRICHO in violet, 1908 card with pair of 10 pa. tied by fine NASRÉ cds, 1908 cover at Printed Matter rate to Germany (printed at left 'Central Comité Knesseth-Israel') with 10 pa. tied QUART ISRAELITE, 1910 cover at Printed Matter rate to France cancelled TIBERIADE, cover with 1914 20 pa. pair tied by NAPLOUS cds etc.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1246 Palästina
Austrian Post Offices 1860: Prepaid cover to the Rothschild family in Vienna, cancelled by superb strikes of straight line FRANCO and GERUSALEMME datestamp (10/11) struck in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. D). Crossed to denopte pre-payment, reverse with Triest transit and Vienna arrival datestamp (27/XI) in black. A scarce and attractive cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1247 Palästina
Losnr. : 1249 Palästina
Austrian Post Offices 1864: Austrian Italy 5 soldi rose and 15 soldi brown, perf. 9½, fine used on attractive 1869 cover to Berlin, tied by single fine strike of GERUSALEMME datestamp (19/2) struck in black (Tchilinghirian fig. D). Reverse with flap missing but with arrival datestamp (8/3) in blue. Slight closed envelope tear at top but a scarce and most attractive cover. Signed A. Diena.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1250 Palästina
Austrian Post Offices 1864: Austrian Italy 10 soldi blue, perf. 9½, a fine horizontal pair used on attractive cover to Berlin, tied by two fine strikes of GERUSALEMME datestamp (26/9) struck in black (Tchilinghirian fig. D). Reverse with arrival datestamps (Oct 11 and Oct 12) in blue. A scarce and most attractive cover.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 1251 Palästina
Austrian Post Offices 1883/1911: Letter in Italian written at Jaffa and handstamped at base with circular negative seal handstamp 'KK POSTEXPEDIT: / IN / JAFFA' struck in black, June 1904 Printed Postal Guide for the Austrian P.O. in Jerusalem printed in Vienna with rates of postage and re-imbursement (superb and almost mint condition), letter on headed paper to Rischon-Le-Zion from the Austrian P.O. in Jaffa, also a huge ROPiT Bill of Lading form, badly creased, struck with fine oval ROPiT / AGENT JAFFA datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 238) in violet dated Oct 31, 1911. A most unusual selection.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 1252 Palästina
Austrian Post Offices 1904/09: Two postcards both mailed underpaid to Jerusalem, the earlier one from Austria and taxed on arrival with 1902 Postage Due 20 pa. on 10 h. dull green tied by 'Jerusalem / Oesterreichische Post' cds (15/7), the second card underpaid from Hungary at 5 f., taxed on arrival with 1908 Postage Due ½ pi. green tied by 'Jerusalem / Österr. Post' cds. A scarce pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1253 Palästina
Austrian Post Offices 1863/1914: Collection on leaves with 1863 2 s. pair and three single examples, 5 s., 10 s. and 15 s., perf. 14, and 1864 2 s., 3 s., 5 s., 10 s. and 15 s. perf. 9½ all used with 'Gerusalemme' datestamps, 1863 10 s. and 15 s. and 1864 3 s. and 10 s. (3) all used with 'Jaffa' datestamps; 1867 issue from 2 s. to 50 s. used with 'Gerusalemme' and another set with 'Jerusalem / Gerusalemme' datestamps, 1867 part set to 15 s. used with 'Jaffa' datestamps (8 stamps), later issues with used (some on piece) and unused sets etc. A fine and most attractive lot.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 1254 Palästina
Austrian Post Offices 1881/1910: Postal History collection on leaves and loose with 1881 and 1883 5 s. red stationery cards to UK each cancelled 'Jerusalem / Gerusalemme' cds's, 1898 colour cards (3) with 20 pa. cancelled Jerusalem cds's in red (31/10) to honor German Emperor's visit, 1899 colour cards (2) with Bethlehem Christmas Eve cachets and 20 pa. cancelled Jerusalem cds's in red, 1907 cover forwarded by the American Consulate in Jerusalem with blue cachet, incoming covers from GB, Italy, Wurttemberg and USA etc. (50 items).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1255 Palästina
French Post Offices 1855: Entire letter from Jaffa to Marseille struck on front with exceptional strike of dotted circular JAFFA / SYRIE datestamp (Feb 11) in black. Reverse with French P.O. in Beyrout transit cds (12/2) and charged '10' décimes due on receipt in manuscript. A delightful entire, rare so fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1256 Palästina
French Post Offices 1862: 40 c. orange, single usage on 1866 cover to Jaffa tied by Marseille 2240 gros chiffres endorsed 'per Asie', and a fine disinfected cover from the same correspondence bearing 1862 40 c. orange pair tied by PELUSE Paquebot datestamps (Oct 19) in black, the latter signed Calves. A fine and most attractive pair.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1257 Palästina
French Post Offices 1874: Cover from Jerusalem to Marseille with superb POSTE FRANCAISE / JERUSALEM 'Cross' cancellation in blue, franked by Siège 40 c. orange pair, crossed by file fold, cancelled by 5089 gros chiffres with corresponding JAFFA / SYRIE datestamp (Oct 30) alongside. Large part framed 'Paquebots / De La / Méditerranée' in red above and reverse with Alexandria cds (Nov 2) and Marseille arrival cds (Nov 9) in black. A charming and rare cover.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 1258 Palästina
French Post Offices 1871/75: Cérès 30 c. grey brown, large figures, a fine horizontal pair used on 1875 cover to London tied by bold 5089 gros chiffres with corresponding 'Jaffa / Syrie' despatch datestamp (Oct 15) in black alongside. Framed 'PD' in black and fine London arrival in red (Oct 27) on front of a scarce and attractive cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1259 Palästina
1902: Printed Postal Notice for the Jaffa Agency of the 'Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes', announcing the deprture of the Paquebot 'Niger' under Captain David, leaving for Port Saïd, Alexandria and Marseille on September 25, 1902. Folded into four but fresh and very fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1260 Palästina
French Post Offices 1870/1910c.: Small collection on stockcards with France 1853 10 c. and 40 c. cancelled by '376' petit chiffres of Jaffa, Bordeaux pair of 20 c. cancelled by Jaffa '5089' gros chiffres and piece with 1853 10 c. and 40 c. similarly tied, later values with '5089' usages (9), a fine piece with Ceres 1871/75 30 c. and 80 c. tied by dotted 'Jaffa / Syrie' datestamps and another with Type Sage 35 c. tied by 'Jaffa / Syrie' cds with oval 'BM' alongside; further Levant issues used in Jaffa and Jerusalem etc. (50+ items).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1261 Palästina
French Post Offices 1844/1912c.: Collection of Postal Paper - including letters (without envelopes) from the French Consul in Jerusalem in 1844, letter in English written from Jerusalem in May 1855 (the writer nearly killed for entering a Mosque), an 1858 letter from French Agency in Jaffa, a listing of the 8 letters sent from the Jerusalem Agency on November 1861, Jaffa Agency 'Procés Verbal d'Installation' for the French P.O. in Jaffa in 1875 with circular handstamp 'Vice Consulat de France A Jaffa' in blue inside; Consular Letter from 1879 ex Jerusalem, 1891 letter from Jaffa with circular POSTE FRANCAISE / JAFFA / SYRIE cachet in black; a wonderful complete comparative listing of all sales of stamps / letters / parcels etc. from the French P.O. between 1902 and 1903; together with printed table of Postal Rates for 1908. Condition varies but an exceptionally scarce group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1262 Palästina
Kaiser's Visit 1898: 10 pf. carmine postal stationery card and cover franked by 1888 10 pf. carmine, each used back to Germany, the former cancelled by KAIS. DEUTSCHE / MARINE / SCHIFFSPOST No. 39 cds (S.M.S. Hertha) and the cover with adhesive tied by SCHIFFSPOST No. 11 cds (S.M.S. Hela). Scarce pair, both Ship's accompanied the Kaiser on his famous visit to Palestine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1263 Palästina
Italian Post Office 1908: Italy 10 c. red postal stationery card used from Jerusalem to Stuttgart with superb strike of GERUSALEMME squarede circle datestamp (June 1, Day the Office opened), postcard with single 5 c. green similarly cancelled on the First Day (extremely rare thus - a Printed Matter rate usage) and Italy 10 c. red stationery card used to Görz with superb strike of GERUSALEMME / UFF. POSTALE ITALIANO cds (May, 1908) in black - a rare usage on the reply card.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1264 Palästina
Italian Post Offices 1908/14c.: Collection on leaves with Italian stamps (9 different) all used on piece and cancelled by GERUSALEMME squared circle datestamps (June 1) on the opening day of the Office, February 1909 set of 8 unused and used, mostly on piece (Mi = € 1'000), further large piece with five values incl. 40 pi. on 5 l. and four values used on piece all cancelled on Last day of the Office (September 30, 1914). An attractive lot.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1265 Palästina
Russian Post Office 1879: 7 kop. carmine & green used on cover to Livorno tied by bold strike of JAFFA cyrillic datestamp (Sept 1) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 236) with information strike alongside. Reverse with part flap missing and strike of Alexandria transit cds in black. Scarce and most attractive cover. Signed Muentz.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1266 Palästina
Russian Post Offices 1901: Cover sent at Printed Matter rate from 'Misgab-Ladach Hospital' in Jerusalem to San Francisco, USA franked by ROPiT 1884/90 1 kop. orange (2) tied by ROPiT / JAFFA cds (Feb 3) in violet (Tchilinghirian fig. 241), small closed tear to envelope at top, reverse with San Francisco arrival (March 23). A scarce cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1267 Palästina
Russian Post Offices 1912: Postcard to Munich franked by 1910 5 pa. on 1 kop. orange (two pairs) each tied by bold strikes of ROPiT / HAIFA cyrillic datestamps (Dec 19) in violet (Tchilinghirian fig. 231). Port Said transit cds above and arrival at base of a fine card.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1268 Palästina
Katalognummer : 21+23+61/62+65Russian Post Offices 1904/13: Cards (3), two being registered out-going usages from the Jerusalem Post Office, earlier 1904 card franked by 10 pa. on 2 k. green and 1 pi. on 10 k. blue tied by ROPiT / JERUSALEM cds (Feb 4) in violet (Tchilinghiran fig. 246), 1908 in-coming 3 k. red stationery card from Tomeln, Russia short paid by 1 kopek and struck with 'T' mark and oval 'Central Comité Knesseth Israel' cachet in blue (Jan 22, 1909); third card with Romanov issue franking with 5 pa. on 1 k. (2), 10 pa. on 2 k. and 1 pi. on 10 k. all tied in black. A scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1269 Palästina
Katalognummer : 30/47V+61/75Russian Post Offices 1909/13: Issues for Levant, small collection on leaves with 1909 set unused, 1909 'Jaffa' set unused and 'Jerusalem' set unused (with varieties) and used and 1913 Romanov issue unused etc. Mi = € 750+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1270 Palästina
Foreign Post Offices 1875/1911: The assembly of covers/cards (16) on album pages and loose, with French P.O. 1872 cover with France Siège 40 c. (4) on cover from Jaffa cancelled 5089, 1877 cover with Type Sage 30 c. ex Jaffa, Austrian P.O. with 1890 registered cover at 2 pi. rate from Jaffa, 1892 cover from Haifa to Germany franked at 3 pi. rate (both with yellow reg's labels), 1892 cover to USA via French Paquebot, three fine Parcels Cards one bearing a rare pair of 1908 20 pi deep blue; German and Russian P.O. items etc., one with cert. Muentz.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 1271 Palästina
Jewish Settlements 1907: Postcard to Haifa written in yiddish, card with trimmed corners, originally mailed with circular 'RISCHON - LE - ZION / DURCH DEUTSCHE POST / BEI JAFFA / Palaestina' cachet struck in violet (Steichele fig. 247), with Austrian Levant 10 c. applied over the cachet and tied by JAFFA / ÖSTERR. POST cds (12/III) in black and CAIFA / OESTERREICHISCHE POST cds of arrival alongside. Stamp lifted and hinged back in place but extremely scarce - the Austrian Post in Rishon Le Zion (under Jakob Medalja) could have been used.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1272 Palästina
Jewish Settlements 1905: Austrian Agency in Rishon - Le - Zion, the Postal Guide for 1905 with the Austrian Double headed Eagle and the guide written in Hebrew with listing of postal rates and charges, struck on front with fair strike of the rare circular RISCHON - L' - ZION / PAR POSTE AUTRICHIENNE Star of David handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian, Stephen & Tranmer fig. 4). In relatively fine condition but with sellotape (removable) inside. Exceptionally rare and the first such this describer has encountered.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1273 Palästina
Jewish Settlements 1909: Rishon-Le-Zion. Registered Receipt form, 166 x 110 mm., printed in black on greyish-blue paper headed 'Par Poste I. R. Autrichienne' for ller no. 40 addressed to Vienna and annotated for tax due at 2 paistres all in manuscript, struck at top right with superb strike of circular RISCHON - L' - ZION / PAR POSTE AUTRICHIENNE handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian, Stephen & Tranmer fig. 4) in blue. Two tiny pinholes at upper left and minute tear at right do not detract from an extremely rare item.
Provenance: Collection of the late Benny Guggenheim.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 1274 Palästina
1918 (Feb 16): 5 m. on 1 p. cobalt-blue, rouletted 20, an unused block of ten from lower left of sheet in vertical format, Control B18 A, fresh and fine but for the merest hint of age spot on first stamp and some aging on reverse not affecting the wonderful appearance. Ungummed as issued, a rare and remarkable block Gi = £ 1'800.
Provenance: Collection of the late Benny Guggenheim.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1275 Palästina
1918 (Feb 16): 5 m. on 1 p. cobalt-blue, rouletted 20, an unused block of 60, the extraordinary multiple from the top half of the (Control B18 A) sheet of 120, with position 10 in the top horizontal row showing the major error 'MILLILMES' for MILLIEMES, minor splitting at left secured by (ancient) hinge, centrally and at right, otherwise fresh and very fine with some minor aging affecting the reverse only. Ungummed as issued, a remarkable and extraordinary Palestine rarity Mi 3a+3aF = € 17'300/Gi = £ 10'240.
Provenance: Collection of the late Benny Guggenheim.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1276 Palästina
Losnr. : 1277 Palästina
Losnr. : 1278 Palästina
1920 (Sept): Jerusalem I, 5 pi. deep purple, Setting I, the block of 24 from the two lower horizontal rows of the sheet thus showing Overprint Types 13-24 and 1-12 complete; additionally showing the 'Hebrew Transposed' error on position 239 the last but one stamp on the sheet, the lower left corner stamp (position 229) showing 'Arabic Z' variety with additional dot above the Arabic 'T' - this first column of stamps was removed from the later sheets issued - and thus this block also shows the rarest types of the surcharge: Types 13 and 23. The block also shows (position 237) the 'Apostrophe above Arabic N' variety clearly. The block correctly annotated 'Row 2 / Row 1' at left in manuscript ink, centrally folded between the stamps and with two slight hinge remnants, otherwise full unmounted og. A rare and most appealing positional multiple Gi = £ 2'300+.
Provenance: Collection of the late Benny Guggenheim.
Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 1279 Palästina
1920 (Sept 1): Jerusalem I, 9 p. ochre, a superb unused horizontal pair, marginal from right of sheet, with variety 'Hebrew Characters Transposed' on left hand stamp (positions 71-72 on sheet of 240 subjects), fresh and fine with large part og. Rare Gi = £ 600+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1280 Palästina
1920: Jerusalem I printing, overprinted at the Greek Orthodox Convent in Jerusalem: the extraordinary Proof set of the complete 11 values with Hebrew overprint "ERETZ ISRAEL PALESTINA" instead of the issued stamps which read 'Palestina Eretz Israel' in the lower line of the overprint; the three characters normally found at the front of the overprint now appear, on this Proof set, at the end. Fresh and very fine unused Proof set with the 1 pi. value overprinted in gold rather than silver as issued, this value with minor stain. Nevertheless a set of consummate rarity with just one set in blocks of four and four single sets recorded. Bale = $ 33'000.Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1281 Palästina
1921 (Oct 15): London II, 4 m. scarlet, wmk. Royal Cypher, perf. 15x14, the complete unused sheet of 240 subjects in two panes of 120 separated by buffer bars, with position 111 (upper pane) and position 207 (lower pane) showing the major Plate Flaw 'Arabic 40' for 'Arabic 4' variety in NE value tablet, and position 8 showing broken English '4' and position 237 with closed '4'. The sheet carefully folded but fresh and fine, full unmounted og. Gi = £ 900+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1282 Palästina
1921/22: London I, the seven values 1 m., 2 m., 5 m., 1 pi., 5 pi., 10 pi and 20 pi., all overprinted CANCELLED in black, these seven values were the only ones overprinted thus by the Stamping Dept. at the Board of Inland Revenue, Somerset House, largely fresh and fine, the 1 m. with sealed closed tear at left and dried original gum, but of great rarity. Unlisted by Gibbons Bale = $ 4'200.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1283 Palästina
Losnr. : 1284 Palästina
Postage Dues 1932/47: Covers (5), all incoming to Palestine, with earliest cover from Amsterdam taxed at 18 m. in Jaffa, three 1935 covers from Germany with Hindenburg frankings taxed respectively at 6 m., 13 m. and 14 m. each; and a 1947 cover from GB to Tel Aviv taxed at 8 m. on arrival. Fair to fine, a scarce group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1285 Palästina
Revenues Jewish National Fund 1948/60c.: Rouletted pane of 300 printed in deep and pale blue, with 60 coupons at left, first "Serie EG I", unused without gum and folded into four; another with "Serie T 1" coupons and stamps again in shades of blue, each overprinted "Dienstsache" in black, in an unused block of 150 (10 x 15) with 15 enumerated coupons at left on gummed paper, also a '"Serie F 1" block with rouletted stamps with 'Juedischer National Fond' at base in block of 70 (5 x 14) with 14 enumerated coupons at lefr. Minor imperfections caused by size but a most unusual group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1286 Palästina
1918 (Feb): 5 m. on 1 p. cobalt-blue, a superb unused block of 30 marginal from right of sheet, a horizontal strip of seven and a block of six, unused as issued and July 1918 complete sheets (3) of 240 stamps including buffer bars of the 5 pi. purple and the 9 pi. ochre (2 sheets), all fresh and very fine, one 9 pi. sheet with a couple of bits of margin missing, unmounted og. Scarce group Gi = £ 11'000+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1287 Palästina
E.E.F. 1918/22c.: Collection on leaves with EEF adhesives 'used abroad' both loose and on covers/cards, including Acre, Adana (with fine card bearing 4 m.), Aintab (with 1 pi. tied by FPO cds), Alie (with postcard franked 4 m.), Antakya, Baalbek (with cover to USA), Beit Meir, Beyrouth (with covers incl. one to Haifa at 5 m. rate), Broumana, Damas (with covers incl. Censored May 1919 cover at 10 m. rate to Cairo, 1 pi. rate to UK), Djebail, Djon, Gaza, Halep (with covers incl. Censored cover to Switzerland at 2 pi. rate), Hama, Homs, Joun, Mersine, Nablus, Nazareth, Nebik, Saida, Tarsous, Tripoli, Wadi Shahour, Zahlé, Zebdani; 1918 1 pi. on cover tied BAPO cds via Halep to Egypt etc. A generally fine lot with many rare cancellations (186 stamps & 20 covers/cards).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1288 Palästina
1927/44: Pictorial Definitive series, the Postal History collection of the issue with 8 m. stationery card used on 'Haifa-Rafa' TPO, 1929 Gaza-London First Flight cover, cover to Egypt from Khan Younis, Express usages, Double Censored usages to Egypt, cover with 'Undelivered for the / Reason Stated on the Cover' cachet, 'OAT' cachet in red on cover to France, registered and up-rated stationery usages, differing rates of 3 m., 5 m., 8 m., 10 m., 13 m., 15 m., 18 m., 20 m., 23 m., 26 m., 28 m., 30 m., 35 m., 40 m., 55 m., 60 m., 82 m., 95 m., 100 m. and 120 m.; also two Postage Due usages on 1929 and 1938 incoming covers from Egypt and Great Britain. A fine lot with scope for continuation - 64 items.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1289 Palästina
1918/40c.: Collection on leaves, cards and loose with 1918 1 pi. indigo unused (Gi = £ 180), 5 m. on cobalt unused (Gi = £ 100), 1920 optd. issues with some interesting unused multiples (many with minor Plate Flaws), 1927 90 m. bistre unused and used, together with an excellent range of Postal History from 1919 incl. 1920/22 overprinted issues with rates of: 3 m., 8 m., 1 pi., 1 pi. 3 m., 2 pi., 2 pi. 6 m. etc. A fine lot including 40 covers/cards.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 1290 Palästina
1898/1948: Cover collection with three large postcards (220 x 150 mm) all showing the Kaiser's visit to the Holyland (all three used from Dortmund), Ottoman period card from 'Bon Samaritan' to Berlin, 1919 French Forces in Palestine cover cancelled 'Tresor et Postes / 600' cds, thereafter with some fine Palestine Mandate postal history incl. one cover handstamped 'Durch Meerwasser beschädigt' in violet, Palestine used with Israel (hebrew) town cancels (20 covers), International Reply Coupons (2) etc. Viewing recommended.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1291 Palästina
1897/1942c.: Postal History collection with Foreign P.O. usages including 1897 stampless Money-Letter from Odessa, Russia to Jerusalem, 1904 card from Russian P.O. in Jerusalem franked at 4 kop. rate and three covers at Printed Matter rate, Austrian, German and Ottoman P.O.'s, scarce Palestine stationery with 4 m. red card, 5 m. orange letter-card and 15 m. blue 'K' size registered envelope all overprinted SPECIMEN in black, 1918 registered postcard with 1 pi. ultramarine and 5 m. on 1 pi. cancelled APO / SZ-44, EEF 4 m. red on card used from Homs, 1925 cover with Palestine 13 m. used to France tied by fine BER YACOB cds; together with a fine range of 'Hotel' cacheted or illustrated covers/cards with the ubiquitous 'Morcos' cachets in violet but also covers from the King David Hotel (2), the Grand New Hotel, Haifa; 'Winter Palace' in Jericho, 'Casa Nova' in Nazareth, 1899 card from the 'Lloyd Hotel' in Jerusalem with Austria 20 pa., 1922 cover from the Allenby Hotel, Jerusalem etc. Condition varies but a most interesting lot with many scarce items (105 items).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 1292 Palästina
1918/1947: Collection on Exhibit leaves from 1 pi. ultramarine with three usages on cover, 1918 set of eleven values unused and used, September 1920 Jerusalem I overprint set unused and used, Jerusalem I overprint perf 14 set unused, Dec 1920 Jerusalem II overprinted set of eight perf. 15x14 including a spectacular block of four of the 1 pi. indigo (Gi 35 = £ 2'200) unused, Jerusalem II set off six, perf. 14 unused incl. rare 1 m. sepia (Gi 38 = £ 850), May 1921 Jerusalem III overprint issue with set of 11 unused (Gi 47/57 = £ 500) and used, Sept 1921 London I overprint set of 11 unused, September 1922 London II overprint issue perf. 14 complete unused incl. rare 9 pi. ochre (Gi 82b = £ 1'100) and used; 1927/45 Mandate pictorial 90 p. bistre used (3), 1923/28 Postage Due issues unused and used, the whole with some useful duplication. A fresh and very fine collection of a country seldom found so complete.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.500 CHFLosnr. : 1293 Palästina
Arab-Israeli War 1948 (May): Essay for the Surcharge, Forreign Affairs Fiscal overprinted (inverted) "JERUSALEM / Postes Francaises / 6 frs." in black (the 150 issued stamps bore a green overprint) with GRATIS not erased by black bar, somewhat crinkled and perfs. slightly bent, these faults largely due to the fact that the stamp was mounted within cellophane for 'protection' and left in a bank vault for too long; also with pinhole where attached for inspection by the Consul, but with full unmounted og. An extraordinary modern rarity - mentioned in Maury but unpriced. Unique ('Seule pièce connue à ce jour'). Cert. Brun (2016).
Note: The issue was authorised by the French Consul, Mr. René Neuville.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 1294 Palästina
Arab-Israeli War 1948 (May 5): Consular Airmail 10 fr. + Consular Postage 6 fr., the superb unused vertical pair overprinted in green, marginal from right of the one sheet overprinted by the Azriel Printing Works in (beseiged) Jerusalem, fresh and very fine with minor gum crinkling mentioned for full accuracy, unmounted og. A great rarity with just 30 pairs possible. Cert. Brun (2016) Bale (2000) = $ 7'500/Maury = € 8'750.
Note: Just six sheets of fifty stamps of the Foreign Affairs Fiscal stamp were overprinted as above. The upper portion of the sheets of 50 were overprinted for Airmail at 10 francs, the lower portion overprinted for postage at 6 francs. Thus from the issue of 300 stamps, just 30 pairs can exist with both values se-tenant.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 1295 Palästina
Arab-Israeli War 1948 (May 5): Consular Issue, Postage 6 fr. (note the blind perf. variety), Airmail 10 fr. surcharged in green, fresh and fine unused examples with full original gum; May 16, 1948 20 millièmes overprinted in deep blue on Agences Consulaires Fiscal fine unused and June 20, 1948 20 millièmes overprinted in deep blue on Marianne 6 fr. red (Type 1), minor gum crinkling but all fresh and fine, unmounted og. A very rare set. 6 fr. and 10 fr. values with certs. Brun (2016) Maury = € 8'500+.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 1296 Palästina
Gaza / Arab Israeli War 1948/56: Collection with Postal History material from both sides of the Conflict, with Egyptian P.O. covers/cards from Beth Lahem, Faluga, Khan Younis, scarce Advice of Receipt form franked at 15 m. from El Majdal, 1948 Egypt overprinted issue, airmail issue and Dues (Gi 1/D38) unused, also Jordan with Red Cross mail from Ramallah, covers from Jericho and Tulkarm. An interesting lot (28 covers).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHF
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