Grossbritannien und Kolonien
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Losnr. : 666 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 667 Grossbritannien
2 d. deep blue pl. 2, lettered SB, a fine used example with large margins all round, tied to 1841 cover from London to Sheffield by black Maltese Cross, reverse with London despatch and Sheffield arrival cds (Dec 21) in red. Cover file fold at base well away from the fine adhesive Gi = £ 2'500.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 668 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 669 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 670 Grossbritannien
2 d. blue, pl. 1, horizontal pair lettered FJ-FK overlapping a horizontal strip of five lettered FE-FI, used on 1840 second sheet of letter struck with italic 'Newton / Penny Post' in black on despatch (corresponding boxed 'No. 1' Receiving House marking on reverse), mailed to Dijon, France, endorsed 'Paid to Dover', the adhesives tied by Maltese Crosses in red and by 'Angl. / Calais' entry marking in red (Nov 27) and manuscript charge
'18' décimes in ink. Reverse with Milnthorpe cds, London transit in red and Dijon arrival cds in black (Nov 29). The cover was overpaid by 4 d. for the single rate of 10 d. to Dover. Some minor wear to reverse and file folds, but a very rare and visually stunning cover of great importanace to British classic philately. Cert. BPA (1997).
Provenance: H. R. Harmer, London (Jan. 1964)
Stanley Gibbons Rarity Sale (1978)
Soler y Llach (1993)
Offered by John Taylor in London Philatelist (May 1997)Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : 10.000 CHFLosnr. : 671 Grossbritannien
1841: 2 d. blue, plate 4, vertical pair with variety: inverted watermark and cancelled with accountancy marking "3 ½ GROSCHEN" used in the foreign branch of the London chief office on unpaid foreign mail to Prussia (sample lettersheet attached), lower stamp with light horizontal crease. Rare as a watermark variety but a unique obliteration on the 1841 2 d., according to the Karl Louis card index register only one other adhesive stamp (1847, 1 s. green) is recorded showing the "3 ½ GROSCHEN" accountancy marking used as cancellation. Cert. Karl Louis BBP (1999) SG = £ 1'700 for inverted watermark variety only.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 672 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 673 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 674 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 675 Grossbritannien
2 d. blue, pl. 4, two imperforate horizontal pairs, lettered RA-RB and RC-RD with clear to large margins all round, tied to 1852 cover to Nice, Kingdom of Sardinia, by neat London '14' obliterators in black. Endorsed 'via Belgium' at upper left and struck in transit with circular 'Aus England Per Aachen / Franco' transit in red (Dec 15). Struck with framed RÉG. FR. handstamp in black (Régence Frontère) at Aachen (Van Der Linden fig. 2403) and reverse with 'Coeln / Verviers' TPO in black and 'Nizza Maritima' arrival cds (Dec 20). A fine and unusual cover. Opinion Holcombe (1993).
Note: The service from Great Britain to Sardinia through France was suspended on July 1, 1851; the 8 d. per ½ ounce rate via Belgium being introduced on August 1, 1852.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 676 Grossbritannien
1855: 2 d. blue plate 5, block of 12 consisting of three blocks of 4, SG-TH, SI-TJ, and SK-TL, rejoined with hinges, cancelled "498" MANCHESTER, some faults as can be expected incl. creases but an impressive large multiple and the third largest block from plate 5 recorded to date according to the Karl Louis card index register (the 2 larger multiples recorded are also rejoined from smaller blocks) SG = £ 3'000 for three blocks of four.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 677 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 678 Grossbritannien
1847/54: Embossed 1 s. pale green, a horizontal pair with just touched margins but of excellent fresh colour, used on 1851 cover to Valparaiso, Chile tied by 159 obliterators of Glasgow. Reverse with Glasgow datestamp of despatch (Oct 15) and London transit cds in red. File fold well away from adhesives, an attractive cover Scott 5 = $ 2'400/Gi = £ 1'800.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 679 Grossbritannien
1847/54: Embossed 6 d. mauve, a fine used example, margins just touched, tied to 1857 envelope addressed to a Captain in the 17th Regiment at Montreal, tied by Burton on Trent / 152 'Spoon' duplex in black with '2½' and '1' charge markings adjacent in black. Reverse with Liverpool cds (Dec 12) and Montreal arrival cds. Some aging but a scarce and attractive usage Scott 7 = $ 1'900/Gi = £ 1'900.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 680 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 682 Grossbritannien
1896: Transatlantic Cablegram illustrated envelope for the 'Commercial Cablegram Co. / Mackay-Bennett System', unpaid on despatch with 'Bedford St. S. O.' squared circle datestamp (Feb 12) with framed 'T' mark at lower right, taxed on arrival in New York with USA 10 c. lake Postage Due on reverse tied by New York duplex (Feb 20). Scarce and most attractive.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 683 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 684 Grossbritannien
1914: Incoming cover to Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, presumably from a Royal Navy ship, struck on front with five ringed target handstamp and '2' in black, reverse with 1914 Postage Due ½ d. emerald block of four tied by KIRKWALL cds's (Nov 21). An unusual usage.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 685 Grossbritannien
Plating Study 2 d. blue 1840/57: 2 d. blue plating study of pl. 1 & 2, pl. 3 & 4 and pl. 5 & 6, including 1840 2 d. (19 singles plus 2 pairs), 1841, 2 d. nearly all letterings complete (300 singles, 31 pairs, 9 strips of three, 2 strips of four and 22 covers), incl. re-entries, constant varieties, a little mixed condition but many fine SG = approx. £ 70'000.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 686 Grossbritannien
Perforation Varieties 1840/79: Perforation study line engraved 2 d. blues, including few 1840/41 imperfs. showing heavily miss-cuts, later perforated issues with missing pins, off-centering, double perforation (diamond perforation at sides) used on cover (BPA cert. 1986), approx. 250 singles plus a few pairs, strips, a block of 4 and 7 covers, mixed condition with many fine.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 687 Grossbritannien
1840/79: 2 d. line engraved issues plate 1 - 15, interesting study comprising plate 1 - 15 (singles, including 1840, 2 d. late use with Scottish 1844 barred numeral), also 1840, 2 d. (2 singles, 2 pieces, 2 covers), 1841, 2 d. with distincitve DUBLIN and BELFAST Maltese Crosses, and two covers with normal MC's, plus 1858, 2 d. plate 9, TA, error of watermark, mixed condition, some fine SG = approx. £ 11'000.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 688 Grossbritannien
Barred Numeral Cancellations 1840/79: Specialised collection with solely line engraved 2 d. blue, consisting 314 single stamps, 16 pairs and 41 covers, including many 1841 imperfs. (incl. pairs and covers, many with four large margins and fine), 1854/57, 2 d. stars S.C. and L.C., perf. 14 and 16 (incl. many pairs and covers), 1840, 2 d. with Irish "232" GALLWAY (thinned). Condition varies.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 689 Grossbritannien
Inverted Watermark Varieties 1840/79: 2 d. blue, pl. 1, 3, 4 (2), 5 - 15, the fantastic set of the prominent watermark inverted variety, imperfs. with large margins and fine, perforated issues, a little mixed condition but mostly good to fine SG = £ 12'250.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 690 Grossbritannien
Cancelled Contrary to Regulation 1841: 2 d. blue cancelled with barred numerals, mostly one strike centrally cancelling pairs (11) plus two strikes on strip of 3 and three strikes cancelling strip of 4, in addition two pairs 1858, 2 d. plate numbers and 1841, 2 d. single and pair on cover with two strikes "1" from ABERDEEN, condition a little mixed.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 691 Grossbritannien
Various cancellations 1841/79: 2 d. blue, cancellation study including 13 covers and fronts, incl. "dotted circles", "Brunswick stars" (3 pieces and 2 covers), "S" (Smith, Elder & Co.) and "K" (King & Co.), pre-cancels, Azemar, Pearson, Hill machine cancel "NO. 6.57" on 2 d. stars (rare!), red PD, Madelaine Smith 159 GLASGOW on cover, 131 - POSTED SINCE LAST NIGHT on pair used on cover, Scotts locals.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 692 Grossbritannien
Sideways Duplex Cancellations and Spoons 1854/79: 2 d. blue, stars and plate number issues, small collection containing 2 d. blue on pieces (15) and 12 covers (all except one with1854/57, 2 d. stars), including PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE imprint cover, "383-HULL" in blue on piece, "186" DUBLIN, in green on piece, condition a little mixed but many fine.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 693 Grossbritannien
Perfins & Protective Underprints 1858/79: 2 d. blue plate numbers, specialised exhibition collection including protective underprints (11 incl. Samuel Montague, W.H. Smith, J. & C. Boyd, H.H., Copestake, Moore & Crampton), perfins (approx. 300 singles and 20 covers, some mixed frankings) mixed condition but many fine.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 694 Grossbritannien
1840/1948: Collection with 1840 1 d. black used (33) cancelled in red or black, 1840 2 d. blue used (3), 1841 1 d. red with 'Numbers in Cross' cancels (Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7 noted), 1841 2d. blue used with five pairs, a strip of three, a cover and 32 single examples, 1847/54 Embossed with 6 d. violet (5), 10 d. brown (2) and 1 s. green (2) used; 1858/79 1 d. red plate numbers unused (24), 2 d. blue used (38, one with inverted wmk. variety, another with major re-entry), Surface Printed with 1867/83 high values incl. 5 s. rose (3), 10 s. grey-green and £ 1 brown used; 1883 high values with 2 s. 6 d. lilac (9), 5 s. carmine (4) and 10 s. ultrmarine (6) used; 1884 £ 1 brown-lilac, wmk. Crowns (3) used, 1891 £ 1 green used (3), 1883 lilac & green set used, 1887 Jubilee set unused, 1902/12 Edward VII 2 s. 6 d. lilac used (2), 5 s. carmine used (2), 10 s. ultramarine used (2), £ 1 green used (4), 1913 Seahorses with fine range of 10 s. values with shades, £ 1 green used, 1925 Wemley sets used (3), 1929 PUC £ 1 unused and used, 1939 2 s. 6 d. brown unused (2, plus a usage on cover to India), 10 s. deep blue unused, 1948 RSW £ 1 unused (2) etc. Some 'Used Abroad' noted and a few further covers. Condition varies but a hugely catalogued collection with much of interest.Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 695 Grossbritannien
1840/1935: High value used selection with 1840 1 d. black (2), 1840 2 d. blue pair, 1847/54 Embossed 10 d. brown pair, 1883 5 s. rose, 10 s. ultramarine, £ 5 orange, 1884 £ 1 brown-lilac (singed A. Diena), 1892 IR Official £ 1 green, 1902 £ 1 green, 1934 re-engraved Seahorse 5 s. red and 10 s. indigo unused etc. Condition varies but a highly catalogued selection (12 items) Gi = £ 11'000+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 696 Grossbritannien
1841/1910c.: Lot hundreds used Victoria definitives starting with 1841 2 d. blue horizontal strip of three, 1862 & 1865 1 s. green (7), 1883 2 s. 6 d. and 5 s., 1902 5 s. carmine, cancellation interest, perfins, pieces (39) and one 1865 cover to Vienna.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 697 Grossbritannien
1864/80, 1d. rose red, plate numbers 71-225 (excl. pl.77), the fine specialised collection on album pages neatly written up for exhibition, incl. all plates mint (plate 225, QI, provenance: Harmers auction 27 Oct. 1976, lot 1323), each plate represented by at least one cover (pl. 225 vertical pair KK-LK used with 1870, ½d. on envelope to New York, pl. 225 is very rare on a foreign destination cover!), 23 Imprimaturs from various plates incl. pl. 223, varieties incl. 66 stamps with inverted watermarks, imperforate with plate 148 mint o.g. with Philatelic Foundation cert. (1962), plates 146, 198 and 207 ovpt. SPECIMEN, various protective underprints, mint multiples incl. pl. 96 blocks of 16 QI-TL (lower right corner marginal block with pl. no.), and OB-RF block of 20, pl.102, EG-KL right hand marginal block of 42 showing dividing star, pl. 122, NJ-SL block of 18, pl. 143, AA-BF corner marginal plate no block of 12, plate 191, KG-NJ, block of 16, pl. 214, SA-TD corner marginal pl. no. block 8, used blocks incl. pl. 138, DD-GF block of 12 with neat CHESTER MY 9 72 cds., also included several covers with mixed plates / mixed issues frankings (incl. pl. 208 used with Surface printed 1880, 1d. Venetian, foreign destinations (incl. Ionian Islands), various printed matters to foreign destinations (incl. Egypt!), pl. 103 on 'Fun Magazine’, pl. 118 on Punch Magazine, pl. 95 on Sun Fire Office printed letter, pl. 96 on printed Telegram (!), pl. 143 on neatly executed and decorative gold printed Lady’s envelope, some better cancellations incl. More to pay, H&K Packet, Brunswick Stars, Sorting Tender, the collection is housed in 5 volumes, some slight oxidation as usual, otherwise the condition is generally good to very fine with many choice items.Ausruf : 22.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 698 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 699 Grossbritannien
1940/91: Lot hundreds primarily unmounted og. stamps incl. postage due, booklets and booklet panes and maximum cards as well as eight cover 1907/20 from the UK and Straits Settlements to Switzerland.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 700 Grossbritannien
1950/2000: The modern mint collection with several hundred stamps, souvenir sheets and booklets, in addition a Mulready stampless envelope and a Penny black cover to Darlington, furthermore modern collections of Cyprus, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey and Malta, housed in nine stockbooks.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 701 Grossbritannien
1871/1912: Lot 25 covers & cards, all sent to Germany or Switzerland, incl. frankings with 1858 Penny Red & Penny Blue, 1865 3 d. rose lilac, 4 d. orange red, 1873 2½ d. lilac rose, and 3 d. rose, four covers with perfin stamps.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 450 CHFLosnr. : 702 Grossbritannien
1876/89: Lot three envelopes sent to foreign destinations, incl. 1876 cover franked with 1 sh. green from Nottingham to Cape Town, 1873 1 sh. green (plate 13)used 1878 from London Lombard-St. to Belize Brit. Honduras as well as registered 2 1/2 d. stationery envelope with additional franking of 1 d. violet horizontal pair from "Merton DE 28 89" and "Cottenham Park Wimbledon 28 DE 89" to Abo, Finland.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 705 Grossbritannien
1857/79: 2 d. blue used at foreign post offices, small collection including Crimean war OXO on 1857, 2 d. stars perf. 14, 1858, 2 d. plate number issue incl. "A83" mail boat, B01, B32, G06 in combination with France Cérès 30 c. (another adhesive missing), MALTA "M" on 1 d. + 2 d. on cover "A25" on cover with 2 d. pl. 8 and pl. 9 mixed franking, GIBRALTAR "A26" with 6 covers to Algeria, Italy, Portugal, also few Central and South American PO's incl. C38, C51, C59, C83, C42 and E53, nice selection with many fine.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 711 Grossbritannien
British Occupation of Italian Colonies M.E.F. 1942 (March 2): Cairo / Nairobi Printings with 'Square, Round or Oblong Stops' between M.E.F., the collection of covers on leaves with First Day Covers (3) to Asmara or Cairo franked by mixed full set used in Asmara or Massaua (one signed A. Diena, another by Raybaudi); March 12 cover with full set showing mixed printings used in Asmara, March 16 and 18, 1942 covers with full set with mixed printings used in Asmara, March 19, 20 and March 25, 1942 registered covers/cards from Asmara with set of five to 5 d. value (signed A. Diena or Oliva); April 4 and April 27 covers with full set used in Asmara, Sept. 1942 cover with full set cancelled 'Cheren / Eritrea', Oct 1942 cover to South Africa set of five incl. 2½ d. ultramarine se-tenant with 'Round Stop' variety, Oct 1942 full set on cover tied FPO 549 (signed Sorani) and 1946 cover to Genoa franked by full set and additional 2 d. with scarce use of Nairobi 1 d. used from Tripoli, Libya. A rare selection with high catalogue value.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 713 Grossbritannien
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