Europa A-Z
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Losnr. : 1978 Schweden
1890 (Sept 30): Germany 10 pf. carmine postal stationery envelope, shorpaid to Upsala with framed 'T' marking, taxed on arrival at Upsala (Nov 23) but addressee not found, and struck with framed RETUR handstamp. Postage Due 20 ö. blue tied by oval 'Postinspectionen / Södra Distrikte' cachet in violet (Nov 24) and letter returned to sender with 'Inconnu' bilingual label.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1979 Schweden
1842/1969c.: Collection with 1858 5 ö. mint (cert.), 1886 Ringtyp 30 ö. and 1 kr. mint, 1885 10 ö. Type I and Type II mint, 1891 set with Crown wmk. excl. 10 ö complete to 1 kr. including shades of the 50 ö., 1892 1 ö. imperforate from sheet corner, 1903 GPO 5 kr. blue (2), 1910/14 1 kr. black pair, Landstorm I and II sets, 1920 Airmails with varieties, 1920/34 Coil issue with excellent selection of listed (and rare) watermark varieties, 1920 Posthorn issue with varieties - incl. 1 kr. orange with KPV wmk., Gustav issue with 30 ö. light blue (signed), 30 ö. brown on white paper (rare), 35 ö. in all three shades, 40 ö. green in all shades and types, 50 ö. olive, 1924 UPU Congress and Anniversary sets, 1931 Palace 5 kr. both types, 1939 Gustav and Crowns issues etc. In addition 1855 3 sk. bluish-green and 8 sk. orange used and two covers.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.500 CHFLosnr. : 1980 Schweden
1855/72: Lot two album pages with Coat of Arms 8 Skill bco orange and 24 Skill bco, 1856 Stockholm City Post in black and 1862 bistre, 1858 set to 50 oere, 1866 set of two unused 17 oere with large part o.g., 20 oere without gum as well as 1872 set to 1 R. used, mainly with fine strikes of different towns. An appealing group, the better values with dealer's signatures Mi = € 4'500.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1981 Schweden
1855/2007: Collection several hundred used stamps, incl. some better values, full sets, pairs, strips, booklet panes, souvenir sheets, officials and postage dues, good to mixed quality and housed in one Schaubek album.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 270 CHFLosnr. : 1982 Schweden
1878/1955: Collection with better sets and values unused/used, incl. 1916 Landstorm used, 1924 Postal Congress and UPU unused as well as some officials.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1983 Türkei
1779 (May 29): Entire letter from Aleppo to Marseille endorsed on front via Constantinople, with manuscript notation of Forwarding Agent on flap: "acheminée a Cos.ple le 2 Juillet 1779, (by your humble and obedient servants) Les Frères Nessiurat". Opens well for display, a fine and early entire.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 130 CHFLosnr. : 1984 Türkei
1802/46: Covers (3), all from Constantinople with 1802 entire to Paris via the overland route and disinfected at Semlin, 1846 entire disinfected in Malta to Livorno and 1852 cover to Syra carried by French Paquebot with fine strike of EUROTAS Steamer datestamp (July 26) on front in black (Salles fig. 775), the latter being rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1985 Türkei
Losnr. : 1986 Türkei
1842: Entire letter from Brousse (Bursa) to Bologna, reverse showing fine NETTO DI FUORA ET DI DENTRO disinfection cachet applied at Semlin with large part of Semlin red wax seal below. Struck with italic TURQUIE in black and 'ALTA / GERMANIA NORD on arrival in Bologna (Van der Linden fig. 107) in red. Two line Bologna arrival superbly struck on reverse (Dec 19) in black.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1987 Türkei
1846 (Sept 4): Entire letter written from Smirna addressed to Capt. George Drew of the Brig 'Sarah Abigail' of Boston in Dardanelles, the ship having sailed the entire was forwarded on to the Agent's C. S. Grace of Constantinople and struck at upper left with oval 'AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / Smirne' handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 5) and smudged Costantinopoli example alongside, both in black. Some acid ink in address but a scarce entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1988 Türkei
1857 (Aug 7): Entire letter prepaid from Constantinople to Brousse, with sender's cachet in blue at left and bearing superb strike of oval framed COSTANTINOPOLI POSTA DEI PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI / P. P. in black at right (Ringström & Tester fig. 8). File fold away from cachets, a fine and rare entire. Opinion Holcombe (1990).Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1989 Türkei
1858 (June 23): Entire letter datelined from Mardin situated at the upper Tigris in Mesopotamia written in Italian to Lyon with green Forwarding Agent's cachet applied in Alexandrette / Iskenderun on reverse; thence via French PO in Alexandrette and charged "10" décimes due on receipt (July 28).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1990 Türkei
Losnr. : 1991 Türkei
1865/94: Collection on leaves with Dulos 1865 first type unused to 25 pi. vermilion (signed), fine unused block of nine 10 pa. bronze-green with central stamp (position 133) showing variety '1' for '10' (Mi. 5F), two examples of 1 pi. yellow Error of Colour unused (Mi. 7F), 1867 issue complete including rare 25 pi. salmon unissued (1'500 printed, Mi. IV = € 5'000) and retouched 10 pa. error unused (Mi. I PFI), 1868 perf. 13½ issue with 10 pa. lilac unused (2) and in an imperforate block of four used on piece at Izmir, rare 10 pa. yellow Error of Colour used, scarce 20 pa. green in unused pair (Mi. 14A = € 1'100) and a single example, 1868 Postage Due 25 pi. brown unused (2, unpriced by Isfila); 1870 perf. 5-11 set unused with varieties and multiples, 1873 perf. 12 issue incl. rare 10 pa. grey-lilac unused (2) and multiples, 1876 with 10 pa. lilac, 20 pa. green with inverted surcharge unused; Empire 1876 set with imperf. vertical tête-bêche pairs, 1880/84 1 pi. unused with 'Piastri' variety (2), further imperforate Proof pairs incl. the 1888 Postage Due set etc. A fine original lot exhibited in Paris (1964) and Wipa, Vienna (1965).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 1992 Türkei
1872: Entire letter from Metkovich to Sarajevo with sender's cachet in blue on front, franked on reverse with Turkey Dulos 20 pa. green, rough perf. 5-11 in a strip of three, one torn on opening but intact, tied by circular all arabic 'Mostar' handstamps in black (Coles & Walker fig. 16). Scarce.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1993 Türkei
1880 (March 14): Cover from Smyrne to Aleppo franked by France Type Sage 25 c. bistre on yellow (2, one with closed tear at right), tied by MSYRNE / TURQUIE D'ASIE cds in black. Mailed via French P.O. in Alexandrette with dotted circular datestamp (March 18) and marked '4' on reverse in red crayon (possibly four items), as the small envelope is taxed with Turkey 1869/72 Postage Due 2 pi. brown and Postage 1876 1 pi. yellow tied by 'Alep' cds. Despite faults an unusual cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1994 Türkei
Italian Occupation of Anatolia 1919: Imprinted registered cover from Aidin to Zurich franked by Italy 1906 5 c. green and 1908 50 c. violet tied by POSTE MILITARE / 171 datestamp (May 6) in black. Registration cachet at left and reverse with Bologna, Milan and arrival cds's. Scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1995 Türkei
Italian Occupation of Anatolia 1921: Imprinted registered cover from Adalia to Turin franked by Italy 1908 25 c. blue pair and 40 c. brown pair tied by fine strikes of POSTE ITALIANE / ADALIA (ANATOLIE) datestamps (May 30) in black. Registered label at left and reverse with red Censor cachet and arrival cds (June 14). Scarce and fine cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1996 Türkei
1908: 20 pa. carmine and 1 pi. full blue, each used on reg'd 1908 postcard to Lausanne, Switzerland (with contemporary photograph attached to front of card) tied by neat MONASTIR cds (Aug 12) in black. Pink registration label at left and neat 'Lutry' arrival cds on front (Aug 17). Delightful and unusual usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1997 Türkei
Losnr. : 1998 Türkei
Losnr. : 1999 Türkei
1917: Colour proofs of the orphan issue with 10 pa. and 20 pa. denomination, of the 1 pia. Dardanelles definitive, and of an unissued 1 pia. stamp depicting soldiers in the trench (later issued with a 5 pa. ovpt.), in total twelve proofs neatly mounted on a cardboard.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 2000 Türkei
Losnr. : 2001 Türkei
Losnr. : 2002 Türkei
Losnr. : 2003 Zypern
Losnr. : 2004 Zypern
Turkish Cypriot Posts 1964/91: Collection of thousands used/unued stamps, partially in blocks of four and covers, everything in large quantity, incl. 1964 precursors with Cyprus definitives on covers, cancelled by Turkish Cypriot handstamps, early 1974 FDC's, rural cancellations as well as definitives with SPECIMEN overprints and varieties such as missing perfs. or missing colours. In 16 albums/folders and one box.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 2005 Türkei
1867: Postage Due Dulos 25 pi. pale brown, perf. 12½, unissued, a fine unused example of good colour, one or two slightly nibbed perforations and minor ink spot at right, however a very rare stamp. Cert. Isfila (2003) Isfila YP13 = TL 8'500/Scott J15 = $ 21'250/Mi = € 25'000.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 8.000 CHFLosnr. : 2006 Türkei
1876: '½ Pre' ovpt. on Dulos 20 pa. green, a fine used pair on 1879 underpaid entire letter from Constantinople to Orebich, Dalmatia tied by framed all-arabic handstamp in blue with 'Constantinople / Turquie' despatch cds (Dec 2) alongside and 'T' marking struck in black. Reverse with 'Zara' transit cds (11/12) and Orebich arrival cds (12/12).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 2007 Türkei
1863/1940: Small group of covers (8), all taxed, with 1863 cover bearing Postage Due 1 pi. and 2 pi. cancelled in Constantinople on arrival from Makri, 1872 taxed entire rated 3 pi. cancelled in Der Aliye, 1893 taxed card from Wurttemburg, 1897 stampless cover from France taxed with pair of 1 pi. black on arrival, 1911 cover from Baghdad taxed 2 pi., 1930 Poste Restante fee cover etc. Condition varies but a scarce group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 2008 Türkei
1890c.: Large sheet (24 x 37 cms.) showing imperforate Proof strikes of Fiscals with 49 different impressions on white card paper, showing 'Timbre' values from 10 paras through to 500 paistres and six further Proofs at base from 10 pa. to 10 pi., all printed in pale rose-carmine. The sheet with two horizontal creases largely in the margins between the Proofs but very scarce and most unusual.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2009 Türkei
Admiralty Steamship Company 1858 (May 11): Entire letter from Constantinople to Brousse franked by imperforate Admiralty adhesive in pale red, large margins all round and endorsed '2½' (piastres) in manuscript, framed 'P / Anchor P' handstamp in black alongside (Ringstrom & Tester type 10). File fold well away from the adhesive, an extremely rare stamp on cover. Certs. RPS (1977), BPA (2003) Michel = € 10'000.
Provenance: Collection Adolf Passer.
Collection Otto Hornung, Corinphila sale 141 (May 2004), lot 2947.
Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 2010 Türkei
Asia Minor Steam Ship Co. 1868: 2 pi. black on green, imperforate on green glazed surface coloured paper, a fine large margined used example with part 'Asia Minor' cachet in blue, thinned and minor corner bend but a stamp of great scarcity Mi = € 5'000.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 2011 Türkei
The Ottoman Empire in Europe 1870/1912(ca.): Collection 150 used stamps and one cover from the Western Balkan area of the Ottoman Empire, written up on pages incl. Serbia, Novipazar, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia as well as Kosovo. Overall neat to crisp cancellations also in blue with some rare ones included, a nice selection.Ausruf : 650 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 2012 Ukraine
1918/19: Lot 100 stationery postal cards with Trident ovpts. from Kyiv (70) and other districts (30), primarily on Kerenski but also few on Imperial postcards, several with add. Trident ovpt. definitives, all cancelled, some to order, all ex collections Zelonka and Dr. Seichter, competent signatures such as Bulat, Kobylanski, and O. E. Peters. Rarely seen in that quantity.Ausruf : 1.800 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 2013 Ukraine
1918/19: Group three covers incl. 1918 50 sh. red and Russia imperf. 3 k. rose Arms issue pair, 5 k. Fiscal and nine Postal Savings 1 k. red on buff used to Gomel, also a registered cover with 1918 10 sh., 20 sh. in combination with Trident ovptd. stamps (14) tied by RYLSK (Kursk Gub.) datestamps and used to Tworkau, Germany as well as 1919 Parcel Receipt Card from Zhitomir to Petrograd franked on front with a scarce mixed franking of Shahiv 20 sh. brown and 50 sh. red vertical pair and Jan 1919 20 hr. vermilion on green just off edge of card, franked additionally on reverse with six Kiev II Trident opts. on imperf. 1 r. brown & red-orange.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2014 Jugoslawien
Local issues Vojvodina 1944 (Oct 20): 'Senta' issues, Serbia with 'Small Senta' set showing the exceedingly rare ovpt. 'YUGOSLIVIYA' instead of 'YUGOSLAVIYA' on 2 f orange-red with a printrun of only two stamps according to the printer Werner Mirko, together with a complete non-issued set of 14 definitives 6 f. grey-blue to 5 p. on 1 f. red-brown and three postage due 20 f. on 3 f. brown-carmine to 50 f. on 6 f. brown-carmine showing ovpt. shifts, in unmounted og. condition. This so called 'Big Senta' set was issued only with a small printrun of 50 complete sets, the rarest issue of the local issues of Yugoslavia, signed and cert. Werner Mirko (31 May 1946).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 2015 Jugoslawien
Katalognummer : 27-33Istria 1945 (Jul 26): Occupation of Fiume, compl. set of seven values 2 l. on 25 c. to 20 l. on 1.25 l., 600 examples in complete or part sheets unmounted og., some perf. separation Mi = € 9'600+ / Sassone 14-20 = € 15'000+.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 2016 Jugoslawien
1936: Printed envelope from the Yugoslavian Olympic Committee to the journalist Predrag Milojevic franked by 50 p. and 3 d. adhesives tied by 'Zagreb' cds (Feb 3) in black - the Berlin Winter Olympics, based at Garmisch-Partenkirschen commenced on February 6, 1936. The envelope with an opening fault at lower left but scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2017 Jugoslawien
1918/19: Selection hundreds used/unused stamps incl. Croatia 1918 Independence declaration, 'SHS HRVATSKA' ovpts. with varieties such as shifted & inverted ovpt, opts. on Coronation issue, 1919 definitives on proof sheet, rare local issues, postage due, Slovenia 1919 Chainbreaker definitives with varieties, newspaper stamps, 1920 plebiscite issue, Baranya 1919 overprints on Hungarian stamps, and Bosnia & Herzegovina, in addition 25 covers with rare frankings and censorship. A fine group in two albums, 18 opinions and certs.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2018 Jugoslawien
1919/26: Specialised Collection hundreds used/unused stamps incl. Slovenia with Chainbreaker definitives and postage due, later joint Yugoslavian issues as well as Bosnia-Herzegovina ovpt. definitives.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2019 Jugoslawien
1935/70: Collection hundreds primarily stamps in unmounted og condition with many compl. sets, singles and miniature sheets Mi = € 1'770 following the consignor.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2020 Jugoslawien
1944/80: Mint collection (many hundreds), in three albums with 1949 Railway souvenir sheet perf. and imperf., 1951 definitives mint, 1951 Zefiz sheet, 1951 Rebellion sheet, 1952 Sports set mint, 1954 Fauna issue complete, majority fine to very fine, a good lot.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2021 Jugoslawien
Local issues 1944/45: Interesting collection 100 unused stamps incl. Bosnia & Herzegovina KUNA set, un-issued Sarajevo issue, cert. Zrinjscak, Croatia issued in Zagreb and Split with postage due, Montenegro issued in Cetinje and Slovenia issued in Ljubljana, Maribor and Murska Sobota. Mi = € 2'000++.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 2022 Jugoslawien
1945/47: Important and very specialized collection Occupation of Trieste, Istria and Fiume, total 730 surcharged stamps of Italy, incl. full sets, better single items, blocs of four and part sheets, many varieties etc., partly some duplication, a rare offer in good quality, housed in one album owner's cat = Sassone € 20'000+.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2023 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2024 Frankreich
1779: 'Grande Poste', a fine compl. example of the 'Journal Politique' or 'Gazette des Gazettes' for July to September 1779 with 96 pages, some stains and aging, with fascinating content from Russia, Germany and primarily France, struck on the outside cover with fine impression of circular PERIODIQUE / CROWN / FRANCS handstamp in black (Legendre 53). Scarce and most unusual.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2025 Frankreich
1780 (Feb 20): 'Poste aux Chevaux' printed entire, endorsed 'Par Roye' and directed to Fonches in the Departement Somme Picardie with two autographs of Claude-François-Marie Rigoley, comte d'Ogny (1756-1790) and of his father Claude-Jean Rigoley, baron d'Ogny. The content deals with the appointment of Claude-François-Marie Rigoley as the last postmaster general of the Ancien Régime following his father in this function.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2026 Frankreich
1790 (ca.): Entire letter from Metz with "PORT PAYE DE METZ" mark with Fleur de lys to "Monsieur Nicolas, chef jardinière de la cour de le prince de la Tour & Taxis, à Scheer, par Strasbourg". The 'Port paye' mark is crossed out and a handwritten 'Franco' added to the cover front. The cover is without content and year but sent after 1786 when Karl Anselm von Thurn und Taxis bought the county of Friedberg-Scheer in nowadays Württemberg, the addressee is the chief gardener of his son Karl Alexander von Thurn und Taxis (1770-1827).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 2027 Frankreich
1817 (Sept 8): Entire from M. Ragoulleau-Bouron, propriétaire et directeur de l'ancien Bureau royal de Correspondance to Moulins Allier with "Rue de la Michodiere No 2 ANCIEN BUREAU de Correspondance à Paris" mark and "P.PAYE.P" in brownish-red to "Boyron fils, avocat à Moulins Allier".Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2028 Frankreich
1847 (May 13): Entire letter from Toulon to Grenoble with interesting content 'nous sommes actuellement en Quarantine au Lazaret mais samedi prochaine nous sommes libre...', the entire slitted and struck on front with fine oval PURIFIÉE / A TOULON in black and Toulon-S-Mer despatch cds at right. Transit and arrival cds on reverse of a fine entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2029 Frankreich
1849/50: Cérès 20 c. black, clear to large margins all round with portion of adjoining stamp at right, used on 1849 entire letter to Sentier, Switzerland tied by grill in black with 'Paris-60' datestamp at left (June 2) in black. Reverse with Orbe (Switzerland) datestamp (June 4) and 'Le Sentier' arrival cds and taxed '14' kreuzer in manuscript (equivalent to 35 rappen) alongside the adhesive (the full amount due on an unpaid single letter). Prior to August 1, 1849 prepayment could not be made in stamps to external / overseas destinations. A very rare and most attractive entire. Signed Calves. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7886.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 2030 Frankreich
1849/50: Cérès 25 c. blue, a magnificent unused example, large margins all round and sheet marginal at left, of excellent colour and large part og. Superb. Signed Calves; cert. von der Weid (2005) Maury 4 = € 8'600.
Lot will be offered in extension certificate Brun
Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2031 Frankreich
1849/50: Cérès 25 c. blue, two examples, one with archive fold and 1 fr. carmine, touched at top, fresh colours, all tied by petits chiffres "2199" to entire letter to Rio de Janeiro, endorsed "par Steamer anglais" with "MULHOUSE 1 AOUT 52" despatch cds, framed PD in red and British "PAID 3 AU 3 1852" in red alongside. An attractive and fresh cover to a scarce destination.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 2032 Frankreich
1849/50: Cérès 40 c. orange, a horizontal strip of three with clear to large margins all round and portions of adjoining stamps at base and at left, used on 1852 entire letter to Utrecht, Netherlands tied by 'grille sans fin', with Paris despatch cds (June 16) at right and framed 'PD' in red. Reverse with Utrecht arrival cds (June 18) in red. A fine and attractive double rate cover Scott 7/Maury 5 = € 3'150.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 2033 Frankreich
1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. deep carmine, a fine large margined example, used on 1850 triple rate cover to Louhans, tied by neat grill handstamp in black with 'Lyon' despatch cds (Sept 27) at right and Louhans arrival cds (Sept 28) on reverse. Flap fault on reverse but a fine and appealing cover. Signed Calves. Cert. Von der Weid (2001) Scott 9 = $ 2'000/Maury 6 = € 1'750/Yvert = € 1'600.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 2034 Frankreich
Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.Losnr. : 2035 Frankreich
1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. deep carmine, clear to large margins all round, used on 1853 double rate cover endorsed 'via di Mare' to Pisa, Tuscany in combination with vertical pair of 10 c. yellowish bistre, just clear to huge margins, neatly tied by 1896 petit chiffres with Marseille despatch cds (Jan 1) adjacent. Framed 'PD' in red and reverse with Livorno transit (Jan 4) in red and 'Pisa / Strada Ferrata' cds in black. A few minor cover imperfections (the letter may benefit by being refolded) but a very scarce franking.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 2036 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2037 Frankreich
1862: 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. rose all used on 1864 cover to Shanghai, China tied by 532 gros chiffres with Bordeaux despatch cds (Sept 9) at right. Framed 'PD' at base and 'Après Le Départ' in black; the cover endorsed in manuscript to be forwarded if the addressee was not found. Reverse with SHANG-HAI / BAU. FRANCAIS arrival cds (Nov 1) and returned to sender in Bordeaux (Jan 2, 1865). Top flap missing on reverse but a fine three colour franking and a most unusual usage.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 2038 Libanon
1865: Cover from Beirut to USA franked with 1861 USA 3 c. (uncancelled) and France 1862 80 c. rose-carmine (2) tied by 5082 gros chiffres on despatch, with BEYROUT / SYRIE cds above (Nov 3) and framed PD in black. Circular 'New York / Paid' of arrival (Dec 5) and handstruck '3' US credit marking in red. Manuscript at top 'Due 34 c.' is erroneous unless it referred to other covers mailed / delivered at the same time as 1 fr. 60 c. as denoted by the PD paid the full amount due. Scarce cover.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 2039 Frankreich
Paris Commune 1871: Covers (4) all mailed during the Commune period (Feb 26-May 23, 1871) from Paris, with 1867 20 c. on cover to Dieppe (March 5), defective cover to Stuttgart with two 1867 20 c. blue (March 18) and covers (2) with 1867 30 c. brown to Geneva (March 23 and March 26) one with manuscript 'Authorisé' at base, in addition correpondence of seven entires mailed during the Prussian Occupation or from Commune period from Paris to Bourbon-Lancy. A scarce and most interesting group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2040 Frankreich
1863/67: 80 c. rose used with 1871/75 Cérès 25 c. blue pair, on 1873 cover from Valparaiso to Bordeaux cancelled by dotted 'Anchor' lozenge with VALPARAISO octagonal Consular datestamp (Salles fig. 1381) in black at left (May 12) of despatch. Carried by the 'Ville de San Nazaire' to Panama, with reverse (opens well for display) showing fine circular LIGNE F / PAQ. FR. No. 1 datestamp (May 21) and carried by the 'Louisiane' from Colon to Bordeaux (June 25). The adhesives with aging and crossed by file fold but a cover of great scarcity: Salles 'RR-Pièce d'Amateur'. Opinion Todd (2009).
Provenance: Collection Berkinshaw-Smith, Corinphila sale 145 (April 2006), lot 3170.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 2041 Frankreich
1871/76: Cérès 25 c. blue, the beautiful display collection on exhibit leaves, with Type I block of ten from the lower right corner of the sheet, a block of four in a pale shade and a block of the General Issues for the Colonies imperf. in a mint block of six, a used reconstruction of Pane B2 (150 stamps), and pages with the plating characteristics shown with accompanying illustrated flaws, further pages with matched France / General Issues imperf. 1871 20 c. blue (Yvert 23) showing the same flaws on each stamp with multiples and cancellation interest. A splendid collection with a few covers.
Provenance: Collection John Levett FRPSL.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 2042 Frankreich
1875/80: Essay for proposed UPU / Type Sage issue: "Unification D'Un Timbre Poste Internationale De L'Union Postale / Spécimens & Système Garanti Contre Toute Fraudes / De MM. J. A. Pichot & Eugène Pichot / Imprimeaur, Graveur-Lithographe, 72 Quai Jemmapes / Paris" with 15 values from 1 c. to 5 fr. in varying background colours imperforate on thin white paper with all values in red, thin and pinhole above the inscription away from the stamps. A scarce item; for a further, slightly different example of this Essay, see the 'Severin Collection', Corinphila sale 174, lot 4048.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 2043 Frankreich
1900/37: Lot seven fine proofs incl. 1900 First Mouchon Proofs (2) for 15 c. in grey-violet and deep violet imperf., also imperf. Proofs for 20 c. value in pale lilac and 30 c. in orange, 1902 Mouchon Issue retouched, 10 c. completed Die Proof in grey-black on thin pelure paper, 1902 Mouchon Issue retouched, Die Proof in black on thick cream card paper with value erased in black, and 1937 Anniversary of US Constitution, incomplete Artist's Proof in dull blue, without value tablet or central inscription signed by the engraver, A. Delzers in pencil, in addition Cameroun 1946/50 'Native Head' Die Proofs (3) 15 f. blue-green, 20 f. deep green and 25 f. grey-black.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2044 Frankreich
Argentina 1870: Bordeaux 80 c. rose, two fine examples with large margins all round, used on 1871 cover from Bordeaux to Buenos Aires, Argentina at double rate (in blue manuscript on front), neatly tied by 532 gros chiffres of Bordeaux with despatch cds at left (March 31) and framed 'P.P.' in red. London transit cds on front in red (April 3). A fine and most unusual franking. Signed Hunziker. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7927.
Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 2045 Frankreich
Australia 1853: 10 c. bistre brown, 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, all with large margins all round, used on 1856 cover from Reims to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia paying the 1 fr. 50 centime rate, tied by dotted '2462' petit chiffres with despatch cds of Reims below (Nov 5) and framed 'PP' in red. London transit cds in red on front (Nov 7) and reverse (opens well for display) showing SHIP LETTER / SYDNEY datestamp (Jan 10, 1857) in black with '1d.' charge marking in red on front. A splendid and most attractive four colour franking to a very rare destination. Cert. Von der Weid (2004).Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 2046 Frankreich
Austria 1849/50: Cérès 20 c. black and 1 fr. brown-carmine, each with large margins all round, used on small 1851 cover to the Baron Thomas Ward in Vienna, Austria via Germany each tied by grill with Paris cds of despatch at left (June 3). Reverse with Vienna arrival cds in red. Slight closed tear at top of cover away from adhesives but an extremely fine and rare usage: believed to be a unique combination paying the more expensive rate to Austria. Signed Baudot, Thiaude. Cert. Jamet (1993), Von der Weid (1999).
Note: Rates of July 1, 1851: 1 franc via Switzerland or Sardinia, 1 franc 20 centimes via Germany.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 111 (May 1999), lot 2706.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 2047 Frankreich
Austria 1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, a fine large margined example used on 1853 green envelope to Pirano, Istria, Austria mailed via Germany; tied by 'gros points' lozenge in black with Paris despatch cds at right (Oct 11). Struck with italic 'Affranchisement / Insuffisant' in red and overstruck framed 'PD' in red as payment (by tariff of July 1, 1851) was 20 centimes short paid. Reverse with Trieste transit and Pirano arrival cds (Oct 17), front showing '9' (kreuzer) in red crayon. A rare and most unusual cover. Signed Baudot, A. Diena. Cert. Boule (2000).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 2048 Frankreich
Belgium 1849: Cérès 20 c. black, four margined example with minute scissor cut at base in margin, used on 'Border Rate' 1850 cover from Sedan to Bouillon, Belgium tied by grill with Sedan despatch cds alongside (July 24). Framed 'PD' in red at right and reverse with circular 'France / Par Bouillon' in red of the same day. A fresh and attractive cover of great scarcity showing a fully prepaid external usage. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7830.
Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 2049 Frankreich
Chile 1853: 80 c. carmine, horizontal pair with ample to large margins all round and a large margined single example with portion of adjoining stamp at left, used on 1859 entire letter at double rate to Santiago, Chile tied by DS3 lozenge of dots with Paris despatch cds at left (Dec 31) and framed 'P.P.' in red. London cds of transit in red below (Jan 2, 1860) and thence via British P.O. in PANAMA with double arc cds in black (Jan 27). Charged '15' centavos due on arrival in red. An attractive, fresh and fine entire. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7934.
Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 2050 Frankreich
China 1853: 20 c. blue, two horizontal strips of four, each with just touched to good margins all round and one strip over edge at base, used on 1861 entire letter at double rate to Shanghai, China tied by 1031 petit chiffres with 'Crest' cds of despatch alongside (Jan 28). Framed 'P.P.' in red and reverse with Marseille cds (Jan 29) and 'Hong Kong' transit datestamp in black and docketing of reply (April 19) inside. A superb and rare entire. Cert. Boule (1999).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 2051 Frankreich
China 1853: 80 c. carmine rose, a fine large margined example used on 1861 entire letter at single rate by British ship to Shanghai, China tied by 1896 petit chiffres with Marseille cds of despatch at left (Feb 27). Reverse with 'Hong Kong' datestamp of transit (April 11) in black. A delightful and scarce cover in superb quality. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7953.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 2052 Frankreich
Colombia 1849/50: Cérès 25 c. blue in a vertical pair with large margins all round, used in combination with 1 fr. carmine, frameline barely touched at base, on 1852 entire letter at single rate to Medellin, Colombia tied by 'grille sans fin' with Paris despatch cds (Jan 15) at left and framed 'PD' in red. London transit datestamp in red (Jan 16) and, on arrival, struck with oval CARTAGENA / DEBE and '3' (reales) due handstamp both in red. An attractive and rare franking. Signed Baudot. Cert. Jamet (1999).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 2053 Frankreich
Costa Rica 1853: 80 c. carmine, a superb large margined example used on 1857 entire letter from Paris to San José, Costa Rica, tied by 'J' in lozenge of dots in black with Paris despatch cds (Nov 14) at left. Framed 'P.P.' in red on front and London transit (Nov 16) in red. Reverse with sender's circular cachet 'Compagnie Générale Maritime' in blue. A rare entire.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 2054 Frankreich
Cuba 1853: 1 fr. carmine, a horizontal strip of three, margins just touched to large all round, used on 1854 double rate cover to Havana, Cuba via London, tied by '701' petit chiffres of Chalons-Sur-Marne with despatch cds at left (March 11) and framed 'PD' in red. London transit cds on front (March 13) and struck with 'NE2' handstamp in blue on arrival. Slight tears at top and base of cover but a remarkable multiple franking to a rare destination. Signed Calves (twice) and Roumet.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 2055 Frankreich
France 1862: 20 c. blue and 80 c. carmine used on 1866 entire letter to from Paris to Cobija, Bolivia tied by Paris Star-4 in black with 'Paris-R. D'Enghien' cds below (Jan 15). London transit cds in red of the following day and thence via Steamer 'Plata' to Panama with British P.O. cds in black and British P.O. COBIJA arrival cds (Feb 24) all on the obverse of a fine and scarce entire. Signed Calves.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 2056 Frankreich
French Polynesie / Tahiti 1853: 80 c. rose, clear to large margins, used on 1859 envelope addressed from Lorient to the Commander of the 'Thesbie' on Oceanic Station at Tahiti, tied by '1761' petit chiffres with Lorient despatch cds at right (Aug 13) and framed 'P.P.' in red. London transit cds in red (Aug 15) and thence mailed in error to Jacmel / Haiti with British P.O. cds on reverse (Sept 12) of receipt. Manuscript 'Missent to Jacmel, Haiti' at top and thence via British P.O. in St. Thomas (Sept 16) and Panama (Sept 26) to Tahiti. Sensibly opened for Exhibit display, an extraordinary cover to either destination.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 2057 Frankreich
Guatemala 1867: Laureated 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine (2) used on 1870 entire letter at double rate from Paris to Guatemala, tied by Paris Star-1 obliterators with 'Paris-Place de la Bourse' cds (Jan 31) alongside. Framed 'P.P.' in red and London transit cds at left (Feb 1) in red, charged '2' reales due with handstamp in red on arrival. A fine and scarce entire to a most unusual destination. Cert. Boule (1999).Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 2058 Frankreich
Japan 1870/75: Cérès 40 c. orange single and horizontal pair and 10 c. bistre on rose all tied to 1874 single rate cover from Paris to Yedo, Japan (Captain Lebon correspondence) by Paris Star-18 obliterators with despatch cds at left (Feb 20). Framed 'P.P.' in red below and reverse with 'Paris-Modane' transit in red and 'Yokohama / Bau. Francais' arrival cds (April 8) in black. Docketing of receipt '10 Avril 74' in ink at left, a fine and unusual franking. Cert. Boule (1999).Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 2059 Frankreich
Japan 1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue (2) and 80 c. carmine used on 1873 entire letter from Lyon via Brindisi to Yokohama, Japan at single rate tied by 6316 gros chiffres with Lyon despatch cds at left (Jan 10) and framed 'PD' in red. Reverse with Paris-Modane TPO in red and 'Yokohama / Bau. Francais' datestamp of receipt (March 2). An attractive, fresh and fine entire. Cert. Von der Weid (1998).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7955.
Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 2060 Frankreich
Malta 1853: 20 c. blue on bluish lilac paper, a magnificent horizontal pair with huge margins all round, used on small 1858 single rate cover addressed to a member of the Royal Artillery at St. Elmo, Malta tied by 1078 petit chiffres with 'Darnetal' despatch cds below (March 18). Framed 'PD' in red at right and reverse with double arc 'Malta' arrival cds (March 24) in black. A charming and scarce cover. Cert. Boule (1999).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 2061 Frankreich
Mexico 1867/68: 5 fr. grey, a superb used example, well centred and of excellent colour, tied to 1874 five times rate cover to Guadalajara, Mexico by Paris Star-22 and by 'Paris / Rue Taitbout' cds of despatch (May 19) in black. Framed P.P. in red below and reverse with circular LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. * No. 2 Paquebot datestamp (Salles fig. 1431) in black (May 20) and carried on the 'Ville de St. Nazaire' to Vera Cruz with arrival cds adjacent (June 17). Charged '60' (centavos) due for inland transmission at Vera Cruz (5 x 12 centavos). A wonderful and extremely rare single franking used to an overseas destination. Cert. Brun (2016) Yvert = € 30'000.
Provenance: Robert Siegel (2001).Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : 15.000 CHFLosnr. : 2062 Frankreich
Norway 1853: 40 c. orange (five examples) and 80 c. rose (five examples) all with close to large margins all round, used on 1862 cover carried at five times rate of 6 francs from Paris to Christiania, Norway tied by 'D' in lozenge of dots with Paris cds (Sept 29) cds alongside. Framed 'PD' in red and reverse with 'Sandosund' transit cds (Oct 5). File fold away from the adhesives, a remarkable and colourful high franking to an unusual destination.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 2063 Frankreich
Norway 1853: 80 c. rose imperf., a fine four margined example used in combination with 1862 40 c. orange perf., on 1863 single rate cover to Bergen, Norway tied by 1095 gros chiffres with Cognac cds (March 9) alongside. Framed 'PD' in red at left and reverse with 'Svinesund' transit cds (March 16) and red crayon '1' (skilling) local delivery charge on front. A fine and rare mixed issue franking to a very scarce destination.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 2064 Frankreich
Peru 1853: 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and a spectacular horizontal strip of seven 80 c. carmine, all stamps with four margins, used on 1855 triple weight cover from Le Havre to Lima, Peru; cancelled by 1495 petit chiffres with 'Bureau Maritime / Havre' cds in red below (Feb 23) and framed 'P.P.' in red. Framed FOREIGN PAID in greenish ink on front and reverse with both London and Southampton (March 1) transits alongside circular 'Vapor / Lima' arrival in blue. A superb and rare cover. Signed A. Diena. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7944.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 2065 Frankreich
Philippines 1862: 80 c. carmine rose in a horizontal pair, used on 1866 double rate cover to Manila, Philippines via Marseille, tied by Paris Star-24 obliterators with 'Paris-Rue de Clery' despatch cds below (Jan 20) and framed 'P.P.' in red. Handstruck '2' (reales) due marking on front for local delivery and reverse with 'Manila' arrival cds (March 16). Tiny nick at base of cover otherwise a fine cover to a scarce destination. Cert. Boule (1999).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 2066 Frankreich
Prussia 1849/50: Cérès 10 c. olive bistre, superb example with large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at right, overlapping a fine horizontal pair of 1 fr. carmine, large margins, all tied to 1852 double rate cover to Aix La Chapelle, Prussia (1st. Rayon) by DS2 dotted lozenge with Paris cds (April 6) at left and straight line FRANCO above. Reverse with 'Aus Frankreich / Per Aachen' (April 7) struck in black and arrival cds alongside. A superb and most attractive cover. Cert. Von der Weid (1980).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 2067 Frankreich
(Ile de la) Réunion 1852: Présidence 10 c. deep bistre with large margins all round and 20 c. blue with clear to large margins, both stamps showing portions of adjoining stamps and in deep shades, used on 1853 cover at single Colonial rate by French ship (tariff was internal rate + 10 centimes) addressed to the Governor of Réunion in St. Denis, Réunion tied by 2495 petit chiffres with 'Pont-Croix' cds of despatch at base (Oct 11). Framed 'PD' in red at right and reverse with various transits including Paris (Oct 13) and 'Bureau Maritime / Havre' cds's in red (same day), framed 'F' handstamp and faint arrival cds both in black alongside (Nov 22). A superb and rare cover with both values of the Présidence issue. Signed Calves. Cert. Calves (1982), Robineau (1998).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7456.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 2068 Frankreich
Russia 1853: 20 c. blue, a fine large margined example used on small 1855 envelope and full contents, addressed during the Crimean War to an Ensign on board the 'Provencale' at Kinburn (Kil-Bourun) off the coast of Russia (near Otchakoff), endorsed 'Escadre de la Méditerranée' and tied by petit chiffres 2128 with Montpellier cds alongside (Dec 12). A fine and scarce entire - the Russian fort at Kinburn was bombarded by French Ironclads in October 1855. Cert. Boule (1999).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 2069 Frankreich
St. Pierre et Miquelon 1849: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, a fine example with three large margins and imperceptibly shaved at base, with 1852 Présidence 25 c. blue horizontal pair, clear to large margins all round, used on 1853 entire letter at single rate from St. Malo to Ile aux Chiens, St. Pierre et Miquelon endorsed 'Via Halifax par Liverpool' tied by 3176 petit chiffres with St. Malo despatch cds at left (Aug 2). Framed 'PD' in red at left and thence via London and Liverpool with green datestamp (Aug 6) and carried by Cunard Line Steamer 'America'. Red circular Inspector's marking on front and handstruck '2' (cents) to collect on arrival. Reverse with Halifax arrival (Aug 16) and 'Sydney / C.B.' (Cap Breton) datestamp (Aug 20) in black. A unique and magnificent mixed issue cover to an extraordinary destination. A highlight of French classic Postal History. Cert. Calves (1984).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7455.
Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2070 Frankreich
(El) Salvador 1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue pair and single 80 c. carmine used on 1873 entire letter at single rate to Santa Ana, El Salvador tied by Paris Star-1 obliterators and by framed 'P.P.' in red with 'Paris-Place de la Bourse' cds (July 16) alongside. London transit cds at left (July 17) in red and charged '4 rs.' due to pay in blue manuscript. A fresh and fine entire to a scarce destination. Cert. Boule (1999).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2071 Frankreich
Sardinia 1852: Présidence 25 c. blue, vertical pair with ample to huge margins all round used on 1853 entire letter to Turin, Sardinia tied by neat 'gros points' lozenge in black with Paris despatch cds (June 14) at right. Framed 'PD' in red alongside and reverse with 'Torino' arrival cds (June 16) in black. A charming and scarce entire.
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7853.
Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 2072 Frankreich
Spain 1853: 20 c. blue in a superb horizontal pair used on 1860 cover from Bayonne to Madrid (cert. Von der Weid) and 1862 40 c. orange used as single franking on 1865 cover from Marseille to Barcelona tied on arrival by barred '2' numeral with 'Admon de Cambio / Barcelona / 3 Ctos.' handstamp alongside (signed A. Diena). A fresh and fine pair.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 2073 Frankreich
United Kingdom 1849: Cérès 20 c. black, two horizontal pairs used on 1849 single weight entire letter from Paris to London, neatly cancelled by grill obliterators in black with Paris despatch cds in red (Oct 30), framed 'PD' in red and London 'Paid' arrival cds (same day) in red alongside. Reverse with 'Ligne de Calais' cds in black. File fold away from adhesives but an attractive and scarce use of the 20 c. on an overseas cover in the first year of use. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7843.
Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 2074 Frankreich
United States of America 1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. brown-carmine, single and horizontal pair with ample to large margins all round, used on 1850 double weight cover from Paris to New York, USA tied by grill obliterators with Paris despatch cds (June 29) at right with framed 'PD' in red. London transit cds (July 1) and thence carried on Cunard Steamer 'America' leaving Liverpool on July 6. Struck on arrival with '5' (cents) marking in black for inland postage. An extremely fine and rare cover in exceptional quality. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7907.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 2075 Frankreich
United States of America 1849/50: Cérès 40 c. orange, two superb large margined examples used on 1853 cover (with full original contents) from Paris to Lancaster, PA, USA endorsed 'Bateau à Vapeur Américain par voie d'Angleterre' at top, tied by 'gros points' lozenge in black with Paris cds (June 27) and framed 'PD' in red at right. Carried on the Collins Line Steamer 'Atlantic' leaving Liverpool on June 29 and struck on arrival with 'N. York / 21' American credit datestamp (July 10) in black. An extremely rare franking at the reduced single rate per American steamer. Signed Friedl. Cert. Von der Weid (1998).
Provenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7918.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 2076 Frankreich
United States of America 1873: USA Banknote issue 10 c. brown (Scott 161) used on small 1874 envelope to Paris from Syracuse / NY (Sept 10) to the Forwarding Agent's Munroe & Co. in Paris and carried on British Packet via Calais (Sept 23). On arrival in Paris the cover received the oval FORWARDED BY / MUNROE & Co. cachet in black and was readdressed to Vienna; franked by France 1871/75 Cérès 30 c. brown vertical pair tied by Paris Star-3 obliterators in black with despatch cds (Sept 24) alongside. A charming and scarce cover.
Note: The Transatlantic rate by British Steamer to France was reduced to 9 cents in August 1874, thus this cover demonstrates a late, possibly the last, usage of the 10 cent rate. The cover was carried on the White Star Line Steamer 'Britannic'.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 2077 Frankreich
Venezuela 1867: Laureated 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine in a horizontal pair used on 1870 double rate cover from Paris to Merida, Venezuela mailed 'via de Southampton' and sent care of Forwarding Agent J. A. Jesurun in Curacao; the adhesives tied by Paris Star obliterators in black with 'Paris - R. de Clery' cds (June 30) and framed 'P.P.' in red alongside, the 40 c. also tied by CURACAO cds (July 17) in black. A fine and scarce franking. Cert. Boule (1999).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHF
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