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Losnr. : 39 Haiti
1783 (May 7): Entire letter from Marseille addressed to Lieutenant in Port au Prince, Ile de Saint Domingue, rated '2E' and endorsed per 'Capt. Martin', struck with two strikes of curved COLONIES in red and fine strike of 'CAP' handstamp (Jamet fig. 9) in black. Fresh and fine for such an early entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 40 Haiti
1784 (Nov 30): Entire letter from Bordeaux to Port au Prince rated '2E' in manuscript, struck on arrival with fine CAP handstamp in black (Jamet fig. 10) in black. Reverse with manuscript 'par le navire L'Imposant Capt. Sermirot'. Fresh and very fine entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 41 Haiti
1785c. Entire letter prepaid to border from Grenoble endorsed 'par Paris' and 'par Le Havre' to Cayes via Port au Prince, struck on despatch with P. 37. P / GRENOBLE in black, 'P.P.P.P.' in red below and rated '3E' in manuscript. Struck on arrival with unusual C.A.P. handstamp in black. Long letter, a fine and rare entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 42 Haiti
1881: 1 c. vermilion on yellowish, 2 c. violet, 5 c. green on greenish in a horizontal pair and single 7 c. blue, all used on 1881 double rate cover to Paris endorsed 'pr. Royal Mail via Southampton' tied by PORT-AU-PRINCE datestamps (Aug 24) in black. 'Calais / Paris' TPO cds (Sept 13) on front and reverse with Paris cds. Margins somewhat close to design on the 2 c. and 7 c. and repairs to upper right corner of envelope and the 5 c. pair originally torn off and replaced back but of no great significance as four colour first issue frankings are of the greatest rarity: this cover being the sole such recorded. - Provenance: Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 123 (Oct 2000), lot 2461.
cover slightly cleaned!
Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 8.000 CHFLosnr. : 43 Haiti
1881: 7 c. deep blue, imperforate, a fine example used in combination with 1882 3 c. olive-bistre on pale buff paper, perf. 13½ on 1883 single rate cover endorsed 'per S. S. Saxonia' (German Steamer) to Nantes, France tied by neat CAP-HAITIEN cds (Nov 22) with information strike at left. Reverse with Paris cds of transit (Dec 12) and Nantes arrival cds. Ironed file fold between the adhesives and mentioned only for full accuracy, a superb and rare mixed issue franking in wonderful quality. Opinion Holcombe (1997).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 44 Haiti
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