Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 3265 - 196.-201. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 3265 Finnland

    1 / 1
    5 kop. blue, Large Pearls, a used horizontal pair, large margins on all sides, of rich colour and each cancelled by manucript pen crosses. Vertical bend between the stamp impressions and minor fault at base (again between the stamps), the pen cancellation appears to have been cleaned on the right hand stamp although none of these imperfections are mentioned on the certificate. A fine and scarce multiple. Cert. Gummesson (1995) Mi 1/II = EUR 3'600+/Facit = 80'000 skr.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF