Losnr. 5427 - 191.-195. Auktion
Losnr. : 5427 Philippinen
1863: Redrawn with 'Colon', 5 c. vermilion, two examples, used on July 1, 1863 entire letter from Lingayen to Manila, left hand stamp with closed contemporary tear in top margin and touched by vertical file fold and slightly overlapped by further fine margined example, to pay the 10 centavos rate; tied by circular dotted obliterator and by MANILA arrival cds (July 3) in black. Minor wear to face panel and usual file fold well away from the adhesives, a very rare franking. Cert. Comex (2014) Edifil 11.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHF