Losnr. 3307 - 182.-185. Auktion
182.-185. Auktion
-> 183: The Dr. Hugo Goeggel Collections - BRAZIL (Part 2)
-> Übersee
-> Brasilien
Losnr. : 3307 Brasilien
60 reis black, Early Intermediate Impression on greyish paper, the famous mint block of eight from the First Large plate, State B, positions 33-36/39-42, a marvellously fresh and attractive block, light horizontal crease at base and minor thins, otherwise in a fine state of preservation for such a large multiple; showing marginal vertical line at right. Splendid appearance and very rare.
Provenance: Collection Kuyas (May 1978), lot 82.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 13.500 CHF