Losnr. 1268 - 177.-180. Auktion
Losnr. : 1268 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
1840/1993c.: GB and British Commonwealth Collection from A-Z with 1937 Aden Dhow set mint and compl. mint to 1953, Antigua with 1903 5 s. mint, 1908 set to 5 s. mint, 1932 Tercentenary set mint, Ascension with 1934 and 1935 sets mint, 1938 set mint and later perf. varieties mint; Bahamas with 1884 set with £ 1 used on piece, 1902 £ 1 mint, 1938 set mint plus shades, Barbados with 1852 ½ d. and 4 d. used on blued paper, 1855-58 set superb used, 1892 set mint, 1912 set mint, 1920 set mint, Bechuanaland with earlies and 1932 set mint, Bermuda with 1918 £ 1 mint, 1921 set mint, 1932 Keyplate 10 s. and 12 s. 6 d. mint, 1938-47 Keyplates mint to £ 1 (2), BEA 1895 high values mint, Guiana with early issues used, 1934 set mint, Honduras with 1907 $ 2 and $ 5 mint, Levant compl. with 1 pi. on 2 d. Beirut used, Brunei 1922 Exhibition set mint incl. varieties, Canada with fine used classics and 1897 $ 5 olive used, Cape of Good Hope with triangulars (21) used, 1861 Woodblock 1 d. red (2) and 4 d. pale blue used; Caymans with 1907 5 s. mint, 1921-26 set compl. mint, 1935 set mint, Ceylon with 1857 6 d. used, 1857-59 range of mint and used classics in fine quality (many signed), 1858 1 ½ d. mint, Cyprus with opts. on GB mint and compl. used, ½ d. on 1 d. red and 30 pa. on 1 d. with varieties mint, 1881 set used, 1882 set used, 1892 and 1894 sets mint, 1912 set mint and used, 1921-23 set mint incl. £ 1 (cert.), 1924-28 sets mint and used to £ 1, with mss. cancel £ 5 black on yellow, 1928 set mint and used and compl. to 1960; Dominca with 1923-27 set to £ 1 mint, East Africa 1903 50 r. mint, 1904-07 20 r. mint, 1912 set to 20 r. (both) mint; Egypt in single volume from 1866 with a few covers; Falklands with classics mint incl. 1891 ½ d. on bisected 1 d., 1898 high values mint, 1912 set to £ 1 mint, 1929 set to £ 1 mint, 1933 Centenary set mint, Gambia 1869 4 d. and 6 d. mint, 1874 4 d. used, 1922 set mint, Gibraltar 1886 set mint, 1903 set to £ 1 mint and large "2" in "½" variety, 1912 set mint, 1921 set mint, 1925 set to £ 5 mint, Gold Coast 1902 set mint, 1921-25 set to £ 2 mint, extensive Great Britain with 1840 1 d. black (46, incl. 4 on cover), 2 d. blue (13, incl. a strip of four), 1 d. reds from black plates (11), 1841 2 d. blue used (33), 1847 Embossed values (two sets), later fine Line Engraved and Surface Printed mint and high values used incl. 1867/83 5 s. (2), 10 s. and £ 1, 1884 £ 1 wmk. Crowns used, 1891 £ 1 green used, 1902/10 £ 1 green used (3), 1891 IR Official 1885 10 s. mint and used, 1891 £ 1 green used, 1913 Seahorses with 5 s. and 10 s. mint and £ 1 green used (2), 1918 Seahorse 10 s. mint, 1934 1 ½ d. imperf. Colour Trial pair in blue, 1934 Re-Engraved Seahorse set of three mint, thereafter near compl. to 1993; Hong Kong with classics used and 1891 Jubilee 2 c. mint, 1903 $ 2 mint, 1904 $ 5 mint, 1907 set to $ 2 mint, 1921 $ 5 mint, India 1854 ½ a. used (12), 1 a. mint and used (8), 2 a. used (5) and 4 a. used; 1902 25 r. used, 1937 set to 25 r. mint, Kenya 1922 set to £ 1 mint and £ 3 mint (cert), £ 5 and £ 10 mint optd. "Specimen"; Malaya 1902 $ 100 opt. "Specimen", 1937 set to $ 5 mint; Malta with ½ d. buff mint (6) and used (3),1904 set to 5 s. mint, 1922 set (both 10 s.) mint, 1926 set mint and 3 d. with inv. opt., 1926 and 1928 sets mint, 1930 set mint, Mauritius with 1848 1 d. used, Montserrat from 1876 incl. 1903 5 s. (both) mint, Natal with values to £ 1 10 s., New Brunswick 1851 6 d. yellow fine used, Newfoundland 1857-60 1 d. and 3 d. mint and used, 5 d. mint, 8 d. vermilion mint and used, 1861 issue mint and used incl. 5 d. in mint block, New South Wales with 1850 Views 1 d. (3), 2 d. and 3 d. (4) used; 1851 Diadem with 1 d. used (4) incl. a pair; 1856 Registered (6 d.) used (3), New Zealand with 1855 2 d. fine used, 1856 2 d. no wmk. used, 1857-62 range of Chalons used, 1864 1 d. vermilion wmk. NZ fine used, Nigeria with 1914 £ 1 used, 1936 set to £ 1 mint, Northern Nigeria 1900 and 1902 sets mint, 1912 £ 1 mint, Nova Scotia 1851 1 d., 3 d. (3) and 6 d. used; Nyasaland 1903 £ 1 mint, 1908 £ 1 mint, 1913 £ 1 mint; Palestine 1918 1 pi. indigo used (3), St. Helena 1856 6 d. used, 1861 6 d. used, compl. mint from 1890 to 1919, 1922-27 set compl. mint incl. 15 s. and £ 1; 1934 set mint, St. Lucia 1907-10 set mint, Sierra Leone 1896 set to £ 1 mint, 1903 £ 1 mint, 1904 £ 1 mint, 1912 set to £ 2 mint, 1932 set mint, 1933 Wilberforce set mint, South Australia 1855 set of three fine used, Southern Nigeria 1904 £ 1 mint, 1907 set to £ 1 mint, 1912 set mint, Tanganyika 1917 set to 20 r. mint, 1922 Giraffe set mint, 1927 set mint, Tasmania with range of fine used Chalons, Tobago 1879 1 d. and 3 d. mint, 1893 2 ½ d. on 6 d. with large "2" variety mint, Trinidad with 1859 (1 s.) indigo used, Victoria with 1850 early lithographs 1 d. (7), 2 d., 3 d. (7), 1852-57 Throne 2 d. used (13) in shades and different printings, 1854 registered 1 s. fine used, Virgins Is. with 1899 and 1904 sets mint, Western Australia with 1854 1 d. and 4 d. used, 1857 2 d. brown black on red printed both sides used, 6 d. grey-black used, 1860 4 d. sage used etc. Viewing is a pleasure and is heartily recommended, but considerable care should be taken due to the choice of hawid mounts. Quality is much above average throughout, an exceptional collection.Ausruf : 25.000 CHFZuschlag : 97.000 CHF