Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 812 - 309.-320. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 812 Guatemala

    Official 1912/1924: Selection of covers/cards (10) with 1912/17 perforated Official covers incl. one with blue "El Presidente" logo to USA franked by 50 c. and 75 c. (perfins inverted) for registered rate; 1913 cover to USA with perfin 1 c. and block of four 12½ c.; 1914 cover with perfin 10 c. and pair of 20 c. to USA; 1915 trimmed cover to USA franked block of four 12½ c.; "El Presidente" registered cover to New Zealand with normal 1 c. and perfin 12½ c. pair; "El Presidente" cover registered to USA with perfin 2 c. pair and single 50 c.; 1918 Reseal Censored cover to USA with 2 c. pair and normal 1902 10 c. (4); 1924 "El Presidente" cover with optd. OFICIAL 2 c. pair and single 25 c.; 1926 "El Presidente" cover with perfin 2 c. and $3 (2); 1926 cover with perfin 50 c. and $2.50 to Bahamas and readdressed to USA. An exceptional and scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF