Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 809 - 309.-320. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 809 Guatemala

    1897: Exposition issue cover/card selection (8) with 1897 2 c. on Train 1 c. stationery card, 1897 rare registered cover franked 1 c., 6 c., 10 c. and 18 c. used from Coban to Hamburg; 2 c. stationery envelope (H&G B9) up-rated with 1 c. block of six and single 2 c. used to Austria;  1897 2 c. stationery envelope up-rated for reg'd/AR usage to Berlin with 2 c. (2), 6 c. and 25 c.; registered/AR usage of 6 c. stationery envelope (H&G B10) to Hamburg with 1 c. and strip of three 6 c. on reverse from Coban; 3 c. reply half stationery card (H&G 10b) used with "Ambulante No. 2 / Guatemala y Escuintla" cds; 1897 rare registered cover franked 1 c., 2 c. pair, 12 c. and 18 c. used from Coban to Hamburg etc. A very scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.rn 
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF