Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 628 - 309.-320. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 628 Costa Rica

    1889/1921: The Postal History selection of covers / cards (28) with 1901 2 c. strip of five used on cover to Jamaica; 1903 registered cover to USA at 30 c. rate; 1903 four colour franking cover to Chicago; 1904 registered / AR cover at 35 c. rate to USA; 1904 postcard with 1 c. oin 20 c. pair tied "San Carlos" cds, 1905 cover with single 1 c. on 20 c.; 1905 cover to London with 10 x 1 c. on 20 c.; 1906 four colour reg'd franking to France; 1907 registered covers to London at 25 c. rate; 1910 Official cover at 10 c. rate to USA; 1911 Official cover at 10 c. rate to Germany with strip of five 2 c.; fine range of postcards etc. An attractivce lot. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF