Losnr. 6104 - 298.-307. Auktion
Losnr. : 6104 Frankreich
1853 (May 31): Cover from Paris to Lima, Peru, endorsed "Paquebots anglais via Panama" and bearing a combination franking of Cérès 1849 1 fr. dark-carmine in a horizontal pair and Présidence 10 c. bistre, three fine and fresh adhesives with vivid colour and fair to large margins, each tied by Gros points mute obliterator, clear PARIS despatch cds in black and framed PD in red alongside. Reverse with Ligne-de-Calais ambulant cds and framed VAPOR of Lima in blue. Lightest horizontal file fold well away from the adhesives just mentioned for accuracy, a rare Shipmail franking of utmost attractiveness, paying correctly the 210 centimes single rate in the tariff of August 1849 for mail to the Pacific Coast of South America via Great Britain and Panama. Certs. E. Diena (1984), Calves (1996) Maury = € 15'000.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHF