Losnr. 6548 - 274.-283. Auktion
Losnr. : 6548 Sardinien
1857/58: 5 c. 'verde mirto' (2) and 40 c. 'rosso scarlatto', three fresh and fine adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by clear "St. JEAN DE MAURe 10 FEV. 57" cds to part cover directed to Draguignan. Reverse with French ambulant and Lyon transit cds (Feb 12). Sideflaps and lower backflap missing, horizontal file fold affecting the middle adhesive, still an appealing franking to pay the 50 c. rate from this small office in Savoy to France. Signed G. Bolaffi (1946) and A. Bolaffi (1967) Sassone = € 7'500 on complete cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHF