Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 5088 - 274.-283. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 5088 Brasilien

    1837 (June 13): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to London by British Packet endorsed 'per Lavinia', struck on obverse with fine two line framed ROMNEY / SHIP LETTER in black (Robertson S3) with London arrival cds (Aug 24) in red on reverse. Charged '4/3d.' in manuscript for treble the maritime rate (3 x 8d. = 2s.) + Captain's gratuity (2d.) and treble the inland rate (3 x 9d.). Scarce and fine cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, March 2012, Lugano.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF