Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 875 - 265.-273. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 875 Bulgarien

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    1887: Cover sent stampless to Constantinople, sensibly opened for display and slightly trimmed, sent unpaid during the period of Ottoman non-recognition of Eastern Roumelia / Bulgaria; struck with "T" mark in blue and bilingual "PLOVDIV / PHILIPPOPLE" despatch cds in blue (Jan 10). Turkish "T" mark in black and reverse with Turkey Empire 1 pi. blue (Mi 47) tied by Constantinople cds in blue with Stamboul cds adjacent. Opinion Todd (2015).
    Ausruf : 250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250,00 CHF