Losnr. 5260 - 265.-273. Auktion
265.-273. Auktion
-> Südamerika - Maritime Postgeschichte 1606-1886 - Die Sammlung Everaldo Santos
-> Europa
-> Dänisch Westindien
Losnr. : 5260 Dänisch Westindien
Venezuelan Line 1879: Cover from St. Thomas to Caracas, Venezuela endorsed "pr. Olga", franked by September 1876 5 c. pale green & grey, two singles and a horizontal pair tied by "ST. THOMAS" circular datestamps (May 3) in black. Internal docketing of receipt (May 9). The pair crossed by vertical file fold and one with wrinkled corner but a rare early usage and a most attractive cover.rnAusruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 600,00 CHF