Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 1446 - 265.-273. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 1446 Österreich. Levante

    Disinfected mail 1818/42: Group two Entires from Constantinople to Firenze and Trieste showing the the two main routes to the west via Rothenturm and Semlin, respectively. Includes 1818 entire with crisp 'SANITATIS SIGILLUM' and red 'ROTHENTURN SIGIL. SANITATIS' wax seal as well as Florence arrival (Sept. 12) datestamp on reverse. Also 1842 entire with 'NETTO DI FUORA E SPORCO DI DENTRO' disinfection handstamp, red 'SIGIL SANITATIS SEMLIN' wax seal and Triest (Dec 3) arrival cds in red on reverse. An interesting duo which shows that the disinfection handstamps were similar at both purification stations, while the closing wax seals named the station.rnNote: The normal overland way to the west was via Serbia up to 1803, crossing the border at Semlin. After this date, the journey via Vallachia and Transsylvania was chosen with the mail crossing the border at the Rothenturm disinfection station nearby Hermannstadt. After 1828 the route changed back to the Semlin way.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200,00 CHF