Losnr. 5233 - 234.-243. Auktion
Losnr. : 5233 Kolumbien
1847 (June 18): Entire letter from London addressed to 'General Mosquera, Presidente de la Republica de la Neuva Granada, Bogotá' with manuscript '1/- Paid' in red at top. On arrival in St. Thomas on RMS Packet the cover was misdirected and struck with double arc "GRENADA" double arc cds (July 10) in black. Mailed on with "KINGSTON-JAMAICA" cds in black (July 15) where correctly forwarded to Santa Martha. Struck with oval "SANTA MARTA / DEBE" in blue until the clerk noticed the addressee: whereon the handstamp was over-struck with "SANTA MARTA / DE / OFICIO" handstamp also in blue. A rare and most unusual entire in wonderful fresh condition that displays well.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHF