Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 862 - 227.-233. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 862 Griechenland

    1880/86: Final Athens Printings, the specialised collection with most stamps plated, with 1 l. unused incl. imperf. blocks and a fine used imperf. block of eight, 1 l. perf. blocks and a large block of 46 unused,  2 l. fawn in an imperf. unused block of 15, 5 l. green with imperf. blocks of four, twelve and a delightful block of twenty, used strips of five (2) and a block of twelve, 10 l. orange with unused imperf. blocks of four (4) and six (2), imperf. used blocks of four and many pairs, rare 'bright vermilion' (Mi 56a) used, perf. unused block, scarce 20 l. ultramarine unused (3) and used (7), 20 l. carmine imperf. unused with two pairs and a strip of three, 20 l. rosine blocks of four (2) and a block of twelve, 30 l. ultramarine unused (3) and used block, 40 l. violet imperf unused (3) and used blocks (2), 40 l. perf. blocks of four unused (2), set of six optd. SPECIMEN in black. Generally fine with scarce shades, cancellation interest etc., an excellent study.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF