Losnr. 3454 - 218.-221. Auktion
Losnr. : 3454 Saudi Arabien
1916/1992c.: Collection with first issues unused or used incl. Yambo cds on 1/8 pi. block and El-Wajh datestamp in ½ pi.,, Mohamed Ali Abdou page with Dec 1921 Hashemite opt. set of six and Postge Dues used in Mecca, Jan 1922 framed opt. set of six, 1922 Arms set unused, 1924 Caliphate set optd. in gold unused, 1925 Hejaz Govt. ¼ pi. green opt. in gold unused and eight further stamps optd. in red unused incl. 1 pa. purple with inverted opt. unused (Gi 66a), 1925 Caliphate optd. Hejaz Govt. (6 values) unused with most signed 'ela', Nejd with opt. on Turkey values (6) unused, Fiscals set of six unused and on Sherifian Arms issue unused, 1925 Pilgrimage opt. set of five unused (signed Eid, Gi = £ 1'200), Dec 1926 Capture of Medina set unused (Gi = £ 500), Capture of Jeddah set of five unused (Gi = £ 500), 1927 definitive set of eight unused, 1 pi. opt. on Turkey 10 pa. green unused (very rare), 1939 Dues 100 g. and 200 g. unused, 1949 Airmail set of six unused, 1950 Riyadh set unused, 1960 Oil Plant and Airmail sets of 16 and 15 complete unused, 1961 Dues set unused, 1965/68 with fine range of definitives unused, 1974 UPU set unused, 1974 Television charity stamp unused (rare), 1975 Faisal mini sheet unused, 1982 Buildings sheets unused, later with better thematic sets etc. A fine and genuine lot Gi = £ 6'000+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft