Losnr. 520 - 210.-212. Auktion
Losnr. : 520 Ägypten (Königreich)
1866/2015: Collection with 1866 issue 5 pa. unused (6) and used (9), 10 pa. used (11), 20 pa. unused (7), and used (13), 1 pi. used (26 incl. two used in Constantinople), 2 pi. unused (6) and used (12), 5 pi. unused (3) and used (4), 10 pi. slate unused (4) and used (3) -all those noted are genuine- Pellas Proof imperf. set and a few blocks of four noted, 1867 issue unused with duplication and cancellation interest incl. block of 5 pa., 10 pa. unused (14), 20 pa. unused (7), 1 pi. unused (17) incl. a block, 2 pi. unused (5), 5 pi. brown unused (3) and used (6); 1872/75 issue with extensive unused and used and cancellation interest, 1874 5 pa. tête-bêche block and pair unused, 1881 5 pi. grey in unused block, 1884 20 pa. on 5 pi. with opt. inverted used, 1888 issue with unused blocks, 1914 and 1921/22 definitive sets unused, 1913 OHHS 5 m. block with 'Stop Omitted' variety unused, 1914 Proof set imperf., 1922 Monarchy set unused and used, 1923 Fuad set unused and used, 1925 Geographic set unused (3) and used (5), 1926 Agriculture set unused (3) and used (2), 1926 Birthday 50 pi. unused, 1927 definitive set of 25 unused and used, 1927 Official set of 12 with Oblique perforations, 1931 Zep sets unused (3) and used, 1932 100 m. on £ 1 unused, 1933 Locomotive set unused (3), 1933 Air Congress unused (5) and on covers (2), 1933 Airmail set unused (3) and used, 1934 UPU 50 p. unused and used (2), £ 1 used (4), 1946 Philatelic Expo sheets unused, 1937/46 Boy King issue with Farouk Imperforates (36) to £ 1 also 3 m., 4 m., 10 m., 15 m., 40 m., 50 m. and 100 m. in oblique perforated blocks, 1938 £ 1 sepia & green unused, 1943 5 m. + 5 m. with block of four showing '1493' error unused, 1944/52 Mareschal issue with Farouk Imperforates (27), 1946 Expo sheets (6) unused and used, 1952 'Egypt & Sudan' optd. Postage and Air sets unused and used, 1953 £ 1 red & green mint (14) incl. two Control blocks, 1960 Refugee Year set imperforate, 1978 £ 1 in block of four (Gi 1351) etc. through with new issues to 2015, British Forces incl. used Jubilee 1 pi. blue, the whole with vast duplication throughout, many multiples, cancellation interest including some useful covers (Ship and Paquebot Post, Postage Due usages on covers/cards, a 1918 Wreck cover handstamped 'Naufrage' and a fine volume of Postcards etc.), quality generally fine throughout, viewing is recommended.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHF