Losnr. 3008 - 210.-212. Auktion
Losnr. : 3008 Frankreich
1849/50: Cérès 10 c. yellowish bistre and 15 c. green on greenish paper, fine four margined examples used on 1851 cover to Joigny, Yonne tied by two strikes of the grill obliterator with Paris despatch datestamp (July 9) at right. The addressee's name re-written otherwise in outstanding condition, the combination of these two values for the 25 centimes rate being of great scarcity. Signed Calves and cert. Calves (1971).
Cérès 10 C. bistre -brun et 15 c. vert oblit. grilles sur lettre Paris 9 juillet 51 pour Joigny (Yonne). Adresse du destinaire réécrite. Rare combinaison.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHF