Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 842 - 205.-209. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 842 Ägypten (Königreich)

    French P.O.'s in Egypt 1850/1928: The extensive collection with pre-stamp covers incl. two incoming covers from Belgium, fore-runners with Alexandria usages on stamps with 3704 and later 5080 incl. four values of the Bordeaux issue and 1867 5 fr. grey, 1880 cover ex Port Said with Type Sage 25 c. bistre tied by dotted cds, 1899 issue complete used with all Types, Alexandria with 1921/23 15 mill on Merson 50 c. block of 25 unused, Cairo usages with 5119 gros chiffres (16 stamps and a cover), Port Said with 'Vingt Cinq' on 10 c. cover, July 1921 cover (torn at top), shortpaid and Merson 15 m. on 50 c. applied and tied by rare 'Taxe à Percevoir' violet handstamp, August 1921 cover with Merson 15 m. 50 c. used as Postage Due, 1921 shortpaid cover with 1921 10 m. on 30 c. carmine Postage Due pair, four further Postage Due covers from this scarce issue, Postage Due 30 m. on 20 m. olive-green unused with inverted surcharge variety (signed Calves and others but thinned), Suez 1865 cover franked at 50 c. tied by 5105 gros chiffres etc. the whole with Postal Stationery, registered usages and varieties (over 100 covers).
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.400 CHF