Losnr. 1936 - 205.-209. Auktion
Losnr. : 1936 Russland Post in China
Russian Occupation of Manchuria 1903 (Aug 6): Picture postcard from Dalny to Prades France, franked by Russia in China hor. pair of 2 kop. green ovpt. 'KITAI' cancelled by framed illisible handstamp and franked in addition by Russian Imperial Arms definitive 4 kop. carmine, nibbed corner, cancelled by fine "No 17 FIELD POST OFFICE / PRIAMUR DISTRICT" cds with add. strike at left. 'KITAI' stamps were intended for use in China proper and were not sold in the Manchurian offices. They were, however, in general accepted for postage when offered, but obviously not in this case.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHF