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Europe & Overseas
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  • Lot# : 1698 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 39/II
    1867: 15 Kr. braun im feinen Druck als farbfr. und einwandfrei gez. Viererblock, ideal klar entw. mit zwei Abschlägen des Einkreisers "HABSBURGGASSE 28 / 1 77 5A WIEN" Ferchenbauer = € 1'250.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1699 Austria

    1863: Ganzsachenumschlag Wappen 25 Kr. violett, Klappenschnitt B ohne Wasserzeichen, der Umschlag schon vom Versender leicht umgefaltet, versandt nach Folke bei Sherborne, Dorset, Grossbritannien, das Wertzeichen sauber entw. "MERAN 9 / 1" mit nebenges. "P.D." und "LONDON PAID 15 JA 67", beide in Rot. Rückseitig Transit INNSBRUCK und SHERBORNE (15. Januar). Vorderseitige Notiz des Weiterfrankos mit Bläuel, ein ansprechender portogerechter Umschlag. Ferchenbauer = € 1'250.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1700 Austria

    1879 (4. Dez.): Ganzsachen-Umschlag der österreichischen Levantepostämter zu 25 Soldi violettbraun, verwendet in Österreich als Einschreiben, der Wertstempel entw. mit Einkreiser FRANZENSBAD, nebenges. Handstp. RECOMMANDIRT, gerichtet nach Wien, rücks. mit Ankunftsstp. "LEOPOLDSTADT WIEN 5 / 12 79 6A". Überfrankiert, aber eine seltene Verwendung im Mutterland. Ferchenbauer = € 5'500 für eine Verwendung in der Levante.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600 CHF

    Lot# : 1701 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : Block 1,555A,555B
    1933: WIPA-Block, Marken postfr., Falzreste im Rand oben und unten, weiterhin beide Einzelwerte auf gewöhnlichem und Faserpapier, je in ungest. und gest. Erhaltung, mit Sonder- resp. Tagesstempel. Mi = EUR 4'240.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 1702 Austria

    1946: "Blitz und Maske" 5 + 3 (Gr.) und 12 + 12 (Gr.), beide Werte vom oberen Bogenrand, farbfr. in postfr. Erhaltung, Falzreste im Rand, weiterhin der ausgegebene Satz im senkr. Paar, die untere Marke postfrisch. Mi = EUR 2'600+.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 1703 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 1208 Udr
    1 / 1
    1966: Tierschutzverein 1,80 S. mit sehr seltener Abart: nur rechts gezähnt, einwandfrei und postfrisch. Attest Puschmann (2001) ANK 1238 Udr = € 5'000 / Mi = € 4'000.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 1704 Austria

    1. Post-Segelflug  Wien Semmering 1933 (27. Jan.): Karte ab San Marino mit AStp. "Simmering 1" mit Signatur des Piloten Robert Kronfeld Kohl 33.1aSM.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 1705 Austria

    1912/36: Kl. Sammlung 25 Flugbelege ab 1912 Flugmeeting Wiener Neustadt mit seltener Privatganzsache 3 Heller Streifband mit Abb. eines Pionierflugzeugs gest. "Wien 6.XI.12", offiz. Karte vom Flugmeeting Aspern 1913 (15/22. Juni), Miltärflugpost Krakau - Wien (1913), Abstp. wie 'K.u.K. Fliegerkompanie 1', 'K.u.K.Luftschifferabteilung', 'K.u.K. Fliegerkurierlinie Wien-Kiew / Flugstation Lemberg', zwei Zeppelin-Belege zur Mittelmeerfahrt, bezw. zur 1. Amerikafahrt (1929), Brieftaubenpost Unter-Tullnerbach (1936). Ex Sammlung Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,400 CHF

    Lot# : 1706 Austria

    Österreich als Teil des Dt. Reichs (1938/45): Interessante Sammlung 75 Briefe, Karten, vorab Feldpost, dabei Karte vom 13.3.38 dem Ersttag der Dt. Besetzung, Feldpost 413 auf Karte vom 1. April 1938, div. Feldpoststp. von versch. Einheiten oder Ämtern in Österreich wie Reserve lazarett 'Esplanade', weiter Territoriale Einheiten, Munitionsausgabestellem. Landesschützen, Wehrmachtsfürsorge, Luftwaffe und weitere mehr. Ein sehr reichhaltiges Angebot über Jahre zusammengetragen. Ex Sammlung Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1707 Austria

    Konzentrationslager (Mauthausen / Gusen) 1944/45: Sammlung 15 Belege, dabei Brief von Gusen nach Berlin (1940) gest. "Feldpost / SS / 3 Kamp Gusen" in rot sowie ein weiterer Brief von Mauthausen an die selbe Adresse in Berlin with SS-Stp. in Violett, weiter Gefangenenpost mit Inhalt von "Mauthausen 8.5.42" nach Wien, bezw. von Gusen (Postaufgabe St. Georgen) nach Polen, ein Brief einens Zwangsarbeiters nach Kutno, Poland, 6 Pfg. GS-Postkarte nach Italien (1944), 'Waffen-SS Arbeitslager Loibl-Pass' auf Feldpostbrief nach Wien (1943) sowie ein zensurierter R-Brief von Linz Steg (1944) eines italienischen Zwangsarbeiters vom Lager Dornach B (C-2)  Linz Steg (1944). Ein seltenes Zeugnis aus einer dunklen Zeit.

    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 1708 Austria

    Österreich unter alliierter Besetzung 1945/55: Reichhaltige Sammlung auf Albumblättern, dabei vier russische Belege (1945), Britische Feldpost mit Britischen und Österr. Frankaturen FPO 17, 110, 136, 167, 286, 287, 385, 481, 482, 525, 546, 584, 594, 710, 721, 746, 751, 754, 766, 795, 797, oftmals zensuriert, Britisches Kriegsgefangenenlager 'POW Camp 373' in Wolfsberg sowie Post aus der Amerikanischen und Französischen Zone. Ein einmaliges Angebot, alle Belege sauber aufgearbeitet und beschrieben.  Ex Sammlung Keith Tranmer.rn 
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 1709 Austria

    Besatzungszonen 1945: Sammlung 60 Briefen/Karten und Einzelmarken, bezw. div. versch. Aushilfsausgaben inkl. versch. Schwärzungen der versch. Besatzungszonen (Sowjet / US / GB und FR), dabei 8 Pf. der 1. Wiener Aushilfsausgabe  auf Brief von Ersttag (2. Mai 45), 5 Pf. GS-Umschlag mit Zusatzfrankatur vom Ersttag (21. Nov. 45), div. Mischfrankaturen, taxierte Belege, Einschreiben und Weiteres mehr, sauber aufgezogen und beschriftet in einem Album. Ex Sammlung Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 1710 Austria

    1850/1970: Kleine Sammlung mit einigen besseren Werten in der Klassik und 1. Republik, sowie Post in der Levante in drei Alben. Ein Album enthält Belege, dabei auch Privatganzsachen sowie zwei nette Auslandsbriefe der Ausgabe 1867.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 1711 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Bosnien-Herzegowina 1878/1918c: Lot hunderter gest. ungest. Marken, dabei zunächst sieben Belege mit Feldpostentwertungen, dann Marken, Poprtomarken mit Proben, kompl. Serien in ungez. Erhaltung, Farbproben, 1917 Witwen & Waisen auf Brief, 1918 Kaiser Karl nicht ausgegebener Satz bis 90 H. ungez., 1918 Karl-Fonds, zwei Satzbriefe. Weiterhin Feldpost Allg. Ausgabe auch mit kopfstehendem Aufdruck und ungezähnt, Proben, 1917/18 ungezähnte Paare, 1918 nicht herausgegeber Satz, Ausgaben für Serbien, Italien & Montenegro und Italienische Besetzungsausgabe Venezia-Giulia, in drei Alben. Ex sammlung Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 5,500 CHF

    Lot# : 1712 Austria

    1918/80ca: Lot tausende gest./ungest. Marken, meist mehrfach und in Einheiten, dabei 1919 'Deutschösterreich' 80 H. mit umgekehrtem Aufdruck, 1923 sechs Entwürfe Kriegsgefangenenhilfe durch Hesshammer, 1931 Rotary, 1933 FIS, 1936 Dollfuss, 1935 Flugzeug, ganzer Satz ungez., 1946 Aussschnitte Rennerbögen, Proben 1947 Kriegsgefangene und weitere Ausgaben, weiterhin Anschluss-Belege, in 22 Alben und zahlreichen Mappen, aus der Sammlung Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,200 CHF

    Lot# : 1713 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 1-5
    1850/54: Lot acht ungebrauchte Marken der ersten Ausgabe, in untersch. Erhaltung, aber generell gut präsentierend, dabei 1 Kr. HP in Type I mit Druck auf beiden Seiten & Type III, 2 Kr. schwarz MP, 3 Kr. rot Type III HP resp. MP, 6 Kr. braun MP Type IIIb und 9 Kr. blau Type III HP resp. MP. Aus der Sammlung Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200 CHF

    Lot# : 1714 Austria

    1850/1918ca: Lot tausender gest. / ungest. Marken in elf Alben, Auswahlheften, Mappen und Tüten, dabei ab der ersten Ausgabe in grosser Reichhaltigkeit, Gedenkausgaben bis zum 10 Kronen - Wert, Stempelsammlung, Nebengebiete wie Telegraphenmarken, Besetzung Erster Weltkrieg, Fälschungssammlung. Ein etwas ungeordneter aber interessanter Posten.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,800 CHF

    Lot# : 1715 Austria

    1850/1900c: Interessante Sammlung Hunderter gest. Marken, Briefstücke und Briefe mit Entwertungen der Kronländer Böhmen & Mähren, dabei 1852 Brief 3 Kr. rot entw. mit dem ausserordentlich seltenem Strahlenstempel '1576' von ZNAIM (Müller 3356b = 900 Punkte), patriotische Frankatur "AUSSEE / MAEHREN", NEPOMUK auf Dreierstreifen 9 Kr. MP, RUDELSDORF auf 1855 Brief mit Dreierstreifen 3 Kr. Type I MP, andere Ämter in grosser Vielfalt und guter Erhaltung. Ein ansprechendes Lot in fünf Alben aus der Sammlung von Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,000 CHF

    Lot# : 1716 Austria

    1850/1987: Sammlung hunderter gest. / ungest. Marken, ab 1918 in meist ungest./postfr. Erhaltung, dabei 1910 Geburtstag ungest., 1925 Flugpost, 1931 Rotary, 1933 FIS und 1936 Dollfuss, weiterhin Portomarken.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 1717 Austria

    1850/83c: Interessante Sammlung Hunderter gest. Marken, Briefstücke und Briefe mit Entwertungen von Wien, dabei 1850 Strahlenstp. auf Briefstück und Brief, 1850 früher "RECOMMANDIERT WIEN", schöne Auswahl Fahnenstp. von Perchtoldsdorf, Doebling, Simmering, Penzing, Hütteldorf, Nussdorf, Grinzing und Inzersdorf, Schnallen- und Ovalstempel des Hauptpostamts, auch in Rot, vieles im Drucksachen- resp. Ortsporto, Fahnenstempel der Stadtpost, 1870 Fünferstreifen der 2 Kr. auf unterfrankiertem, aber nicht taxiertem Brief nach England, Postexpeditionen wie Weissgarber, Josephsstadt, Währing, Leopoldstadt, Alsergrund, Landstrasse, Landskronstrasse, Wieden, oder im Haus der Abgeordneten, blaue & rote Entwertungen, stumme Nachentwertungen, Bahnpost, Fingerhutstempel und Einschreiben. Ein ansprechendes Lot aus der Sammlung von Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,000 CHF

    Lot# : 1718 Austria

    1858/1918: Sammlung Hunderter gest. Marken, Briefstücke und Briefe mit Entwertungen aus Galizien, Tirol, Ungarn mit Nagy Kapus auf 1867 25 Kr., Siebenbürgen Massenfrankatur von neun Werten der 1860 5 Kr. rot, zwei weitere Werte rücks. auf eingeschriebenem Brief von Lugos nach Arad, Sadagora in Blau auf 1867 5 Kr., Joszahely auf Brief mit drei Werten der 1861 5 Kr. nach Wien, Temeser Banat 1865 Brief mit je zwei Werten 1864 2 Kr. & 3 Kr. VERSCHETZ nach Temesvar, Dalmatien 1867 50 Kr. mit "GELD-ANWSNG RAGUSA", 1881 Ganzsache 1867 5 Kr. rot mit fünf weiteren Werten auf Einschreiben SPALATO nach Palermo, Militärgrenze ZENGG mit Schlangen Nebenstempel RECOMMANDIRT auf Dienstbrief, Kärnten mit braunem PATERNON  auf Brief 1865, GRATZ 1869 eingeschrieben nach Birmingham. Ein ansprechendes Lot in neun Alben aus der Sammlung von Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,800 CHF

    Lot# : 1719 Austria

    1850/54: Interessante Sammlung der ersten Ausgabe mit hunderten Marken, spezialisiert gesammelt nach Platten, Farben, Papieren und Abstempelungen, auch in Blau & Rot, dabei auch Abklatsche wie 1 Kr. gelb mit AK, Randpaar oder Fünferstreifen mit AK, Andreaskreuze, Marken mit Bogenrändern, Balken, Druckausfälle, Druckabarten wie weite '9', Wasserzeichen, Ladurner, Abklatsche, Nachdrucke, auch in Einheiten wie 1 Kr. MP, ferner einige Briefstücke wie Dreifarbenfrankatur 2+3+3x9 Kreuzer als Ausriss von Brief nach Frankreich. Ein aussergewöhnlich detailliert bearbeitetes Objekt für den Liebhaber dieser Ausgabe, die Sammlung von Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,200 CHF

    Lot# : 1720 Austria

    1850/54: Interessante Sammlung Hunderter gest. Marken, Briefstücke und Briefe mit Entwertungen aus verschiedenen Kronländern, dabei Zweizeiler BELGRAD auf zwei Briefstücken, stummer Stempel von Pesth (Müller 2116f = 2'100 Punkte), stummer Vierring von Wien (3 & Brief), Entwertungen mit Nebenstempeln wie RECOMMANDIRT oder CONTROLLE, rote & blaue Entwertungen wie MIXNITZ auf Brief 1853, Zierentwertungen wie z. B. GFÖHL, seltener "WAIDHOFEN a.d. IPS", Siebenbürgen, Ungarn mit ovalem TYRNAU auf Brief, "NAGY MIHALY" in Blau, Kroatien-Slavonien, Banat, Galizien mit drei Werten 6 Kr. braun auf Brief 1852 Brody nach Breslau, Bukowina mit Sternenstp. CZERNOWITZ (4) und SADAGURA (Müller 2427c = 800 Punkte), "ZOLKIEW Reccomandirt" (Müller 3358 Ra = 750 Punkte), Ungarn mit Einschreiben 1852 nach London mit vorders. 6 Kr & 4 * 9 Kr sowie rücks. 2 * 6 Kr., 1851 eingeschriebener Dienstbrief mit 6 Kr.-Frankatur, entw. "FESTUNG OFEN", Auswahl Marken und drei Briefe mit Stempeln der Fahrenden Postämter, Mähren mit blauem BUTSCHOWITZ , weiterhin Postämter von Triest, Küstenland & Tirol. Ein ansprechendes Lot in drei Alben aus der Sammlung von Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 8,500 CHF

    Lot# : 1721 Austria

    1858/1918: Grosse und höchst interessante Sammlung Österreich und Lombardo-Veneto mit gest./ungest. Marken, Briefstücken und Belegen, dabei 1858 mit Andreaskreuzansätzen, 3 kr. schwarz Bulldoggenkopf, 2 Kr. orange, Andreaskreuze gross & klein einzeln resp. in Paaren, ein AK entw. in Milano, Bunt- und Mischfrankaturen auf Briefstücken, patriotische Frankaturen, Italien-Frankaturen, farbige Entwertungen in Blau und Rot, Abarten wie Abklatsche, Nagelkopfabdrücke, Neudrucke samt Proben dafür; 1861 mit Ganzsachenausschnitten ungebraucht und 30 Kr. gebraucht, Abarten wie Strangulierungsflecke, rote & blaue Entwertungen, Neudrucke; 1863 & 1864 mit Perforationsfehlern, Misch- und Buntfrankaturen auf Briefstücken, Einheiten wie 1864 2 Kr. gelb im Viererblock, Entwertungen in Rot, Blau & Blaugrün, private Vorentwertungen, Abarten, Verwendungen von Soldi-Marken in Österreich, Italien-Frankaturen auf Brief, Wasserzeichen, Neudrucke; 1867 ungebraucht in beiden Drucken, Viererblocks, Block zu 30 Marken der 25 Kr., Frankatur 2 & 5 Kr. nach Belgrad, Entwertungen in Blau, Ganzsachen-Postkarte 5 Kr. gelb ungebraucht; 1883 und spätere Ausgaben mit fehlendem Schwarzdruck, Unterschiede in der Zähnung, Proben, 1908 bis 10 Kronen ungest., Proben dazu, auf Japanpapier, 1910 Gedenkausgabe bis 10 Kronen ungest., 1916 mit britischen Kriegsfälschungen, 1916/18 auch ungezähnt, 1917 4 Kr. ungezähnt, 1917 Kaiser Karl in ungez. Viererblocks und Proben, Eilmarken mit fehlender Zähnung und mit Andreaskreuz. Ein aussergewöhnliches Objekt, die Sammlung von Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 7,500 CHF

    Lot# : 1722 Austria

    1854/1960c.: Royality - Motivsammlung zu Kaiser Franz Joseph II, dabei Faltbrief von Padua frankiert mit LV 15 c. und 30 c. adressiert an Gräfin Emmera Capodillissa in Wien, weiter div. Karten  zum Kaiserjubiläum 1898/1908 mit div. Sonderstp., Hofbrief bezw.  Briefumschlag mit silberner Krone (22.1.98) der Kaiserin Elisabeth (Sissy) sowie SStp. zur Krönung von Kaiser Karl I in Ungarn.rn 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 1723 Austria

    1914/15: Album mit 63 K.u.K. Briefen, Karten, dabei div. Rotkreuz-Karten, ein eingeschr. Feldpostbrief vom Ungarischen Feldpost - Platzkommando (125) in Iwangorod (19.2.16) an das Rotkreuz Auskunftbüro in Wien, div. Feldpostkarten sowie Briefumschlag mit kompl. Inhalt von Prinzessin "Stéphanie de Belgique Lonyay", der Wittwe von Kronprinz  Rudolf.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1724 Austria

    Österr. Hotel und Bergpoststellen 1892/1951: Spezialsammlung 37 Karten von versch. Hotel und Bergpoststellen, die nur jeweils im Sommer (Juni - Sept.) geöffnet waren,  dabei saubere Abstp. wie "HOTEL KARERSEE", Karte von Gomagoi (1905), "AMMERWALD / POST-HOTEL", "VAJOTLETHÜTTE", vier Karten (1901/12) gest. "Hotel Sulden", zwei Karten gest. "San Martino di Castrozza", weiter versch. Karten vom "Hotel Defregger Hof", "FRANZ SCHLÜTTERHÜTTE Sektion Dresden" ab Vilnos, eingeschriebene Karte von "Schneckoppe" nach Berlin, dazu Karten und Abstp. von "Tre Croci", "Kesselfall - Alpenhaus", "Kahlenberg" (11), "Wien Kobenzl" Hotel sowie Hotelmarken 'Moserboden' mit zwei Verwendungen jeweils auf Karte. Ein interessantes Angebot. Ex Sammlung Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 1725 Austria

    1860/2000: Lot einige Hundert Briefe, Karten und Ganzsachen, letztere gebr. und ungebr., teils doppelt oder mehrfach, dabei Bedarfspost mit Übersse-Destinationen, FDC's, Sonderstempel, Ballonpostbelege, Frankaturen aus der INFLA-Zeit, Buntfrankaturen der Versandstelle und anderes mehr, dazu eine schöne Zusammenstellung mit Automatenmarken von versch. Ausgaben, postfr., gest. oder auf Beleg, gute bis gemischte Erhaltung und sauber arrangiert in total 13 Alben.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 1726 Austria

    1884-1940 Ansichtskarten: Lot 180 Ansichtskarten oder illustrierte Ganzsachen gest./ungest., dabei Intern. Musik u. Theater Ausstellung Wien 1892/94, Vorarlberger Jahrhundertfeier 1909, zehn Karten der Nationalen Wertzeicheausstellung Wien Secession 1911, 5 H. Ganzsache  des XIV.Deutschen Philatelisten Tag Wien 1902 sowie zehn handgemalte Karten.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 1727 Austria

    1867/84: Interessantes Lot 19 Briefe, alle ins Ausland gerichtet, die Qualität wie zu erwarten etwas unterschiedlich, dabei neun Briefe im 15 Kr. - Porto resp 30 Kr. - Doppelporto nach Italien, vier mit Mischfrankaturen 1864 Wappen und 1867 Franz-Joseph, zwei Ganzsachenumschläge, einer mit Kombination 1867 je zweimal 3 Kr. und 5 Kr., um einen Kreuzer überfrankiert, einmal eingeschrieben, auch zwei Briefe mit vorderseitiger Dreifarbenfrankatur 1870 2 Kr. gelb (2), 3 Kr. grün (2) und 5 Kr. rot auf ungültiger Ganzsache 1864 10 so. blau und 2 Kr. & 3 Kr. & 5 Kr. (2); Schweiz zwei Briefe mit Ganzsache 5 Kr. mit Viererstreifen 5 Kr. entw. "Let. arrte per mare" resp. eingeschrieben mit total sieben Werten der 5 Kr. von Pola nach Davos; zwei Briefe nach Frankreich mit 1872 Ganzsache 5 Kr. mit 5 Kr. & 15 Kr. resp. doppelgewichtiges Einschreiben, komplett gegen die Regel vorderseitig frankiert mit Paar 3 Kr., sechs Werte 5 Kr., 10 Kr. & 25 Kr.; Grossbritannien 1873 Vorderseite 3 Kr. - Ganzsache nach London mit Zusatzfrankatur 2 Kr., 5 Kr. und 15 Kr.; Deutschland eingeschriebene Ganzsache 1884 in Mischfrankatur mit 1867 paar 5 Kr.; Gibraltar 110 Kr. - Frankatur mit 5 Kr. (8) and 10 Kr. (7), zwei 5 Kr.- Werte abgefallen auf Vierfachportobrief; Osmanisches Reich 1876 Dreifarbenfrankatur im feinen Druck zur Begleichung des 10 Kr. - UPU-Portos, versandt von Ragusa über Kustendje an den Kapitän eines Lloyd-Dampfers in Konstantinopel; Brasilien 1881 40 Kr. - Vierfarbenfrankatur Gablonz nach Rio de Janeiro, Doppelporto im Tarif von 1879 für überseeische Mitglieder der UPU; und Neuseeland Ganzsache 5 Kr. mit Zusatzfrankatur 5 Kr. (3) und 10 Kr. von Spindelmühle nach Upperhutt bei Wellington, Porto an ein Nicht-Mitglied der UPU. Weiterhin zwei Briefstücke, ein Befund und drei Atteste.
    Starting bid : 3,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1728 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878 (Sept 10): Stampless cover and full contents (translation enclosed) from Trebinje to Lomnitz, sent by Lieutenant Frederic Schlechta of the 74th Infantry Regiment, struck with fine "ETAPPEN POSTAMT / No. 6" datestamp (Sept 28) in black. Reverse with "Zara" cds of transit (Oct 1) and Lomnitz bei Jicin arrival (Oct 4). The Feldpost at Trebinje opened on the day after this letter was begun. Envelope imperfections but a scarce cover with fascinating and graphic account of the battle at Trebinje: the subject of an article by Keith Tranmer in 'Forces Postal History Society' journal (Winter 2005, pages 173-174 enclosed with the lot).rnrn"10 Sept hour before Trebinje the marching Brigade was fired upon. The 10th Company were immediately sent ahead and returned heavy fire which stopped the enemy....near Midday we received the order to fall in with the 9th and 10th Companies and move against the Insurgents, and they fell back behind the town, three times we attempted to cross the water under fire.....we did not lose a man..but Oberleutnant Schmidt was decapitated by three shots whilst advancing too far forward...Eventually the Austrian flag was raised over Trebinje..".
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 1729 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878 (Sept 23): Stampless cover and full contents from "Lager auf den Höhen Linbach" (Camp on the heights above Linbac) to Mödling, Vienna, sent by Major Albert Hirsch, a Company commander in the 20th Infantry Truppen Division at Pakova struck with small "K.K. FELDPOST EXPOSITUR / No. 4" datestamp (Sept 23). Reverse with Modling arrival cds (Sept 28). Full translation of letter enclosed - "we can see the Turkish bonfires from our Tuzla a deputation came with news and there may be skirmishing soon". Field Post Office No. 4 was in use for approximately two months. Slight closed tear at top of envelope but a rare cover. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 1730 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878 (Sept 24): Stampless cover from Cadeviča Han to Vienna, struck with fine "K. u. K. ETAPPEN - POSTAMT / No. X" datestamp (Sept 24) in black. Reverse with Sisak transit cds (Sept 27) and Leopolstadt, Vienna arrival of the follwoing day, notations in Seitz handwriting on reverse of a scarce cover. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 160 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 1731 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878: Stampless cover from Cajnica to Prague, sent by Chief Medical Officer Dr. Fehlick of 2nd Division, 8th Brigade of the 54th Infantry Regiment, mailed at the Field Post Office at Gorazda with "K.u.K. ETAPPEN-POSTAMT / XXII" cds (Nov 26) in black. Reverse with Vienna cds (Dec 9) and Prague arrival of the same day. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1732 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878: Stampless cover from Petrovak to Libochowitz, Böhmen, sent by an Officer in Feldjäger Battalion No. 1, 3rd. Company in Petrovak, struck with "K. u. K. ETAPPEN-POSTAMT / No. XIII" datestamp (Nov 25) with "FRANCO" alongside, both in black. Reverse with Vienna (Dec 1) and Lobositz transit and Libochowitz arrival (Dec 2). The Feldpost at Petrovak opened on 9 October 1878. Slight trim to envelope at left but scarce. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 1733 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878 (Dec 15): Stampless cover and full contents from Mostar, Herzegovina to Rossbach endorsed "per Feldpost", sent by a member of 13th/1 Genie Regiment (Engineers), 1st. Mountain Brigade of XVIII Division, struck with fine "FELDPOST - EXPOSITUR / No. 18" cds (Dec 16) in black. Reverse with Vienna, Asch and Rossbach cds's (Dec 28). Some edge wear but a scarce entire. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 1734 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878: Stampless cover from Stolac to Graz endorsed "KK Feldpost" at left, sent by an Officer in 8/II Regiment, struck with "ETAPPEN-POSTAMT / No. 5" datestamp (Dec 19) in black. Reverse with "Zara" cds of transit (Dec 26) and Graz arrival (Dec 29). The Feldpost at Stolac opened on 26 August 1878. Slight trim to envelope at left but scarce. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 160 CHF

    Lot# : 1735 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878: Covers (4) on album leaves with 'Portofrei' printed Feldpost envelope mailed from HQ of the II Army to Vienna, Oct 1878 cover from Field Post Office XXIV mailed to Berlin with FRANCO and charged '20' (pfenning) due, Oct 1878 cover from Field Post Office No. 6 with contents, 1879 cover from Field Post Office XXIII. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 1736 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    Austrian Occupation 1879: Cover from the Austrian ship "Möve" to Ragusa sent at Military free concession rate "Portofrei", struck with early usage of single ring "NEUM" datestamp (Aug 2) in black - the Office opened on 29 June (Tchilinghiran fig. 651 - "very scarce"), with circular "PROP. SCHOONER MÖVE / K.K. KRIEGSMARINE" Arms cachet at left. Reverse with "Dubrovnik / Ragusa" arrival cds (Aug 6). Rare.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,100 CHF

    Lot# : 1737 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 142
    Austrian Occupation 1908: Austria 5 h. green, used on 1912 postcard to Prague, top perfs. over edge of card, tied by bold strike of "NEUM" code 'a' circular datestamp (Nov 29) in greenish-black ink (Tchilinghirian fig. 652). Despite adhesive's imperfection, a rare usage.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 1738 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    1879/1918: Collection of stamps only, somewhat haphazardly arranged, including some 1879/1901 imperforate Proofs on coloured papers for 30 h., 40 h., 50 h. and 5 kr. values, unused imperforate betweens from perf. 10½ issue and some forgeries by Noetvelt, cancellation interest on the early issues, 1906 issue unused and duplication and one or two imperforates, many hundreds.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 1739 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    1906/1918: Collection with study of the cancellations on loose stamps, piece and primarily covers/cards (100+), including Austrian Military mail from the Great War, with usages and items from Bihac, 1910 registered 10 h. letter card sent Express from Bjelina, Bos Brod, Bos Novi (1891), 1915 Money Letter from Bos Dubica, Bos Krupa 1896 card, Brcka, Cazin 1900 card, Celebic, 1916 Feldpost card from Dobanovci, 1917 reg'd cover from Doboj, 1899 card and 1917 reg'd cover from Derventa, Drvar, Foca, Gacko, Glamoc, Gorazda, Gracinica, Gradacac, 1897 card from Ilidze, Jajce, Janja, 1889 card from Kalinovic, Kiseljak, Kljuc, Kreka, Lukavac, 1902 card from Nevesinje, 1916 cover from Otoka, Praca, 1899 letter-card from Prijedor, 1894 letter-card from Rogatica, 1906 cover from Sanskimost, 1893 card from Srbrenica, Trnovo, Tuzla, 1899 card from Varcar-Vanuf, Visoko, Vlasenica, Zavidovic, Zepce, 1906 card from Zupanjac and many more together with Travelling Post Offices (8 cards/covers) etc., together with photographs and postcards as illustrations. A fine 'old-time' lot. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 1740 Austria

    War of the Austrian Succession 1744 (June 12): Cover from a member of the Austrian Forces in the Netherlands addressed to his Excellency the Count of Konisegg in Brussels, struck with fine strike of circular "AA" (Armée Autrichienne) handstamp in brownish-black ink. The addressee was the Commander of the Austrian contingent within the Allied forces and fought at the Batlle of Fontenay. The handstamps "AA" was, like the British handstamp "AB", supplied by the Thurn & Taxis Post who handled the Military mail for both Austria and Great Britain. Fully intact red wax seal of sender on reverse of a fine and rare cover. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1741 Austria

    Napoleonic Wars 1814 (Feb 25): Entire letter with printed heading "Governo Austro Britanno - Napoletano" (Austro-British Military Government in Italy) mailed from Mercatino to Forli via Cesena (with framed transit handstamp in black); struck on despatch with oval framed "GOVEo. MILITE. AUSTRO-BRITANICO / AB" cachet in black with Forli arrival (M;arch 4) on reverse. The contents are a response to an order for provisions for the Neapolitan Army HQ to feed troops in the area, with reference to unrest and possible uprisings unless General Nugent is willing to lessen the burden. A magnificent and very rare entire, the first this describer has recorded and very possibly unique. Ex collections Frederick Patka, Keith Tranmer.rnNote: Lieutenant General Graf Laval Nugent von Westmeath (1777-1862) was the Irish born commander of the 1813 campaign against Viceroy Eugène de Beauharnais, separating French units in Dalmatia and simultaneously joining the English fleet, thus conquering Croatia, Istria and the Po valley.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,300 CHF

    Lot# : 1742 Austria

    Field Post Office in Naples 1823 (Sept 30): Entire letter from a Colonel Ertmann of the 4th. Regiment in Naples, mailed back to Vienna and struck with fine oval "K. K. / HAUT FELDPOST / AMT." handstamp in black (Müller 1952a = 510 pts.). The Colonel writes requesting funds on behalf of Corporal Franz Leicht of this Vienna regiment. Regimental wafer seal on reverse. Tiny acid ink fault at top but very scarce.
    Starting bid : 175 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1743 Austria

    Austrian Forces in Naples 1826 (May 27): Entire letter from a Colonel Rudl of the Kaiser Alexander Infantry Regiment No. 2, mailed from Naples to Hohenreipersdorf, struck with framed "K. .K. FELDPOSTAMT / in ITALIEN" handstamp in black (Müller 1952b = 420 pts.). Rare.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1744 Austria

    German Federal Fortess of Mainz 1832/47: Covers (4) from the Field Post in Mainz all being Military correspondence, with three showing scarce oval "K. K. Ö. M. P. / Mainz" handstamps, two struck in black (Müller 1953b = 560 pts.) and one in red (Müller = 850 pts.) and 1847 receipted cover from a memmber of the 35th Infantry to Bischofteinitz with two line dated "Mainz / 1 APR." italic handstamp in black (Müller 1953c = 750 pts.). A scarce group, ex collection Keith Tranmer.rnrnNote: The Austrians occupied the Fortress by request from the confederation of German States.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1745 Austria

    The Siege of Venice 1848/49: Collection on leaves with Nov 1848 cover to Brescia signed by General Julius von Haynau, covers all from  ex Austrian Navy ships and most re-named by the 'Insurgents', incl. ship "Medusa", May 1848 cover from ship "Prama Mongibello", cover from 'Insurgent' Piroga "Euridice", cover to 'Insurgent' ship "Pio Nino" (formerly the Austrian  "Marianna"), July 1849 cover to 'Insurgent' ship "S. Marco" with Lion of Venice Republican cachet, May 1849 cover from the "Peniche Palma" to Commander Alberoni with Lion cachet, May 1849 letter to the Insurgent's vessel "Indipendza" and further items, the collection then exhibiting covers from outside Venice with cover from Chioggia with datestamp in green mailed into Venice through the blockade, covers with oval "Comando Militare" cachets, Jan 1849 cover with "Forte Marghera" cachet - the fort was later blown up, Oct 1848 cover from Alberoni to the Brig. S. Marco etc. Well written up on leaves with illustrations etc. of the protagonists. An extraordinary group from this short-lived revolutionary Republic (35 covers). Ex collection Keith Tranmer.rnrnNote: The Year of Revolutions - the Naval commander of the Arsenal in Venice (von Marinovich) was murdered in March 1848 and thereafter the Austrians proceeded to move their ships to Triest. From March 27 the Austrian Navy beseiged the Port until 22 May 1848 when a large Sardinian fleet lifted the blockade. However the Austrian fleet returned on 15 September 1848 and Venice was beseiged and bombarded until Cholera broke out and the Ciry eventually fell on 28 Aug 1849 to Marshall Radetzky.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 950 CHF

    Lot# : 1746 Romania

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 4+5
    Austrian Field Post Offices in Italy 1850: Album page with 30 c. brown, two examples incl. one on piece, each cancelled by good strikes of "I.R. POSTA MILI. in I. No. 2" cds applied in Ancona, together with a registered cover to Vienna from the Commanding Officer of the 21st. Infantry regiment in Bologna franked by 1850 45 c. pale blue tied by "FELDPOST No. 1" cds with "19/4" date inverted with "RACCOMMANDATA" handstamp at top. The registration on reverse removed and the cover with closed tear at top but rare. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 1747 Austria

    Occupation of Italy 1850 (April 14). Military cover from a member of the 1st. Infantry Regiment in Florence (Firenze) to Bistritz in Mähren (Moravia) struck with fine strike of straight line "F. POST. II" of Field Post Office No. 2 (Müller fig. 1955b = 300 pts.) in black. Rare. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1748 Austria

    Occupation of Italy 1851 (Aug 31). Printed Military entire letter sent registered from Headquarters in Verona (seal of Graf Kinsky Regiment on reverse) mailed as a "Retour Recipisse" struck with "PER CONSEGNA" in black and internally receipted in Livorno on 4th September and with datestamp on obverse of same; fine strike of straight line "F. POST. II" of Field Post Office No. 2 (Müller fig. 1955b = 300 pts.) in black on reverse alongside Verona re-arrival (Sept 7). Rare. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1749 Romania

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 4+5
    Austrian Occupation of Moldavia & Walachia 1854/56: Album page with Austria 1850/54 issue usages, with 6 kr. brown and 9 kr. blue on piece sharing superb "K.K. ÖSTE. F. P. KRAJOVA" cds in black, 6 kr. brown (2) and 9 kr. blue (2) fine single examples all cancelled at Jassy with "FELDPOST No. 2" datestamps in black; further usages in Roman and in Bucharest, these not as fine. A generally fine and very scarce group (7 items). Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 1750 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 15/II
    War against France & Piedmont 1858: 15 kr. blue, Type II, a slightly toned used example tied to small piece by fine strike of "FELDPOST No. 5" cds of the 2nd. Army, struck in black. Rare.
    Starting bid : 175 CHF
    Hammer price : 175 CHF

    Lot# : 1751 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 13/II+14/II
    War against France & Piedmont 1858: 5 kr. red and 15 kr. brown, Type II, tied to 1859 cover to Mantua, Lomabrdy endorsed "über Wien und Triest" by "Carlsbad" cds's (Aug 20), adhesives overlapping top of envelope, addressed to Colonel Count van Wimpffen of the Kulolz Infantry Regiment (31st Baon). Reverse with Prag transit (Aug 21) and Mantova arrival cds. An unusual cover mailed two months after the Battle of Solferino and a month after the Treaty of Villafranca. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1752 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 27+28+34
    War against Denmark / Second Schleswig War 1863: Austria 10 kr. blue and 15 kr. brown, perf. 14, single examples each cancelled by "K. K. FELDPOST / No. 1" circular datestamps (5 April and 25 March respectively) in black, and a rare cover to Pest with 1863/64 15 kr. brown, perf. 9½,  tied by "K. K. FELDPOST / No. 1" datestamp (Oct 2) with RECOM handstamp at right, the adhesive with '16' manuscript at top left - presumably the registration number: at this date the F.P.O. was near Kolding in Denmark. Reverse with 10 kreuzer adhesive removed, part 'Pest' arival (Oct 5) and one flap missing but nevertheless rare. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 480 CHF

    Lot# : 1753 Austria

    Second Schleswig War with Denmark - Austrian Navy 1864 (Oct 5): Cover from Cuxhaven endorsed "pr. Consular Agentur" addressed to "K.K. Kriegs Commissariat, an bord S.M. Linienschiff Kaiser" (on board Battleship Kaiser) in Port at Cuxhaven, struck on reverse with Crowned Eagle oval cachet "K.K. CONSULAR AGENTUR / CUXHAVEN" in blue. At Prussia's request, the Danish Navy blockaded Hamburg. A rare surviving cover from this Campaign.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 1754 Austria

    War against Denmark / Second Schleswig War 1864: Cover endorsed "K. K. Feldpost" and "Kolding" (Denmark) at top, mailed to Vienna at concessionary free rate (for soldiers under the rank of Sergeant Major), struck with superb "K. K. FELDPOST / No. 1" circular datestamp (Oct 18) in black. Reverse with manuscript notation of a Lieutenant Wimpffen of the 27th "Linien" Infantry Regiment, full Crowned red wax seal and Vienna arrival datestamp in black (Oct 21). A rare and most appealing cover.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 1755 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 33
    Austro - Prussian War 1866: 10 kr. blue, perf. 9½, a used example with a few clipped perforations, cancelled by bold strike of "K. K. FELDPOST / EXPOS No. 9" circular datestamp (Aug 4) in black, the Field Post Office being based in Zwittau, Moravia. Rare: the War began on June 14, 1866 and ended Aug 23, 1866. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 1756 Austria

    Austro - Prussian War 1866: Cover mailed from Gräfin Chotek to her husband serving in the 8th. Army Corps, Ulaner Regiment Carl (Ludwig) No. 3 at Brünn, endorsed "Nordarmee", struck with circular "Kuttenberg / Kutna Horá" cds (June 20) in black. Reverse with fair only "K. K. FELDPOSTAMT No. 2B" circular datestamp of receipt.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 1757 Austria

    Austro - Prussian War 1866: Envelope endorsed from the Commanding Officer of the 53rd. Infantry Regiment Archduke Leopold (Oberst. Dahlen) near Sadowa to his wife in Vienna, struck with fair strike of circular "K. K. FELDPOST / No. 1A" Field Post Office datestamp in black (June 23). Reverse with Vienna arrival cds (June 26). Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1758 Austria

    Austro - Prussian War 1866: Registered Money letter bearing 550 florins, mailed from Gräfin Chotek to her husband serving in the 8th. Army Corps, Ulaner Regiment Carl (Ludwig) No. 3 at Brünn, endorsed "Nordarmee", struck with circular "Kuttenberg / Kutna Horá" cds (June 20) in black. Reverse with four personal red wax seals and large central wax seal of "K.K. Kuttenberg Postamt".  A fine and unusual cover.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1759 Austria

    Austro - Prussian / Italian War 1866: Cover from the 2nd. Army Corps, 29th Regiment, 3rd. Company (endorsed on reverse), mailed to Fasana, struck with fine circular "K. K. FELDPOST / EXPOS No. 4" Field Post Office datestamp in black (June 12). Whilst the 2nd. Corps fought with the Army of the North against the Prussians some units were retained in Italy where the Field Post Office No. 4 was based. Reverse with "Farsana" arrival cds (June 20) in black. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1760 Austria

    Austro - Prussian / Italian War 1866: Cover from Hauptmann Rohsmanit of the 29th. Infantry Regiment, 3rd. Company, 2nd. Corps to Püspöky, Hungary struck with "K. K. FELDPOST / EXPOS No. 4" circular datestamp (June 28) in black of the Southern Army in Italy. Reverse with fine strike of (rare) "PÜSPÖKY" arrival cds (July 5).
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 420 CHF

    Lot# : 1761 Austria

    Austro - Prussian War 1866: Cover to Vienna endorsed "Feldpost Brief frei" and "Zwittau" at top, cancelled by circular "K. K. FELDPOST / EXPOS No. 9" datestamp (June 15) in black, the Field Post Office being based in Zwittau, Moravia. Some minor aging but rare: the War began on June 14, 1866 and ended Aug 23, 1866. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 420 CHF

    Lot# : 1762 Austria

    Austro - Prussian War 1866: Second and third sheets of letter treated as prepaid with blue crayon cross, mailed by Feldwebel Karpinski, 5th Company of Graf Mazzuchelli, 10th Infantry Regiment of the Line, from the Aspern, Wagram area to Krogulec in Galicia (now Poland), cancelled by circular "K. K. FELDPOST / EXPOS No. 10" datestamp (Aug 1) in black, the Field Post Office being with troops forminmg the defence line for Vienna. Interesting translated contents on the Battle of Blumenau: "During the whole of the battle cannon shot whistled constantly over our heads, the enemy rifle bullets whizzed several times about my ears. The word is that about 100 Austrian soldiers have fallen, especially the bedienungs mannschaft (operating crew, probably of the Artillery) who have lost a third of their number. Our artillery have lost their horses but the enmemy has lost 7 to 800 men. After a hard battle the Prussians have pulled back towards Mäahren, but we foreigners were in Vienna two days later, the Galicians under Oberst. Mandl are known as the Iron Brigade. Afetr three days rest we marched northwards again over the Danube in the direction of Aspern and Wagram and around the Floridsdorf defence (schanzen)....After the battle at Blumenau it was an horrific scene that in 7 hours so many fine men should be dead aand our Arttillery almost gone..". Reverse with Vienna (Aug 2) and Lemberg cds (Aug 6). The War began on June 14, 1866 and ended Aug 23, 1866, this being a very rare Field Post Office. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 1763 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : I-XIV
    1918: Feldpostmarken für Italien, Aushilfsausgabe zu 14 Werten 2 cts. auf 1 h. blau bis 1 L.6 cts. auf 1 K., nicht verausgabte Viererblockserie farbfrisch und in einwandfreier postfr. Erhaltung ANK = Euro 1'400.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 1764 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : I-XII
    1 / 1
    1918: Feldpostmarken für Rumänien, kompl Serie zu 13 Werten unverausgabt 1 B. vis 90 B. mit Handstempelaufdruck BANI, sog. Feldpost IV mit frischem Originalgummi in postfr. Erhaltung. Attest Lerch (2019).
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200 CHF

    Lot# : 1765 Serbia

    Austrian Occupation of Serbia 1914/18: Collection with covers/cards (43) and pieces/loose (75), largely franked by K.u.K. Feldpost issue and a study of cancellations, with Feldpost card from "Bazar Sjak" Feldspital Nr. 211 (open May-Nov 1918 only), Albania 10 q. rose card used from Hungarian FPO No. 9, 1917 reg'd express cover from Belgrade, 1918 registered cover from Čačak, 1916 150 h. franking from Valjevo cancelled in blue, 1915 reg's cover with 2 kr. and 60 h. from Sjenica, 1916 mixed issue franking from Obrenovac, POW card franked 10 h. used from Grn. Milanovac, 1917 covers from Velika Plana or Čačak to Switzerland, mail via Agents in Salonika and items from the Austrian occupation of Italy. A fine lot, ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 1766 Austria

    Great War / Field Post Offices 1914/1918: Collection in album covering the whole gamut of Field Post Office mail, incl. Siege of Przemysl cards with Hungarian "FPO / No. 7" used on 5 Nov 1914 and received in Mikolcz on 2 May 1915; circular "Tabori Posta / Pozsony / p.u. / Feldpost" in red on card to Tirol; further cards from Austrian FPO's 31, 33, 51, 75, 113, 153, 154, 224, 235 (Romania), 262, 263, 294, 299, 306, 311 (Die Proofs of the Postmark - illustrated in Rainer handbook), 318 (negative seal), 324, 338, 373, 374, 376, 499, 511 (negative seal), 517, 520 (with framed cachet), 525, Travelling Military PO 1917 card with "KOND. FAHRT. GAL WEST" cds, 1916 card with TPO Lublin-Trzebina cds, 1916 Feldpost card with "K. K. FELDPOST SORTIERSTELLE / GRAZ" cds, Hungarian FPO 171 cover to Turkey, 253, 254 (negative seal), 366, 425, "Von der Armee im Felde" markings ( 6 different), Sample Cards recording the opening of FPO's etc. A marvellous lot. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.rn 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 1767 Austria

    Maltese Order of Hospital Trains 1915/1918: Collection on leaves (10 items plus memorabilia) with 1917 Feldpost censored postcard from Bulgaria with "Kommando der + Sanitatis / des souv. Malteser Ritter Ordens" violet cachet with Austrian "FPO / 460" cds, Jan 1915 card from Teschen with circular "Spitalzug D" cachet, 1915 card (Malteserzug A) from Feldberg with circular "Spitalzug A" cachet, 1915 Feldpost card with circular "Spitalzug E" cachet, 1915 card with violet cachet from Spitalzug F with tied Charity Label alongside, May 1916 card from Italy with "Malteser Ordens" oval cachet and Hungarian "FPO / 91" cds, 1918 postcard with "Feldpost" cachet and circular "Malteser Ordens" cachet in violet, and some photographs and illustrations etc. Scarce and seldom seen. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 1768 Austria

    Austrian Field Post Offices 1852/1918: - Collection in an album starting with letter written and signed by Marshall Graf Radetzky in the Headquarter in Verona (1852), letter written by Emperor Franz Joseph's own hand (1858), 'K.u.K. Fieldpostoffices', two envelopes addresed to the Emperor 'Hofsekretariat Sr. K.u.K. Hoheit des Durchl. Herrn Erzherzog Friederich' (Commander in Chief), further stamps and covers/cards (20) of the Polish Legion, Foreign Legion in Ukraine (4) and Romania (4), Turkish Corps and Turkish Army in Poland (6) and Bucharest (2), Austrian Army in Turkey (5), F.P.O. 451 and 452 of  Austrian Field Post Office in the Levant with usages in Palestine (8), Austrian Occupation of Odessa with superb Russian franked card, Ukraine (7), a special section of Austrian Air Force with 'K.u.K. Luftschifferabteilung' (2). 'K.u.K Luftfahrtruppen' (6), Ballon-Kompagnie (3), 'Isonzo Armee' (3), Fliegerkompagnie Nr. 28 in Italy (3), Balloon-Units, etc. as well as from the Imperial Navy 'K.u.K. Kriegsmarine (6). All neatly mounted on album pages and illustrated with many photographs. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,700 CHF

    Lot# : 1769 Austria

    Austrian Naval  Forces 1869 (Jan 3): Entire letter from the Naval Commander of the 3rd. Division in Cattaro addressed to the Captain of the Gunboat "S.M.S. Reka" at Pisano, struck with framed cachet "K.K. ESKADRE / COMANDO" handstamp in black. A seldom seen cachet from the Cattaro Headquarters. Unfortunate arricator also on obverse but very scarce. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.rnNote: The "S.M.S Reka" was involved at the Battle of Lissa in 1866. The letter reprimands the Reka's Captain for sending personnel on leave without arranging for replacements. He also comments on the fortunate timely transfer of replacements from the "S.M.S. Andreas Hofer", more by accident than design to keep up the ship in readiness and up to strength.rn 
    Starting bid : 160 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1770 Austria

    Austrian Naval Forces 1839/1913: The collection of pre Great War covers/cards/telegrams (50+), with 1839 entire regarding the Naval Arsenal at Venice with details of payments due to 800 men of the 9th Feldlager Battalion, 1868 cover franked 1867 5 kr. used from Sternberg to Pola addressed with framed "S.M.S. FREGATTE / VENUS" arrival handstamp on reverse, 1888 card from "SMS Schwarzenberg" at Pola with violet cachet, 1894 cover from Pola to "SMS Andreas Hofer" large arrival cachet in violet, 1891 registered cover from Triest to "SMS Pola" with superb arrival cachet in black, 1896 Telegram from Teodo to Pola with violet "S.M.Schiff Donau" circular cachet, 1901 Boxer War cards ex Cruiser "SMS Maria Theresia" with black or blue cachets, 1903 cards from SMS ZENTA mailed from Cape of Good Hope and Brazil, 1904 rare cover with Hungary Torul 10 f. mailed to German P.O. in Peking with arrival cds and "K u K GESANDTSCHAFTS / WACHDETACHEMENT / PEKING" datestamp (May 12) in black and another 1906 cover with similar PEKING datestamp of despatch; 1909 card with 5 h. with "S.M. Schiff Aspern" cachet in violet, "K und K Kriegsmarine / Erzherzog Ferdinand Max" datestamps on cards (3) mailed from Volos or Smyrna and an 1883 Telegram from the Battleship, 1901 Boxer War cover from "SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth" with violet cachet, 1902 postcard with Ceylon 6 c. mailed from "SMS Kaiser Karl VI" from Colombo and a second card mailed from Japan with 5 h. adhesive, 1903 card ex Constantinople with "K.u.K. Kommando SMS / TAURUS" cachet in violet, May 1914 card from Japan with "K UND K KREIGSMARINE / SMS KAISERIN ELISABETH" cds tying 5 h. green, 1908 card from Osaka, Japan with 5 h. tied by similar "Franz Josef I" datestamp, 1911 card mailed with 5 h. with "SMS LACROMA" cachet in blue, 1912 card from Corinth with 5 h. cancelled "Maria Theresia" cds in blue, 1912 cover with two 5 h. tied by Crusier "SZIGETVAR" and 1913 card used with same cds mailed at Constantinople, 1912 cover with Hungary Torul 10 f. tied by Battleshiop "K u K KRIEGSMARINE / S.M.S. ZRINYI" datestamp in violet, 1916 Chinese receipt with circular "K.u.k. Marinedetachement / Tientsin" cachet in red. A fine collection with much ancillary material incl. a range of usages on piece, photographs, postcards of ships and documents. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,800 CHF

    Lot# : 1771 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Shore & Air Bases 1914/18: The collection with covers/cards (92) incl. "Fleigerstation No. 6" in violet on 1915 card ex Pola, 1917 cover with "K. u. K. Seeflugstation Triest" in red via FPO 383 to FPO 406 in Fiume, "K. u. K. Seeflugstation Pola" in violet on 1916 and 1918 covers (diff. cachets) and a similöar usage but in a framed Censor cachet in red, 1916 card from Adriatic Air Base in Kumbor, "K. u. K. Luftschifferfeld Flieger / Kompanie No. 8" on 1915 card ex Pola, 1917 card from the Flying School at Cosada; Naval HQ cancels ex Pola (6 different), San Nicole cachet in violet on 1917 card, cards from the Administration Depts., Artillery & Anti-Aircraft Units, Coastal Defence Unit, Detention Centre, Engineers School, Hospitals, Marine Corps, Medical Services, Patents Office, Provisions stores, Railway Regt., Recruiting School, Searchlight Unit, Slaughterhouse, Sea Arsenal, Sea Mine School Ship, Telegraph Dept., Weapons Dept, with various cachets, 1916 card from Feldmarschalleutenant R. von Rolleg, commandant at Cattaro and written by him etc. Another thorough and extraordinary collection with illustrations, postcards and photographs; most items regarding Pola, but also with usages from Cattaro and Castenuovo etc. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 1772 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Auxilary & Hospital Ships 1914/18: Collection with covers/cards (33) for support ships and ships hired from private firms incl. Refrigeration ship S.S. Carolina used from Pola in June 1917, 1917 Feldpost card with circular Flag handstamp "SS Cyclops / Trieste", depot ship SS Gasten with "SM Dampfer IV" with violet Censor cachet, SS Carniola with similar Censor cachet in red (Dampfer V), "SM Dampfer VII" in red and in violet (a rest ship for U-Boat crews), 1915 "Lloyd Dampfer X" cachet (3 items) in violet from SS Africa ( a Hospital Ship), SS Austria (Dampfer XI) on two cards, 1918 cards from Submarine search ships ("S" Flöotilla) incl. cachets from "S.M.D. Arsa", "S.M.D. Nesazio", "S.M.K.D. Novi", card from Hospital Ship SS Metrovich (ex Lloyd) with circular "Seespital Schiff No. II" cachet in red, cover from Hospital Ship SS Tirol with circular "Seespital Schiff No. III" cachet in red, Feldpost card via FPO / 267 with Hospital Ship straight line "Kommando des Seespitalschiff IV" in red and a 1917 cover to the Red Cross with circular cachet in red, 1918 card with oval "S/S Szeged" in violet (a Transport ship), further covers from ships: s.m.k.d. Risano at Fiume, S.M.D. Dolfin, S.S. Fram (Dampfer XX), S.S. Bosnia (Dampfer XIV), S.M.D. San Mauro, and S.S. Corvin etc., together with photographs or postcards of the ships and a wealth of information. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 1773 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Battleships 1914/18: The beautifully written up collection with silhouettes of all the ships concerned, with covers/cards (90+), nearly all with "K. u. K. Kriegsmarine" cachets or datestamps, with 1915 card from S.M.S. ARPAD with cds and 1915 and 1917 cards with circular or oval cachets in violet of same, POW Mail card ex the "Arpad" to a prisoner in Italy,  1915 cards (2) ex S.M.S. Babenburg each with cds's, another with circular cachet in red, 1914 with "S.M.S. Budapest" cds, 1918 card with straight line S.M. SCHIFF BUDAPEST in violet, 1916 covers/cards (3) from "Erzherzog Ferdinand Max" with cds and 1917 card with Censor cachet of same in violet, 195/17 cards (8) with "Erzherzog Ferdinand" cds or cachets, 1915 special Feldpost card with red circular "Zensuriert / Erh. Friedrich" and datestamps or cachets (5) from same ship, 1915 card with "S.M.S. Karl" with violet Censor datestamp (2) and different datestamps (3); "S.M.S. Hapsburg" with 5 items, cards/cover from "S.M.S. Prinz Eugen" with 5 items with four different cachets or cds's; "S.M.S. Radetzky" with straight line on 1918 cover, covers/cards (3) with cds, cards (2) ex "S.M.S. KR. ERZH. RUDOLF", 1915/16 cards (6) with circular cachet of "S.M.S. Szent Istvan" in violet or red (sunk in 1918) and a rare usage of blue "I am well" multilingual card with red cachet, "S.M.S. Tegetthoff" cards with cds, three with circular cachets and a rare framed Censor usage, usages from "S.M.S. Viribus Unitis" (7) and "S.M.S. Wien" cards with cds's in violet, black  or blue, 1917 "S.M.S. Zrinyi" cards with cds and another with red Censor,  etc., the whole with research, pictures of the ships concerned and their histories. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,700 CHF

    Lot# : 1774 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Cruisers 1914/18: The collection with range of covers/cards (36), with 1915 "S.M.S. Admiral Spaun" cds on 1915 card, 1916 card with "S.M.S. Aspern" cards (4) with cds and different cachets, "S.M.S. Helgoland" 1918 cover with oval cachet and card with cds, "S.M.S. Kaiser Franz Joseph I" card with violet cachet and stamped cover with same, together with cds usages on cards; 1918 card with  "S.M.S. Kaiser Karl VI" cachet and a cards with cds in violet and in black, "S.M.S. Leopard" cards (2) with cds, "S.M.S. Maria Theresia" large cds on card, "S.M.S. Novara" cards (5) with cds or violet cachets, "S.M.S. Panther" cachet in violet on card and a cds usage, "S.M.S. Saida" covers/cards (4) with cds or cachet usages, "S.M.S. Sankt George" registered cover with cds and Flotilla handstamp and cards (2() with cds usages (one is taxed), "S.M.S. Szigetvar" cards (3) with cds or cachets in red. A fine lot with postcards and illustrations throughout. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 480 CHF

    Lot# : 1775 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Danube Flotilla 1914/18: Collection in two albums (79 covers/cards) with 1915 Hospital Ship "S.M.Spitalschiff Kulpa" violet cachet on cards (2), rare 1917 Feldpost card with Hospital Ship No. VIII cachet in violet, "S.M. Spitalschiff Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand" violet cachet on card, 1916 card from Rustchuk, Bulgaria with German FPO No. 179 cds, 1917 card from Romania with FPO No. 348 mailed from "S.M.D Almos", 1917 card from Romania with "Dampfer Balaton" cachet in violet, "S.M.S. Baarsch" violet cachet on card, "S.M.S. Bodrog" cachet on 1916 card ex Bulgaria, "S.M.S. Csuka", "Fogas" cachets on cards, further usages from "Helena", "Inn" (2), "Koros" (2 different), "Leitha" with violet cachet, "Maros" (2) with Arms cachet in black or violet; 'lettered' Patrol ships: C, F, L; "S.M. Mb. Pillango" on 1916 card with violet cachet - this boat had a crew of only three; 1917 "S.M.S. Samson" (2) and "S.M.S. Sava" usages (2),  "S.M.S. Szamos" with violet cachet ex Bosnia, "S.M.S. Temes" (3) incl. cover showing red Arms cachet, "S.M.B. Wels" (3) with diff. violet cachets, rare 1918 cover with "Schiffleitung Unter-Dneipr" cachet used from FPO No. 408 in Kherson, three cards from the British Royal Navy used on the (Serbian) Danube in 1915 all with PASSED CENSOR cachets in red (very rare), together with a wealth of informaation and illustrations etc. Another marvellous collection. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,400 CHF

    Lot# : 1776 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Depot & Support Ships 1914/18: Collection with covers/cards (84) from Cadet and Pola Harbour Guard "SMS Adria" (5 items), "S.M.S. Alpha" cards (4) with diff. cachets, 1914 real-photo card of sailor on "S.M.S. Basilisk", 1915 cover/card from the hulk  "S.M.S. Bellona", 1916/17 cards from Mine Layer "Chameleon", cards from the hulk "Custoza" (4 different cachets), Repair ship "S.M.S. Cyclop" with covers/cards (3) with Arms cachets (2 diff.), Station ship "Dalmat" (2), 1917 cover ex Sebenico from the Quarters ship "Donau", cover/cards (4) from the Quarters ship "Don Juan di Austria" which housed submarine crews, repair ship "Gaa" with card showing red cachet, covers/cards (4) from "S.M.S. Gamma" a depot ship / hulk, "S.M.S. Herculaes" cds on card (2) a Salvage vessel, card from Tug "S.M.S. Hippos" with cachet in violet (rare), cards (3) from Station ship "Kaiser Max" moored at Teodo and a franked cover tied by violet cachet, 1915 card from Pilot ship "Kathi", 1914 card from the Quarters ship "Lacroma", card from "Mars" a guard ship at Fasana, 1916 ciover from Imperial Yacht "S.M.S. Miramar", card from "Nautilus" a depot ship, usages (5) from the "Pelikan" a depot ship for U-Boat crews, Transport ship "S.M.S. Pola" usages (2), "S.M.S. Salamander" cachet of Mine Tender on card, School ship "Schwarzenburg" (2), Gunnery School ships "Sebenico" with covers (2, diff.) and "Spalato" with cover and card, cards from Tender No. IV and 200, Coal Tender ""Teodo" with cards (3) showing different cachets, Oil Tanket "Vetsa" with violet cachet, "Vulcan" dept ship (3) witrh diff. cachets etc. A fine lot with thge usual historical background and photographs. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,900 CHF

    Lot# : 1777 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Destroyers 1914/18: The beautifully written up collection with covers/cards (50), nearly all with "K. u. K. Kriegsmarine" cachets or datestamps, with 1915 card with "S.M.S. Balaton" cds and 1918 cover with straight line handstamp in red, 1917 card with str. line and cds of "S.M.S. Blitz" in red, Red Cross card in green with "S.M.S. Csepel" cds, card with "S.M.S. Csikos" cds, 1916 Feldpost card with "S.M.S. Dinara" cds and card with "Dinara" Censor cachet with FPO / 267, card from S.M.S. Dukla" str. line, 1915 card with "S.M.S. Huszar" cds, 1918 card with "S.M.S. Komet" str. line in violet, 1917 Feldpost card with "S.M.S. Magnet" in violet, 1916 card with "S.M.S. Meteor" cds, 1915 cards (2) with "S.M.S. Orjen" cds, one with Postage Due; 1915 card with "S.M.S. Pandur" cds in violet, 1916 cover "S.M.S. Planet" cachet and censor handstamp in violet, 1917 card with "S.M.S. Reka" str. line in red, 1916 cards (2) with different "S.M.S. Scharfschutze" cachets in red, pink Feldpost card with "S.M.S. Streiter" cachet in red and a card with Censor cachet in red from same ship, cards/covers (6) with "S.M.S. Tatra" cachets or cds, 1915 and 1918 cards with "S.M.S. Trbant" str. line or circular cachet in red, 1915 cards (2) with "S.M.S. Triglaw" cds or str. line cachet, 1915 illustrated private Feldpost card with "S.M.S. Turul" cds, 1916 cover and card from "S.M.S. Ulan" with cachets in red, covers/cards (3) with "S.M.S. Uskoke" cachets - all different, 1916 cover from "S.M.S. Velebit" with cds, and another with Censor cachet in violet, 1916 and 1918  cards with "S.M.S. Warasdiner" cds's and cards (3) with "S.M.S. Wildfaang" cds's in black or violet, one 1916 card igned by the Captain, Johannes Prince of Liechtenstein. Another splendid lot with much historical information and card or photo illustrations. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,100 CHF

    Lot# : 1778 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Submarines 1915: Postcard endorsed "Feldpost" mailed to Zell am See, Tyrol written from Ragusa by Submmarine U5 commander Captain Geog Ritter von Trapp of "Sound of Music" fame to his wife Frau Agathe von Trapp who was satying with his mother during the War, struck with circular "K. u. k. Kriegsmarine / S. M. Unterseeboot 5" cachet in red with Stelnuoovo Di Cattaro despatch cds (Sept 20) in black alongside staing "I was today again a tourist guide in Ragusa. Beautiful day and everything very nice. Mother in Erlhof. Geog". Sold together with a 1915 incoming Feldpost card addressed to Capt. Von Trapp written by an Army Officer in Sebenico congratulating him and his crew - a month earlier the U5 had sunk the Italian submarine "Nereide". A marvellous and historic pair. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.rnNote: Von Trapp (1880-1947) hailed from a Naval family, born in Zara on the Dalmatian coast he received his first decoration as a member of the Austrian contingent in the Boxer War. He became the most famous and successful U-Boat commander in the Austrian Navy whilst in command of S.M.U.5 sinking both the French Armoured Cruiser "Gambetta" (April 27, 1915) and the Italian submarine "Nereide" on August 5, 1915.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 1779 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Submarines 1916: Cover to an Army Lieutenant in Prague mailed in the Gulf of Cattaro from a crew member Submmarine U5 commanded by Captain Geog Ritter von Trapp of "Sound of Music" fame, endorsed at top left "S.M.U. 5, Pola, Marine Feldpost"; struck with two strikes of "k. u. k. Ubootsgruppenkommando / Golf von Cattaro" in red, mailed on "S.M.S. Monarch" with cds in black (July 10). Superb and rare. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 440 CHF

    Lot# : 1780 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Submarines 1914/1918: The collection of U-Boat Mail with covers/cards (60), with 1915 card with hand-drawn greetings from Submarine No. U-3 on reverse and Depot ship "S.M.S. PELIKAN" cds, 1916 card with "Unterseeboot 5" cachet in red (this commanded by Captain von Trapp of "Sound of Music" fame until Oct 1915) and a similar 1915 usage from "Unterseeboot 6" also in red, 1916 Feldpost card with violet circular cachet "S.M. Unterseeboot 4" in violet, 1916 autographed photograph sent as card with "U-Bootsgruppen Kommando" cachet in violet mailed via SMS Monarch, 1917 cover and card with "Marine Feldpostamt / Pola" cds's and handstamped "K. u. K. U-Bootstation Pola" straight line cachets in blue or violet, 1916 circular cachets of same with Austrian Arms in blue, 1917 card with straight "S.M.S. Unterseeboot 10" cachet in red sent via SMS Teodo aand a 1916 card from a crew member, 1916 cover and card from captured French sub "Curie" with circular red "Unterseeboot XIV" cachet in red (from October 1915 commanded by Capt. Von Trapp until May 1918), 1917 card with violet straight line cachet from "S.M.U. XIV", 1916 and 1918 cards from U-Boat No. 15 with different cachets, card from Sebenico with U-Boat No. 17 cachets in red and violet, 1918 card from Pola with U-Boat No. 21 cachet in violet, 1918 card from Pola with U-Boat No. 22 cachet in red, 1918 Red Cross card with U-Boat No. 28 cachet in violet and a card to a crew member, 1917 cards (2) from U-Boat No. 31 with violet and red cachets, 1918 registered Official cover from Pola handstamped "S.M.U. 32" in red and a card with this cachet in violet; 1916 card from S.M.S.U. No 35 with violet cachet of the Captain (and signed by him) with red Censor; 1918 card from U-Boat No. 43 from Pola, 1918 card from the "Submarine Search Flotilla" ex Pola, cards (4) from German submarine serving with Austrians as U-Boat No. 33 with "Marine / Schiffspost / No. 204" datestamps; Censored cover and card from German "Marine / Schiffspost / No. 98" (rare) and cards (3) with K.D.M.S.P. 64, 1917 card from U-Boat No. 48 (sunk in 1918) etc. A fabulous collection, together with a wealth of information on the subject, postcards (the U-Boat commanders were deemed to be the 'stars' of the War by the Austrian public), photographs and ephemera. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,400 CHF

    Lot# : 1781 Austria

    Austrian Navy / Torpedo Boats 1914/18: The beautifully written up collection with covers/cards (70), nearly all with "K. u. K. Kriegsmarine" cachets or datestamps, with 1916 "S.M.S. Torpedoboot 1" cachet in red, 1916 card with "No. 2" in violet, 1917 card with "S.M. BOOT 3" str. line cachet in green, "No. 4" with circular cachet in violet, "No. 6" with str. line cachet, "No. 7" with circular cachet in violet, "No. 9" and "No. 10" each with str. line cachet in red, "No. 11" with circular cachet in red and a 1917 card with Arms oval cachet in red - rare this boat mutinied and surrendered in 1917 to the Italian in Ancona, "No. 12" with circular cachet in red, S.M.S. Python "No. 13" with str. line cachet in red, S.M.S. Kigyo "No. 14" on cards (2) with different cachets, S.M.S. Boa "No. 15" card with Arms oval cachet in violet, S.M.S. Kobra "No. 16" with circular cachet in red, S.M.S. Viper "No. 17" card with Arms oval cachet in red, S.M.S. Natter "No. 18" with circular cachet in red, "No. 19" cards (2) with circular cachet in red and a third with oval Arms cachet, S.M.S. Rabe "No. 23" cards (3) with different cachets, S.M.S. Elster "No. 24" with circular cachet in violet, S.M.S. Gaukler "No. 25" with cards (2) with different cachets, S.M.B. Sperber "No. 31F" with red cachet, S.M.S. Bussard "No. 33" on 1917 card with oval cachet in red, S.M.S. Condor "No. 34" on 1917 card with oval cachet in red, S.M.S. Geier "No. 35" on 1917 card with oval cachet in red, S.M.S. Uhu "No. 36" card with str. line in violet, S.M.S. Wurger "No. 37" card with str. line in red, "No. 38" with Arms cachet in red, "No. 39" with str. linbe in red, S.M.S. Ibis "No. 40" with circular cachet in red, S.M.S. Kaiman "No. 50E" with two diff. cachets in violet, "No. 51T" with red cachet, S.M.S. Alligator "No. 52T" with circular cachet in violet, S.M.S.- Krokodil "No. 53T" with circular cachet in violet, S.M.S. Wal "No. 54T" with str. line in red, "No. 55T" with Arms in red, S.M.S. Narwal "No. 57T" with circular cachet in violet, S.M.S. Hai "No. 58T" with circular cachet in red, S.M.S. Möwe "No. 59T" with circular violet cachet, S.M.S. Schwalbe "No. 60" with str. line in red, S.M.S. Pinguin "No. 61T" with circular cachet in red, S.M.S. Drache "No. 62T" circular in black on 1916 cover, S.M.S Greif "63T" on 1917 card in violet, "No. 64F" circular in red, S.M.S. Hydra covers (2) with diff. cachets in red, S.M.S. Skorpion card with circular cachet in violet, S.M.S. Phoenix "No. 67F" on cover wwith "Gott Strafe England" label, "No. 69F" and "70F" and "71F" and "72F" on cards each with violet circular cachets, "No. 73F" and "No. 74F" and "No. 75F" on cards each with red circular cachets, "No. 75" card with oval Arms cachet in red, "No. 76T" with circular cachet in red, No. 77T" with circular cachet in violet, "No. 78T" on cards (3) with circular cachet in red and in violet and Arms cachet in red, "No. 79" str. line on card in red. A marvellous lot with much information, illustrations etc.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,600 CHF

    Lot# : 1782 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : Lomb.-Veneto 20
    Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for ship letters, Lake of Garda 1856c (May 24): Local lettersheet from Riva in Tyrol and thereby in Austria, despatched to Stenico, bearing Lombardo-Veneto 15 c. rose, machine paper, Type IIIa (Sassone Lombardo -Veneto 20), a fine and fresh adhesive with fair to large margins, tied by octagonal framed "RIVA VAPORE" handstamp in black (Müller 3424a). Reverse with RIVA transit and STENICO arrival (May 25) cds's. Cover with two file folds well away from the franking, some toning, nevertheless rare usage of a Lombardo-Veneto adhesive in Austria. Ferchenbauer = € 2'900.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 1783 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 32
    Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Adriatic Sea 1866 (June 5): Cover from Lussinpicolo to Venice, bearing 1863 5 kr. rose, perf 9½, a fine and fresh example, well embossed, tied by light octagonal "COL PIROSCAFO / DA / LUSSINPICOLO 30 / 8" datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 36 / Müller 3425e = 1'050 points). Crease aside the adhesive, some corner toning, nevertheless an attractive entire with this rare and sought after cancellation, ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 1784 Austrian Levant

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 7/I+V21
    Austrian Levant Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Mediterranean Sea 1867c: Piece bearing an exceptional combination of 1867 coarse whiskers 50 s. brown (2) and 1864 5 s. rose, a single adhesive and a vertical pair, tied by four strikes of three-line "LETTERE ARRIVATE / COL VAPORE / DAL LEVANTE" handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 99). Minor perforation irregularities, a most attractive piece, an appealing colour combination with the blue Shipmail handstamp struck in Trieste.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 1785 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 32
    Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1864: Arms 5 kr. rose perf. 9½, a fresh and fine single adhesive, tied by perfect "MILNA / 7 / 7 / COL VAPORE" cds in black (Tchilinghirian type AC-4 / Müller 3423e = 300 points). A most appealing strike of this rare shipmail cancellation, ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1786 Austria

    Austrian Lloyd's shipmail 1905 (Oct 11): Picture postcard from Shanghai to Linz, Austria struck by violet  'AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S SHANGHAE AGENCY' oval cachet, bearing Coiling Dragon 1 c. orange (2) and 2 c. red, two vert. pairs, tied by bilingual Chinese SHANGHAI despatch cds and "SHANGHAI CHINE" transit cds of the French P.O., French "LIGNE N 17 OCT 05" shipmail cds, and Linz arrival (Nov 16) cds alongside.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1787 Austria

    Austrian Shipmail 1861/1937: Assembly of 80 covers, cards and stationery items bearing various ship markings or cancellations, incl. some Lloyd as 'Col 'Vapore da Trieste' as well as Austrian Navy with 'K.u.K. Marine-Musik-Kommando', 'K.D. Feldpostamt des Marine-Korps', 'K.u.K. Marinepostamt Pola', 'Marine-Kriegslazarett' or 'S.M.S.Viribus Unitis' and many more.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 1788 Austrian Levant

    Austrian Shipmail 1850/1918c: Collections hundreds used stamps, pieces and covers incl. mailing facilities on board of ships such as 'I.R. Piroscafo sul Lago Maggiore' on corner marginal 1850 15 c. red, Lago di Garda shipmail with decorative "Imp: Reg: Vapori" handstamp on 1851 3 kr. - franking to Verona; origin markings such as 'Da Venezia', 'Lettere arrivata per mare', 'col Lloyd da Trieste', 'col vapore dal Levante'; Port markings such as two line 'Spalato, Sebenico, Trieste, Cattaro / col vapore', circular 'MILNA / col vapore', 'V.L.A. ZARA, SEBENICO, TRIEST', also on two covers, oval 'Col Vapore da BERUTTI, SMIRNE, TRIESTE'. Includes also Lloyd steamer cds's in black, red & blue in a large variety, strikes on foreign stamps, oval Lloyd handstamps of the BREGENZ, also foreign datestamps such as Aden Sea Post Office on Austrian stamps, "SCHIFFSAMT" cds's on ten stamps and two covers, Adriatic Sea express line, express line to Alexandria, Hungarian shipmail incl. postcard with the adhesives cancelled by the ship's cachet, PAQUEBOT handstamps, small shipping companies of the Adriatic Sea, and shipmail connection to the Ionian Islands. Three albums ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : 9,000 CHF

    Lot# : 1789 DDSG

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 3/I
    Danube Steam Navigation Co in Bulgaria 1867 10 kr. green, Type I, a fine used example on April 1872 cover from Lom Palanka to Orsova, tied by clear "AGENTIE D.D.S.G. LOM PALANKA" handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 898). A fine and fresh entire, a scarce postmark.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 1790 DDSG

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 3/I
    Danube Steam Navigation Co in Bulgaria 1867 10 kr. green, Type I, a fine used example on cover from Ruschuk to Braila, written in Hebrew, tied by fair "RUSTZUK 2 / IV" cds of the DDSG post office in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 916), light oval ship's handstamp "JOSEF KARL 21" in blue alongside. A fine and fresh entire.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 950 CHF

    Lot# : 1791 DDSG

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 3/I
    Danube Steam Navigation Co in Bulgaria: 1867 10 kr. green, Type I, a used example on April 1874 lettersheet from Silistria to Galatz, tied by oval "AGENTIE / D.1. K.K.PR.DONAU / DAMPFSCHIFFAHRT / SILISTRIA" handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 918), fair "GALATZI 24 APR 74" arrival cds (Kiriac fig. 542) of the Romanian P.O. alongside. Upon arrival the cover was charged with '10' (bani) due in blue crayon. Vertical and horizontal file folds, an attractive part paid item, directed from the Austrian DDSG in the Principality of Bulgaria under Ottoman rule to independent Romania.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 1792 DDSG

    Danube Steam Navigation Company in Valachia / Romania 1844c: Cover from Galatz to Constantinople struck with overinked circular "D.D.S.G. / GALATZ / P.P." in brownish black (Tchilinghirian fig. 808). A very scarce handstamp on cover from the well-known Zafiropulo correspondence, cover with stabilised vertical file fold well away from the strike, an elusive usage. rnNote: Tchilinghirian & Stephens mention that this handstamp was probably manufactured in Constantinople for fully prepaid covers with markings existing only for the offices in Constantinople, Galatz, Ibraila and Varna, starting in August 1844. The Lloyd Agency and Consular Office only opened in September 1845 and took over the the deep water services from the DDSG which restricted its services to the Danube and the route to Odessa. This postmark can be found up to 1865, even as an obliterator on DDSG adhesives.rnProvenance: Verschoyle collection, RL Basel (March 1980), lot 2302; Robson Lowe, Bornmouth Stamp Auctions sale 4757-59 (Feb 1983), lot 659.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,600 CHF

    Lot# : 1793 DDSG

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    Catalogue# : 4
    Danube Steam Navigation Co in Romania: 1870 10 kr. red, a used example on 1870 entire letter from Calafat to Braila, the adhesive tied by clear "CALAFAT 15 / XI" cds of the DDSG post office in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 782). Lightest vertical file fold not destracting from the fresh and very rare usage of this adhesive, an entire of the Faranga correspondence, ex collection Keith Tranmer Mi = € 2'200.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1794 DDSG

    Danube Steam Navigation Co in Serbia: 1865 (May 23): Bill of Lading from the DDSG agency in Pest to that in Semlin, related to the shipping of a box with felt caps 'Filzhüte' to an address in Belgrad, bearing on the inner side a 5 kreuzer revenue stamp tied by 'Pest' handstamp of the agency and oval "MARIA ANNA 9" ship's obliterator, an additional strike on the address side and "SEMLIN 25 / V" arrival cds, all in blue. A decorative and appealing item, ex collection Keith Tranmer.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 1795 DDSG

    DDSG Lots & Collections 1866/70c: Interesting selection stamps used/unused and twelve covers incl. usage of DDSG handstamps on 1864 5 so. rose with three examples of "AGENTIE DDSG SISTOV" handstamp, DDSG adhesives with different cancellations, also 1867 10 kr. green both types tied by circular "12/10" datestamp to same piece, 1870 10 kr. red with circular datestamp and WIDDIN handstamp, office handstamps of BRAILA, WIDDIN, GALATZ, T. MARGURELLE, OREAVA, GIURGEVO, LOM-PALANKA, SILISTRIA, OLTENITZA, DDSG stamp reprints and forgeries described as such. Also1854 entire letter describing the launching of the vessel 'Mars' on a British shipyard, covers with cancellations 'Ausgefolgt', ship's handstamps, porto cover from Sistov to Prague, 1865 porto cover from Giurgevo to Paris, 1856 porto cover Manchester to Galatz, 1866 envelope bearing DDSG 17 kr. red tied by WIDDIN handstamp and circular datestamp, directed to Braila, 1866 porto cover Galatz to Vienna, 1867 cover bearing DDSG 17 kr. red tied by blue RUSTZUK and directed to Galaz, 1867 cover bearing DDSG 17 kr. red tied by SISTOV handstamp and circular datestamp, directed via Alt-Orsova to Vienna where taxed, 1865 cover of the DDSG agentie in ORSOVA to Vienna, bearing Imperial Arms 15  kr. brown, 1867 Sistov to Galatz bearing 17 kr. red, 1871 part paid Sistov via Orsova to Pest bearing 10 kr. green, taxed with 19 kr. upon arrival, further documents, also two envelopes using Romanian shipmail Sulina-Tulcea DDSG packet control stamps for Romania, insurance stamps, additional payment stamps and early DDSG advertisements and travelling schedules. Some imperfections, a lot to be studied to be fully appreciated, ex collection Keith Tranmer.rn 
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 5,500 CHF

    Lot# : 1796 DDSG

    Danube & Black Sea Line of Steamers, T. B. Morton 1869/70: Interesting Group of 14 primarily unused adhesives, incl. 2nd issue with ½ pi. blue on white for Burgas, Kustendje & Varna, one example with large margins, one cut to shape, 1 pi. red on white cut to shape & 1 pi. red on blue cut to shape, also 3rd issue ½ pi. green (2), 1 pia. red (2, one cancelled by red lozenge) and 2 pi. blue, also 4th 'journal stamp' issue 10 pa. (2), and 5th issue 10 pa. (3).
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 1797 Austrian Levant

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    Catalogue# : Proof 1/5
    1867: Proofs five values 2 s. to 15 s. imperforate in black on yellow card paper, printed on both sides.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 160 CHF
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