Auction 265-273
-> SOUTHAMERICA - Maritime Postal History 1606-1886 - The Everaldo Santos Collection
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SOUTHAMERICA - Maritime Postal History 1606-1886 - The Everaldo Santos Collection
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Lot# : 5001 Brasil
In 1798 Dona Maria I, the Queen of Portugal purchased the Postal Monopoly run by the Da Matta family for the State. The decress was signed January 20, 1798. Two specific lines were created for the Brazil route, the North Line to serve the Northern Coast from Pernambuco and the South Line to serve the East Coast from Bahia down to Rio de Janeiro. The 80 reis ship rate was the longest lasting one in the history of Brazilian mail - 55 years.rnrnNorth Line 1799 (June 13): Entire letter from Pernambuco to Lisbon carried on the Portuguese North Line, rated '80' reis in manuscript at right, struck with abbreviated straight line "PERNAMBº" handstamp in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 28 and in 'Prefilatelia Portuguesa' by Luis Brito de Frazão RDP on page 64. A perfect strike of this, the earliest and sole recorded usage of the first handstamp of Pernambuco (RHM P-PE-01 = RR).rnProvenance: Collection Luis Brito de Frazâo RDP.Starting bid : 6,000.00 CHFHammer price : 10,500.00 CHFLot# : 5002 Brasil
South Line 1798 (Oct 15): Registered entire letter from Lisbon, Portugal to Marianna, Minas Gerais, Brazil mailed in the first year of the State run Portuguese Post, with manuscript "Segura" framed by "#" all round to denote registration with date of despatch "15 de Octobr. 1798" below, endorsed at left "Pelo Navio Sta. Cruz p. Rio de de Janeiro" in manuscript. On arrival in Rio, the letter was forwarded and struck with straight line "CORº. DO R.DE JANRº" handstamp in red (RHM P-RJ-33a = RR). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 29 and in 'Prefilatelia Portuguesa' by Luis Brito de Frazão RDP on page 41. The earliest recorded usage of any Brazilian postmark. See the accompanying November 2004 article by Luis Brito de Frazão on this cover on A wonderful and colourful cover of great importance to Brazilian Postal History.rnProvenance: Collection G. Plangg.Starting bid : 10,000.00 CHFHammer price : 16,000.00 CHFLot# : 5003 Brasil
South Line 1800 (Oct 3): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to London, endorsed internally "Ship Coutts", struck on despatch with straight line "CORº. DO R.DE JANRº" handstamp in black (RHM P-RJ-33 = $3'500). Charged the official '80' reis in manuscript, the cover was mailed via Lisbon where struck with "LISBON" straight line in brown. On arrival struck with two line accountancy marking "PORT / BRITISH" boldly in red with split rate notification in manuscript '5' (pence) due to Portugal and '1/8 d.' to Britain and rated '2/1 d.' to pay (a marking so rare that it was omitted in 'Marques de Passage' by James van der Linden). London "Foreign Office / Mar 2" arrival datestamp on reverse. Illustrated in 'Catálogo Enciclopédico de Selos & Historia Postal do Brasil' by Meyer on page 96a; Edition D'Or 59 on page 29 and in 'Prefilatelia Portuguesa' by Luis Brito de Frazão RDP on page 42. An exceptional, famous and extremely rare cover.rnProvenance: Koester, RL, London, 25 July 1988, lot 174; Collections Reinhold Koester, Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1154.Starting bid : 7,500.00 CHFHammer price : 12,000.00 CHFLot# : 5004 Brasil
North Line 1802 (May 15): Entire letter from Maranhão to Lisbon endorsed "Navio Primavera" at left, rated '80' reis in manuscript and struck with superb "MARANHAO" despatch handstamp in black (RHM P-MA-03). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 31. A fine and scarce entire.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 300.00 CHFLot# : 5005 Brasil
North Line 1803 (July 7): Entire letter from Bahia to Guimarães, Portugal endorsed "Galera Libra" and rated '80' reis in manuscript, struck with straight line "CORREYO DA BA" despatch handstamp in green (RHM P-BA-01). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 31. A fine strike of this scarce marking, the first postal marking of Bahia, on a most attractive entire.rnProvenance: 'Prefilatelia de Brasil', Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 14 Feb 1995, lot 407.Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 420.00 CHFLot# : 5007 Brasil
North Line 1812 (Oct 22): Entire letter from Pará to Lisbon, Portugal endorsed "pela Galera Prazeres e Alegria" and rated '80' reis in manuscript, struck with straight line "PARÁ" despatch handstamp in brown (RHM PA-02). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 31 and in 'Prefilatelia Portuguesa' by Luis Brito de Frazão RDP on page 62. A fine if slightly over-inked strike of this scarce marking, the first postal marking of Pará.Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 480.00 CHFLot# : 5008 Brasil
1815 (March 31): Entire letter from London to Rio de Janeiro endorsed "(single)" at lower left (single sheet, ¼ ounce) and struck superbly on flap by circular "POST PAID WITHDRAWN SHIP LETTER / LIVERPOOL / ♚ / 31 MR 31 / 1815" in red (Robertson P.P.W.1) and manuscript rate prepaid "P 1/2d." on front panel in red ink. Internal docketing of receipt (May 27) and charged on arrival "M 120" in manuscript (Merchant, 120 reis). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 32. Extremely fine and very rare.rnNote: This marking, in use between from Sptember 17, 1814 until July 11, 1815 only, was applied over the flap of outgoing letters from Great Britain denoting that they were not liable to confiscation by Customs Officials. A copy of the Alan W. Robertson page discussing this datestamp is attached with the lot. Only Liverpool struck the datestamp in red.Starting bid : 1,500.00 CHFHammer price : 1,900.00 CHFLot# : 5009 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1813 (Jan 19): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Guernsey, landed at Devonport and struck with superb oval framed "Ship Lre / ♚ / PLYMOUTH DOCK" struck in red (Robertson S2), a scarce usage of this handstamp. Rated '1/4 d.' to pay in manuscript upon receipt, Ship Letter rate of 4 d., Plymouth Dock to Weymouth (100 miles) 9 d., and Weymouth - Channel Islands Packet rate of 3 d. = 1/4 d. to pay. A fresh and fine cover, illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 34 and in A. Robertson "The Maritime Postal History of the British Isles" on page E.60/A.rnProvenance: Collection Alan. W. Robertson; Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1249.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 1,500.00 CHFLot# : 5010 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1820 (Nov 15): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Rothschild in London endorsed "per Nile" in manuscript, struck on arrival with fine circular "SHIP LETTER / ♚ / LONDON" (Feb 5, 1821) in black (Robertson S21) with arrival datestamp in red of the following day displaying well on reverse and rated '1/4 d.' to pay in manuscript. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 34, a fine cover.rnStarting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : 400.00 CHFLot# : 5011 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1826 (Jan 19): Entire letter from Pernambuco to Liverpool, struck on entry with two line "MARGATE / SHIP-LRE" handstamp in black (Robertson S4), reverse with London transit cds (April 3) in red. Charged '1/8 d.' to pay in manuscript upon receipt for double the Maritime rate of 8 d. + inland postage of 4 d. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 36. A fine entire.Starting bid : 120.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5012 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1830 (Oct 28): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Basel, Switzerland endorsed via Forwarding Agent in Antwerp, Belgium, endorsed "p. Seitte" at lower left, landed in Ireland with fine "SKIBBEREEN / SHIP-LETR" in black (Robertson S1) with manuscript '8' (pence) charge. "Anvers" cds in red (Feb 12, 1831) and italic "Franco / Grenze" in red, charged '38' in red crayon on arrival. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 35. An unusual routing and a fine and very scarce usage.rnProvenance: Collection Reinhold Koester, RL, London, 25 July 1988, lot 190; Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1252.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 750.00 CHFLot# : 5013 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1839/49: Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to London endorsed "p. Active" and struck with fine step type "DEAL / SHIP LETTER" in black (Robertson S8), endorsed on reverse "Only Double, Fred Huth & Co." and rate changed to '4/-' to pay; 1849 cover from Rio Grande to Hâvre de Grace, France with step type "SHIP-LETTER / PLYMOUTH" in blue (Robertson S6), framed "Colonies / &c. Art 13" in red and SHIP-LETTER in black applied in London.Starting bid : 100.00 CHFHammer price : 100.00 CHFLot# : 5014 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1840 (July 13): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to London, endorsed internally "per ship Maria", struck with fine framed "GUERNSEY / SHIP LETTER" in black (Robertson S2). Annotated on obverse "1 oz" and charged double at '2/8 d.' to pay, with London arrival in red (Sept 25). A fine entire that displays well.Starting bid : 140.00 CHFHammer price : 380.00 CHFLot# : 5015 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1846 (March 18): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to London endorsed "p. Cellroney to Glasgow" struck with two strikes of framed "GREENOCK / SHIP LETTER" handstamp (May 21) in blue (Robertson S14), in use for one year only, and reverse with London arrival cds (May 23) in red where charged '8 d.' for private Ship fee. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 35.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 320.00 CHFLot# : 5016 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1849 (March 10): Entire letter from Bahia to Herrnhut, Saxony endorsed "per Anna" at top, with fine strike of italic "RYDE / SHIP-LETTER" in blue (Robertson S5, early usage) and rated '1/ 6 d.' British charge. Aachen transit with framed "AMERICA per ENGLAND" in black (Van der Linden fig. 112) and re-rated at '18½' silvergroschen in blue manuscript and Saxony '235' silver pfennig due upon receipt in Herrnhut. File fold does not detract, illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 36. A scarce entire.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 440.00 CHFLot# : 5017 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1840 (Oct 31): Second sheet of entire letter from Bahia to Saddleworth, near Oldham carried by hand as Consignee's letter and mailed on arrival in Liverpool (Jan 11, 1841) with touched 1840 1 d. black, plate 6, lettered FF, tied by red Maltese Cross to destination. The Liverpool arrival datestamp deleted by usage of "5" (cents) credit marking in red on reverse. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 37. A very rare usage of the Penny Black on a letter from Brazil - one of the earliest known South American covers to bear an adhesive postage stamp, and one of just three covers from Brazil known bearing adhesive stamps used prior to the issue of the Bulls Eye adhesives, two of which are housed in this collection. Cert. RPSL (1997).rnProvenance: Collection Luis Alemany; Antonio Torres, London, 5 March 1999.Starting bid : 5,000.00 CHFHammer price : 8,000.00 CHFLot# : 5018 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1842 (Aug 16): Second sheet of entire letter from Pernambuco to Saddleworth, near Oldham carried by hand as Consignee's letter and mailed on arrival in Liverpool (Oct 22, 1842) with fine 1841 1 d. red-brown on blued, lettered EJ, tied by black Maltese Cross to destination. Reverse with both Liverpool and Mancheter double arc datestamps (Oct 22). Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 37. A fine and very scarce entire, one of just three covers from Brazil known bearing adhesive stamps used prior to the issue of the Bulls Eye adhesives.rnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1252.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 3,600.00 CHFLot# : 5019 Brasil
Mail carried by Spanish Ships 1845 (Sept 27): Entire letter from Maranhão to Barcelona, carried direct to destination and struck on entry with fine "YNDIAS" handstamp in red with "Barcelona / Cataluna" arrival cds (Dec 2) in red on reverse.Starting bid : 140.00 CHFHammer price : 160.00 CHFLot# : 5020 Brasil
Mail carried by Spanish Ships 1850 (May 20): Entire letter from Maceió to Lisbon endorsed "pello Correio do Posta" and landed in Spain with "VIGO / GALICIA" cds in red (July 14), thence via Porto with blue datestamp and struck with '160' reis due marking, altered to '230' reis, both in blue, due upon arrival in Lisbon with faint only "LEY DE 20/4 50 r." marking in red. Small horizontal slit on front panel possibly from disinfection.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 150.00 CHFLot# : 5021 Brasil
Mail carried by Portuguese Ships 1848 (Jan 11): Entire letter from Maranhão to Barcelona, endorsed "Por Lisboa", struck in transit with LISBOA cds in blue. Reverse with manuscript "Reciba e encaminada en 1 de Marco 1848 por Exequiral y Seixas de Lisboa" Forwarding Agent and thence on entry struck with two strikes of "YNDIAS" handstamp in red with faint "Barcelona / Cataluna" arrival cds (Dec 2) in red.rnProvenance: Collection Reinhold Koester, RL, London, 25 July 1988, lot 184.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 150.00 CHFLot# : 5022 Brasil
Mail carried by Gibraltar Ships 1825 (Jan 31): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Lisbon endorsed "p. Harmony via Gibraltar", and internally noted as a duplicate letter with the original sent by Falmouth Packet; on arrival in Gibraltar forwarded on to Lisbon with "DE GIB / S. ROQUE / AND. BAXA" Spanish transit in red and charged '135' reis due in black on arrival in Lisbon. Sold with 1826 illustrated Bill of Lading for the Merchant Ship "Hind" for a voyage between Gibraltar and Rio. A fine page.rnStarting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 260.00 CHFLot# : 5023 Brasil
Mail carried by Dutch Ships 1836 (Feb 16): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Schiedam, Netherlands endorsed "pr. Antonia", struck with fine oval "ZEE-BRIEFE / DEN-HELDER" in red (June 4) with reverse showing fine Schiedam arrival cds (June 6) in red, charged '60' cents due upon receipt. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 41, an interesting entire with full accounts receivable.Starting bid : 140.00 CHFHammer price : 140.00 CHFLot# : 5024 Brasil
Mail carried by French Ships 1822 (Feb 15): Entire letter from Pará to Nantes, presumably carried by private Ship North to Cayenne where struck with fine straight line "GUYANE FRANCAISE" in red, thence by regular French Merchant vessel with entry marking "COLONIES PAR / NANTES" in black. Docketing of receipt (March 17, 1823) inside and handstruck in black on reverse. Rated '2' décimes due upon arrival. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 42. A most unusual routing for Brazilian Mail.rnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1289.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 750.00 CHFLot# : 5025 Brasil
Mail carried by French Ships 1838 (Sept 29): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Geneva, Switzerland endorsed "p. Lisbonnais du Havre'" and '23' (grams, but possibly archive number), struck on entry with framed "PAYS D'OUTREMER / PAR LE HAVRE" and "Bureau Maritime / Havre" cds (Nov 30) both in black. Reverse with Paris transit cds (Dec 1) in blue and two line "GENEVE / 4 Xbre 1838" arrival in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 42. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 150.00 CHFLot# : 5026 Brasil
Mail carried by French Ships 1821/31: Entire letters (5) with 1821 entire from Pernambuco "par la Julie Josephine" with "Colonies Par / Nantes" entry in black, 1822 entire carried on "Le Breton" witrh "COL PAR / LORIENT" entry mark, 1827 entire from Pernambuco with two line "Colonies Par / Le Havre" in red, 1828 entire from Rio "par la Chaudone" to St. Malo with "Pays D'Outremer / Par Le Havre" in red, 1831 cover endorsed "Courrier du Bresil" with Havre entry marking, a generally fine group.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5027 Brasil
Mail carried by North American Ships 1829 (May 20): Entire letter from Bahia to Halifax, Nova Scotia, carried outside the Mails as a consignee's letter to Boston, where forwarded with manuscript notation on reverse "Boston July 1829, forw'd by your obedt. serv. Archibald Foster". Pencil notation on obverse '3½' cents. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 38, a most unusual destination at this date.Starting bid : 120.00 CHFHammer price : 380.00 CHFLot# : 5028 Brasil
Mail carried by North American Ships 1842 (Nov 22): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA endorsed "per Gazelle via New York", struck on arrival with "SHIP" and "NEW-YORK" datestamp (Jan 23, 1843) both in red. Charged "58¼" cents due in red ink (2 c. Ship rate + 3 x 18¾ c. = 58¼ cents). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 38. An interesting entire with long contents and full Prices Current.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5029 Brasil
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 5030 Brasil
Falmouth Packets 1811 (Aug 8): Entire letter from Halifax to Rio de Janeiro at five times rate, endorsed "p. Packet paid" and unusually prepaid with manuscript "P 17/1d." in red and weight "1¼ oz.", struck with circular "HALIFAX / 214" datestamp (Aug 10) in black. Carried by the packet "Windsor Castle" and charged "1'980" reis due to pay upon arrival (this extraordinary amount would be reduced in 1812 to just 120 reis), internal docketing of receipt (Oct 26). Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 60. A superb and early entire in the foremost quality.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 4,000.00 CHFLot# : 5031 Brasil
Falmouth Packets 1811 (April 5): Entire letter from Halifax to Rio de Janeiro at single rate, endorsed "per first Packet" and unusually prepaid with manuscript "P 3/5d." in red, struck with circular "HALIFAX / 214" datestamp (April 6) in black. Carried by the packet "Sandwich" on its Maiden voyage to Brazil. Charged "660" reis due to pay upon arrival, internal docketing of receipt (June 20). Illustrated in Editrion D'Or XXXVII on page 60. A fine and early entire in the foremost quality.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 3,400.00 CHFLot# : 5032 Brasil
Falmouth Packet Line 1812: Second sheet of double rate entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Guernsey, the contents mentioning the imminent arrival of the "Antelope" Packet, carried on the "Princess Elizabeth" to Falmouth where struck with skeleton "BRAZIL / F" datestamp (Jan 13, 1813) in green, rated at '7/2 d.' to pay (4/10d. for the Maritime voyage, 1/8d. from Falmouth to Weymouth (147 miles) + 6d. Packet to Guernsey), an apparent overcharge of 2d., preumably for local delivery. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 43. Not the earliest known usage of this datestamp nevertheles a fine and scarce cover.Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 950.00 CHFLot# : 5033 Brasil
British Post Offices 1839 & 1848: Entire letters (2), the first mailed in 1839 carried on the "Alert" to London with superb strike of "RIO-JANEIRO" datestamp in black (May 21), the second entire letter from 1848 with "RIO-JANEIRO" datestamp in black (Dec 16) carried on the "Linnet" via London where struck with "Colonies &c. Art 13" in red, via Boulogne and Trieste to Syra, Greece and charged 130 lepta due upon receipt - this last an extraordinary destination for British Post Office mail at this date and the earliest recorded Brazilian letter to this destination. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 66.Starting bid : 1,500.00 CHFHammer price : 1,500.00 CHFLot# : 5034 Brasil
Falmouth Packet Line 1840 (Jan 9): Two entire letters from Rio de Janeiro to London, each endorsed "p. Skylark Pkt." or "H.M.B. Skylark", both covers carried on the same ill-fated journey of the "Skylark" on its fourth and last return voyage to Falmouth with "RIO-JANEIRO" British P.O. despatch datestamps (Jan 9). From an article by Alan W. Robertson enclosed with the lot, the Skylark never arrived at Falmouth as, suffering strong wind damage she was "Grounded at Valentia. J. Burton and T. Garland drunk, will examine them March 14" on Valentia Island in County Kerry. The mail was unloaded and the reverse of each cover shows Dublin diamond datestamp (March 5) in red, one cover showing framed "POSTAGE NOT PAID / TO LONDON" in red and eventually charged correctly (as if arriving from Falmouth) at 2/9d. to London + 1d. to Brighton when forwarded; the second struck with correct 2/9d. rate from Falmouth, this having been altered by a "♚" Inspector's marking in red. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 45. A delightful and rare pairing.rnProvenance: Collection Alan W. Robertson. The article "Skylarking" originally published in 'Philately' (May-June, 1959) is enclosed with the lot and also available on our website,; Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1272.rnStarting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 1,300.00 CHFLot# : 5035 Brasil
Brazilian Coastal Packets 1839 (Aug 30): Entire letter from Rio Negro (Parana) to Rio de Janeiro, sent overland via Principe with framed "PRINCIPE" handstamp in brown (RHM P-SP--32 = 5'000) and thence via "CORETIBA" and "PARANAGUÁ" to São Paulo with circular handstamp and then Santos where the famous "SANTOS FISH" handstamp applied and carried down the Coast to Rio de Janeiro. The rates of Postage for each leg accumulated from 20 to 50 to 130 to an eventual '170' reis due upon receipt. A remarkable cover with five different pre-philatelic markings.rnProvenance: 'Prefilatelia de Brasil', Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 14 Feb 1995, lot 470.Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 550.00 CHFLot# : 5036 Brasil
Brazilian Coastal Packets 1839c.: Cover from Piracicaba to Villa do Principe, Parana Province, struck on despatch with framed "CONSTITUIÇÃO" handstamp in brown (RHM P-SP-08 = 15'000), via "S. PAULO" with framed handstamp to "SANTOS" with straight line handstamp. Thence from Santos by sea with framed "PARANAGUA" and overland to destination. The rates of Postage for each leg accumulated from 60 to 120 to 240 to an eventual '300' reis due upon receipt. Small scuffs due to journey but a remarkable cover with four different pre-philatelic markings.rnProvenance: Collection Reynaldo B. Pracchia.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 480.00 CHFLot# : 5037 Brasil
Brazilian Coastal Packets 1842 (Sept): Cover from Passo de Camaragiba, Alagoas to Rio Grande, endorsed "Vapor Paqte. do Norte Pelo Rio de Janeiro", struck on despatch with unique oval framed "PASSO" handstamp in red (RHM P-AL-02 = R) thence to "MACEIO" with framed handstamp in red (RHM P-AL-04 = 12'000), and circular "CORREIO DA BAHIA" (Sept 17) datestamp struck in black, thence via sea to Rio Grande with arrival datestamp in black. The rates of Postage for each leg accumulated from 30 to 70 to 110 to an eventual '150' reis due upon receipt. One flap missing but a remarkable cover with four different pre-philatelic markings, one being unique.rnProvenance: 'Prefilatelia de Brasil', Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 14 Feb 1995, lot 455.rnStarting bid : 1,500.00 CHFHammer price : 1,500.00 CHFLot# : 5038 Brasil
Brazilian Coastal Packets 1843 (Feb 18): Entire letter from Passo de Camaragiba to Villa da Cachoeira, Rio Grande do Sul endorsed "Pelo Rio de Janeiro" with unique rectangular framed "PASSO" handstamp of despatch in red (RHM P-AL-03 = R) sent overland with transit of "MACEIO" in red (RHM P-AL-04 = 12'000) and Rio de Janeiro with "CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE" cds in black (Aug 24), thence by sea to Porto Allegre with circular "PORTO AL." datestamp in black (Aug 29) and and thence again overland with rare framed "PTO.RIO GRANDE SUL / RIO PARDO" arrival (RHM P-RS-23 = 18'000) in black. The rates of Postage for each leg accumulated from 40 to 120 to 160 to 180 to an eventual '190' reis due upon receipt. A remarkable cover with five different pre-philatelic markings.rnProvenance: 'Prefilatelia de Brasil', Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 14 Feb 1995, lot 456.rnStarting bid : 1,500.00 CHFHammer price : 2,400.00 CHFLot# : 5039 Brasil
Portuguese North Line 1842 (June 26): Entire letter from Ilha de Mayo, Cabo Verde to the Consul General of Sardinia in Rio de Janeiro, carried on Portuguese Line ship to Bahia. Prepaid at '120' reis in manuscript and struck with floral wreathed "PAGOU O PORTE / DO CORREYO" handstamp struck in black (the unique example thus) and mailed on from Bahia by Forwarding Agent with "Reciba e encaminada de Bahia 9 de Settembre 1843 par Ovalle Seite & Co." and endorsed "per Pernambucana" of the Brazilian Line to Rio de Janeiro. An outstanding cover, refolded for Exhibit display, illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 46. Unique.rnNote: This handstamp was introduced a few days before the Bulls Eye issue was received in Bahia (Sept 10, 1843) and, as a pre-payment handstamp was deemed unnecessary after that date.Starting bid : 7,500.00 CHFHammer price : 7,500.00 CHFLot# : 5040 Brasil
Brazilian North Line 1843: Bulls Eye 30 r. black and 90 r. black, fine impressions in a deep shade, each with large margins all round, used on 1844 entire letter from Maceio to Porto, Portugal paying the 1842 Decree Ship rate of 120 reis, tied by framed "MACEIO" handstamp of despatch in black and by "CORREIO GERAL DAS ALAGOAS" circular datestamp to reverse. Further superb strike of the "Alagoas" transit cds on obverse of entire (April 26) alongside oval framed "C. Est. de N." handstamp, Lisbon datestamp (June 12) and Porto arrival datestamp. Charged '160' reis in blue and 40 reis (internal charge) with '200' reis due upon receipt. A magnificent and famous entire, one of just a handful of genuine covers known to overseas destinations and the sole first issue cover known from Maceio. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 120 and in Edition D'Or 59 on page 47 and in 'Bull's Eyes on Covers' by Bernd Juchert on page 209. A wonderful and rare entire in the foremost quality - the earliest cover crossing the Atlantic bearing South American Postage Stamps. Certs. B. Moorhouse (2011), BPA (2011).rnProvenance: Collection Maurino Ferreira (1993).Starting bid : 15,000.00 CHFHammer price : 46,000.00 CHFLot# : 5041 Brasil
British Packet, Brazilian South Line 1844 (March 29): Entire letter written in Hamburg to Rio Grande, and sent as a consignee's letter to London where mailed prepaid alongside "LONDON / F.B.O." (Foreign Branch) double ring datestamp in black (April 3) and rated '2/9d.' in red ink alongside London tombstone "Paid" in red. "RIO-JANEIRO" British P.O. datestamp in black (May 16) on obverse. Forwarding Agent 'C. Coleman & Co.' with notation on reverse who passed the cover to the Brazilian Post Office where franked by 1843 Bulls Eyes 60 r. grey-black, in a horizontal pair, intermediate impression, with clear to large margins all round, tied by "CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE" datestamp (May 30) in black, paying the Brazilian coastal rate to Rio Grande, docketing of receipt (June 8) on flap. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 48 and in 'Bull's Eyes on Covers' by Bernd Juchert on page 118. An extraordinary usage and of great rarity, the sole Bulls Eye cover recorded handled from the British Post Office. Unique. Signed Peter Holcombe. Cert. Brian Moorhouse (2013).rnProvenance: Koester, RL, London, 25 July 1988, lot 228 ; Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, Feb 2013, lot 4138.Starting bid : 20,000.00 CHFHammer price : 40,000.00 CHFLot# : 5042 Brasil
Brazilian South Line 1843: Bulls Eye 60 r. black in a horizontal pair, fine to intermediate impressions with large margins all round, used on reverse of 1844 entire letter from Santos to Buenos Ayres, Argentina tied by bold strike of "CORREIO DE SANTOS" circular datestamp (June 15) in black paying the Coastal ship rate of 120 reis. "CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE" Rio cds of transit on obverse (June 18) with datestamp showing inverted '1' in '18'. Manuscript '20' centavos for the amount due upon receipt. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 49 and in 'Bull's Eyes on Covers' by Bernd Juchert on page 244. A fresh and very fine cover, with just three known Bulls Eye covers recorded to Argentina, all from the same correspondence. Cert. B. Moorhouse (2014).rnProvenance: Collection Reynaldo B. Pracchia, Hapsburg Feldman, Nov 1987, lot 60057; Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 183, Sept 2013, lot 3436.Starting bid : 10,000.00 CHFHammer price : 42,000.00 CHFLot# : 5043 Brasil
Brazilian South Line and French Packet 1844/46: Inclinado 30 r. black an irregular sheet marginal block of fourteen examples used on 1845 cover from Ubatuba to Nantes, cancelled by six strikes of straight line "UBATUBA" handstamps in brown (Ayres unrecorded) with further information strike at left, paying the sextuple rate to Rio de Janeiro. Carried by French Packet with entry marking "Outre-Mer / Le Havre" in red (Oct 19) where charged '28' décimes due upon receipt. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 50. Some repairs and imperfections but not recorded by W.G. Tavera in the 'Slanted Numerals' handbook, however the second largest used multiple known and the largest recorded block of this stamp on letter. Despite faults, a great classic rarity of Brazilian philately. Cert. Moorhouse (2009).Starting bid : 10,000.00 CHFHammer price : 21,000.00 CHFLot# : 5044 Brasil
Brazilian South Line 1846 (May 15): Inclinado 60 r. black in a vertical pair with large margins all round and showing portions of adjoining stamps at right, used on reverse of 1846 cover from Santos to Buenos Ayres, Argentina tied on despatch by "CORREIO DE SANTOS" circular datestamp (May 15) and in transit by Rio "CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE" in black (May 17) and paying the Coastal ship rate of 120 reis to Buenos Ayres where charged '10' centavos due for local delivery in manuscript. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 51. A rare usage, just four recorded Inclinados covers known to Argentina.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 3,000.00 CHFLot# : 5045 Brasil
Mail carried by British Ships 1844/46: Inclinado 60 r. grey-black, used on reverse of 1847 entire letter from Oliveira, Minas Gerais to France via Rio de Janeiro, tied by fancy oval "OLIVEIRA / VA" handstamp in black (Ayres fig. 1376) and paying the internal 60 reis rate. Passed to the British Post Office with "RIO-JANEIRO" datestamp (June 25) in black on obverse and thence via London (Aug 24) where "Colonies / &c. Art 13" applied in red. Boulogne entry mark on front in red and charged '18' décimes due upon receipt (Aug 27). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 52 and in 'Slanted Numerals' by W.G. Tavera on page 368. A fine and attractive cover.rnProvenance: Collection Reinhold Koester.Starting bid : 4,000.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5046 Brasil
Mail carried by Brazilian and British Ships 1850: 10 r. black in a block of six (3 x 2) and 90 r. grey-black vertical pair, used on 1853 registered cover from Porto Alegre to Jena, Prussia and cancelled by circular "PORTO ALEGRE" handstamps in black (Ayres fig. 1585) paying the triple Maritime rate to Rio, together with 1'000 reis fee for registration (note the "Segura" notation at top on reverse). British P.O. "RIO-JANEIRO" cds of onward transmission per "RMSP Severn" in black and charged '5/10d.' due on obverse. London cds (Feb 17) also tied the block and thence mailed via Belgium with "SEEBRIEF PER ENGLAND UND AACHEN" in red (Van der Linden fig. 2555). Three further German Railway transits including Halle (Feb 20) in black and total charge of 63¾ silver groschen to pay in blue manuscript. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 53. A few small imperfections to the block but a very rare cover - the sole recorded Overseas Registered cover of the Numeral Issue and a cover of great importance to Brazilian Postal History.rnProvenance: Collection Armin Knapp.Starting bid : 2,000.00 CHFHammer price : 4,600.00 CHFLot# : 5047 Brasil
Mail carried by Brazilian and British Ships 1850: 180 r. black, a single example, used on 1856 cover from Porto Alegre to Koenigsberg, Prussia endorsed 'per Steamer Packet via Southampton' and cancelled by circular "PORTO ALEGRE" datestamp in black, paying the double Maritime rate to Rio. British P.O. "RIO-JANEIRO" cds (July 14) of onward transmission per "RMSP Avon" in black and charged '2/8d.' due on obverse. Mailed via Belgium with "SEEBRIEF PER ENGLAND UND AACHEN" in red (Van der Linden fig. 2555). Two German transits (Aug 14) and total charge of 34 silver groschen to pay in blue manuscript. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 74. Edge wear to envelope, best left on the backing used at present, the adhesive cut on opening but a very rare cover.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 2,000.00 CHFLot# : 5048 Brasil
Royal Mail Company Contract. On July 5, 1850 an agreement was reached between the Admiralty and the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., to take effect on Jan 1, 1851. Rates were reduced to a uniform 1 shilling to or from South America, the Steamships of the RMSP shortened the Atlantic crossing from circa 40 to 30 days.rnrnRMSP 1851 (Feb 10): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Porto, endorsed "p. R.M. Str. Ship Teviot" on the Steamer's maiden voyage from Brazil, prepaid at double rate with manuscript "2/-" in red and superb "♚ / PAID / AT / RIO DE JANEIRO" in black. Reverse with double arc "Rio-Janeiro" datestamp (Feb 10) in black. Struck on arrival in Lisbon with framed "P.BRIT" and rate mark '540' (reis) in blue alongiside oval "LEY DE 20/4 50 / 25 RS." handstamp in brown and charged a further '80' reis in manuscript for the journey to Porto (March 13). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 54. An exceptional and very rare entire in the foremost condition (Gi CC3 = £ 850).rnProvenance: 'Prefilatelia de Brasil', Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 14 Feb 1995, lot 479A; Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1274. rnrnStarting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : 3,200.00 CHFLot# : 5049 Brasil
RMSP Branch Line 1865 (Oct 5): Southbound cover from Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Ayres, endorsed "por Mersey" (the Steamer's final voyage) prepaid with fine "♚ / PAID / AT / RIO DE JANEIRO" in blue and manuscript "1/-" in red crayon. Reverse with "Rio-De-Janeiro" British P.O. cds in blue (Oct 7). Charged 3/6 adarmes on receipt. A charming cover (Gi CC3 = £ 850 / Parmenter = £ 700).Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 460.00 CHFLot# : 5050 Brasil
RMSP Branch Line 1865 (Nov 6): Southbound double rate cover from Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Ayres, endorsed "por Arno" (the Steamer's Maiden voyage) prepaid with fine "♚ / PAID / AT / RIO DE JANEIRO" in blue and manuscript "2/-" in red crayon. Reverse with "Rio-De-Janeiro" British P.O. cds in blue (Nov 6). Charged 10 centavos to pay upon receipt. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 77. A charming cover (Gi CC3 = £ 850 / Parmenter = £ 700).Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 600.00 CHFLot# : 5051 Brasil
RMSP 1851 (April 14): Cover from Bahia to Nantes, France endorsed "Steamer Medway", struck with earliest recorded usage of "BAHIA" double arc cds of the British Post Office in blue. London transit cds on reverse and framed "Colonies / &c. Art 13" applied there in red, thence via Calais (May 16) to Nantes where charged '30' décimes due in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 67.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 320.00 CHFLot# : 5052 Brasil
RMSP 1853 (April 18): Entire letter from Bahia to Teneriffe via Joseph Bensusan, Forwarding Agent in Cadiz, struck on depatch with "BAHIA" double arc cds in blue (April 19) on reverse and, on obverse, superb strike of "♚ / PAID / AT / BAHIA" in blue with manuscript '1/-' rate at left. Carried on RMSP "Severn" to Cadiz with red cds on reverse (May 12) and charged with circular "7R" in red. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 55. One of just three covers known bearing the "♚ / PAID / AT / BAHIA" in blue (Parmenter rarity H). A magnificent entire (Gi CC1 = £ 3'750+ / Parmenter = £ 4'500).Starting bid : 2,500.00 CHFHammer price : 4,000.00 CHFLot# : 5053 Brasil
1853 (Sept 1): Printed entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Wasa, Finland carried on the RMSP Steamer "Tay", struck with London Lombard Street Maltese Cross datestamp (Oct 15) and reverse with "AUS ENGLAND PER AACHEN" in red (Oct 16). Manuscript "3/7" in blue and "3½ / GROSCHEN" credit marking applied in London (Van der Linden fig. 3257) in black also on obverse, marked at '33' kopeks to pay on receipt. A fine and early entire to a most unusual destination for Brazilian mail.rnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli (2012).Starting bid : 120.00 CHFHammer price : 120.00 CHFLot# : 5054 Brasil
RMSP 1853 (June 13): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, carrieds outside the Mails as a consignee's letter, struck with sender's cachet "H. PAIN / RIO DE JANEIRO" with date in manuscript "13/16/1853" in imitation of the Brazilian 'Geral da Corte' datestamp; and straight line "PAR LE STEAMER TAY" both in blue. The RMSP "Tay" left Rio on the 14th and arrived at Southampton on July 13, 1853. An unusual private cachet.Starting bid : 80.00 CHFHammer price : 80.00 CHFLot# : 5055 Brasil
RMSP 1864 (Feb 7): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Malta endorsed "per Oneida and via Marseilles" and carried by the RMSP Steamer, reverse with London transit cds in red (March 5) and "MALTA" code A arrival cds (March 15) in black and charged '3/2d.' due to pay in manuscript. A rare destination for Brazilian Mail.Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5056 Brasil
RMSP 1864: Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Mauritius, Higginson correspondence, endorsed "via Southampton & Aden", carried on RMSP "Parana" to Southampton. Struck on reverse with British P.O. "RIO-JANEIRO" datestamp in blue (Dec 8) and, alongside "MAURITIUS" code O arrival cds (Feb 24) in black. Handstruck "1 / TO PAY" handstamp in blue with total in manuscript charge of "2/4½ d." alongside for amount due. An extraordinary destination for pre-UPU Brazilian mail.rnProvenance: Koester, RL, London, 25 July 1988, lot 180.Starting bid : 4,000.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5057 Brasil
RMSP / Brazilian Mails 1869 (Jan 8): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Pernambuco endorsed "p. Danube" (RMSP), franked by imperfect 1850 10 r. black pair and 1866 Dom Pedro 10 r. green in a horizontal pair, tied by segmented cork 'cartwheel' handstamps in black and Rio de Janeiro cds (Jan 8). Reverse with Penambuco arrival cds (Jan 14). Thin paper cover with tape strengthening internally to protect from acid ink. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 57. A fine cover showing the rate: Brazilian internal postage of 100 reis + British P.O. credit of 120 reis. Cert. B. Moorhouse (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Luis Alemany, Corinphila 185, Sept 2013, lot 5084.Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHFLot# : 5058 Brasil
The British - Brazilian Convention was altered in 1853 to establish the Royal Mail Steamers could transport Brazilian Mails between the coastal ports, especially Pernambuco, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. The British credit would be 120 reis per ½ ounce. In 1866, with the issue of the Dom Pedro's, the Post regulated a single rate of 220 reis to be paid in Brazilian adhesives: 100 reis for internal postage and 120 reis to reimburse the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company.rnrnRMSP / Brazilian Mails 1866 (Sept 7): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Pernambuco by RMSP vessel endorsed "pr. Douro" franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 10 r. vermilion in a horizontal pair and single 200 r. black tied by segmented cork handstamps, with "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds (Sept 7) alongside in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 82. An attractive and early cover showing the single rate: Brazilian internal postage of 100 reis + British P.O. credit of 120 reis.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 550.00 CHFLot# : 5059 Brasil
RMSP / Brazilian Mails 1869 (Aug 28): Entire letter from Bahia to Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, franked at double rate by 1866 Dom Pedro 10 r. vermilion in a block of four and 200 r. black in a horizontal pair tied by segmented cork handstamps in black. Reverse with "Rio De Janeiro" transit datestamp (Sept 6) in blue, the letter carried by the RMSP "Oneida" to Rio Grande and thence overland to Pelotas. Brazilian internal postage of 200 reis + British P.O. credit of 240 reis. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 57. A fine and scarce entire.Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 950.00 CHFLot# : 5060 Brasil
Cie de Navigation Mixte Louis Arnaud, Touache Frères. The first regulated French Line to South America, The steamer "Avenir" inaugurating the service on November 26, 1853. By late 1854, the ships serving this line were ordered to serve the French state as Transports for the Crimean War. Two years later the Line made just four more voyages to South America, the route being dicontinued in March 1857.rnrn1854 (Aug 21): Cover from Bahia to Genoa, Sardinia endorsed "p. Avenir" at lower left, carried on her second and last return voyge to Marseille, struck on entry with "Outre-Mer / Marseille" in red (Sept 26). Struck with VIA DI NIZZA in black and reverse with Nizza Maritima cds (Sept 27) in black and Genova arrival in red and "1.80" in manuscript, where rated '8' decimi to pay. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 89. Believed to be the sole recorded cover carried on the two voyages undertaken by the "Avenir".Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 350.00 CHFLot# : 5061 Brasil
Cie de Navigation Mixte Louis Arnaud, Touache Frères 1857 (Feb 10): Cover at double rate from Rio de Janeiro to Zurich, Switzerland endorsed at top "Per Vapeur Byzantine via Marseille", cancelled on entry by "Outre-Mer / Marseille" datestamp April 6) in red. Reverse with TPO's of Marseille-Lyon, Lyon-Paris, Strasbourg-Bale and Zurich arrival cds (April 8) where rated in manuscript "130" in red ink. Rare - there are believed to be just two known covers carried by this Steamer.Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5062 Brasil
Brazil / France Convention of September 24, 1860 regulated, for the first time, prepayment of International Mail with Brazilian adhesive stamps. rnrn1869 (Jan 22): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Montevideo, Uruguay, endorsed per the "Aunis", franked by 1850 300 r. black in a vertical strip of six with touched to huge margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top, and 1866 Dom Pedro 100 r. green all tied by segmented cork handstamps in black. "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds (Jan 22) in black alongside framed "P.P." in red. The 1'900 reis rate represents a ten times rate - and the cover is docketed twice with '9' in manuscript which suggests the letter accompanied a Packet - the contents confirm this "Incluimos a esta correspondencia un demonstrativo de contas..." (This mail includes statements of accounts). Carried on the Ligne K French packet "Aunis" with internal docketing of receipt of Jan 27, 1869. The strip with two small closed tears but this is of no significance as this cover represents the largest multiple of this stamp on letter. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 65. A wonderful entire for the connoisseur of French Maritime and Brazilian classic Postal History. Certs. B. Moorhouse (2011) and BPA (2011).rnProvenance: Collection Tefik Kuyas (1978).rnStarting bid : 7,500.00 CHFHammer price : 9,000.00 CHFLot# : 5063 Brasil
Messageries Impériales 1860 (Oct 25): Entire letter at double rate from Rio de Janeiro to Rothschild in London endorsed "p. French Str. "Bearn" to Bordeaux", struck with fine "BÉARN / *" circular datestamp (Oct 25) in black (Salles fig. 1001 = RR) - the Maiden Voyage of the Steamer on the Ligne du Bresil. Struck in Paris with oval framed "FR. / 2F 20c." accountancy marking and charged '1/4d.' due upon delivery. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 67. Small part of flap detatched but intact, a rare cover.rnProvenance: Collection Bernard Berkinshaw-Smith, Corinphila sale 145, April 2006, lot 3080.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5064 Brasil
1865 (Feb 14): Entire letter from São Paulo to Ballyneen, Co. Cork, Ireland endorsed "Pelo paquete France de Bordeuax / Post Paid throughout" franked by 1850 300 r. grey-black tied by dotted lozenge in black with 'S. Paulo' despatch cds at left (Feb 16) and reverse with Rio de Janeiro transit cds (Feb 23). Octagonal French Paquebot datestamp "BRESIL / BEARN" in black (Salles fig. 1009) of February 26. The "Bearn" was wrecked by a storm on the night of February 27 when sailing some 47 miles South of Bahia - in a feat of brilliant seamanship the Captain saved the entire crew and contents of the vessel, journeying south for 1'000 miles of coastline. The rescued mailbags were transferred to the RMSP "Parana" which left Bahia on March 7. Two 'London / Paid' transits in red (April 5), with Cork cds and Ballyneen arrival (April 7) displaying well on reverse. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 67. The adhesive creased but a very rare entire: one of just two covers recorded rescued from the Bearn sinking (the other was in the Berkinhaw-Smith collection). A cover of great importance to Maritime Postal History.Starting bid : 1,500.00 CHFHammer price : 3,800.00 CHFLot# : 5065 Brasil
1863 (July 24): Cover and large part back carried at double rate from Rio de Janeiro to Holmes Hole, Mass., USA endorsed "pr. Navarre Str. via Bordeaux", franked on reverse by 1850 sheet marginal 180 r. black and single and marginal pair of 300 r. black tied by dotted lozenge in black. "Correio Geral da Corte" despatch cds (July 24) on obverse with Bordeaux entry marking adjacent in red (Aug 18) struck over framed "P.P." also in red. Thence by closed bag to London with "New York" arrival in red. Manuscript '18' (cents) US credit alongside. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 68. A superb 'Double Atlantic Crossing' cover of great scarcity. Signed P. Holcombe.rnProvenance: Collection Angelo Lima (1993).Starting bid : 1,500.00 CHFHammer price : 3,200.00 CHFLot# : 5066 Brasil
1864 (June 24): Cover at double rate from Rio de Janeiro to New York endorsed "pr. Str. Béarn via Bordeaux", over-franked by 1850 marginal 600 r. black with large margins all round, tied by "Correio Geral da Corte" cds (June 24) and by "Brésil / Bordeaux" entry marking in red (July 18). Thence by closed bag to Liverpool with circular "N. YORK AM. PKT. / PAID" datestamp (Aug 5) in red with '9' US credit marking alongside and probably carried by the Allan Line Steamer "St. David". The cover was double rated for France (above 7½ grams) but single rated for Great Britain / USA and thus received the '9' credit. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 68. A superb "Double Atlantic Crossing" cover.Starting bid : 1,200.00 CHFHammer price : 2,800.00 CHFLot# : 5067 Brasil
1862 (Oct 25): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Genoa, Italy endorsed "par Str. Béarn", franked by just touched 1861 280 r. red, large margins on three sides, tied by dotted lozenge in black and also by oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in black (a further strike cancels the initial erroneous "P.D." in red at right), the cover was correctly franked for France but not for Italy whose rate should have been 430 reis. "Correio Geral da Corte" in black at right (Oct 25) and reverse with Lyon cds (Nov 22) and Genova arrival where charged"12" decimi due to pay. A most unusual and attractive cover.rnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1195; Collection Dr. Giorgio Magnani, Köhler, Wiesbaden, March 2019, lot 383.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 600.00 CHFLot# : 5068 Brasil
1863 (Nov 24): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Nantes endorsed "Steamer de Bordeaux" and carried on the "Navarre", franked by marginal 1861 280 r. red with large margins all round and showing portion of the adjoining stamp at top, tied by dotted lozenge with "Correio Geral da Corte" despatch cds below (Nov 24). Framed "P.D." in red and 'Brésil / Bordeaux' entry markling in black (Dec 17). Nantes arrival cds on reverse. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 69. A fine and rare entire in the foremost quality for this issue on letter.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 600.00 CHFLot# : 5069 Brasil
1866 (March 28): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Paris at double rate endorsed "Le Paquete Français Estramadure", franked by 1861 280 r. red in a horizontal pair with large margins all round, tied by oval "CORREIO DA BAHIA / * / BRAZIL" (Ayres fig. 1226) and circular "Correio da Bahia" datestamp (March 28) in black. Framed "P.D." in red and 'Brésil / Bordeaux' entry markling in red (April 18). Paris arrival cds on reverse. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 69. This was the final voyage of the "Estramadure" on the Ligne du Bresil. Some faults to the letter-sheet especially in the centre but the stamps superb, and the rate and franking rare.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 2,200.00 CHFLot# : 5070 Brasil
1866 (Dec 24): The famous cover from the Legation of the United States in Rio de Janeiro, endorsed "S.P" (Servicio Publico) and "pr. Steamer Navarre" and addressed to Thomas W. Evans, MD, Physician to His Majesty Emperor Napoleon III in Paris, franked at seven times rate with 280 reis red in a magnificent vertical strip of seven, marginal from top of the sheet and showing portion of adjoining stamps at right, all tied by dotted lozenge in black. "Correio Geral da Corte" cds at left in black and framed "P.D." in red; 'Brésil / Bordeaux' entry marking on obverse (Feb 18) in red. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on the front cover and in Edition D'Or 59 on page 70. One of the most significant and memorable covers in all of South American Philately. Signed A. Diena.rnProvenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, New York, 2-5 June 1958, lot 555; Robson Lowe, Basel, 18 March 1975, lot 1738.Starting bid : 25,000.00 CHFHammer price : 27,000.00 CHFLot# : 5071 Brasil
1869 (July 13): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Dresden, Saxony at double rate, endorsed "p. Steamer Navarre via Bordeaux", franked by 1861 430 r. yellow in a vertical pair, just touched at base, tied by sunburst segmented cork cancellations in black. Framed "P.D." in red at left alongside "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds (July 13). 'Brésil / Bordeaux' entry marking in blue and transit "Aus Frankreich Per Aachen / Franco" in blue (Aug 18). Readdressed on arrival to Königstein and franked by North German Confederation 1868 1 gr. rose tied by "Dresden VII / 19 VIII 68" datestamp in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on 59 on page 71. A wonderful and most attractive cover - the only recorded combination cover bearing a Brazilian 1850-1861 issue. Cert. Eichele (2009).Starting bid : 5,000.00 CHFHammer price : 10,500.00 CHFLot# : 5072 Brasil
1869 (Dec 16): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Florence, Italy at double rate carried on the French Packet "Gironde", franked by exceptional usage of 1866 430 r. yellow, perf. 13½, in a vertical pair tied by sunburst segmented cork cancellations in black. Framed "P.D." in red at right alongside "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds (Dec 17). Reverse with Firenze arrival cds (Jan 9, 1870). The envelope with slight nick at right well away from the adhesives which have been lifted for examination and hinged back to the cover. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on 59 on page 71. A wonderful cover - the perforated 1866 issue is of great rarity on cover. Signed on reverse "Guaranteed Genuine, J.M. Bartels". Certs. B. Moorhouse (2011), BPA (2011).Starting bid : 3,500.00 CHFHammer price : 4,800.00 CHFLot# : 5073 Brasil
The devaluation of the Brazilian Currency, leading to a rate increase to France from 280 reis to 320 reis.rnrn1871 (Dec 7): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Narbonne, France endorsed "pr. Sindh via Lisbonne", franked by three margined 1850 300r. black and 1866 Dom Pedro 20 r. red lilac tied by bold strikes of sunburst segmented cork handstamps in blue with "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds alongside (Dec 7) in same colour. Framed "P.D." in red and reverse with Bordeaux and Narbonne datestamps (Dec 31) in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 72. A scarce and attractive entire.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 700.00 CHFLot# : 5074 Brasil
1871 (March 1): Cover from Porto Alegre to France via Rio, franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 100 r. green, a single and vertical pair, cancelled by smudged dotted handstamp in blue with "Porto Alegre" cds on obverse in blue. Mailed via Rio de Janeiro (March 7) and struck with oval framed "INSUFICIENTE" in red as underpaid by 20 reis. Four French datestamps including Greoux in black (April 2) also tying the adhesives and charged '8' décimes due upon receipt. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 72. Scarce and unusual.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 260.00 CHFLot# : 5075 Brasil
1875 (Feb 16): Mourning envelope carried at double rate from Rio de Janeiro to Brussels, Belgium carried on French Packet "Senegal", franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 10 r. vermilion, 50 r. blue and scarce 500 r. orange all tied by segmented cork handstamps in black and by "RIO - JANEIRO / PAQ. FR. J No. 3" datestamp in black (Salles fig. 1079) with framed "PD" alongside in red. Reverse with Paris cds (March 10) and "France / Midi 1" transit alongside Brussels arrival. File fold away from the adhesives and some aging, but a rare destination for Brazilian mail at this date.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 480.00 CHFLot# : 5076 Brasil
"Les Voyages Exceptionells" 1872 (April 27): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Ayres, Argentina endorsed "per Asiatic", franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 20 r. red-lilac and 200 r. black tied by sunburst cork cancellations in black with "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds alongside (April 27) ands framed "P.P." in black below. The French Packet "Amazone" suffered serious damage on her incoming voyage to Rio and was delayed there for two weeks. To facilitate the Mails, the French Messageries Impériales Agent carried the mails to Buenos Ayres on board the British Ship "Asiatic", a non-Contract steamer. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 73. There are believed to be just two recorded covers recorded from this sailing. A rare and most attractive entire.rnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1219.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 420.00 CHFLot# : 5077 Brasil
"Les Voyages Exceptioneles" 1872 (Dec 4): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to France, carried on the ill-fated Paquebot "Gambie", franked by 1850 60 r. grey-black,. two fine vertical pairs and 1866 Dom Pedro 200 r. black in a horizontal pair tied by black oval segmented cork handstamps. "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds (Dec 4) and framed "P.D." in black. "Brésil / Bordeuax' entry marking in red (Jan 2, 1873) alongside and reverse with 'Morez Du Jura' arrival cds (Jan 4). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 73. The cover with some faults and edge wear but nevertheless very rare - the "Gambie" sank off Bahia on its next voyage.rnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 4 April 1963, lot 1361.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 700.00 CHFLot# : 5078 Brasil
1865 (Sept 10): Entire letter from Pará to Figueira, Portugal at single rate endorsed "Por via Perenambuco" at top, franked by 1850 30 r. grey-black and 1854 10 r. blue in a vertical strip of three, good to large margins all round, tied by framed "GRAMPARÁ" handstamp in black (Ayres fig. 1311). Carried by French Packet "Guienne", with "Por Transatlantico" arrival in violet and charged '150' reis due to pay (altered from 300) in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 75. A splendid and rare entire.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 1,400.00 CHFLot# : 5079 Brasil
1870 (Oct 6): Entire letter at single rate from Rio de Janeiro to Lisbon, franked by 1854 30 r. blue pair, margins touched to fine, tied by segmented cork handstamps in black with "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds (Oct 7) alongside. Carried on the French Packet "Gironde" and endorsed as such internally, charged '15' reis due upon receipt with "Por Transatlantico" arrival in violet (Oct 24) on reverse. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 75. Small imperfections but a very scarce entire. Cert. B. Moorhouse (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Karlheinz Wittig, Corinphila sale 184, Sept 2013, lot 4098.Starting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 350.00 CHFLot# : 5080 Brasil
1873 (Feb 6): Complete example of the "Revista Commerciale" Printed Prices Current from Bahia to Porto, Portugal, endorsed per "Gironde" in manuscript at top, franked by Dom Pedro 1866 10 r. vermilion tied by segmented cork handstamp in black. Reduced rate '20' reis charge marking on obverse and reverse with "Por Transatlantico" in vermilion (Feb 22) and Porto arrival (Feb 23) in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 opn page 76. A rare and very fine entire.Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 300.00 CHFLot# : 5081 Brasil
Messageries Impériales, Ligne de Brésil 1864 (Nov 23): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Malta endorsed "pr. Navarre" at double rate, with "Correio Geral da Corte" datestamp of despatch (Nov 2) on reverse in black. Obverse with "Brésil / Bordeaux" entry marking (Dec 21), struck with scarce Convention marking "FR. / 2F 16c." in black (Van der Linden fig. 1263) and thence via Marseille to Malta (Dec 26) where charged "2/-" due in manuscript. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 66. One of just two recorded pre-UPU mails from Brazil to Malta.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 800.00 CHFLot# : 5082 Brasil
1867 Société Générale de Transports Maritimes (SGTM). This successful line ran direct from Marseille to Rio, and by 1870 had taken a 20% share of traffic from the Messageries Impériales and also putting an end to the nascent Italian Line.rnrnSGTM 1868 (Jan 13): Entire letter from Pernambuco to Rheims at double rate, endorsed "p. Vapor "Savoie" via Marseilles" and struck with straight line "SAVOIE" in blue by the Purser (Salles fig. 1151) - only recorded on the Ship's Maiden sailing. Initially struck on arrival with "BRÉSIL / MARSEILLE" in red (Feb 14) but this deleted by a further strike and replaced by "OUTRE-MER / MARSEILLE" in red (Feb 14). Reverse with Marseille-Paris cds and Reims arrival (Feb 16). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 77. A magnificent and famous entire.rnProvenance: Collection Bernard Berkinshaw-Smith, Corinphila sale 145, April 2006, lot 3112.rnStarting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5083 Brasil
SGTM 1875 (Feb 17): Cover from Cachoeira to St. Michel, Savoie, France via Rio, franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 20 r. red lilac in a horizontal pair folded over small envelope, and strip of three 200 r. black tied by oval "A DO C / DA / CACHOEIRA" handstamp in black (Ayres fig. 1249). Prepaid at double rate (640 reis) but found to be triple and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in red. Reverse with Rio transit (Feb 21) and St. Michel de Maurienne arrival cds (March 26). Taxed '24' décimes in manuscript on arrival. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 77. The back somewhat truncated and obvious imperfections but scarce.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 360.00 CHFLot# : 5084 Brasil
South American & General Steam Navigation Co. The line attempted to compete with the RMSP on the South America route with Steamers named Lusitania, Bahiana, Imperador and Pampero. After just four Transatlantic crossings the route was discontinued.rnrn1854 (Nov 22): Entire letter from Santos to Helsingan, Denmark endorsed at top "p. Liverpool Steamer" and carried by the "Imperador". British P.O. "Rio-Janeiro" transit cds in black (Nov 30) on reverse alongside superb strike of rare "SOUTH-AMERN. / PACKET / LIVERPOOL" struck in green (Jan 4, 1855) and displaying well (Robertson P27). London transit of the following day in red and thence via the Danish P.O. in Hamburg (Jan 7) and charged "83" öre Postage Due on receipt. Illustrated in Edition D'Or XXXVII on page 83. Notes by Brian Moorhouse on the inside flap, the Rev. Howat listed only six examples recorded of the South American Packet datestamp - which was used only on Mail from this service. A rare entire.rnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1261.rnStarting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 700.00 CHFLot# : 5085 Brasil
Companhia de Navegação a Vapor Luso-Brasiliera, 1854-1857. The company, formed by Brazilian and Portuguese investors had two Transatlantic Steamers: D. Maria II and D. Pedro II, which made 8 and 6 round-trip voyages respectively. This line again failed to be able to compete with the RMSP and was discontinued after two years in service.rnrn1855 (Jan 23): Entire letter from Bahia to Porto, Portugal endorsed "Vapor D. Maria 2a", and struck with fine oval COMPANHIA DE PAQUETES A VAPOR / LUSO-BRASILEIRA / ¨BAHIA" in blue and charged '280' reis due on arrival, reverse with "P. Transatlantico" cds (Feb 17) with year error (54) in black and Porto arrival. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 60. A very scarce entire.rnrnStarting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 250.00 CHFLot# : 5086 Brasil
1854 (Oct 7): Entire letter from Bahia to Porto, Portugal endorsed "Vapor D. Maria 2a", and struck with fine oval "COMPANHIA DE PAQUETES A VAPOR / LUSO-BRASILEIRA / BAHIA" in blue and charged '120' reis due on arrival, reverse with "P. Transatlantico" cds (Oct 31) in black and Porto arrival (Nov 3) in blue. A very scarce entire.rnrnStarting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 250.00 CHFLot# : 5087 Brasil
Compagnie Franco-Americaine - Gauthier Frères & Cie. The second French attempt at a South American Line was also short lived, the ships Cadix, Lyonnais, Franc-Comtois and Barcelone made just 9 voyages to Brazil from March 1, 1856 until March 11, 1857.rnrn1856 (Sept 13): Entire letter from Bahia to Porto struck on despatch with circular "COMPAGNIE FRANCO-AMERICAINE / AGENCE DE BAHIA" cachet in green. Carried on the Steamer "Franc-Comtois" with "Por Transatlantico" arrival cds (Oct 18) on reverse in yellow and Porto arrival in black (Oct 19). Disinfected with slits on arrival and charged '80' reis in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 61. Very rare.rnProvenance: Collection Karlheinz Wittig, Corinphila sale 184, Sept 2013, lot 4160.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 550.00 CHFLot# : 5088 Brasil
1859-1860 Real Companhia Anglo - Luso - Brasileira. A British Navigation Co. sailing under the Portuguese Flag, between Milford Haven and Rio de Janeiro. With just three Steamers the service commenced on October 4, 1859 with the Steamer 'Milford Haven' leaving the Port of the same name. Only another 9 voyages were made, the last four from Liverpool. Their best performance was a 28 day voyage at a time when the RMSP was taking just 21 days.rnrn1860 (Jan 26): Cover from Rio to Paris endorsed "par Paquebot Portugal", with Rio sender's cachet at left in blue and oval "COMPANHIA ANGLO - LUSO - BRASILEIRA / RIO DE JANEIRO" cachet in black on reverse. Struck on entry with oval "Ship Letter / ♚ / MILFORD" in blue (Robertson S2) and Milford cds (Jan 26). Sent on via London and treated as unpaid with London cds (Jan 28) where "GB / 1F 60c." accountancy was applied in black. Charged '16' décimes due to pay on receipt. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 62 and in "The Maritime Postal History of the British Isles" by Alan W. Robertson on page E213. A marvellous cover showing the re-introductiuon of this rare Ship Letter marking, possibly especially for this short lived Shipping Line. Rare - Robertson recorded just four covers, all from this sailing.rnProvenance: Collection Alan W. Robertson; Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1264.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 1,100.00 CHFLot# : 5089 Brasil
Real Companhia Anglo - Luso - Brasileira 1860 (March 6): Entire letter from Bahia to Porto, Portugal endorsed "Pelo Vapor Portuguez" and carried on the "Milford-Haven" on her second voyage. Struck twice with oval framed "COMPANHIA ANGLO - LUSO - BRASILEIRA / AGENCIA DA BAHIA" in blue-green. Reverse with "Por Transatlantico" cds (April 2) and Porto cds of the same day in black. Rated '150' reis due on arrival. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 63. Rare.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 340.00 CHFLot# : 5090 Brasil
Real Companhia Anglo - Luso - Brasileira 1859 (Dec 22): Entire letter from Bahia to Porto, Portugal endorsed "Por Portugal" . Struck with oval framed "COMPANHIA ANGLO - LUSO - BRASILEIRA / AGENCIA DA BAHIA" in blue. Reverse with "Por Transatlantico" cds (Jan 20, 1860) and Porto datestamp (Jan 22) alongside. Rated '150' reis due on arrival. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 63. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, ex lot 1263.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 250.00 CHFLot# : 5091 Brasil
1856-1857. Cia Transatlantica Sarda. This first attempt at an Italian Line to South America was also short-lived (October 20, 1856 until November 12, 1857); the service completed just nine round trip voyages between these dates.rnrn1857 (May 18): Entire letter from Bahia to Genoa, Sardinia endorsed per "Conti di Cavour", struck on arrival with framed "Vapori transatl." in black and rated '11' decimi due to pay in manuscript (for 7½ grams). Genova arrival on reverse (Sept 19) in red. Extremely rare - just six covers are known. Cert. B. Moorhouse (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Paulo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1315.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 800.00 CHFLot# : 5092 Brasil
1866-1867 The Booth Line, was formed by Alfred Booth and became a long-lived Shipping Co. It was the first private Company to serve the North of Brazil, with stops at Pará, Maranhão and Ceara and Lisbon. The service required an initial investment in two Steamers, the Augustine and the Jerome, inaugurated by the Steamer "Augustine" in February 1866.rnrn1867 (Oct 24): Entire letter from Pará to Figueira, Portugal endorsed "p. Jerome" at top. The reverse with rare framed "GRAMPARÁ" (Ayres fig. 1311) handstamp in black unfortunately across the flap, "Por Transatlantico" cds in black (Nov 28) and charged '80' reis in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 81. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection Klerman Lopes.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 360.00 CHFLot# : 5093 Brasil
Booth Line 1870 (June 13): Cover from Pará to Paris, endorsed "p. Jerome", with manuscript Forwarding Agent on reverse "Reçu hier soir après le départ de la malle p. H.G.Scholtz, Lisbonne 3/7" who deleted the Jerome endorsement placed the cover in Mails unpaid with Lisboa cds (3/7) in black and thence via St. Jean-de-.Luz to Paris, where charged '6' décimes to pay. Scarce.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 600.00 CHFLot# : 5094 Brasil
1853-1877. The Red Cross Line also sailed from Liverpool to Northern Brazil in competition with the Booth Line, initially with sailing ships and then with Steamers. However the two Companies agreed not to coincide departure dates for their services. rnrn1853 (Aug 23): Entire letter from Pará to Porto, Portugal endorsed by sailing ship "Pr. Paraense", struck with "Barca do Porto" on arrival in blue (Oct 10) and charged '160' reis in blue. The entire disinfected with slits and taking 48 days on the voyage; and an 1872 Steamer voyage with entire from Pará to Figueira, Portugal endorsed "Por Maranhense", the reverse with "Por Transtlantico" datestamp (June 16) and charged '80' reis due, taking just 16 days. This last illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 84 and ex the Reinhold Koester collection.Starting bid : 120.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHFLot# : 5095 Brasil
1870-1877. Liverpool & Maranham Steam Ship Company. Inaugurated by the Steamer Brunswick in December 1870, sailing from Liverpool to Lisbon and then Maranhão. They ran just the two Steamers: the Brunswick and the Braganza with no furether stops on the route.rnrn1873 (Sept 25): Entire letter from Maranhão to Porto, Portugal endorsed "Braganza" at top, franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 20 r. red lilac and 80 r. slate-violet tied by oval handstamp in black with oval "ADMINISTRAÇÃO DO CORREIO GERAL DO MARANHÃO" in blue (Sept 27). Charged '80' reis in black upon arrival with reverse showing Lisbon "Por Transatlantico" in black (Oct 11) and Porto cds (Oct 15). A fine and scarce entire. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 85.rnStarting bid : 350.00 CHFHammer price : 420.00 CHFLot# : 5096 Brasil
1870. The Donaldson 'Clyde' Line. Routed from Glasgow, vbia Lisbon, Rio de Janeiro to La Plata. The sole Scottish service to South America, inaugurating a Steamer service in 1870 with the Astarte. rnrn1873 (March 2): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Ayres, Argentina endorsed "Vapor Marina", franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 100 r. green cancelled by segmented cork handstamp in black with "Rio de Janeiro" cds at right (March 2). Carried at the unsubsidised ship rate to La Plata. Illustrated in Edition D'Or on page 86. Just three recorded covers are known carried by this service.Starting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 420.00 CHFLot# : 5097 Brasil
1865. The New York / Brazil (direct) Line was a cheaper alternative to the 'Double Atlantic Crossing', charges being US 10 cents to pay on arrival. However, ships were scarce. The July 20, 1870 Convention between the US and Brazil established a 300 reis prepaid rate.rnrn1869 (July 25): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to New York, franked by 1866 200 r. black tied by cork handstamp with "Rio de Janeiro" cds at right (July 26). "N.Y. STEAMSHIP / 10" due marking of arrival (Aug 21) in black alongside. Slight acid ink fault and the toned adhesive with crease but a scarce usage. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 83.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 150.00 CHFLot# : 5098 Brasil
1870 US - Brazil Convention Mail 1873 (Nov 24): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to New York endorsed "per Merrimack", franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 50 r. blue in a horizontal pair and top marginal 200 r. black tied by segmented cork handstamps and by "Rio de Janeiro" despatch cds in black (Nov 24). Reverse of entire with "NEW YORK / PAID ALL" in red (Dec 20). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 83. A superb and most attractive usage.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : 400.00 CHFLot# : 5099 Brasil
1870 US - Brazil Convention Mail 1873 (April 23): Entire letter from Maranhão to New York via Pará endorsed "Por D. H. Bisbee", franked by 1866 Dom Pedro 100 r. green in a single and horizontal pair tied by dotted lozenge in black and oval "ADMINISTRAÇÃO DO CORREIO GERAL DO MARANHÃO" in green. Reverse with oval "Correio Geral / Pará" (May 6) transit datestamp in blue with "NEW YORK / PAID ALL" in red (May 20). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 83. Some wrinkles but the entire opens well for Exhibit display.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 360.00 CHFLot# : 5100 Brasil
British Post Offices 1873 (May 12): Cover from Bahia to Buenos Ayres, Argentina via Montevideo, endorsed "pr. Patagonia" (PSNC Line Steamer), franked by Great Britain 1865/73 4 d. vermilion pl. 13 tied by "C81" obliterator in black with "Bahia" code A datestamp of despatch (May 12) below. "Correo / Montevideo" cds (May 21) in black and Argentinian manuscript "2/4" due for a mail from 2 to 4 adarmes in blue crayon. A fine and very scarce cover - the "Patagonia" was on its way to Montevideo and thence, via Cape Horn, to Valparaiso.rnProvenance: Collection Karlheinz Wittig, Corinphila sale 184, Sept 2013, lot 4171.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 600.00 CHFLot# : 5101 Brasil
In 1866 the three British Post Offices were supplied with adhesive stamps to facilitate the franking of outgoing Mail.rnrnBritish Post Offices 1866 (Nov 11): Entire letter from Bahia to Bordeaux endorsed "Pr. R.M.S.P. Rhône" and "via Southampton", franked by Great Britain 1858/59 2 d. blue pl. 9 horizontal pair and 1865 1 s. green pl. 4 tied by "C81" obliterators with "BAHIA" double arc despatch cds alongside in black (Nov 11). 'London / Paid' transit cds (Nov 30) in red and Calais entry marking of the same day also tying the adhesives. Small smudge at lower left but a rare and important entire - the earliest known stamped usage from Bahia (see Parmenter page 8/15). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 78.rnProvenance: Christie's, London, 15 Sept 1994, lot 2454; Collection Paulo Comelli RDP. Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1280.Starting bid : 1,200.00 CHFHammer price : 2,550.00 CHF
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