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Losnr. : 528 Italien
1863/80c.: Lot 24 essays, including Vittorio Emanuele II 2 c. in different colours, Savoy coat of arms 15 c. green (4) and 80 c. carmine (1) as well as some paper seal proofs for the Italian Postal Administration.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 529 Italien
1882/89: Lot three 'Saggio' overprinted Umberto I stationery cards unused, including 10 c. U.P.U. postcard per l'estero' and lettercard 20 c. orange.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 530 Italien
Mussolini Autograph 1941: Original telegramsheet dated '13. NOV 941' bearing a message for Marshall De Bono in Rome, written and signed by the Duce 'Mussolini', a small item of historical interest.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 531 Italien
Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation Flight 1930 (Dec.): 7L.70 imperf. Proof block of six in the issued colours light blue and drab on unwatermarked chalky paper, unused without gum from upper left corner of the sheet, showing inscription on the top: " IL FOGLIO DI CINQUANIA FRAN(COBOLLI). Fine and scarce, signed A. Diena, cert. Colla (2012) Sassone = EUR 9'600.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 532 Italien
Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation Flight 1930 (Dec.): 7L.70 light blue and drap in an unmounted mint and marginal block of nine from the left of the sheet, showing "Seven stars" variety in the center. Horizontally folded perforation between first and second row, otherwise fine and scarce, signed Bolaffi, cert. Colla (2012) Sassone = EUR 14'000.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 533 Italien
1930/34: Lot eight airmail covers with interesting usages and frankings, all from the same correspondence, incl. espressi aerei 1934 'Decennale del Fiume' 4 L. 50 + 2 L. and foreign mail to Austria and Germany, to be viewed.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 534 Italien
Buste Lettere Postali B.L.P. 1923: Not issued typographed overprint type III 40 c. brown and 50 c. violet, both unused mint with full original gum (gum wrinkles) and fresh of colours. 40 c., one of only four known stamps, well centered and only few blunted perfs, 50 c. slightly shifted to the bottom right, otherwise fine and only few examples noted. An extremely scarce pair, certificates Sorani (2009), Raybaudi (2010) and Colla (2010) Sassone EUR 72'000.Ausruf : 20.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 535 Italien
C.L.N. Arona 1945 (Apr 26): Local liberation issue C. di L. N. Arona 24-4-45 25 c. green, 50 c. violet, 1.25 l. green with 50 c. brown G.N.R., tied "Arona (Novara) 26.4.45" on cover to Pollone (Apr 29). The Arona issue had printruns of only few hundred stamps.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 536 Italien
Falso di Guerra. 1944/45: 25 c. green imperf. 'Falso di Guerra' on white paper without watermark, unsued with full original gum and bottom sheet margin, a fresh example of this rare stamp, printed by Secret Service in sheets of 20 values during WW II. See cert. Raybaudi Unif. 248Fa/Sassone = EUR 4'000.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 537 Italien
1947 (Aug 23): Stationery card 20 L. red unused mint, bilingual inscription 'Cartolina Postale' and 'Carte Postale' issued for the new postal rate (Aug 1). Extremely scarce stationery card, only few unused known Italian Postal Stationery Catalogue 2011 No: 135 = EUR 1'500.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 538 Italien
1948 (Apr 28): Stationery reply card 20 L. + 20 L. red unused mint, bilingual inscription 'Cartolina Postale con risposta pagata' and 'Carte Postale avec réponse payée' issued for the new postal rate (Aug 1). Extremely scarce stationery card, only few unused known Italian Postal Stationery Catalogue 2011 No: 137 = EUR 1'500.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 539 Italien
1949 (Mar 11): Stationery reply card 12 L. + 12 L. green, unused mint with inscription 'Cartolina Postale con risposta pagata' issued for the new postal rate (Aug 11/1948). Extremely rare stationery card, only few unused known Italian Postal Stationery Catalogue 2011 No: 140 = EUR 4'800.Ausruf : 1.700 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 540 Italien
1949/54: Lot four unused stationery cards, including reply cards L. 15 L. + 15 green (1949) and L. 35 + 35 carmine (1951), further letter card L. 10 green (1948) as well as L. 20 stationery card of 'Overseas Fair in Naples 1954'. A fine and scarce group Italian Postal Stationery Catalogue 2011 = EUR 900.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 541 Italien
Trieste Zona B. 1953: 38th. Esperanto World Congres in Zagreb, souvenir sheet with eigth stamps in the colour shade light violet and green, in mint condition showing private marginal inscription in red, a very rare souvenir sheet in top quality Sassone Foglio No. 4 = EUR 7'500/Mi = EUR 7'500.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 542 Italien
1856 (May 8): Entire letter from Genoa to Tunis endorsed "p. vaporee via Cagliari" with straight line transit "Terraferma" in black and reverse showing fine "TUNISI / POSTE SARDE" cds in blue, charged '6' (60 centesemi) in manuscript.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 543 Italien
Post Offices in Tunisia. 1863: 20 c. blue, just four margins cancelled by italic "Da Tunisi" in black (Type A) and small piece bearing horizontal pair of 10 c. ochre brown and single 80 c. yellow all tied by "TUNISI / POSTE ITALIANE" (17-GIU-63) datestamps in black (Type B). Rare. Cert. Raybaudi for the piece (2003).Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 544 Italien
1861: Sardinia 80 c. bright yellow-orange, two single examples with large even margins all round, cancelled on small piece by exceptional strike of framed large cartridge "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / FRANCESI" handstamp in blue, Type H. Exceptional and attractive piece Zanaria = EUR 1'200.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 545 Italien
1867 (Nov 20): Entire letter from Tunis to Genoa franked by De La Rue 1863/66 40 c. carmine, posted on board ship and tied by framed large cartridge "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI" in black, with italic "Da Tunisi" at left and Cagliari cds (Nov 21). Genova arrival cds on reverse (Nov 24). A fine and scarce entire.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 546 Italien
1873 (July 10): Cover from Tunis to the Tunisian Consul in Palermo franked by 1863/66 De La Rue 40 c. carmine, minor ageing, cancelled by italic "coi Postali Italiani" with, alongside, italic "Da Tunisi" in black (Type F). Rare usage of these cancellations as the numeral obliterator was introduced in 1866. Reverse with Cagliari cds and Palermo arrival (July 12) cds. A very rare and fine cover. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 104. Signed A. Diena. Cert. A. Diena (1987).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 547 Italien
1871 (June 4): Cover from Tunis to Naples franked by 1863/66 De La Rue 40 c. carmine, cancelled by italic "Da Tunisi" in black (Type F) with italic "coi Postali Italiani" alongside. Reverse with Cagliari cds and Naples arrival cds in red. An extremely rare cover, posted on board of the Steamship.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 548 Italien
1867 (May 22): Entire letter from Tunis to Genoa, mailed on the Steamer, franked by 1865 20 c. in a horizontal pair tied by framed "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI" twice in black, italic "Da Tunisi" at left and Cagliari datestamp (May 23). Reverse with Genova arrival cds. A charming and scarce entire. Signed Sorani.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 549 Italien
1868 (March 18): Cover from Tunis to Genoa, carried at double rate and franked by 1863/66 De La Rue 10 c. orange-brown pair and 30 c. brown pair tied by "235" numeral obliterator with "Tunisi / Poste Italiane" cds alongside. Cagliari cds and Genova cds's (March 22) on reverse of a scarce cover. Signed Roumet.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 550 Italien
1874 (Feb 4): Cover from Tunis to Genoa, franked by late usage of 1863/66 40 c. carmine (Estero stamps were issued in January 1874), with "Tunisi / Poste Italiane" cds at left italic "coi Postali Italiani" alongside and unframed "P.D." The adhesive however, was only cancelled in transit at Cagliari with the numeral "7" obliterator. Rare and most unusual cover. Signed A. Diena.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 551 Italien
1874 (Aug 4): Entire letter with 1874 'Estero' 5 c. olive green single and horizontal strip of three and single 20 c. blue paying the single rate from Tunis to Genoa all tied by numeral "235" obliterator, italic "coi Postali Italiani" below and reverse with Genova arrival cds. A charming and scarce entire. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 111.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 552 Italien
1876 (Dec 20): Cover from Tunis to Livorno franked by 'Estero' 1874 10 c. orange-brown single and horizontal pair all tied by dotted "235" obliterator with italic "coi Postali Italiani" alongside. Reverse with Cagliari cds (Dec 26) and Livorno arrival. Minor tape stain on reverse but a very rare franking. Signed E. Diena and A. Diena.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 553 Italien
1878 (Aug 11): Cover at Printed Matter / Card rate from Tunis to Cagliari franked by single 'Estero' 1874 5 c. olive green tied by circular barred "235" obliterator with Tunis cds alongside. Italic "coi Postali Italiani" in black alongside, cover readdressed to Laconi on arrival.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 554 Italien
1876: Covers (3) all showing the newly introduced 30 centesemi rate (from Jan 1, 1876); with March 1876 cover with single 30 c., brown; March 1876 cover with 10 c. orange-brown and 20 c. blue, and scarce 1878 cover, address re-written, franked by 5 c. olive green (2) and single 20 c. blue. All three with italic "coi Postali Italiani" in black. A scarce group.Ausruf : 340 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 555 Italien
1880 (Nov 3): Cover from Tunis to Manchester franked by 1874 'Estero' 5 c. olive green and 1878 20 c. orange tied by circular barred "235" numeral with fine strikes of despatch datestamp and italic "coi Postali Italiani" in black. Reverse with Cagliari cds and Manchester (Nov 9) arrival cds. A scarce and attractive mixed issue franking.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 556 Italien
1878 (Oct 16): Cover to Naples at double the newly introduced 20 centesemi rate (from October 1, 1878), bearing 1878 20 c. orange (2 examples) tied by circular barred "235" numeral with despatch datestamp and italic "coi Postali Italiani" in black alongside. Naples arrival cds (Oct 20) on reverse. Rare - one of the earliest recorded dates of use of this rate.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 557 Italien
1881/83: 'Estero' 20 c. orange-yellow used on envelope to Rome, cancelled in transit at Cagliari with framed "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI" in black with italic "Da Tunisi" at left. Flap missing but a very rare usage. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 107. Cert. Bottachi (1999).Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 558 Italien
1887 (Nov 16): Cover to the Italian Consul in Tripoli franked by 1881/83 'Estero' 5 c. green, single and horizontal pair, tied by circular barred "235" numeral obliterator, with "Tunisi / Poste Italiane" cds alongside. A fine and scarce usage. Cert. E. Diena (1987).Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 559 Italien
1881 (May 25): Registered cover to Naples franked by 1881/83 'Estero' 25 c. blue in a vertical pair, one short perf., tied by circular barred "235" numeral obliterator, framed "Raccomandato" below, despatch cds and italic "coi Postali Italiani". Reverse with Naples arrival cds (May 29). Rate 20 c. postage + 30 c. registration. A rare and very fine franking - the earliest known date of use of the Umberto issue in Tunisia. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 67. Cert. Bottacchi (2000).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 560 Italien
Re-inroduction of Italian Adhesives 1890 (Jan 24): Registered cover to Modena, slightly trimmed at top, bearing 1879 10 c. orange and 1889 45 c. olive green tied by "Tunisi / Poste Italiane" cds; with registered label alongside and Modena (Jan 29) arrival cds on reverse. First month of use and an attractive mixed issue franking.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 561 Italien
1879/80: Printed Matter rate covers to Tunis, earlier example with 1863/66 5 c. olive grey tied by bold "Castellamare Di Stabia" cds and 1880 entire franked by 1879 5 c. green used from Verona with italic "coi Postali Italiani" alongside. A fine pair.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 562 Italien
1875 (April 24): Cover sent stampless from Italian P.O. in Alexandria with "Alessandria D'Egitto / Poste Italiane" despatch cds in black, taxed on arrival in Tunis witht manuscript '6' and correspondingly franked by 1870 Postage Due 10 c. and 50 c. tied by "Tunisi / Poste Italiane" cds's (May 3), reverse with Brindisi, Livorno and Cagliari cds's of transit. A rare usage Zanaria = EUR 2'850.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 563 Italien
1891 (Jan 8): "60" c. on 75 c. brown Parcel Card, used example for Parcel to Trapani, up-rated with Italy Umberto 25 c. blue tied by "Tunis / Poste Italiane" cds, registered label alongside. Corner crease to card and slight tear to label but a rare usage.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 564 Italien
In-coming Mail 1879/80: Covers (2) from Turkey with earlier example franked by 1876 20 pa. pair (Mi. 31) tied by Constantinople cds in blue with small cartridge "Piroscafi / Postali / Italiani" in black, routed via Brindisi and Naples with "Tunisi / Poste Italiane" double ring arrival cds on reverse, the 1880 cover with 1876 ¼ pre. mauve and 1880 1 pi. black & grey-blue (Mi. 22+40) mailed via Messina and Siracusa with same type arrival on reverse. A charming pair.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 565 Italien
1865/68: Entire letters (2), each mailed to Tunis and franked by 1863/66 De La Rue 40 c. carmine, one cancelled in transit at Cagliari with framed "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI" (May 21, 1865) and the other from Genova with small cartridge strike of same cancellation. "Tunisi / Poste Italiane" arrival datestamps on reverse. A choice pair.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 566 Italien
La Goletta 1881/83: Umberto 'Estero' 20 c. orange, a fine used vertical pair boldly cancelled by "GOLETTA / TUNISIA" datestamp (Type B) in black (24-Maggio-1889). Extremely fine and very rare: the Office in Goletta opened on April 16, 1880 and used Italian stamps from Jan 1, 1890. Signed Vaccari Sassone 12 pts = EUR 1'200.Ausruf : 260 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 567 Italien
1883 (July 11): Cover from Goletta to Livorno franked by 1881/83 'Estero' 5 c. green (four examples) tied by scarce "3336" numeral obliterators with "LA GOLETTA / TUNISI" datestamp below (Type A). Reverse with Cagliari transit and Livorno arrival cds's. A rare cover. Cert. Vaccari (2010).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 568 Italien
1885 (Feb 6): Cover from Goletta to Siena franked by 1881/83 'Estero' 10 c. carmine in a horizontal pair, some ageing around upper perforations, tied by scarce "3336" numeral obliterator with "LA GOLETTA / TUNISI" datestamp below (Type A). Reverse with Siena arrival cds (Feb 10). Rare and attractive cover Zanaria = EUR 1'150.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 569 Italien
1885 (May 13): Cover, tiny corner tear away from adhesives, mailed to Cagliari franked by exceptional usage of 1881/83 'Estero' 5 c., green in a horizontal strip of five, all tied by fine strikes of "3336" numeral obliterators in black, with "LA GOLETTA / TUNISI" datestamp below (Type A). Reverse with Cagliari arrival cds. A magnificent and rare franking. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 148. Cert. Sorani (2000).Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 570 Italien
Susa 1886 (Dec 27): Mourning envelope mailed from Susa to the Italian Vice Consul in New York, franked by single 1881/83 'Estero' 5 c. green pre-paying the card rate, tied by bold strike of rare circular barred "3364" numeral obliterator in black. "Susa / Tunisi" datestamp at right (Type A) and reverse with Livorno transit cds and "New York / Paid All" arrival (Jan 17, 1887). Envelope with flap missing but a rare rate and destination. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 157.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 571 Italien
Gerba 1874: 'Estero' 5 c. olive grey, fine used on small piece tied by "SERVIZI POSTALI MARITTIMI R. RUBATITNO / AGENZIA DI GERBA" in blue. Some rubbing, otherwise fine. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 158 with full description of the Maritime Service. Unique.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 572 Italien
Mehdia 1878: 'Estero' 20 c. orange, fine used example cancelled by "MEHDIA / 20 AGOSTO" two line handstamp in blue. Exceptional cancellation. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 158 with full description of the Maritime Service. Unique. Cert. Chiavarello (1996).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 573 Italien
Susa 1878: 'Estero' 20c. orange, fine used example cancelled by "SERVIZI POSTALI MARITTIMI R. RUBATITNO / AGENZIA DI SUSA" in blue. Some clipped perforations of no importance or significance. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 158 with full description of the Maritime Service. Unique.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 574 Italien
Italian Post Offices in Tunisia 1861/87: The Exhibit collection with Sardinia 5 c. green, 20 c. blue cancelled "Da Tunisi" (signed Bolaffi, 1931) and also a fine pair, and 40 c. carmine (3) used; rare Italy 1863 15 c. blue used in Tunis, 2 lire cancelled "235" in bars (cert.), stampless covers from and to Tunis with "Poste Sarde" cds; 1863 De La Rue issue covers, 1870 registered front with 20 c. and 60 c. (cert)., 1870 triple rate cover with three 40 c.; 1874 taxed usage with Postage Due 60 c., cover with Umberto 'Estero' 5 c. green (3) and single 25 c. (rare); fine incoming mail covers, 60 c. 'Estero' used in Susa (illus. Zanaria on page 151) etc. Generally fine with many scarce items.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 575 Italien
1863 (March 19): Entire letter from Alexandria to Livorno struck with "ALESSANDRIA D'EGITTO / POSTE ITALIANE" datestamp, Zanaria Type A, in blue and framed large cartridge "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / FRANCESI" handstamp in blue, Type H. Charged "20" (2 lire) due in manuscript on receipt. Messina transit and Livorno arrival cds on reverse of a fine and scarce entire - the datestamp used in the first two weeks of issue. Signed Todd AIEP.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 576 Italien
1866 (Feb 18): Small entire letter from Alexandria to Livorno franked by De La Rue printing 1863/66 60 c. bright lilac tied by bold strike of "ALESSANDRIA D'EGITTO / POSTE ITALIANE" datestamp, Zanaria Type B, with repeated strike alongside and small cartridge "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI" in black. Livorno arrival (Feb 23) on reverse. The datestamp used as a canceller at this date is rare. A charming cover. Signed Todd AIEP. Cert. Bottachi (1999).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 577 Italien
1867: Covers (2) each bearing 1863/66 De La Rue printing 60 c. bright lilac, with May 1867 entire tied by dotted "234" and September 1867 cover with adhesive tied by small cartridge "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI" in black. An attractive pairing. Signed Raybaudi & one with Cert. Colla (1997). Note: The 60 centesemi rate was in use from March 1, 1863 until December 31, 1868.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 578 Italien
1865 (Jan 19): Cover to Venice showing the 1 lire rate to Austria, franked by 1863/66 De La Rue 40 c. carmine and 60 c. lilac tied by small cartridge "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI" in blue. Alexandria daestamp at right (Type B) also in blue, mailed via Ancona (Jan 24) with Venezia arrival cds (Jan 25) also on reverse. A rare franking. Signed A. Diena.Ausruf : 260 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 579 Italien
1864 (May 20): Cover from Alexandria to Livorno via Ancona, franked by 1863/66 40 c. carmine (four examples including a horizontal pair) all cancelled by large cartridge framed "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / FRANCESI" (Type H) with Alexandria despatch cds in black (Type B). Minor imperfections but an extremely rare franking. Illustrated in Zanaria on page 200 Zanaria = EUR 2'500.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 580 Italien
1877 (Sept/Dec): Covers (2) at single and double rate, with 'Estero' 1874 30 c. brown on entire to Trieste tied by bold strike of "234" obliterator and by Type B datestamp of despatch (Sept 1); and double rate cover to Todi near Perugia franked by 'Estero' 1874 30 c. brown and 30 c. deep brown tied by circular barred "234" numeral (Type O) in black. A scarce pair. Note: The rate was reduced to 30 centesemi on Jan 1, 1876, staying in force until September 30, 1878.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 581 Italien
1871 (Dec 9): Printed Matter entire letter, slight repaired tear away from adhesive, mailed to Genoa via Brindisi containing further enclosure, franked solely by 1863/66 De La Rue 10 c. orange tied by "234" numeral obliterator (Type N) with Alexandria despatch cds at right (Type B). Reverse with Brindisi (Dec 13) and Genova datestamps. An extremely rare example of the double Printed Matter rate (5 c. + 5 c.) and an extremely rare franking, with just two, perhaps three, covers recorded.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 582 Italien
1870 (Jan 17): Large part of Newspaper franked by Egypt 1967 10 pa. orange-yellow (Gi. 11) tied by Alexandria datestamp, used in combination with uncancelled single and block of four 1863/66 1 c. grey green, the block being cancelled by the extremely rare "ALESSANDRIA D'EGITTO / POSTE ITALIANE" cachet with the Arms of Savoy in centre (paying the 5 centesemi Newspaper rate). A magnificent and rare piece - for the other example of this rarity see Zanaria page 198.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 583 Italien
1870 (March 11): Entire letter to Venice franked by Egypt 1867 1 pi. red (Gi. 14) tied by Cairo datestamp, used in combination for onward transmission with Italy 1863/66 De La Rue 40 c. carmine tied by "234" numeral obliterator (Type N). "Alessandria D'Egitto / Poste Italiane" cds below (March 12) and reverse with Alexandria Egyptian P.O. cds and Venice arrival cds (March 18). Slight ageing but a fine and scarce entire. Signed Sorani and Todd AIEP. Cert. E. Diena (1985).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 584 Italien
1872 (May 4): Envelope to Cairo franked by Turin printing 1863/66 40 c. carmine tied by Livorno numeral "14" obliterator in black, additionally franked by Egypt 1872/74 1 pi. red tied by "V.R. Poste Egiziane / Alessandria" cds (May 9) for onward transmission to Cairo. Flap missing but reverse with further Alexandria cds and large part Cairo arrival cds. A rare combination usage on in-coming mail to Egypt. Signed Todd AIEP. Cert. Sorani (1986).Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 585 Italien
Titel bzw. Einleitung!!! Catalogue Prices and Types noted in the following section are taken from "Catalogo Storico-Postale Dei Francobolli in uso negli Uffici Postali Italiani All'Estero 1852 - 1890", by D. Zanaria, G. Serra and F. Dal Negro, published by Zanaria, Milano, 2001. Italian Offices in Alexandria, Egypt 1863 (June 4): 15 c. blue, Type I, imperforate strip of three with large margins all round cancelled by "ALESSANDRIA D'EGITTO / POSTE ITALIANE" datestamp, Zanaria Type A, well struck in blue. A rare usage on a fresh and fine multiple. Cert. E. Diena (1985) Zanaria = EUR 1'400.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 586 Italien
1863: 15 c. blue, Type I, imperforate strip of four with clear to large margins all round, cancelled by framed small cartridge "PIROSCAFI / POSTALI / ITALIANI" in blue (Type L). Two minor bends but a fine and very rare multiple. Signed A. Diena. Cert. E. Diena (1995) Zanaria = EUR 2'000.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 587 Italien
Alessandria d'Egitto 1863/76: Collection, well written up for Exhibit display, with Sardinia usages including 80 c. carmine (2) on piece cancelled by Alexandria cds (March 19, 1863); piece with Sardinia 40 c. pair and single 80 c. cancelled "Piroscafi / Postali / Italiani" in blue (cert.); fine Sardinia 10 c. pair similarly cancelled; Italy 1863 15 c. blue pair similarly cancelled; large registered piece with Italy 1863/66 40 c. (2) with keyhole "Alessandria D'Egitto / Poste Italiane / Per Consegna" (rare); 1863 2 lire with "Piroscafi / Postali / Francesi" in blue (cert.); covers with stampless entire, DLR 60 c. on 1864 cover, 40 c. and 20 c. on 1865 cover, 10 c. (2) and 40 c. on cover; 1868 double rate cover with two 60 c. (ex Wolfsbauer); Italy 1863/66 5 c. used on large part cover (illus. Zanaria page 235); Egypt 1866 1 pi. combination cover; Egypt 1872 1 pi. combination covers (3); in-coming mail to Egypt etc.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 588 Italien
1902/07: "Albania / 20 parà 20" on 10 c. claret surcharged postal stationery cards (five, over-lapped) all applied on receipt from the UPU to ledger sheet and all tied by large circular "Postes Et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar" in red. Unique.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 589 Italien
1902/07: "Albania" overprinted issue, ten different values (for Albania and Epirus) applied on receipt from the UPU to ledger sheet and all tied by large circular "Postes Et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar" in red. Unique.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 590 Italien
1902/07: "Durazzo / 20 parà 20" on 10 c. claret surcharged postal stationery cards (three, over-lapped) all applied on receipt from the UPU to ledger sheet and all tied by large circular "Postes Et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar" in red. Unique.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 591 Italien
1909: "Durazzo" overprinted issue, seven values (in three sets) applied on receipt from the UPU to ledger sheet and all tied by large circular "Postes Et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar" in red. Attractive and unique.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 592 Italien
1909: "Janina" overprinted issue, seven values (in three sets) applied on receipt from the UPU to ledger sheet and all tied by large circular "Postes Et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar" in red. Reverse with faulty Janina postal stationery cards (3) similarly cancelled. Attractive and unique.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 593 Italien
1909: "Scutari" overprinted issue, seven values (in three sets) applied on receipt from the UPU to ledger sheet and all tied by large circular "Postes Et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar" in red. Reverse with faulty Janina postal stationery cards (3) similarly cancelled. Some tropical toning but unique.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 594 Italien
1909: "Valona" overprinted issue, seven values (in three sets) applied on receipt from the UPU to ledger sheet and all tied by large circular "Postes Et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar" in red. Reverse of sheet with three defective examples of the 10 centesemi postal stationery card overprinted for Valona. Unique.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 595 Italien
Lot two 'Specimen' handstamped and unused U.P.U. Identification cards, printed for the Postal Administration of Italian Colonies. Scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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