Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 1584 - 265.-273. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 1584 Russland Post in Levante

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 6+7
    Imperial Post 1875 (Sept 16): Cover with all-Arabic address from Trapezunt to Constantinople, bearing on reverse a horizontal pair of 1872 1 kop. brown and three single adhesives of 3 kop. green, all perf. 14½, tied with two fair strikes of "TRAPEZUNT 16 SEP. 75" cds in blue, another information strike on obverse (Tchilinghirian fig. 738). An attractive item.
    Ausruf : 150,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480,00 CHF