Losnr. 3181 - 210.-212. Auktion
Losnr. : 3181 Div. Franz. Kolonien
1859/65: Eagle 20 c. blue, an attractive vertical strip of four, lower stamp imperceptibly touched but with right margin showing portion of adjoining stamp, used on 1870 entire letter to Bordeaux cancelled by INDE lozenge of dots in black. Framed PD in red at right and Pondichery despatch cds in black at left (Sept 1) with Marseille entry marking also on front (Sept 29) in red. A fine and attractive cover.
20 c. bleu en bande verticale de quatre,effleuré en bas, oblit. losange INDE sur lettre de Pondichéry (1 septembre 70) via Marseille pour Bordeaux.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft