Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 1191 - 205.-209. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 1191 Bulgarien

    Katalognummer : 2-21
    Ottoman Post Offices 1863/1872: Collection on leaves with 1863 1 pi. used on piece at Rustchuk, thereafter with Dulos issues arranged in alphabetical order with cancellations of Lovetch, Kizanlik (3), Plovdiv (5, struck in black and in blue), Rustchuk (12 items) incl. cancellations in black and in blue with fine usages on piece, Samokov with fine strip of three 20 pa. green on piece and a front used to Tirnovo, Sofia (2), Shumnu with fine page featuring 8 items with five on piece, Tirnovo (6), Varna (3) and Zagra (2), Razgrad (4, incl. two fine pieces), Baltchik (2), Mustapha Pasha with fine strip of five 20 pa. lilac, Targovistea, Chirpan (2), Kotel (2), Kustendjil (2), Nova Zagora (3, in violet), Yambol (2), Gabrovo, Haskovo (3,), Kalofer (4), Plevna (2), Sliven (4) and Kaspican (2 fine usages on pieces) etc.. Generally very fine, selected strikes, an outstanding group (81 items).
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF